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Getting new cache approved


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I hid my first cache on Wednesday, submitted it for approval on Thursday, and as yet haven't seen hide nor tail of it. So, a couple questions have come to mind.


1. When I clicked the submit button on the form, it brought me back to a blank "submit a new cache" form. I was expecting a page showing me what I submitted as others would see it (giving me a chnce to check my HTML), or at the very least a "submission successfull" message. Did I get what I was supposed to get, or was there maybe an error and my submission has gone to the darkside?


2. The submit page says it generally takes 24-48 hours for the volunteers to review the cache, but ... watching the main geocaching.com page where the last 15 caches are shown, I see some that were just submitted today, and others that were submitted two weeks ago. Can anyone briefly explain to me why some caches take so long to get approved, and others seemingly no time at all?


I realize I'm still in the 48 hour window, so I'm certainly not getting impatient with the hardworking volunteers. Just a little anxious to find out if I did everything right, or if there's anything I can do on my next cache to make it easier on the volunteers.




Sounds suscpicious. Usually when I submit a cache, after "sumbit" it gives me a "received it" page that says that it will take a while to approve and gives you a website to go view the page (you can, no one else can).


You should have also received an e-mail indicating that they received your report.


You might want to try "contact at geocaching dot come" and see what they can see.



My Geocaching Page


Nope, didn't get "received it" page, link or email.


Does the link to your new cache immedietly show up on your "Caches I've Hidden" section on your My Cache Page? If so, then I definitely just need to resubmit it.


Originally posted by Markwell:

Sounds suscpicious. Usually when I submit a cache, after "sumbit" it gives me a "received it" page that says that it will take a while to approve and gives you a website to go view the page (you can, no one else can).


You should have also received an e-mail indicating that they received your report.


You might want to try "contact at geocaching dot come" and see what they can see.





It should also be listed on the 'my cache page' page under the HIDDEN CACHES heading.




The cache form is only active for 30 or 40 minutes. If it took longer to submit the page I am pretty sure it just goes to nowhere.




Originally posted by Ranz:

The cache form is only active for 30 or 40 minutes. If it took longer to submit the page I am pretty sure it just goes to nowhere.




That's exactly what got me. I was working on the submission while doing other things as well, so the page was open for several hours before I hit submit. When I went back to re-submit I saw this on the form page...


"You have a limited session timeframe (40 minutes). You'll need to enter your cache report within this time, or your session will end and your submission won't be sent."


Not sure why they'd set a limit like that, but I assume there's a good reason for it. Now I know. icon_razz.gif


Originally posted by Ranz:

The cache form is only active for 30 or 40 minutes. If it took longer to submit the page I am pretty sure it just goes to nowhere.




That's exactly what got me. I was working on the submission while doing other things as well, so the page was open for several hours before I hit submit. When I went back to re-submit I saw this on the form page...


"You have a limited session timeframe (40 minutes). You'll need to enter your cache report within this time, or your session will end and your submission won't be sent."


Not sure why they'd set a limit like that, but I assume there's a good reason for it. Now I know. icon_razz.gif


The same thing has happened to me in the past.


I usually copy the text of my submission right before I hit submit. That way, if my submittal fails, I won't have to rewrite the whole thing. It seems like I can never rewrite it with the same polish that I had originally.


I do the same thing if I post to a forum or send an email from the website.


I usaly write the discription in an Html editor You can then save the file. After it is complete. go to show source. and cut and paste it into the form.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal: a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a brush, but very very ravenous

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