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Geoluau II


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Posted (edited)

The original thread I posted for the Luau managed to get dropped off the forum, so here we go again. :)


I had several folks ask at the Spring Fling, and via e-mail when this year's GeoLuau will be, so here's the current info.


When: August 13--This date is set in stone. ;)


Where: Jarstad Park in Gorst, "Where America Shops". :) This park also contains my Cootie Cache TB hotel.


Nearby are the caches Pretty N Pink, and Take a Closer Look.. There are several others within a 2-mile radius.


Time: Pretty much all day.


Huh?? :D We have reserved the park for the whole day.


Amenities at the Park: Plumbed-in "facilities", electricity, covered picnic area, running water, dogs allowed (of course). :D


The info has not been submitted for review, yet, but due to the interest that was shown at the Fling, I'm starting to think that I might want to do that very soon.


For those who were at last years', we are adding to what we had. For those who couldn't make it last year, we'll be looking for you.--You know who you are. :D


[Edit--The title for this was supposed to say GeoLuau II. Not Ii. Maybe, the nice moderators can find it in their hearts to correct that for me? Pretty please?? :)

Edited by Shop99er
[Edit--The title for this was supposed to say GeoLuau II. Not Ii. Maybe, the nice moderators can find it in their hearts to correct that for me? Pretty please?? ;)

Didn't I have to do that for the last thread also??? :)


Three months ahead of time is the typical maximum for listing event caches, btw.

Posted (edited)

I have been asked to put on another GPS Contest at this event. Before I put away all the gear we had for the Spring Fling contest, I would like to know if you want another GPS Contest just like we had or wheather it would be more fun to do it this way. What I had in mind is that to enter the contest you would have to donate

a Geocaching related prize to get a flag with a number. Then we would gather all of you and announce the coordinates. You would have ten minutes to enter your coordinates and plant your flag. Then from ground zero we would start at one foot and anyone in that circle would go and pick a prize. Work our way out. I am not good with kids related contests but some one could do the same for the kids but not require them to donate any prize or to enter the coordinates. Parents can do that. How about it Daniel, are you interested? Dick, W7WT

Edited by W7WT
Posted (edited)

Just to let any who are interested know....


W7WT, Mrs. Shop99er, Belleterre, Ajetpilot, GeoDiver, and myself have started working on the details for the GPS game at GeoLuau II.

Edited by Shop99er

As Mark indicated we are planning a new improved GPS Contest similar to the one at the Spring Fling. There will be two seperate sessions. One from 1100 to 1230 with the prizes awarded at 1330. The late session will be from 1500 to 1630 with the prizes awarded at 1730. We will alternate between two sites. One called the Garmin site (you can use any make of GPS) set by W7WT using a 76C like he did for the Spring Fling. The other will be the Magellan Site and will be set and managed by GeoDiver using a MeriPlat. The inactive site will be mesured, recorded and the flags removed. The results will be posted as soon as possible so you will know your status. Anyone can enter either one or both sessions as long as you

donate a quality item (a metal geocoin for example) for each one you enter. Every one wins a prize. Please donate a quality prize, something you would like to win yourself. Maybe you can win your own prize. We have doubled the members of the

team with the top geocachers (except maybe one) available. CU all there. Dick, W7WT


This should be a great GPS Contest. There will be two sites across the creek. When you check in with Belleterre you will be given a number, a numbered flag, coordinates to the bridge to get to the sites as well as the coordinates to the site of your choice. You may go to either the Garmin or the Magellan site. Either Steve of the 4 Grays or I will set ground zero at the Garmin Site. The Magellan site will be set by none other than Mr. Magellan - GeoDiver. As soon as we get around five or so working the site we will shift

the next group to the other site so we can measure the distance from ground zero and also take the bearing and remove the flags. The data will immediately be forwarded to

the message board near Belleterre where it will be listed and plotted for you to see.

There will be two sessions. The first will be from 1100 to 1230 with the prizes awarded at 1330. The second session will be from 1500 to 1630 with the prizes awarded at 1730. As long as you donate quality prizes you may enter both sessions if you wish. Each prize will be tagged with your Geocaching name. That way you will know who to thank for

the prize that you select.


The crew has doubled in size to better serve you. They are:

Dick, W7WT Contest Director, Belleterre, Vice President in Charge of about everything, Bruce, Ajetpilot Field Director, Rick, GeoDiver Magellan Site Manager, Steve, 4Grays, Garmin Site Manager. Howard, Marks Brother if he comes will assist the Vice President in keeping the message

board up to date. As you can see we are all High Ranking Officers.


We have checked out the site so expect about the same satellite reception that we had at Lent Landing.


Please come and have fun. Dick, W7WT


[This entry was edited by W7WT on

Posted (edited)

Too late for me to edit the previous post to make this important announcement.

Belleterre has been promoted to Director of Vice. Part of her duties is the check to see if proper underwear is worn under the kilts. To keep us from going into chapter 11 we have eliminated the position of Vice President. Thank you. Dick, W7WT

Edited by W7WT
Posted (edited)
Define "proper underwear" please.

For me it would be ANY. Please refer your question to the Director of Vice.

Dick, W7WT

Edited by W7WT
Posted (edited)
Too late for me to edit the previous post to make this important announcement. 

Belleterre has been promoted to Director of Vice. Part of her duties is the check to see if proper underwear is worn under the kilts. To keep us from going into chapter 11 we have eliminated the position of Vice President. Thank you. Dick, W7WT

Of course... we all know that "Proper Underwear" when spoken in the context of "Kilts" means none! :unsure:


Edit: spelln'

Edited by Right Wing Wacko

Went Geocaching with Bruce, Ajetpilot. He said if he can lose 8 lbs, he will purchase KILTS and wear them at the event. Going to be hard to be LADYLIKE

taking measurements on the field. I am too cheap to buy them. I will probably even wear a long sleeve shirt. Dick, W7WT

May I just say that as far as underwear goes, wear it or not as long as you sit like a lady.... you should be fine.

Do I really have to picture Shop99er et. al. sitting like a lady?

Went Geocaching with Bruce, Ajetpilot. He said if he can lose 8 lbs, he will purchase KILTS and wear them at the event.

Is he changing his story mid-stream? I'm sure he's said that he already has a Utili-kilt.

OK, I might not be able to come now.

We will let you bypass the inspection booth.

Hey - if an inspection's required - we can't go making special exceptions.

OK, I have been overruled. After all you are the Director of Vice and have final say.


Bruce, Ajetpilot has the right to change his mind if he has to set LadyLike. He has not been himself since he got stung on the eyelid by a bumblebee.

May I just say that as far as underwear goes, wear it or not as long as you sit like a lady.... you should be fine.

Do I really have to picture Shop99er et. al. sitting like a lady?

I have not determined if I'll wear my kilt or not. :lol:


But, It would go just great with my event shirt. :lol:

Posted (edited)
I'd pay to see Shop99er in his kilt.





I bet if you would send him a e-mail photo of the "Nice body in your trunk" he would send you an e-mail photo of him in a kilt. There is a picture of his brother Howard, Semper Questio who is just a larger copy of him in a kilt. Look up his

profile. Sorry, I never had the priviledge of meeting you before you moved to the East Coast. Dick, W7WT

Edited by W7WT
I'd pay to see Shop99er in his kilt.

I bet if you would send him a e-mail photo of the "Nice body in your trunk" he would send you an e-mail photo of him in a kilt. ... Sorry, I never had the priviledge of meeting you before you moved to the East Coast.

Howabout if I just change my avatar for a few hours? Do you think that will work?


We'll meet someday, Dick. I promise!





Howabout if I just change my avatar for a few hours? Do you think that will work?

Well now...


That was definitely worth the price of admission... :D


Ahem... when's GeoKeggerII?




July something...rather


This time I'm going for Pyramid, or Mirror Pond. The bad news is I'll have to bring it up from Portland, so it will be half empty. No wait, I'm a half full kinda guy.......



Couldn't help myself. :D


And what do kilts have to do with a luau? :D

Marks brother, Semper Questio is a 260 lb Ex Marine. He can wear whatever he wants to, even at a Luau. Now if all the female Geocachers show up in grass skirts, maybe we can have a "BEST LEGS" contest. Dick, W7WT

I'd pay to see Shop99er in his kilt.

I bet if you would send him a e-mail photo of the "Nice body in your trunk" he would send you an e-mail photo of him in a kilt. ... Sorry, I never had the priviledge of meeting you before you moved to the East Coast.

Howabout if I just change my avatar for a few hours? Do you think that will work?


We'll meet someday, Dick. I promise!





It's a start.... :D



Couldn't help myself.  :D


And what do kilts have to do with a luau?  :D

Marks brother, Semper Questio is a 260 lb Ex Marine. He can wear whatever he wants to, even at a Luau. Now if all the female Geocachers show up in grass skirts, maybe we can have a "BEST LEGS" contest. Dick, W7WT

Kilts have nothing to do with luaus. Unless you wanna wear one to a luau.


I figure a luau in Washington is sorta odd to begin with. Naturally, we've been throwing a Summer luau for years. Wearing a kilt with a Hawaiian shirt just adds to the oddness of the whole thing. :D


So would grass skirts.....you listening Michelle? :D

Posted (edited)
I'd pay to see Shop99er in his kilt.





Whattya got? :D


Taken at the Seattle Microbrew Festival last June.




Which I'll miss this year, cuz we're going to a Tiki Bar Crawl in Portland.


BTW, that is not the GeoEvent shirt.


[edit--added comments]

Edited by Shop99er

Hi everyone. Sorry I've not been in this conversation, but I've been working an incredible amount of hours while this has been going on. The project just wrapped up today to the point that I can start taking steps to having a life back.


Yes, I am Semper Questio. Shop99er's "little" brother. I won't get into the whole intro thing. If you wanto to know anything about me you've already checked out my profile. If you don't then I won't waste your time. Nowon to some replies to catch up! B)

Howard, Marks Brother if he comes will assist the Vice President in keeping the message

board up to date.

I'll be happy to help if I can get away to come up. My BIG project is done, but in my biz ya never know and there are a couple other major projects on the boards whose timelines havn't been settled yet. I'll keep ya posted.

Too late for me to edit the previous post to make this important announcement.

Belleterre has been promoted to Director of Vice. Part of her duties is the check to see if proper underwear is worn under the kilts. To keep us from going into chapter 11 we have eliminated the position of Vice President. Thank you. Dick, W7WT

Well, ya know, there is only 1 kind of "proper" underwear when wearing a kilt. Now, I don't know any of you good folks, but ya may wanna be a little more careful what you're signing up for! B)


I have not determined if I'll wear my kilt or not. B)


But, It would go just great with my event shirt. B)

After this discussion, I don't think you have a choce, Bro. Especially if we aren't hitting the beer fest this year! That's our kilt event of the year. Gotta make up for it!



And what do kilts have to do with a luau? B)

About as much as luaus have to do with geocaching. B)


But to keep it in synch I'll wear either my Islander Utilikilt or my Boss Shop99er made Off Kilter Hawaiian kilt. That should help stick with the theme! B)


Marks brother, Semper Questio is a 260 lb Ex Marine. He can wear whatever he wants to, even at a Luau.

Well, yeah, that helps with the attitude factor, but it also helps being a Texan from the Austin area. Texans tend to be a rather independent lot. And those of us who spend a lot of time in Austin makes the rest of Texans look absolutely stoic and conforming! This area has a lot of tolerance for individuals doing their thing and a lot of individuals who are very comfortable doing there own thing. Very interesting and colorful place!


I have not determined if I'll wear my kilt or not.  B)


But, It would go just great with my event shirt.  B)

After this discussion, I don't think you have a choce, Bro. Especially if we aren't hitting the beer fest this year! That's our kilt event of the year. Gotta make up for it!

Of course I have a choice.


I'm the one throwing the Luau. B)


I thought I saw an announcement on TV today that the Hood Canal Bridge would be closed on the weekend of the GeoLulu. Not sure just how much difference it would make to drive though Hoodsport. Maybe not that much. Dick, W7WT

Texans tend to be a rather independent lot. And those of us who spend a lot of time in Austin makes the rest of Texans look absolutely stoic and conforming! This area has a lot of tolerance for individuals doing their thing and a lot of individuals who are very comfortable doing there own thing. Very interesting and colorful place!

I wouldn't call the Texans from Austin independant as much as I would call them a tad loopy.


Let's face it, not every city would put up a 10' at the wingspan statue of a bat. Except maybe, Gotham City. Austin has one.

Texans tend to be a rather independent lot.  And those of us who spend a lot of time in Austin makes the rest of Texans look absolutely stoic and conforming!  This area has a lot of tolerance for individuals doing their thing and a lot of individuals who are very comfortable doing there own thing.  Very interesting and colorful place!

I wouldn't call the Texans from Austin independant as much as I would call them a tad loopy.


Let's face it, not every city would put up a 10' at the wingspan statue of a bat. Except maybe, Gotham City. Austin has one.


Okay, I'll give you that we do have a rather loony element (you never got to see Leslie while you were here :D ), but lay off our bats! :)


Considering those 1.5 million bats under the Congress Ave bridge is the world's largest urban bat colony, are responsible for bringing millions of tourist $$ into the city every year, and eat up to 30,000 lbs of bugs every day, I think they deserve a statue! :unsure:


And just 'cuz my employer sponsors the conservation of the colony, I am NOT biased. They are really cool! We have a couple more colonies up in Round Rock we check out every so often. One is up to 3/4 of a million bats at its peak.


For the curious, here's a link about the Congress Bridge bats and here's a pic of the statue.



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