+embra Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 So now the question is---is Direct Route worth the extra expense over Map Send Topo 3-D? How many of you have been using the Direct Route features? I endorse Marky's reasoning and conclusion. I think most people will find the autorouting that DR offers quite valuable. I spent a recent week in New Mexico. I saved a few critical waypoints on the SD card (e.g., our B&Bs, the Albuquerque Convention Center, the airport) and found a few addresses on the fly of friends we wanted to visit. It was so-o-o nice having directions in one's hand. (I, too, like to have both available, but I'd choose DR over Topo3D.) Quote
MysteryLady Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 kennethpruett I think this is the link. If this doesn't work (I'm not too good at these forums!) go to page 2 of the GPS Units and Software - at the bottom is a thread named "Explorist 500" http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=94627 Quote
robertlipe Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 Now that I'm looking at that manual with a closer eye, I'm wondering if this firmware is yet another enhancement of the 330/STMap/Meridian code instead of anything actually radically new. These questions will be most readily answerd by someone that had a Meridian/330/STMap and/or a competing unit, but I'll just blurt out the things I'm wondering about. If you look at the units with a careful eye, do you see evidence that the UI was actually redesigned to be consistent? Do you have a routable basemap? Does it remember street route or point to point? Can you recalculate from one to the other without entering a goto again? When you enter a goto, does it finally remember your last choice (from cursor, from city, from location, etc.)? Does it offer customizable user routing preferences (bike, uturns, etc.) Does it have user adjustable font sizes and such? Does it share the UI annoyances (backlight, external power alarms, track clobbering, etc.) of the earlier units? Quote
+circa76 Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 (edited) Not exactly. It means you can spend the $$$ to get maps that have higher topo resolution (30M instead of 90m) and more up to date and accurate street data (Navtech instead of old Tiger line), if you want them. And you can still use the older, poorer maps on the GPS you originally purchased them for. Does this mean that if you buy Topo 3D, streets are also included or will just enhance the streets if Directroute is installed as well? Thanks. oops a couple posts down I got my answer of "Some software I would like to try is DirectRoute--which I guess has the same street data as 3D. Edited April 10, 2005 by circa76 Quote
+MrMac204 Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 ok finally found a 500 - $449.99 at a local drug store chain... this is probably a bit high, I will wait a bit before I buy. (Vancouver, Canada) saving my pennies Mac. Quote
+GOT GPS? Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 (edited) Now that I'm looking at that manual with a closer eye, I'm wondering if this firmware is yet another enhancement of the 330/STMap/Meridian code instead of anything actually radically new. These questions will be most readily answerd by someone that had a Meridian/330/STMap and/or a competing unit, but I'll just blurt out the things I'm wondering about. If you look at the units with a careful eye, do you see evidence that the UI was actually redesigned to be consistent? Do you have a routable basemap? Does it remember street route or point to point? Can you recalculate from one to the other without entering a goto again? When you enter a goto, does it finally remember your last choice (from cursor, from city, from location, etc.)? Does it offer customizable user routing preferences (bike, uturns, etc.) Does it have user adjustable font sizes and such? Does it share the UI annoyances (backlight, external power alarms, track clobbering, etc.) of the earlier units? Holy Cow, alot of questions there, but I can't answer any due to the fact that I got no Explorist 500 yet. - - - - - - - How does the Explorist 500 compare with the SporTrak Color I have?? Is the screen alot better and easier to read? - - - - - - - How is the Tracklogging on the new Explorist 500 GPS units? Is it alot better than the older Magellan units? Is the tracklogging closer to the quality of the GPS 60C/CS units? The problem for me in the past has been the Auto-Averaging of my Magellan GPS units, have messed up the quality of the tracklogging a little bit while at hiking speeds. Edited April 11, 2005 by GOT GPS? Quote
+JohnnyVegas Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 The software question--- After I got an answer on the phone that the Explorist 500 could use the MapSend Topo 3.0, I wrote and asked again. I got a pretty strong reply that it is NOT compatible. So now the question is---is Direct Route worth the extra expense over Map Send Topo 3-D? How many of you have been using the Direct Route features? If I had to choose one or the other, I would choose Direct Route. Here's my reasoning: 1) Topo 3D has no trail info so all you are really getting is terrain features (better topo, lakes, streams, etc). I've found this handy to have, but not a must have since I generally need to get a trail map to figure out where to go anyway. 2) Unless you already have street level routing in your car, you will find this much more useful (and not only for geocaching) than Topo 3D. Of course, you could do what I did and buy both, since it's easy to have both on the same card and just swap maps depending on what you are doing. --Marky I use both. Direct route and Topo 3D, I use Direct route in my Meridian gold to get to the cache area and then I use Topo 3D in my Explorist 500 to fine the cache, unless it's a drive up, then I just use the Meridian Gold Quote
+JohnnyVegas Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 (edited) How does the Explorist 500 compare with the SporTrak Color I have??Is the screen alot better and easier to read? There is no comparison, I have both the Sport Track color and Explorist 500. The sport track color does not hold a candle to the Explorist 500. It would be like comparing a VW beatle to a Ferrari The bright setting on the Sport track color is almost as bright as the low setting on the Explorist 500, the 500 is also much easier to read in all conditions including bright sun light Edited April 11, 2005 by JohnnyVegas Quote
+Marky Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 Question: what cable is needed to power the 400/500/600 in the car? Is it a different cable from the one used by the meridian/sportrak line? --Marky Quote
+Stunod Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 Question: what cable is needed to power the 400/500/600 in the car? Is it a different cable from the one used by the meridian/sportrak line? --Marky Yes...the connection point is different on the eXplorists than the Meridian/Sportraks. You should be able to just plag the included USB line in to a USB power "wall-wart" or cig adapter. These are commonly used for other usb items. Quote
robertlipe Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 Holy Cow, alot of questions there, but I can't answer any due to the fact that I got no Explorist 500 yet. Oh, I'm just warming up. Is the tracklogging closer to the quality of the GPS 60C/CS units? This is a case where the grass is merely a different color of brown on the other side of the fence. Supporting multiple track segements is a Good Thing, but Garmin's habity of throwing away timestamps and elevation on older trackpoints is pretty suprising to a lot of users. Once again, the two vendors each build 60% of the perfect unit. Quote
+maleki Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 From reading this and other thread(s) it appears the cable can be attached but not correctly instead of making it 'user' proof(the polite term). Seems like it will cause lots of headaches for Magellans support as well as leave a poor impression on thuse who spent several days wondering why it did not work out of the box. What a design flaw. Quote
+GeoCraig Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 MapSend Topo 3D v DirectRoute I decided to go with the Direct Route. I never (rarely, anyway) look at the topo lines and other trail map info on my current map, so why not get fancy with DirectRoute. I bought it at erwincomp.com for $86, $96 with shipping. Quote
+EScout Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 Regarding the orientation of the data/power cord on the 500: Yes, it can be attached from both directions. The cord can get power from the USB as well as the provided wall wart, which attaches in a "Y" in the middle of the cord. On the Position Screen, there is a "Charging" and "Power" icon. Depending on the direction the cord is attached, and whether the wall wart or USB is connected, either Charging or Power shows on the screen. So, there are 4 different power attachment choices (although data only in the down direction.) I have not charted this out, and there is no mention of this in the manual. Regardless of direction attached, with the supplied wall wart, it charges the unit while it is off. Quote
+Hard Oiler Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 Just noticed on the Magellan web-site they've finally announced that the Explorist 500 is available. Still no reference manual though. Interestingly in the press release they say: "The Magellan eXplorist 500 operates on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries or an optional AAA-battery-backup clip." Anyone know what that battery clip looks like? Could alleviate some of the concern about back up power options in the bush (although I'd prefer AA's!) Quote
+Marky Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 I also noticed that the 600 no longer says coming soon. I hope they ship tigergps a bunch and soon. Here is a funny tidbit taken from the 600 feature list: High-sheed USB data port to upload geocache coordinates and optional maps Funny that they mention geocache coordinates instead of waypoints. I wonder who their target market is. --Marky Quote
+maleki Posted April 11, 2005 Posted April 11, 2005 "The Magellan eXplorist 500 operates on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries or an optional AAA-battery-backup clip." Optional... - Translated - Lets give them what many really would prefer and charge some more $$$ for it. I can imagine what it will cost to get the official branded creation. Why not create a bit of positive 'buzz' and include the couple dollars worth of plastic and wire as a goodwill gesture. Quote
+Muddler Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Explorist 500 question. I have noticed that you can select Goto, Pts of Interest, Background Map, Cities, and if you select Alphabetical you are presented with the Keyboard screen to search the database via inputting a partial spelling. However, if you select Geocaches instead Background Map you do not get the option of the Keyboard..... Is this what every one else is seeing?? Cheers Muddler Quote
+jacques0 Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 I have noticed that you can select Goto, Pts of Interest, Background Map, Cities, and if you select Alphabetical you are presented with the Keyboard screen to search the database via inputting a partial spelling. However, if you select Geocaches instead Background Map you do not get the option of the Keyboard..... Is this what every one else is seeing?? Muddler...I'm glad you asked that question. I've been going to ask it for a couple days, but never got around to it. This question has come up on another thread, regarding the 200 or 100 (can't recall which, but doesn't matter). In the 200 (mine) either alpha (w/ keyboard search) or nearest are options for background map POI's, whereas the choices for "My Points of Interest" are either nearest or alpha (BUT, in this case, the POI's are simply arranged in alphabetical order, without the keyboard option of searching for a specific POI). I was hoping that this had been changed in the new series, not that it matters a whole lot for the kind of stuff that I do, but I can certainly see that it would be a factor for most of the rest of you. Quote
+jacques0 Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 This thread has provided a gorgeous example of a company that seems to have left one vital part of product development out of the loop: the purchasing public. The engineers, who have worked with these things day in and day out certainly see no issues (i.e., "Well, to accomplish that, you just do this....."), whereas if they had taken the extra step and given a couple dozen out to some users for field testing, they may have been able to resolve---in advance of release---some of the objections voiced here. I have backed off of the battery issue, after reading how small the battery is and thinking that, perhaps, AA's might have squeezed out the SD card (or am I mistaken there?). But the power cord orientation question? Map program versions? I also think that, even though the pressure was certainly there to get the product to market, that they should have the full manual available for download (admittedly, I'm saying this without seeing what manual comes with the unit. It sounds as though it's pretty basic, though). I'm a huge 200 fan, and I'll probably get a 500, but it seems odd that posters to an internet message thread should be the ones to provide the comprehensive user's manual to the company's product. Quote
+Muddler Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Jacques0: Thanks for the reply. I was more wondering if I was missing something or was my 500 missing something. I understand that the list of points in the Background map may be larger, I am putting up to 500 caches in the databases I am using and the Alpha keyboard search would have been really helpful. I'm sure Magellan is reading these threads and will include this needed functionality in the first Firmware upgrade. LOL Cheers Muddler Quote
+jacques0 Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 I'm sure Magellan is reading these threads and will include this needed functionality in the first Firmware upgrade. I sure hope they're reading them, buddy! Quote
+JohnnyVegas Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 I am putting up to 500 caches in the databases I am using and the Alpha keyboard search would have been really helpful. I'm sure Magellan is reading these threads and will include this needed functionality in the first Firmware upgrade. For me I would never use the alpha key board for looking up caches, I am in the habit of using my Meridian gold with Direct route to get to the area of the cache, then I use my other GPS to find the cache, so I just leave my expolorist to search for the nearest cache and the one I want is always on the top of the list. Then I also have my caches broken down into small geographic areas by city name, this way I have over 2000 caches on the SD card or internal memory so in most cases I only have 80-100 caches on the active file Quote
tubemonkey Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 I have backed off of the battery issue, after reading how small the battery is and thinking that, perhaps, AA's might have squeezed out the SD card (or am I mistaken there?). I still haven't. The 100/200/300 all use AAs; so if there wasn't enough room to add SD, then make the units just a tad bit larger. Magellan knew from the start of their eXplorist project that they'd be releasing six units to the public and that all of them would use the same case. It's obvious that case size had nothing to do with it or they would've designed one that did. For whatever reasons, they were bent on marrying this newer technology with a rechargeable lithium power source. Funny how Garmin managed to do it with standard AA batteries; and with substantially greater battery life. Legend C (2x AA) = 36 hrs 60C (2x AA) = 30 hrs 76C (2x AA) = 30 hrs 500 (Li-Ion) = 17 hrs Why build the perfect GPSr, when you can add an "improvement" a year or two down the road and get folks to buy a new one? Until either of these companies can get it right (AA, SD, TFT, USB), I'll just stick with my Legend. Quote
+gpsjeep Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 I'm sure Magellan is reading these threads and will include this needed functionality in the first Firmware upgrade. I sure hope they're reading them, buddy! I doubt that they are reading this forum. If they were, they would have answered some of the questions being asked of the Explorists. -Jeff Quote
+Marky Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 Until either of these companies can get it right (AA, SD, TFT, USB), I'll just stick with my Legend. Not me, I like new toys no matter how flawed they might be. Yay for new toys! Plus, like I've said before, the l-ion battery solution will work better for me than NiMH AA's, so I'm very happy. --Marky Quote
+D0T-C0M Posted April 12, 2005 Author Posted April 12, 2005 I just placed my reserve order for the explorist600 at www.gpscentral.ca and they expect them within a couple weeks, hopefully I'll get mine before the end of the month. Quote
+Team TeeKay Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 First post here! I just purchased my Explorist 500 today from Walmart. They price matched my best price found from online source. Had to have store Assistant manager approve it, he wasn't too impressed. Anyways, it was there only one and am glad to have snagged it, otherwise I would have had to online order one. Just waiting for it to charge up, then I'll teach myself how to use it. It is my first GPS and I'm excited to put it to work. A little disappointed with the included manual. I guess it'll serve as a starting point. Thanks for the awesome thread on the subject. It helped me pick between the Meridian Gold and the Explorist 500. Picked Explorists because of color screen, USB , SD memory expansion size and Geocache manager. Islander Quote
+Family-cachers Posted April 12, 2005 Posted April 12, 2005 My first post here as well....this thread has been very helpful to me being new to geocaching and trying to decide on a gps....well I made up my mind and went with the explorist 600. I spoke with TigerGPS yesterday and they stated that they expected their first shipment within a week at most....so for what it's worth that's my update. Thanks to all again for the valuable information. Quote
+Muddler Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Noting the sarcasm in his voice....Muddler expresses his disbelief!! You mean to tell me Magellan does not monitor this forum to pick up on what the purchasing public thinks of their newest darling... A look of shock and disbelief is duel y noted on the face of Muddler... Back to reality.... No I would not expect that Magellan would monitor this thread to see what we are saying about the new explorist line. I bought the thing because I liked the preponderance of things I had read and heard about the 500. I have used the Meridian green for several years and was pretty happy with the way it has worked and I was pretty sure what to expect when I got the 500. I really have to say that I am very pleased with the 500 and would highly recommend it to any one who wanted to know my opinion. I would have to say I have limited experience at geocaching but have used a GPSr at work for over 6 years and believe me this is a very good system for the money. I have used commercial grade systems for close to $3000 and they were way less user friendly. Cheers Muddler Quote
+geohusky Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I have one. Received it the 5th. They are on sale now at REI for 20% if anyone is interested. It has some really nice features if anyone would like my thoughts. Quote
Tikishark Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Just cancelled my order with TigerGPS tonight and went with REI... They are offering the 600 for 12.00 more, but their shipping was actually cheaper (12.00 versus 17.50). Since REI has the units in stock (70 I was told by the REI representative), I should have my unit by next Tuesday. I really like Tiger, but I'm just way too impatient... Plus, you can't beat REI's 100% refund policy. I will be posting pictures of my 600 as soon as it comes in.... Quote
+JohnnyVegas Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Magellan and Garmin both ask there dearlers what customers want in there products, readng geocaching forums is only going to tell them what geocachers want, it is not going to tell them what boaters, hunters, fisherman, backpackers, or travelers want to name just a few. We are not the only ones that use GPSrs. One of the issues people have had in the past in these forums is the size of the e-trex compared to the sport tracks, I always get a kick out of someone saying something like the sport track in to big compare to an e-trex, maybe that is why they made the eXplorist as small as it is. I have a feeling if magellan had made the eXplorist large enough to hold AAs we would have people complain that they are to fat. Then there are those that have complained that Garmin does not have a GPS that will use an SD card such as the Meridian, I am sure that may have had an influence on the design of the 400, 500 and 600. If Garmin or Magellan bulit a GPS with every feature that anyone has ever said they wanted, you would see someone complain that the menu was to complicated. BTW, when told Magellan that there was a lot of talk about the new explorist two weeks age they wanted to know which forums, so they may just be reading them. Quote
tubemonkey Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 ... it is not going to tell them what boaters, hunters, fisherman, backpackers, or travelers want to name just a few. They missed the mark with outdoorsmen who remain in the great outdoors longer than the charge of the lithium (~17 hrs). Maybe Magellan plans on installing thousands of charging stations in the wilderness so us outdoorsmen types can use their otherwise wonderfully new eXplorists? Wonderland Trail + charging stations = new eXplorist 500 Wonderland Trail + no charging stations = old Legend Quote
+JohnnyVegas Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 ... it is not going to tell them what boaters, hunters, fisherman, backpackers, or travelers want to name just a few. They missed the mark with outdoorsmen who remain in the great outdoors longer than the charge of the lithium (~17 hrs). Maybe Magellan plans on installing thousands of charging stations in the wilderness so us outdoorsmen types can use their otherwise wonderfully new eXplorists? Wonderland Trail + charging stations = new eXplorist 500 Wonderland Trail + no charging stations = old Legend In the early days of the GPS system, way before geocaching you would have been lucky to find a GPS with much more than 8-10 hours of battery life. The few people that were using them at that time would tend to mark there trail head, then turn off their GPS and turn it on to mark waypoints along the way into the back country. Then they would have the option to build a route of waypoints if they wante to use their GPS on the way back to the trail head. They missed the mark with outdoorsmen who remain in the great outdoors longer than the charge of the lithium (~17 hrs). Most outdoorsman do not spend as much time in the back country as they did in the past. The back packing industry in general has been in a tail spin of falling sales for years with most back packers not going on long trips anymore. The bulk of sales in most outdoors shops are to day hikers. Besides, you can still carry extra batteries. For most people 17 hours is going to be more than enough battery time for any GPS. Quote
tubemonkey Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Besides, you can still carry extra batteries. At $40-50 each? I don't think so. Garmin managed to do their upgrades with AAs. The problem with their units though, is a lack of SD. Add SD to either a Legend C or a 60C; or add AAs to an eXplorist 500 and I'd jump on any them. Sorry, but this is one long term hiker who refuses to be tethered to a battery charger. Out of curiosity, how many folks out there wish that Garmin would've shoved Li-Ions in their new series (60C/CS, 76C/CS, Legend C, Vista C) instead of AAs? Quote
+Marky Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Sorry, but this is one long term hiker who refuses to be tethered to a battery charger. Unfortunately for you (or fortunately, if you consider that you are more likely to have some solitude on long hikes), the masses just don't do more than day hikes for the most part these days. Like JV stated, the backpacking industry is has been experiencing falling sales and there's not a whole lot they can do about it. I still predict that 99% of geocachers will find the l-ion battery pack, with it's charge in place capability, to be much more convenient and easy to use than NiMH AA's. Can any over the owners of 500s let us know what their experience has been so far regarding the use and recharging of the l-ion battery pack. --Marky Quote
+Marky Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I have one. Received it the 5th. They are on sale now at REI for 20% if anyone is interested. It has some really nice features if anyone would like my thoughts. Oh yeah, I bought it from Tiger GPS. GRRRR! Where is my 600! --Marky Quote
+steameng8 Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Just cancelled my order for an eXplorist 600 with GPS City today after waiting since Jan 20. When I checked on my order the expected delivery keep changing and it now is into May. I saw the eXplorist 600 in a local store over a week ago for retail cost of $449. I went with REI for their Explorist 600 for $359 + $13 = $372. (I was told by the REI representative they have 60 of these left), I should have my unit by next Thursday . I also saved $12 from what GPS City wanted for the same unit. I have enjoyed my eXplorist 300 for three months, but want to connect to my computer and download maps and caches. Quote
robertlipe Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I very much wish they'd have use RCR-V3's instead of the way they went, but having watched Q&A forums for several of the vendors for many years, I will say that "can I recharge my batteries while they're in the unit" is a FAQ for all of them. (In fact, it _is_ in the FAQ I wrote.) Laptops, cellfones and mp3 players typically take proprietary and expensive batteies and have contributed to a consumer expectation of being able to charge in the unit when external power is available. So I really can understand where they're coming from with this decision. I _do_ cache for > 17 hours straight (admittedly with an auto involved) with enough regularity that I'd have to accept either fumbling with an extra cord when returning to the car and/or buying a second battery. Even if they offer a nice car cradle that handles power effortlessly like the 3xx/Meridian/ST units do, I'd have to fumble with the case to recharge it. (Of course, on my premeditated 17+ hour days, I'm likely to have multiple GPSes anyway...) Quote
tubemonkey Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I will give Magellan credit for using a user replaceable battery instead of sealing it inside the unit like Garmin did with the Quest (and Apple with the iPod). Imagine not being able to carry a spare battery or having to pay $100 to have a dead battery replaced? Quote
+Marky Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Even if they offer a nice car cradle that handles power effortlessly like the 3xx/Meridian/ST units do, I'd have to fumble with the case to recharge it. With the Sportrak Color's nice location for the wrist strap, I never have it in a case anymore. Where is the wrist strap mount located on the eXporist? If it's in a convenient location like it is on the Sportrak Color, I'll probably not have it in a case. --Marky Quote
robertlipe Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 If the flash/applet thingy (which does give you the ability to rotate the image in 3D near the end) at http://www.magellangps.com/en/products/fla...rist/thales.htm is to be believed, they have an anchor point just above the knee in the back and a hook point in the injection mold at th top. I can't tell if perhaps one is mean to be weight bearing with the other for guidance. Given what you know about my problems with gravity while caching, Marky, surely you understand why I like to carry mine in cases. I'll heal. (Well, I'm hoping this stupid ankle will.) GPSes don't. Quote
+embra Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Here was a link to one of the photos posted in the parallel thread. I don't know where the SporTrak has its lanyard mount, but it looks pretty workable to me. I expect I'll slap a screen protector on, but also will forgo a case except when slipping into something like a sholder strap pocket when I don't want to hold it. Gotta go look at that demo thing now Robert so I can figure out what yer talkin' bout. Quote
+Warriorrider Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I wonder if the lanyard will need to be removed from the unit like the Meridians when putting the unit in a Magellan car mount. This is kind of a pain in the #%* and a greater chance on losing it if your not really careful. Quote
+Marky Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 If the flash/applet thingy (which does give you the ability to rotate the image in 3D near the end) at http://www.magellangps.com/en/products/fla...rist/thales.htm is to be believed, they have an anchor point just above the knee in the back and a hook point in the injection mold at th top. That spot at the top is just the ticket for me. I've become very accustomed to carrying my GPS with the wrist strap. When I'm not holding the GPS, it just hangs there and I've found that I like that more than having it in a case. Embra's idea of putting a screen protector on it is a good idea. --Marky Quote
+Marky Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I wonder if the lanyard will need to be removed from the unit like the Meridians when putting the unit in a Magellan car mount. This is kind of a pain in the #%* and a greater chance on losing it if your not really careful. Nope, you will be able to leave it on (like you can with the Sportrak Color). Definitely nice to be able to do that. --Marky Quote
+jacques0 Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 The lanyard attachment point for the explorist 200 (and I assume it is the same for the 500) is at the top of the unit, on the rear. This is, actually, just about my only complaint with the 200. Why? Because if you're using a lanyard that goes around your neck then, when you hold the gps out in front of you, the strap tends to hang over the screen. I wish they would have put it on the bottom of the unit so that the strap would not come into play during use. Regarding people's questions about cases, carrying it, etc., one of the best features of the explorist series is their small size. They easily fit into a shirt pocket, which is where mine usually resides while I'm walking. Quote
+SgtSue Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Surprised this hasn't come up yet. At the very top on the back is a very small lip with a small hole. It is possible to connect a wrist or neck strap at this point. I took one that was on a jump drive and threaded the small cord through and it works fine. Some camera wrist straps will work also. As it is at the top on the back it does not interfer with removing the battery/sd card cover and should not interfer in a car mount do to it's size. Admittly I do not have the car mount for it, but I can not see how it would interfer and have to be removed. Quote
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