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Anyone Want To Help New England?

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nobody wants to help new england. if they wanted to help new england, they'd get a forum moderator from there and not "away". likewiske approvers.


(not that i have anything against my approver who is the most bestest person that ever lived, but is from "away".)


new jersey? that's just an outrage.

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I hope the approver(s) are OK.


Cache approvals since March 18th:


California  128

Texas  94

Tennessee                40

Florida  35


Connecticut 1

Rhode Island 0

Massachusetts 0

Vermont  0

New Hampshire 0

Maine  0



Well, that's not exactly a fair assessment, WR/CL, since those few states combined seem to list more new caches in a week then the whole rest of the world combined.


As a matter of fact, there have been more caches approved in those 4 states in the last 5 days then in all of New England so far this year. I guess it's possible to just not have any/many new caches this week?

Edited by Mopar
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I hope the approver(s) are OK.


Cache approvals since March 18th:


California 128

Texas 94

Tennessee 40

Florida 35


Connecticut 1

Rhode Island 0

Massachusetts 0

Vermont 0

New Hampshire 0

Maine 0



-What Mopar said...

I'd also be more than willing to be an approver if necessary... (not that I'd ever try to take gpsfun's job ;) )


I can't imagine that _nobody_ (well, one person, actually) in NE has(n't?) gotten out and hidden caches in this bit of beautiful weather...


Happy Caching


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I hope the approver(s) are OK.


Cache approvals since March 18th:


California  128

Texas  94

Tennessee                40

Florida  35


Connecticut 1

Rhode Island 0

Massachusetts 0

Vermont  0

New Hampshire 0

Maine  0



Well, that's not exactly a fair assessment, WR/CL, since those few states combined seem to list more new caches in a week then the whole rest of the world combined.


As a matter of fact, there have been more caches approved in those 4 states in the last 5 days then in all of New England so far this year. I guess it's possible to just not have any/many new caches this week?

I agree. Here are some other states for more comparison.


New caches since March 18 (not counting event caches):


Alabama: 16

Alaska: 3

Arkansas: 16

Mississippi: 4

Louisiana: 12

Montana: 5

West Virgina: 8


So, based on states with smaller populations - the problem isn't as bad as it seems. Something is probably amiss - but I wonder if the queue will be that long when the regular approvers get back to approving.



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If they are not done tonight I will pitch in.

Reviewers do need some time for themselves every now and then. It doesn't seem like a few days away from the queue once a year should be that bad of a thing.



I agree. Those of us who are still employed, and have not yet been written off as compulsive losers by our families, will understand the need to get away from time to time. ;)

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