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Event Ideas

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I am hosting an event this fall and I am looking for any one who wants to share an idea from an event they attended. The past 2 years we have had Poker Runs and I was thinking of shaking it up a bit. The event is a family event so all ages and abilities will be attending and I would like to run the cache portion for approximately 1.5 hours so we have time to socialize.


Any advice is greatly appreciated



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We just had a spring event that included a discussion by one of our members who is a university professor. The subject was spring/summer hazards that are not as prevalent in winter, such as snakes, spiders, poison plants, and more.


Camping events area also fun, people can stay the night (or two) if they like, or not if the don't. The fall is a good time for that too.

Edited by AB4N
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How about a combination of caching and a road rally where the competitors are started at staggered times and have to go to different coordinates and find the cache and punch their card in order to go on to the next cache. Similar (at least in that wheels are needed), to orienteering. Variations could involve mountain bikes, road bikes, motorcycles or there could even be a wheelchair event.

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I've held a road rally for the last 3 years and found it's a great way to get people out. First couple of years the winner was the team to find all the caches while travelling the shortest distance according to their track logs. Last year I converted it to a poker rally and am thinking along the same lines this year. It has been well received and attended in the past. Toss in a bbq afterward and it's a great way to spend a day.

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I am planning an orienteering event this June (hopefully 5th). 

I was wondering if I plot the controls/checkpoints with my GPS would people be interested in doing the course by waypoint with or without a map instead of the traditional style of orienteering?


I attended an event in early April that did this. I read a bit about orienteering competitions afterwards, and it seems this is exactly what they did. Team starts were staggered by a few minutes, there was a time limit, we found orienteering punches and used them on orienteering cards. The only thing I could see taht was different was that they hid the punches cache-style instead of using the checkpoint flags to mark them. Oh, and the maps wernt as detailed. We got a photocopy of a map with waypoints marked. The back of the sheet had the list of coordinates and encrypted hints.


I really enjoyed this style of competition. In fact, Im planning to do the same thing for an event that I am planning.

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OKDoke, who responded earlier in this thread, has set up some great road rally type events that I have attended.


One was an a Amazing Race style race. There were puzzles to solve, tasks to complete and of course caches to hunt.

A set of coordinates was actually guarded by attack ducks.

One cache container was locked with a combintion lock. We were able to slip it off instead of figuring out the combination. Inside was key locked box with about 100 keys to try so you could get the next set of instructions.

Another set of coordinates was frozen in a cup of ice, the task was to get them out without smashing the ice. Many people found creative ways to melt the ice while being watched by game officials.


Another of his that I attended was a road rally. There were no actual caches to find but puzzling/cryptic directions to guide you. Along the way there were questions to answer.


There are a couple of ideas to work with

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