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Members-only Event?

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Hello, I have been a member everysince you could be, a few years back. As a charter member, I want to meet some other cachers that are more commited to the sport also. I am looking for some extra input on creating a 'members-only' event cache. If you are a member, and have any ideas, please let me know. I live near Omaha Nebraska, so that is the area to be (at least near) to to help me plan this event. Thank you for any input, Sojourner262.

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I'd think that would violate the new guidelines on hiding an event cache. Here's the first line:


Event caches are gatherings that are open to all geocachers and which are organized by geocachers.


The purpose of MO caches are to help lower the theft rate of caches. How can an event cache be stolen?


Incidentally, it's been done. You can search the forums for the thread(s) concerning the MO event. It was met with mixed reactions.



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I'd think that would violate the new guidelines on hiding an event cache. Here's the first line:


Event caches are gatherings that are open to all geocachers and which are organized by geocachers.


They've already made exceptions. The womens only event got Jeremy's stamp of approval, so maybe a members only event would too.

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i have never tried putting one together, hence my quest for info, however, i do hope the feedback be accurate. a MO cache is as i stated in my previous log, and not merely to prevent theft. so please, facts only. thank you.


as far as exceptions, i hope so, however, i don\'t think aone would be necessary, as a MO cache is restricted to members only, so how does that differ from a MO cache, that just happens to be an 'event' cache? i don't think it does, therefore, i feel no exceptions are required. any thoughts?

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Sorry, but your wrong on that one. MO caches are not " to help lower the theft rate of caches", but rather to allow geocachers who want to put more energy into designing a cache for dedicated geocachers.

Oh? Are you sure about that?


Here's a post by Jeremy Irish stating that they're not to entice people to become Premium members.


Here's another post by Jeremy mentioning that the reason was, in fact, related to cache theft.


I'm sure there are more quotes on this - some probably a bit more concise.


MO caches aren't meant as a benifit in the sense that you can hunt for them, but a benifit in the sense that they will make your caches less likely to be stolen. If there isn't a cache thief in your area - there's probably no reason to use these.



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I'd think that would violate the new guidelines on hiding an event cache. Here's the first line:


Event caches are gatherings that are open to all geocachers and which are organized by geocachers.


They've already made exceptions. The womens only event got Jeremy's stamp of approval, so maybe a members only event would too.

This is true.


Some guidelines are treated as guidelines.


Some are treated as rules.


I wish I could figure out which was which.



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MO caches aren't meant as a benifit in the sense that you can hunt for them, but a benifit in the sense that they will make your caches less likely to be stolen.  If there isn't a cache thief in your area - there's probably no reason to use these.


I use the MO caches to cut down on riff-raff.

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Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all caches. the small ones, and less tended to ones, and all. The thing is, I places a cache today, that I put alot of effort into, and dont want my trade items spwapped out to someone who just puts in two quaters, or a happymeal toy. Not that theres anything 'wrong' with that, buit i want the finders of my new cache, to feel as tho my cache is put out there with more effrort, and more fun to find. This is a good thing, and yes, worth a listing of members only. I simple want to meet the other cachers who feel this way.

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Simple...as i said, "I simply want to meet the other cachers who feel this way. "

I'll think you'll find that there are many reasons that people purchase premium memberships, not just because of the one reason you cite


I could care less how, or if, people trade in my caches. I hope they'll be honest, but I also know that "one man's trash is another's treasure".


I became a PM to get access to pqs and to support the site.

I know many that don't use any features and just want to support the site.

I know people that joined to get access to the OT forum.

I know people that joined to get pqs.

I know people that joined to get the zoomable maps

I'm sure there are people joining now to get the ignore list and bookmarks.

I KNOW there are people who joined after finding a few caches because they think it is: a) a value, :lol: the right thing to do, or c) they think everybody is a pm.


I'm sure there are many other reasons as well.


I don't think making a cache MO makes the people who find your cache any more likely to "trade evenly". Having 3 bucks a month to spend on a premium membership doesn't mean that the person has higher moral standards or a better understanding of the value of items being traded - or even cares.



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The thing is, I places a cache today, that I put alot of effort into, and dont want my trade items swapped out to someone who just puts in two quaters, or a happymeal toy.

Making a longer hike or a more difficult trail might solve this problem. Those that tend to walk 4 or 5 miles in rough terrain usually don't drag the kids along plus trade out better. At least it seems that way around here.

Not knowing your area this may not be a possibility.


Some of the best & most caches around here were placed by non paying members. I'm sure they have their reasons for not joining so I'd hate to single them out from an event. I'd also hate to meet them on the trail knowing I excluded them.


Good luck though & your mileage may vary.

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Out of that list of reasons that people pay, none state any special effort to placing caches. I know there are no guarentees to how people trade, but like it or not...the people that pay, are more commited. more commited to a better sprot, or more commited to obtaining better software, or more commited to offering help and opinions in the forus=ms...should i continue, no, but suffice to say, that the paying members usually want, and expect, more. those are the poeple i want to meet.

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My location is near Omaha Nebraska. I had some caches out in Pennsylvania, which required several miles hike, around moutnains, and thru swamps, but alas, no such place exists around here. i like tha area, but there is just no place to put a cache like htat around here. All i want to do is meet other members. Anyone who makes a big deal of that, has there own problems, cause i never said a bad word about non-members, so say what they want, all i want to do is meet them.

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Out of that list of reasons that people pay, none state any special effort to placing caches. I know there are no guarentees to how people trade, but like it or not...the people that pay, are more commited. more commited to a better sprot, or more commited to obtaining better software, or more commited to offering help and opinions in the forus=ms...should i continue, no, but suffice to say, that the paying members usually want, and expect, more. those are the poeple i want to meet.

I personally am offended by your accusation that people that don't or CAN'T pay somehow expect less. You don't want to meet those people? You probably shouldn't hunt for THIER caches either.


Wouldn't want their smell rubbin off on you, now would you? :lol:


I'm a premium member and I'm committed to providing opinions in the forums. :o


(Oooh, I think I found a new sig line).


Anyways, I seriously think that the number of people you might offend wouldn't be worth doing it. That's my opinion. I can't think of a valid reason to have a members only event, although they've been done in the past (well, the first one had a couple of reasons: To be the first and to see what would happen). It seems to go against the guidelines, but they've been bent before.


I wouldn't host one and I wouldn't attend. Many of my best geocaching friends are non-members and many have valid reasons that they aren't members. That doesn't make them less dedicated.



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Evidently people arenot reading all entrys. Never did i say, nor imply, that anyone is less, or more, expectant or others. Please don't imply your own interpretations, as my words. What i originaly said, and still maintain, is that " I want to meet some other cachers that are more commited to the sport also. " While you can come up with argument that non-members are just as dedicated, I come back with the fact the those who pay, pay for a reason, whatever that may be, which is by nature more commited. the comitment is as i said, to provide finances to the creators, or to the software programmers, or whatever, but, all things equal, it is true, and fact, that contributions are a form of comitment, and aid, and those are the people i wish to meet. hey, those members who do not pay, and creat caches, my hats off to you, but i wish to meet those who try to aid in the furthur development of the sport, not merely continue it.

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Evidently people arenot reading all entrys. Never did i say, nor imply, that anyone is less, or more, expectant or others. Please don't imply your own interpretations, as my words. What i originaly said, and still maintain, is that " I want to meet some other cachers that are more commited to the sport also. " While you can come up with argument that non-members are just as dedicated, I come back with the fact the those who pay, pay for a reason, whatever that may be, which is by nature more commited. the comitment is as i said, to provide finances to the creators, or to the software programmers, or whatever, but, all things equal, it is true, and fact, that contributions are a form of comitment, and aid, and those are the people i wish to meet. hey, those members who do not pay, and creat caches, my hats off to you, but i wish to meet those who try to aid in the furthur development of the sport, not merely continue it.

I think you pretty much proved my point.


People that hide caches contribute to the sport. Jeremy Irish has said that himself (I don't feel like digging up a link to one of his posts).


Your statements imply that people who pay are more committed. I may be mistaken, but if people who pay are more committed, people who don't are less committed. You don't want to meet less committed people. That's what I'm reading.


I've met many geocachers and I can't recall one that wasn't a great person. I couldn't tell you which ones were premium members and which ones were not premium members.


I think it's elitist to try to exclude who can come to your event. Some people have valid reasons why they are not members. (I personally think that anybody who is more than an occasional geocacher and can afford to be a premium member should be a premium member, but that's a different arguement).


Premium members are not necessarily any more commited (or anything else) than non-premium members.



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I feel sad. I htought i copuld get some open opinions, and all people can offer is cited sarcasim and one sided opinions. I started this thread just to get some feedback, and ideas, but evidently this is too sore a subject for people to handle, with subjectivity. I will let it go. Thanks for the feedback.

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I feel sad. I htought i copuld get some open opinions, and all people can offer is cited sarcasim and one sided opinions. I started this thread just to get some feedback, and ideas, but evidently this is too sore a subject for people to handle, with subjectivity. I will let it go. Thanks for the feedback.

You asked for opinions, I gave mine. You shouldn't dump the thread because one person has an opinion that doesn't match yours.


I'll back off from posting and let others chime in.



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I love hte USA. as they say, "it has its problems, but it's still the best place on Earth". Tha being said, everyone has a place, or thing, or club, or group, or whatever, that they attempt to climb. mabey its the preverbial ladder, mabey its a credit rating, mabey its the masons, whatever. everyone, and yes, everyone, has 'something' they 'get into'. why is it, that when it comes to their 'club', they thing all shoud understnd, but when it comes to someone elses 'club', they think it should be fair to all? this is just about as hipocritical as can be expected. no, i think ill end hte thread before some people get on here, as few and wrong as they may be, and start arguing and ruin a subject, and hobby, that is one of the best around. so go ahead, and make you quick-jab one liners, i wa just looking for feedback. i got it, but i wasnt excpecting this, what turned out to be 'as long as it's good for me, then i'm all for it' stuff.


end log.

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" I want to meet some other cachers that are more commited to the sport also. " While you can come up with argument that non-members are just as dedicated, I come back with the fact the those who pay, pay for a reason, whatever that may be, which is by nature more commited.


I don't agree with a MO event. I don't think i would go. Alot of great cachers who care alot aren't members. The main reason i am is PQ's. But if i wasn't paperless then i might not be. I cache with others who feel very strongly about the game/sport but aren't members. Even though i make them walk 5 paces behind me, i still feel they are very committed. Why else would they carry my pack?


I feel sad. I htought i copuld get some open opinions, and all people can offer is cited sarcasim and one sided opinions. I started this thread just to get some feedback, and ideas, but evidently this is too sore a subject for people to handle, with subjectivity. I will let it go. Thanks for the feedback.


By one sided do you mean the side you don't agree with? Feedback is clearly what you are getting. You just don't seem to agree with it. The only one this seems too sore a subject for, appears to be you. In general, in this thread, so far, the majority would be against it. But again, its still your choice.

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Members-only Event?, Any other 'members' interested?


Hello, I have been a member everysince you could be, a few years back. As a charter member, I want to meet some other cachers that are more commited to the sport also. I am looking for some extra input on creating a 'members-only' event cache. If you are a member, and have any ideas, please let me know. I live near Omaha Nebraska, so that is the area to be (at least near) to to help me plan this event. Thank you for any input, Sojourner262.

Nope, Not interested.


As a charter member, I want to meet some other cachers that are more commited to the sport also.  I am looking for some extra input on creating a 'members-only' event cache.  If you are a member, and have any ideas, please let me know.

My suggestion to find these 'more dedicated' (whatever that means) you make the event a CITO. In a park thats 30+ miles out of the city, cleaning a remote part of the cache, preferrably that you have to walk too. Maybe you could also have it start 20minutes after sun rise. Also, try to get a shelter/lodge as a starting point that has to be walked to, not driven up to the door.

Since the 'more dedicated' sport furthering people that you want to reach will not be deturned by going the extra miles, before sunrise, and then doing some work, because they want more to promote and highlight the good of geocaching :lol: . Of course thats just my opinion, maybe you should ask at a local group like nebraskache.

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I feel sad. I htought i copuld get some open opinions, and all people can offer is cited sarcasim and one sided opinions. I started this thread just to get some feedback, and ideas, but evidently this is too sore a subject for people to handle, with subjectivity. I will let it go. Thanks for the feedback.

My feedback is to not hold a MO event, and my idea for you is to include everyone who wishes to attend.


I'm still waiting for my schedule, and an event near enough to my location to mesh. I'd love to meet some more cachers.

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We have hosted or co-hosted a number of event caches and would never be involved in a members only cache event. We are always trying to show off our hobby to all that is interested. I think its great when we have newbies at our events. I don't see how paying 30 bucks a year makes anyone a more serious geocacher...I know I'm not a serious cacher, just here to have fun in the outdoors.

We became paying members right off just to support the site.

I wouldn't go to a members only event...guess we are just not serious geocachers.


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MO caches aren't meant as a benifit in the sense that you can hunt for them, but a benifit in the sense that they will make your caches less likely to be stolen.  If there isn't a cache thief in your area - there's probably no reason to use these.


I use the MO caches to cut down on riff-raff.

I somtimes have set a cache as a MO cache when I have a FTF prize, once a paid member has got the FTF prize I change to a reg cache.

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i have ben to regular event cache, and there were lots of people there, none of which i was not happy to meet. as i said, i was looking for feedback, and i got enough back to answer me question, and have decided that it is not something that would be good. at any rate, thanks for the replies.

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I feel sad.  I htought i copuld get some open opinions, and all people can offer is cited sarcasim and one sided opinions.  I started this thread just to get some feedback, and ideas, but evidently this is too sore a subject for people to handle, with subjectivity.  I will let it go.  Thanks for the feedback.

You asked for opinions, received them and just didn't like the answers.


You claim the point of the event was to meet people who are committed to the sport, then use the arbitrary criterion of paying membership as proof of level of commitment. So what about the paying member who has no hides and only joined so he can get PQ's and enter the off topic forum? Is he more committed than a non paying member who has 90 quality hides, regularly attends and runs local events and CITOs, is a member of his state's geocaching society and is known for fixing up abandoned caches?


By using membership as your only criterion you will be including some people who only pay because of the benefits that membership provides them and excluding a lot of extremely committed people who are not members for whatever personal reasons.


BTW, what do you plan to do if a non member shows up? Are you going to ostracize him? Ignor her? Have him forcibly removed?

Edited by briansnat
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I don't think it's a good idea, but I do think it fits within the guidelines for a MO cache, so go for it. I wouldn't attend, but that's because I don't attend event caches for a few reasons which would be entirely OT and I don't care to start another thread about anyway.

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Why does being a member make you a more serious cache. I know people with +1000 caches and they are not members for one reason or another. I became a member because I am lazy and didnt like typing in coordinates. Besides after typed in the wrong way point two times in a row as well as I liked the idea of the GPX files for my PDA. SO why does being a member make me more serious?????

I guess what it really says is I got 30 bucks I don't know what else to do with.


Edited by AtoZ
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I feel sad. I htought i copuld get some open opinions, and all people can offer is cited sarcasim and one sided opinions.

Welcome to the forums! If there is one thing these forums are good for, it is sarcasm and one-sided opinions. Wait, that's two things. Anyway, there is an abundance of both.


Anyway, for the record I also think a members only event is a bad idea. I don't think I would attend.


Good luck with whatever you decide.



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I feel sad. I htought i copuld get some open opinions, and all people can offer is cited sarcasim and one sided opinions. I started this thread just to get some feedback, and ideas, but evidently this is too sore a subject for people to handle, with subjectivity. I will let it go. Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you for any input


With that simple statement, you invited the opinions. Not only that, I believe you are getting feedback you asked for, just not the type you expected to receive and you bemoan the fact. Then you state in your latest post:

I htought i copuld get some open opinions
and complain
and all people can offer is cited sarcasim and one sided opinions
. What are opinions but one-sided? Yours is equally one-sided. Have you received anything positive about doing this yet? If not, take a new look at these posts and read the feeling of your perceived and biased intent.


Fwiw, I disagree with you that those who don't pay are less inclined to be as committed as those whom do pay for the premium membership. All the payment indicates is they found a way to release $30 to Groundspeak to gain some very specific benefits. Nothing more and nothing less has ever been implied except by a very few whom have started threads in this forum to indicate they were better than the rest because they did pay. If those are the type of people you're trying to meet, just do a search on elitist and you'll find those threads and you'll be able to share the same interest and belief as they do.

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I attend at least one event a month. sometimes two per month. I always enjoy meeting new cachers, at one event we had someone attend that had just set up an account and that had not even tried to find a cache, There was a cache outside the event so me and another cacher loaned her a gps to fine the cache. She was very excited to have found her first cache and we had a great time helping her out. Most events I have been to have include a fair amount of new cachers, last Saturdays event had cachers with as few as around two dozen caches to cachers with several thousands caches. While have no problem with a MO cache and MO cache just sends the wrong message to new geocachers. Not only will they feel left out, they are not going to think to highly of the organizer. New cachers may not see a benefit to being a paid member. As more features become available to pain members more will pay for a premium membership. When I became a premium member as I recall the only extra feature was the ability to run Pocket Quarries, I did not have a PPC to go paperless but I was caching in areas that are 100 miles apart so in made sense to run searches in specific cities. Last Saturdays event was attend by 120 people, I am sure a good portion of them are not premium members.


It the great scheme on things Geocaching is very new and most people have never heard of it, why do anything to make it sound like an elitist activity, that can only hurt the sport.

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All i want to do is meet other members. 

I can relate to that ... sometimes I feel 'miffed' that I pony-up the money and others take a free ride. It doesn't seem fair ... so your desire to be associated with others that 'pay to play' is not wrong. Because you pay, possibly, you feel more comfortable around other cachers that pay as well. Just remember that in pushing that agenda, it opens the door for critism. It could be viewed as exclusionary or classist. So what if it is ... every cheap whiner that is crying in this thread is also classist to some degree (they just don't know it or refuse to accept it). My advise would be to move forward with your plan and see what happens ... if 'x' number of people show up and you all enjoy each others company then ... good for you. If you want to raise the bar, then raise it. Don't get bogged down by the 'whiners'.


PS- I would allow the family members and friends of the PM to attend the event.

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every cheap whiner that is crying in this thread is also classist to some degree (they just don't know it or refuse to accept it). If you want to raise the bar, then raise it. Don't get bogged down by the 'whiners'.

Actually if you take a moment to look back at the thread, all of the cheap whiners as you refer to us as, are paying members. there are only 2 posts from non-paying members. Just the facts is all, but don't let them stop you while on a roll. Sorry to bog this down by bringing that point up. Is this is what you consider raising the bar? Taking shots at people because their opinions doesn't agree with yours? I am sure this is the best way to make friends and promote the activity.

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The truth is, I don't pay much attention to whether a cache is MO or not. I suppose that if I had to do something special to see MO caches, I wouldn't bother. I'd just pass them by.


I posted above that I wouldn't attend, but let me clarify my position a little. I generally do not attend events. I go to a few, but not many. One of the things I like best about events is being able to interact with new players. I like to be able to see the hobby through new eyes again, I guess. Typically, the only other time I go is if I know someone is going to be there that I have only communicated with through email or <gasp> the forums. Then again, I'm not really very gregarious.


The primary reasons that I enjoy this game is that it gets me out of the house and it lets me be by myself for a while (although I do like hunting for caches with very close friends or family). Oh yeah, the fact that I can find a box of trinks placed by some stranger just by using my magic toy. :(


So have a MO event, or not. Perhaps some cachers will attend, I don't know. In fact, this is one of the reasons that I will never hold an event. What if no one came? How embarrassing would that be? :(

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Actually if you take a moment to look back at the thread, all of the cheap whiners as you refer to us as, are paying members.

Okay, you have a point ... so, take out the word 'cheap' and my post still stands. :(


Although I occaisionally get miffed by cheapscapes, I'm almost always miffed by the 'whiners'. Also, taking shots at people that 'disagree' is kinda fun. I enjoy it. :( Like someone once said in these forums, "I never learned a thing from someone that agreed with me ..."

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