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Members-only Event?

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MO caches aren't meant as a benifit in the sense that you can hunt for them, but a benifit in the sense that they will make your caches less likely to be stolen.  If there isn't a cache thief in your area - there's probably no reason to use these.

slightly off topic...

As SD said, MOCs are partially to reduce cache theft... Well, around here, there's a MOC that's been muggled 3 times!

Night Water (Revised)


Back on topic...

I'm not a paying member, but I see nothing wrong with having a premium-members-only event - those in attendance could spend more time caching or talking about caches they've done and less time explaining what caching is all about to n00bs... Just my $0.02 (USD)!


Happy Caching


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Out of that list of reasons that people pay, none state any special effort to placing caches.  I know there are no guarentees to how people trade, but like it or not...the people that pay, are more commited.  more commited to a better sprot, or more commited to obtaining better software, or more commited to offering help and opinions in the forus=ms...should i continue, no, but suffice to say, that the paying members usually want, and expect, more.  those are the poeple i want to meet.

I personally am offended by your accusation that people that don't or CAN'T pay somehow expect less. You don't want to meet those people? You probably shouldn't hunt for THIER caches either.


Wouldn't want their smell rubbin off on you, now would you? B)

ROTFLMAO - Thanks for that!


As the first non-member to crash the first MO event, I should probably say something.




There. I said it.


Seriously, though. The first MO was interesting. People came that don't normally come to our events. Of course, there were other variables at work. Time of day, date, day of week, location, etc, all could have played into that.


When all is said and done, though, it's just an event with cachers.


~fly46 - who doesn't pay because she can't afford to.

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... sometimes I feel 'miffed' that I pony-up the money and others take a free ride. It doesn't seem fair ...

Then I guess you're willing to put your money where your mouth is and stop searching for caches placed by non-premium members, right? As well as deleting all of your finds on caches placed by non- premium members? After all, we're taking a free ride. So if that's the case and we don't contribute anything to the sport, then our caches should not be a part of your cache record/totals, right? Or am I missing something? :lol:

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i havent been backl here for a while now, cause people have completely abandoned the original request for ideas, and have turned this into a grips and defend fest. i say again, why are m.o. caches ok for ammo cans, tupperware, etc, but not for event types? there is no difference, i would say that those who feel as if i have somehow said non paying members are less, have not really read what i have wrote, so i have only to say stop whinning, re-read logs, and lets see, the cost of equipment, the cost of gas, the cost of all else, combined, vs what one here said before, they didnt have 3$, sounds like another mere snipety gripe, and again, a quick one liner, spoken without regards to thought, and basis. i never said non paying members were less, in fact, i saoid the opposite, that i enjoyed all cachers i met, paying, or not, so since most of the logs seem to just be anrgy, unjust attacks against unsound ideas, then i will take that as it is, and for who they are, and not associate, so im out of here, and on to better, and more reasonable conversations, which are based in fact, reason, and sence. bye.

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Host a CITO. Then see who is dedicated. :lol:


The cacher with the most finds in my state is not a premium member. If you feel like you were ripped off from an event, charge admission to cover your costs. :D


I am not sure I would ever attend an MO event.

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Host a CITO. Then see who is dedicated. :lol:


The cacher with the most finds in my state is not a premium member. If you feel like you were ripped off from an event, charge admission to cover your costs. :D


I am not sure I would ever attend an MO event.

Hmmmmm, I promised the exact coords to all of my puzzle caches to get folks to come pick up trash at my CITO event. Lots of people showed up to get the Dead Drop coords for Quantum Leap. :D Folks that never go to events...


I find the idea of a member’s only event to be at the very least distasteful and I'll leave it at that. :D

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