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Pocket Queries Not Running?


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I have a PQ that runs every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. It ran at 10:25 on Wednesday but did not run on Thursday or today. That puts it just past 48 hours since it last ran.


Some of the PQ's for Thursday ran (3 of 5). None of the 5 for Friday ran.

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Last PQ Late Wednesday


see e-mail header below -


-----Original Message-----

From: contact@geocaching.com [mailto:contact@geocaching.com]

Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 9:18 PM

To: davestea@comcast.net

Subject: [GEO] Pocket Query: 300 - Close to zip



Here are the Pocket Query search results in the formats you requested.


no PQ Thurs -

No PQ Friday (yet) ???

Edited by CompuCash
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I've been working with Pocket Queries all day to tweak it so it can run the queries faster. There is definitely a general backlog but I did some things to speed it up a bit.


If you want your queries badly you can create a new query and delete your old one. new queries go out immediately and there is no queue for those to go out.


Right now only the ones that are set up to run daily is still in the queue.

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Okay, I just don't get it. I thought that existing queries already in the queue were generated before new queries, but now I don't know. I checked off my "Closest Caches" query last night to run today. 5+ hours into the day (PST) it still has not generated. Just out of curiousity, I set up a identical (*) query and it was in my mailboxin in less than one minute. Is it just me? :rolleyes:


(*)Actually, there is a difference, now that I look at it. One is from zip code; the other from coords, but still...

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No, that is the way queries are designed to be run. Brand new ones first, regularly scheduled ones second. And the ones that run every day are lower in priority than the ones that only run once per week.


I set up my recurring PQ's to run twice per week for my frequent caching areas, and when I'm going out of town on a weekend trip I'll set up the PQ's to run on Wednesday through Friday. I haven't had a problem in months. Even if the PQ generator chokes, I'll still have local data that is no more than 3 or 4 days old, from the last time it ran.

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I've been watching PQs and they have been completing pretty quickly daily. If there is a particular query that didn't generate I need to investigate why, because the queuing is working fine.


New queries *always* have a higher priority over old ones, and old ones run in order of the last generated date in descending order. In other words if you run the same query automatically every day it has a lower priority than one that runs only once a week.


This way new queries (normally requested for immediate use) go out first, then less often used queries (where the data will be more stagnant) goes next, and so on.

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I'm getting mine, but they have been running later then usual. At one time I used to get my weekend PQs at around 7-8am. Last weekend I got them at 9:30pm Friday, 3:30pm Saturday, and 6:30pm Sunday. No real biggie, just ended up using day old data.

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not getting mine today either (4 PQs that run every friday)... seems my mebership is messed up, says i have to be a member to access those features which i am... paypal sent payment yesterday... hmmm? confused...

Looks like you switched to echeck, which means PayPal won't notify us until the funds have cleared. That is why your membership expired.

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