+scoutboy Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 I have been using the pc-mobile.net mini-U cable for a while and it works fine. I ordered the CRMEX mini-U retracable cable which comes with the 5v car adapter. I just returned from Virginia where I used it to charge while in the car and I also charged from my PC. I was also able to use the same cable to perform file transfers. This will be the only cable I carry when traveling. It is small and compact. Nice http://pc-mobile.net/mexgps.htm Quote
Parsa Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 I'm still considering a case for my new eXplorer (such as the Gillson case). How do you all juggle having the unit mounted in the car with having a case on it, or is it strictly one or the other? Have any of you modified the case for use in the car? Parsa Quote
+Muddler Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 Bob&Bears: I do not use a Mac, but maybe you can glean some useful information from my small bit of Ex500 knowledge. I take the GPX files and load them into the geocaching manager (comes with the Ex500 CD), which is obviously a Windoz program but the here is the drill. After loading the GPX file into GM it can be used to convert/xfer the data in the GPX to a file used by the Ex500. What you will need to do is get the GPX data converted in your MAC from the GPX format to a format the Ex500 can use then xfer the data. There are others here that can offer recommendations on the Programs for the Mac. If you have something that can do the data conversion you can xfer the data to the GPS via a file copy to the internal memory or an SD card in a reader. I use a 1-GB card and store a bunch of regions where I travel for both Direct Route and Topo 3D. Hang in there some some will be along who can offer more detailed info on getting you where you need to be. Cheers Muddler Quote
Parsa Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 ...so if I connect a car charger to the DC Adapter Dongle (DCMEX) from PC-Mobile, then it will charge AND power the unit? Parsa Quote
+badlands Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Yup. I've been using the PSP (available at Mallwart for $7) for two months now. I never use the wall adaptor anymore, just plug it in while traveling and it charges while I use it. Quote
+brbo Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 I to would be insterested in the process of uploading maps from a MAC to my E600,, if anyone has any easy instructions on the process it would be greatly appreciated,, After I get one detailed map of streets/roads and one good topo map, each of North America, why would I need anything further (I only need US/Canada) ?? If I can go this route is one 1Gb SD going to be enough memory for both those maps ?? Last thing - any more info on a software update for the E600 to improve / enhance the current progams ?? Thanks brbo Quote
+Marky Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 I to would be insterested in the process of uploading maps from a MAC to my E600,, if anyone has any easy instructions on the process it would be greatly appreciated,, After I get one detailed map of streets/roads and one good topo map, each of North America, why would I need anything further (I only need US/Canada) ?? If I can go this route is one 1Gb SD going to be enough memory for both those maps ?? Last thing - any more info on a software update for the E600 to improve / enhance the current progams ?? Thanks brbo You won't be able to do this on one 1Gb SD. First off, there is a limit to the size of the map file you can create. For DirectRoute, the limit is 64megs, I believe. I'm not positive what it is for Topo 3D, but they suggest that you don't go over 128megs because things start to slow down if you do. As mentioned in a different thread, your best bet is to generate a bunch of map files for your GPS on someone's Windows machine, and then write them to DVD. Once you have them on DVD, you can use your Mac to put what ever generated maps you want onto the SD card. --Marky Quote
+Old Sailor Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Agree with Marky; make your maps no larger than 64meg as they will load slower or have heard they can corupte themselves. Just name each map different or same name and consecutive numbers. Quote
Parsa Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 For Topo 3d I think the documentation says map files up to 240MB. They give the example of Washington state taking up about 64MB. I guess it would make sense to make "state-sized" maps (or several where the states are small). I haven't played with the software yet, as I haven't got it from Comp-u-plus, but it's true that you can fill up the SD card with lots of these smaller maps, and just switch them on the GPS when you move into a new region. Correct? This kind of size sounds pretty manageable to me. I crossed the country on Route 66 using a DRG map reader program on a laptop (GPSy). I had to switch out 1:100000 maps a few times in each state. It was more of a pain while offroading and trying to switch 1:24000 maps. A state-sized file would be welcome. Parsa Quote
+Old Sailor Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 Yes its easy to fill a card, but its worth it, I've loaded a series of maps with caches for all the ports we visit just on the Great Lakes ( Canada side ) with the ship I'm on....just incase I get some extra time off. Quote
+brbo Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 (edited) Does anyone have a map to offer of Streets for the E600 for BC Canada ?? Thanks Brian Edited August 10, 2005 by brbo Quote
Parsa Posted August 13, 2005 Posted August 13, 2005 Well, unfortunately I don't seem to be able to do NMEA tracking using my eXplorist with either Natl Geo Topo or GPSy. Neither one shows the unit as connected. MacOSX system profiler does show it as connected on the USB bus even when the unit is set to NMEA. I noted that Top has NMEA $GPGLL and NMEA $GPGGA, but it does not have $GPGSA which is one NMEA sentence that the eXplorist is supposed to know. GPSy is odd. It usually understands anything. It does work with a USB-serial adapter (with my Garmin 12XL), but it does not seem to see the eXplorist. Parsa Quote
+Old Sailor Posted August 14, 2005 Posted August 14, 2005 Got my 600 to nema with S&T and my raster charts....cool Quote
+EScout Posted August 14, 2005 Posted August 14, 2005 I got my eX500 to send NMEA to Natl. Geo Topo and S&T. It also works well with the freeware program VisualGPS. This is a good program to test your GPSr's output. It shows the NMEA streams, position, calculates your position averaged over long periods of time, PDOP, HDOP, VDOP and more. Quote
Parsa Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 Yes, but these are on PCs right? I think with the serial emulator extension provided for the PC that this will work, but I don't know what to use for a Mac. I have extensions for serial-usb converters (for my old Garmin 12XL), but this is just for making the software think it's serial when in fact it's serial through a USB adapter. I need an extension that makes the old programs think that a full USB port (and cable) is a serial port. You'd think it would be the same thing, but I can't get NG Topo to work. I did see info about Palm's HotSync screwing things up, but I made sure to disable the HotSync and uncheck the USB check box. I restarted and it still doesn't work. The weird thing is that it doesn't matter which of my two USB ports I plug the eXplorist into. Port A in Topo always says that it can't find the signal, and Port B always says that the COM port is in use by another application. I'm not even going to bother writing to Magellan because they'll give me the whole "we don't support Macs" crap. Robert Lipe said he got NMEA signals to show up on a Mac, it just seems that all the software is even further behind in the technology than the silly GPS manufacturers are. I might just get a freakin' Bluetooth GPS when I can afford it. Parsa Quote
robertlipe Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 Parsa, when configured for NMEA mode, the Explorist will show up on the USB as a CDC/ACM device. This is the same device class used by USB Modems. As OSX support USB modems, that's the place to start. I don't have a Mac here, but I think I remember after some futzing around the thing did show up as a node in /dev and a 'cat -u THATDEVICE' showed NMEA sentence gurgling out. Quote
Pipanella Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 You guys are WAAAAAAAY over my head.... I like my eXplorist, though. Quote
Parsa Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 OK, a new problem. Three times now I've pressed the NAV button and the unit has shut down. As far as I'm aware I'm not pressing anything else, it just goes off. Of course then I have to do a new GOTO. ...also Is there any quick way to look at the POI you have as your GOTO? Sometimes while caching I like to look at the coordinates to see if I'm dead on with the GPS coordinate display. So far all I know to do is go through the menus until I get to EDIT POI in the POI field. Quote
Pipanella Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 OK, a new problem. Three times now I've pressed the NAV button and the unit has shut down. As far as I'm aware I'm not pressing anything else, it just goes off. Of course then I have to do a new GOTO. That has happened to me a few times, too. I just figured I hit something else by mistake, but it's not that easy to accidentally shut the unit down, so it's probably not that. Interesting that someone else has had that happen, too. Quote
+Doc-Dean Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 There has been very limited mention of case protectors. Anyone found anything worthwhile? I am looking at the Gilsson case and have read the pro's and con's here. Anyone have more to add? Also screen protectors? I've already dropped my E600 twice and have some nice dings in the case. I'm still using the original plastic cover that was on the screen for protection but it is worn and about to come off for the last time. Someone (Embra I think) has mention the screen protector by Strong Engineering. Has any other ones been tried by anyone? I've tried left over Writeright protectors from one of my PDA's but it has a very stong pattern that it overlays over the screen which makes it annoying to use. Quote
+Old Sailor Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 I've got the Gilson case and really like it.....screen protector......Invisible shield, link from this website. Explorist 600 Quote
+wifireman Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 Ive got the Gilson case for my 600 and so far like it. Only problem flaw ive found is that the hole for the stick is too small and sometimes the case will slide to one side and makes using the stick difficult. So I found I cut the hole bigger and gave the stick some moving room all is well. Other then that works great! smokey Quote
+Jhwk Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 looks like the accessories post has dwindled down to a case, a couple of cable discussions and a bunch of mac nmea blah blah blah stuff... Any real cool accessories or add ons out there? Oh yeah - I can't forget the madcatz/psp plug from mallwart... Quote
+Doc-Dean Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 I'd love to know if there is an external GPS antenna that is compatible with the Explorist series. Anyone... anyone... behuler? Quote
Parsa Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 looks like the accessories post has dwindled down to a case, a couple of cable discussions and a bunch of mac nmea blah blah blah stuff... Any real cool accessories or add ons out there? Oh yeah - I can't forget the madcatz/psp plug from mallwart... I got a special pistol grip for mine so that when I plug it in it becomes a phaser weapon. Quote
+Doc-Dean Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 looks like the accessories post has dwindled down to a case, a couple of cable discussions and a bunch of mac nmea blah blah blah stuff... Any real cool accessories or add ons out there? Oh yeah - I can't forget the madcatz/psp plug from mallwart... I got a special pistol grip for mine so that when I plug it in it becomes a phaser weapon. What setting do your use for stun? Quote
Parsa Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 Re: RAM Mount for the eXplorist I just received this email to a query about a RAM mount for the eXplorist: ________________________________________ Thank you, it's due out in approx. 45-60 days Best Regards, Jeff Carnevali Pres./CEO ________________________________________ Parsa Quote
+user13371 Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 I'd love to know if there is an external GPS antenna that is compatible with the Explorist series. Anyone... anyone... behuler? As they don't have an extenral connection, you'd have to use a re-radiating antenna. ANY re-radiating antenna should work. Um, why would you want one? Earlier this year I drove cross country in a U-Haul truck, and was thinking I might need an external antenna because the cab and box of the truck would block a lot of the sky view. I needn't have worried, I didn't lose GPS lock at all - well, except when I went through a couple of tunnels Anyhow, if you have a handheld GPS like the Explorist (noted for its good reception and small size) why would you want to carry extra gear with it? Quote
robertlipe Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 ANY re-radiating antenna should work. Um, why would you want one? Earlier this year I drove cross country in a U-Haul truck, and was thinking I might need an external antenna because the cab and box of the truck would block a lot of the sky view. I needn't have worried, I didn't lose GPS lock at all - well, except when I went through a couple of tunnels You're right to question it, but there are a few cases where one might justify it. Perhaps you have a vehicle with a tinted window that makes reception a problem such as those listed here: http://ezpass.com/static/info/exteriortags.shtml Perhaps the target installation is in a place with an obscured view of the sky, such as inside (software development, timebase tracking, etc.) or in the cabin of a boat. Neither of these are very common cases and easily 95% of the time this question is asked the correct answer is "you probably don't need one" but I thought I'd scribble down some exceptions. Quote
+EScout Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 (edited) For car charging: The Belkin car charger for the Dell Axim X5, has a plug that is identical to the one from the AC adaptor that plugs into the middle of the eXplorist cord. The round silver plug looks identical, fits perfectly, has the same polarity, and provides 5 VDC from the cig lighter. It has a coiled cord, red LED, marked model YF-051000. Package is marked F8D0001. Specs: Input: 12-24VDC, OUtput: 5VDC, 850 mA. I measured 5.36V (+ center) and the current is slightly below the AC adaptor's 1,000 mA. Looks like a quality switching type power supply. Found this at 99Cent Only Store. Works great. I imagine that Dell's or other brands Axim charger would work as well. Edited September 17, 2005 by EScout Quote
+bluenoser613 Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Has anyone found an eXplorist to iPaq cable? Specifically eXplorist 600 to iPaq Hx4700 Quote
+maleki Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 Anyone have a source for an Explorist connector(either naked or bare wired)? Quote
+bluenoser613 Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 So getting the eXplorist GPS to work with my HX4700 iPaq may not be possible since they are both USB devices. I would need the iPaq to be a USB host, and the GPS to be a client. For this to work Magellen would need to write a Pocket PC driver, and HP would have to write a USB host driver. I could see HP writing the USB host driver but not Magellen writting the PPC driver. Quote
+grueinthedark Posted December 26, 2005 Posted December 26, 2005 (edited) Thanks to all that posted regarding a car charger for the explorist. I returned the car charger my wife bought for me to Best Buy (it was for a Meridian Series ) and picked a PSP car adapter as suggested by all of you. Now the best part… I bought the Mad Catz PSP mobile kit for $9.99 <link removed by moderator> The kit included a Car charger, a battery box external power, and display skins (if trimmed correctly, 8 skins total) that should all fit my explorist 500! BONUS : Also in the kit; stereo headphones, a USB cable (fits my camera) that I can use around the house! Last but not least a PSP case and some mini disk cases that I am not sure what to do with yet. Edited December 26, 2005 by Hemlock Quote
+Hemlock Posted December 26, 2005 Posted December 26, 2005 From the Forum Guidelines: Commercial Postings/Solicitations are not allowed. Commercial content as a direct or indirect (either intentional or non-intentional) attempt to solicit customers through a forum post will be edited or deleted. Notwithstanding the above, Groundspeak reserves the right to include limited commercial content in this Forum, in its sole discretion. Quote
BD5 Posted December 27, 2005 Posted December 27, 2005 I don't understand all the trouble people have been having with car charging. I was given the eX600 'Travel Pack' (Aus Only, i believe) which includes the 600, the swivel mount, the 12V charger and DiscoverAus Streets and Tracks Topo, for christmas. I managed to get hold of another genuine explorist usb cable and the explorist carrying case. I also had to buy some double sided tape as the swivel mount doesn't come with any way of mounting it. (I've decided this is typical magellan. ) So i mounted it on the dash, and plugged the usb cable into it in the down position, routed it inside the dash, and connected it to the 12V adapter, which i plugged into a female cig lighter i hardwired into the standard cig lighter wiring. (Which is used for my nokia handsfree ) Now i run it the entire time I'm driving and it always says its charging. Works just like i want it to. I also hardwired another female cig lighter plug into the same wires to charge my TE2, and just finished wiring in my Pioneer CD-IB100. I hope i don't overload the system or anything. God forbid i leave it all running with the engine off Damo. Quote
jimbop99 Posted February 19, 2006 Posted February 19, 2006 (edited) I was looking for the Pelican 12V car adapter for PSP but I couldn't find it at Wallyworld. I did find a combination 12V/120V unit with a retractable cord for $10. You can either plug it in to a cigarette lighter or a household plug. It is made by game elements which is owned by philips. I tried to find it on the web but all I could find was this: Universal AC/CD charger (GPSP02) Game Elements’ new GPSP02 universal AC/CD charger simplifies the gaming experience. The retractable universal charger is compatible with 110-220 Volt (V) outlets for indoor use and 12v car outlets for vehicle charging. The GPSP02 provides plug-n-play power anytime and works with the Sony PSP, Nintendo DS™ (NDS™) and the Game Boy Advance SP™ (GBA SP). Additionally, the GPSP02 includes a foldable SC adapter to use with other SD-enabled devices such as digital cameras and PDAs and a cool blue power indicator to locate the charger in low-light conditions. Currently available, the GPSP02 has a suggested retail price of $14.99. Update: I would not recommend this item. The 12v Plug does not want to stay in the cigarette light due to the weight of the 120V transformer. Edited February 20, 2006 by jimbop99 Quote
rmm200 Posted February 19, 2006 Posted February 19, 2006 Having used my Magellan suction cup mount for awhile, I would say: Look seriously at what RAM has to offer. Robert Quote
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