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You Found What Near The Cache?


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A while back I had to go out and replace a stolen cache of ours. Now this cache was placed in a nice park that families go to. On the way out I came across two guys having an afternoon delight :grin: Come on people, get a motel room, not in a public park. Needless to say I quickly removed the final stage and rehid it in a more "family" friendly part of the park.


I found a fairly new motorcycle wedged in between two cliffs with about 20 feet of air between it and the ground. I can't imagine how it got to be in that situation, but the cache is called Grand Theft Auto and later on in the cache I found a HUGE track where I'd imagine a group of someones raced stolen cars about 20 years ago. There were cars in all states that had been jumped/fipped/crashed, but the car that looked like it had been driven halfway THROUGH the side of a cliff (probably driven halfway into a cave and over the years the cave fell in) really took the cake.


All this in the MIDDLE of remote woods! Now that I have a digital camera, I plan to go back and get some pics.


My cousin and I were out hiding out first cache when we were looking for spots to look for in the woods we found this really strange stone but/coke oven *the only reason I'm calling it a coke oven is because it has the hole cut out at the top) and he found so many strange things in there like children's shoes, probably hobos. But we also found a purple towel hanging from a branch in the middle of the path. We're actually making a cache about this!


On one cache we found a 3 foot skeleton of an aligator, I thought about taking it home, but it was still fresh. We also found a pair of bolt cutters, a buck knife and a 5 gallon can of gas with gas in it.


Was real tempted to grab the skeleton but figured my wife would shoot me. ;)


well there were berr bottles and some stuff in plastic bags i did nt wnt to touch. and these were not in barren emptiness they were in a nice park. Lake Shenandoah Park for anyone that lies near Lakewood, nJ.


We were caching for over an hour and having trouble locating the bounty. After turning over a few logs, we found a pair of ladies underwear that had some writing in them. Can't remember the name, but somebody had "been there," or so it said! We didn't have gloves with us so I assume they are still there, although the cache is missing! :unsure:


I have only found creepy skeletal remains that would warrant mentioning here. Thank goodness my three year old daughter and I did not find that pistol. That would freak me out and probably interest her too much.


However, I am surprised by the last post's comment about fear. I applaud the cacher who reported it for not ignoring the illegal activity in the park. I would hate to see how much crime would climb if we all ignored it out of fear for retribution. I teach in a high school and see some similar actions by my students. As I am sure most people remember, high school can be hard enough just trying to make sense of who you are. The teachers spend much of our time outside the classroom working to help kids make good decisions. Whether it is in the hallway, the lunchroom or the athletic competitions, we encourage positive actions and discourage negative ones. I would not feel comfortable continuing to do that after I chose to ignore illegal activity in the forest because I was concerned that illegal pot growers would try to do future harm to me.


Did you say "creepy skeletal remains".....found this racked up at a now archived cache site:




or interesting fungus......




I have only found creepy skeletal remains that would warrant mentioning here. Thank goodness my three year old daughter and I did not find that pistol. That would freak me out and probably interest her too much.


However, I am surprised by the last post's comment about fear. I applaud the cacher who reported it for not ignoring the illegal activity in the park. I would hate to see how much crime would climb if we all ignored it out of fear for retribution. I teach in a high school and see some similar actions by my students. As I am sure most people remember, high school can be hard enough just trying to make sense of who you are. The teachers spend much of our time outside the classroom working to help kids make good decisions. Whether it is in the hallway, the lunchroom or the athletic competitions, we encourage positive actions and discourage negative ones. I would not feel comfortable continuing to do that after I chose to ignore illegal activity in the forest because I was concerned that illegal pot growers would try to do future harm to me.


Did you say "creepy skeletal remains".....found this racked up at a now archived cache site:




Did you take the skull? I'm a deer hunter but I always take antlers when I find them, weather they be shedded antlers or attached to dead deer's skull. Picked one up in an area I found caching a few weeks ago actually. They make for a nice display piece on my dresser.


The strangest thing so far, is what I saw today. An "underwear" tree. Yup! A tree with underwear hanging all over it. Reminded me I had to do the laundry when I got home! :)


Did you take the skull? I'm a deer hunter but I always take antlers when I find them, weather they be shedded antlers or attached to dead deer's skull. Picked one up in an area I found caching a few weeks ago actually. They make for a nice display piece on my dresser.


I was out recently and found a sunbleached cow-femur. Or something. It looks dadgum cool on my PC rack.


The strangest thing so far, is what I saw today. An "underwear" tree. Yup! A tree with underwear hanging all over it. Reminded me I had to do the laundry when I got home! :lol:


In some state, Nevada? Utah? along US50 there is a shoe tree. I bet there's a cache nearby too.


There is a sock tree near a local cache. It was really wierd! It was next to a stage in a multi; I kept hoping that I could find the marker near the sock tree and not on it. Yeiks they were all wet and full of burs......


Well, I'm still new to geocaching, but here are the worst things I have found at one cache site: a noose tied around a tree, a knife stuck in a nearby tree, and porn stash on the ground inbetween two adjoining trees. It was my third cache and I didn't know what the container would look like. I ran over to the sack containing the porn and opened it up thinking it was the cache. Boy was I wrong. :unsure: After that I got out of there pretty quickly. Came back later during the day with a few friends.


I knew the area was bad, but I didn't know it was that bad..

Posted (edited)

While lookin for a cache early in the morning, I was walking tword the cache following the GPS and almost stepped on a homeless dude laying on the ground in the woods. If I didnt hear him breathing, I would have called someone about the body (I thought he was dead at first). I left and came back later in the day after the homeless dude woke up and walked away. He didnt even know I was there.

Edited by rcflyeriam

I was in Hoover, Alabama near a residential sub-division that is also by the Hoover Met (Minor league baseball stadium/home of the SEC Baseball tournament). I was looking for a cache in the woods near the main road, and I heard something rustling about. Instincts told me to stop and see what it was because it didn't sound like a squirrel. Turns out it was about 5 wild turkeys just walking about.


Last week I pulled up to the parking lot where there was a cache hidden that was a previous DNF. The place was closed and I saw something lying in the parking lot that looked like a purse. I parked next to it and got out and sure enough it was somebodies purse. I took out the wallet and rummaged around a bit trying to find some ID. The person was from Colorado and I am located in Pennsylvania. Lucky for the person that I am a nice person as it had cash, 2 driver licenses, and a credit card. I could have made that girls life miserable running up the card and using "stealing" her identity. I dropped it off at the police station and they just took my license number and I was off.


Last week I pulled up to the parking lot where there was a cache hidden that was a previous DNF. The place was closed and I saw something lying in the parking lot that looked like a purse. I parked next to it and got out and sure enough it was somebodies purse. I took out the wallet and rummaged around a bit trying to find some ID. The person was from Colorado and I am located in Pennsylvania. Lucky for the person that I am a nice person as it had cash, 2 driver licenses, and a credit card. I could have made that girls life miserable running up the card and using "stealing" her identity. I dropped it off at the police station and they just took my license number and I was off.


I would have made an effort to contact her directly.


I don't trust the police (so far away) to be thorough; and I like rewards.


Besides. There's an interesting story as to why that purse was 2000 miles away from home.


In my brief search I was did not see anything with phone numbers or address book or I would have tried. The 2000 mile thing is kind of strange but I live in a big tourist area and the second ID I found was also from a guy in Colorado. I am guessing they were traveling together and she put it on the car to open the door and forget to pick it back up.


So today I'm in the middle of a forest thats soon to be cut down looking for a cache. There are lots of old, large burned stumpes from ancient forests gone by. I am poking my head into them looking for the cache and AH HA....I see a ammo can. As I lift it I realize theres another one. Grab it up and what? another one?

Open em up to find all 3 full of 9mm bullets. Guess its no the usual Mctoys and glowsticks kinda cache. :unsure:


I keep searching around and find another big stump with a bigger surprise hidden....a garbage can.

This is filled with army bags of survival gear. I haven't gone through it completely yet, just checked out the top layer.

Another stump had 2 complete bike tires, no frame. I stopped looking after that, was getting a tad nervous. Wanted my gun all of a sudden like. :unsure:


Whoever hid it didn't realize those woods are about to be cut down and a school built there. Smart fella huh? :blink:

:D well ihave only been doing caching for about a month and a half now and so far i have found a homeless camp that was well set up very close to a local costco and today i found a stolen and striped car no more than 10 yards from the cache, the cop that arrived said that the car had not been there the day before, he was cool and knew what i was doing there. what happens in vegas, stays in vegas.

Recently Koikeeper and I went to a cache location that was a very old cemetery. The GPS took us to a small fenced in family plot area with around 30 graves ..... which were from late 1800's to early 1900's and they were mostly MY FAMILY NAME!!!!! How weird was that? :) ImpalaBob


I was out benchmarking off of a trail where I have a geocache placed. Found this 5' fella sunning himself on the rocks, off the beaten path . . .








Walking to the cache last weekend we came across a 7 foot gator sunning himself in the shallows of the water, about 7 feet from the path, he was watching us, but didn't move a centimeter at all while we passed and snapped a few pics of him (path was on a raised slope, so while he could have come up to visit us, it would have been a fair bit of a climb for him (about 6 feet over him) one of the group snapped some photos, we continued on our way to the cache, logged it, on the way back, we were looking for him again to show the 2 other people who were in our group but had moved ahead (and completely missed the gator on the way) but he had swam off.


Found the usual dead opposum in the tree stump (I'm pretty sure he wasn't playing), homeless people and their shelters, bones, beach balls in the woods, etc. But the most unusual thing I ever found was a kayak.

I found it while looking for The Orc's Treasure by Hinge Thunder & Rippie.


It was unusual because it was attached (with cables and locks) to the wall of the Genesee River gorge near the top of the george - nowhere near the water. Getting that thing up or down to the water would take a a lot of muscle. The wall is pretty verticle in most of the area.




near one of my caches up at Mt Uminum open space preserve I found a old Cistern as well as 7 classic cars stacked ontop of each other along the trail. They have been sitting there for years probably due to the old Military base on top of the hill that was shutdown.


One the way to a cache...




It had to have been left there not too long before I found it as it was clean, there was no standing water in it, etc.


I thought about CITOing it out, but I didn't have room for it, nor did I have a place I could have disposed of it.


Just plant some corn around it and go on. Nebraska needs more rest areas. :D


i found an unofficial cache near the summit of a mountain that was thirty feet away from the nearby cache...at first i was suprised at the contents because i was FTF and i know the hider...It contained matches, cigars, a rubber, a bag of weed, and some smutty letter...I have no idea why it was there but somebody was a boyscout because they were prepared for anything!! :huh:


Looking for a cache on Tom Campbell Hill in tghe middle of Calgary, I nearly stepped on a coyote napping in the shade of a nearby tree. I usually take a camera with me, but forgot on this occasion.

Posted (edited)

found a pretty nice timex watch at a cache i have yet to find, stumped me 5 times in a row! The watch is good enough treasure i might give up on that one, but i would really like to eventually find it lol

Edited by cachenut06

It's not exactly the weirdest, but while searching for a cache, I found a letterbox. It was a regular one, not a letterbox hybrid, so it didn't appear on gc.com. We thought it was a geocache at first, but then realized it wasn't, but couldn't believe it was so exposed and ill-marked (markings were worn away).


A few months ago, a fellow cacher and I attempted a newly placed cache on Signal Hill in Cape Town South Africa. As we approached the cache location we immediately headed for the tell tale pile of rocks. We unpacked the stones to find an amazing, ornately carved stone container. Complementing the cache owner on such a beautiful container we opened it to reveal its strange treasure. Inside the container lay a beautiful little mirror and a bird skeleton. My immediate thought was that we had just stumbled on one or Signal Hill's renowned Satanic hot spots on further reflection we realized that it was just the final resting place for someone’s beloved pet.

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