+Ladybug Kids Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 (edited) The topic of minting an Alaska Geocoin is on the agenda for Interior Alaska Cachers Anonymous Meeting #1. I'm posting this tread to test the level of grassroot interest in proceeding with designing and minting an Alaska geocoin. I will summarize this thread and provide a report at the Event Cache. Costs per coin are variable depending on the design complexity, number of colors, and number of coins minted. The range I've seen quoted in the various threads about geocoins is $2-$4/coin. For those unfamiliar with state geocoins, click on the Search icon at the top of the forum page, enter "geocoins" in the Seach By Keyword Field, and choose "Geocaching Groups by Region/State" in the Search Where field. Please express your interest in having an Alaska geocoin minted by posting to this thread. If you live in Alaska, please state whether you want to help with design and/or distribution of the coin. Cachers in- and outside of Alaska should indicate how many coins they would purchase so we get a sense of how many coins would be minted in order to establish the cost per coin. If the decision is made to move forward with this project, a new thread will be opened with instructions on how to order your coin(s). I realize there is a lot involved in getting through the design phase, ordering the coins, deciding whether to make the coins trackable (and if so, how to track them?), filling cachers' orders (use PayPal or not?), etc., so please be patient as I move forward on this. I welcome feedback from anyone who has been involved in coordinating creation of a state geocoin regarding what worked well, what didn't work, how you are tracking the coins, is it worth tracking the coins, how did you handle orders and distribution, etc. Edited March 4, 2005 by Ladybug Kids
+blazerfan Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I'm always interested in new geocoins. An Alaska coin would be great. Not sure how much I can help... my design talents are limited. I'll take 5 of them when the time comes.
+willcall Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I'd be interested in 5 to 10 (I love collecting). Alaska has so many possibilities for themes.
+Grandpa Rocks & Grouchy Gramma Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 We would definitely be in for five. Right now it seems if you make them, we will buy them.
Moun10Bike Posted March 3, 2005 Posted March 3, 2005 I would definitely be interested in Alaska geocoins! You could consider me good for an order of 10.
+ArmandoM Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 I would love to get some of those coins too. I would get 5 coins.
+1stimestar Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 I'd love to be in on the groundworks of this so see ya at the meeting lol. I'd be in for 10.
+top pin Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 I've always got a $20.00 around for coins!!!!!!!!!!!! Consider me good for approx. 5.
+Allanon Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 I'm in. Depending on finances at the time I'm ordering, I'm in for 3-10.
+Night_Hawk Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 I 'd be interested in 5 or 10 depending on the final price.
+KC0GRN Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 my goal is to eventually get a geocoin from every state, so of course I'd buy a few.
+ShowStop Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 I cant help on any of the other coin questions you asked, but I would definately buy 5 or so when they are available.
+vds Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 (edited) Always interested in coins for states/countries - I'm in for 3 to 5 depending on price. Edited March 4, 2005 by vds
+jcar Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 Depending on the final price per coin somewhere between 6 - 10.
+Ladybug Kids Posted March 4, 2005 Author Posted March 4, 2005 (edited) Wow...expressed interest in more than 125 coins in only eight hours!!! Looks like this project will fly. I've sent an e-mail note to Alaskan cachers soliciting design ideas and will keep this thread posted on our progress. Keep those posts coming so we can get a feel for how large to make the initial mint. We'll sort out formal order, payment and distribution details during the upcoming weeks. Edited March 4, 2005 by Ladybug Kids
+Shoknaw Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 Put me in for 5 coins. If you make them out of solid Gold I'd go for 10. Shoknaw
lucyandrickie Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 We would like 10. Then would complete the west coast for state coins.
+Cav Scout Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 Hey Ladybug, I will be back from NM in a few days. I want to know if I can help with the design for the Alaska Geocoin. Put me down for at least 10 coins. Thanks!
+Northern Trekker Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 Ok, let me know what I can do to help. Being from the state I better do my fair share! Sign me up for 20 and as a resource to help. Cheers, Northern Trekker
+Johny Cache Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 I would buy 1 or 2. Would be a great addition to my collection of geocaching related items. Best regards, JC from the Netherlands
+Mr. Snazz Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 (edited) This is a bit of shameless self-promotion, but if you do mint an Alaska Geocoin, I will host your tracking for free at my new tracking site http://log4.us. I've been hosting the Oregon Geocoins since they started, and its worked pretty well. To make them trackable, have the coin manufacturer stamp a serial number on each coin, and include the tracking URL somewhere on the coin. The Oregon coin's url wasn't ready in time for minting, so usually its on a sticker on the coin bag. That works too. If you do go with log4.us, the url would be log4.us/alaska and/or log4.us/ak, whichever fits best. FYI for people who have used the oregon tracking site; The oregon tracking code was stagnant and ugly for a while, but migrating to the new codebase, and working directly on the oregon setup over the next week, will make things a lot nicer to use. Edited March 4, 2005 by Mr. Snazz
+Morock & Miss C Posted March 5, 2005 Posted March 5, 2005 Lived in Fairbanks as a young boy. Regret never going back to visit. Some geocoins would help. I'm good for 5 or 10.
+Ladybug Kids Posted March 6, 2005 Author Posted March 6, 2005 UPDATE We're up around 250 without hearing much from the Alaskan contingent, so it looks like going for 500 first-run coins is a shoe-in. I have a request for proposal out to several mints for 500 coins, so we'll see what they come back with. Thanks to all for the early interest, especially since we don't even have a design to show you yet. Given all the subject matter to draw from up here, the coin should be a worthy keepsake or trade item. Keep those posts coming as they will help us establish a good first-run number without having too many people feel left out, but without "flooding" the market.
+Nurse Dave Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Heh, just read this thread and laughed to myself. Here are all the usual suspects. Ya, I'd take my usual 10. Heck, I bet Billy Bob could mint a Albany, OR "City of Industrial Stink" coin and be sure to sell 200 to us. Hmmm, maybe I need to buy a coin press.
Tacomahunter Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 As my Mom lives in Kasilof and I am in Dallas.... Put me down for 5.
+Right Wing Wacko Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 I'll take some. The exact qty will depend on the price, but 5 is a nice round number to start with,
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