+Seth! Posted February 22, 2005 Posted February 22, 2005 Regarding the map side of the coin: Set-up charges are a mute point. Changing the image on that side will cost less than a nickel per coin. As has been pointed out, the year will change anyway. The URL on the coin should be the URL for the coin tracking. In this case, it's the WSGA web site. FYI, the coin tracking on the WSGA site is undergoing some improvements. The WSGA board has not discussed tracking the coins on Geocaching.com this time because that was explored last year. Assuming that we do change the URL, we'll also need to remove the Geocaching.com logo from the map. Perhaps we can replace it with the generic G logo. Quote
+Right Wing Wacko Posted February 22, 2005 Posted February 22, 2005 Regarding the map side of the coin:Set-up charges are a mute point. Changing the image on that side will cost less than a nickel per coin. As has been pointed out, the year will change anyway. The URL on the coin should be the URL for the coin tracking. In this case, it's the WSGA web site. FYI, the coin tracking on the WSGA site is undergoing some improvements. The WSGA board has not discussed tracking the coins on Geocaching.com this time because that was explored last year. Assuming that we do change the URL, we'll also need to remove the Geocaching.com logo from the map. Perhaps we can replace it with the generic G logo. Bravo! That was exactly my Point. I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that way. Quote
+Pepper Posted February 22, 2005 Posted February 22, 2005 [*]Assuming that we do change the URL, we'll also need to remove the Geocaching.com logo from the map. Perhaps we can replace it with the generic G logo. I like your idea Seth! Pepper Quote
+lahontan Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 [*]Assuming that we do change the URL, we'll also need to remove the Geocaching.com logo from the map. Perhaps we can replace it with the generic G logo. I understand what Seth! is saying but I would have one suggestion. I'm not that big on the generic G logo. I'd rather used the space vacated by the GC logo for something related to Washington like an apple or something like that. If I knew how to upload an image for a forum post I'd show an example. Quote
+slinger91 Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 Who made the rule there couldn't be two coins? I'd buy an Eastern WA coin. Quote
+Allanon Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 I thought that long before I heard the 'split the state' news this morning on the radio... Hmmmm...another post for voting on the 'split'...state and/or coin? Quote
+lahontan Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 Here are a couple ideas: The basic apple or since splitting the state came up how about the King County logo, after all as King County goes so goes Washington. Quote
+Allanon Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 Sorry, but I definitely DO NOT like the idea of a 'King County' reference especially since they "ret-con'ed" the "King" from being the original US VP to MLK. Nothing against MLK, but I just disagree with the change and the symbol. Quote
+Navdog Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 If it ain't broke... why fix it? Not many, if any gecoins sold 1500, and i'm sure it could have been more, orders on the first minting. Changing the url and the logo kinda defeats the original purpose of that side of the coin. Does "Home of Geocaching World Headquarters" really make any sense then? Nearly all coins are in some type of protective sleeve where the tracking url can be located. Having the gc logo and url on there makes it look more "official" than that generic logo and tends to identify it more as a geocaching coin and not a WSGA coin... no direspect intended. Quote
+Shop99er Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 Here are a couple ideas: The basic apple or since splitting the state came up how about the King County logo, after all as King County goes so goes Washington. Leave the wording in the rim on the "State side" as is. No pictures in the state map, of anything. And certainly NOT the King County logo. Either the old one, or the new PC one. I don't live in King County, and don't really want to be associated with it. If someone outside Washington needs a picture of an apple or anything else to figure out where/what we are, maybe they should have paid attention in geography class. Quote
+TotemLake Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 Here are a couple ideas: The basic apple or since splitting the state came up how That comes up every year. Quote
+Kfam Posted February 24, 2005 Posted February 24, 2005 A question about numbering. Starting over from #1 with each new series or on up from 1500? Quote
+LittleBlue Posted February 24, 2005 Posted February 24, 2005 Oh, I think people definitely want those low numbers! Quote
+evergreenhiker! Posted February 24, 2005 Posted February 24, 2005 Oh, I think people definitely want those low numbers! Ditto! Quote
MarcusArelius Posted February 24, 2005 Posted February 24, 2005 A question about numbering.Starting over from #1 with each new series or on up from 1500? It would mess up tracking unless the prefix changed Quote
+Kfam Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Is the current tracking method worth losing the low number lottery? Or how about WA, WB, WC...etc? Quote
+WeightMan Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Is the current tracking method worth losing the low number lottery?Or how about WA, WB, WC...etc? I don't know if I want to be associated with a coin that starts WC. Maybe its just me, but there are connotations. Quote
+OccidentalErrant Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Hi, Whatever you all decide on.. What about putting the coordinates of the Mt. St. Helens volcano around the edge of the coin.. Not the visitor centers or anyplace around the volcano... but the actual coordinates of the crater itself.. ??? Could be North coordinates on one side and West coordinates on the other.. Quote
+OccidentalErrant Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 I don't know if I want to be associated with a coin that starts WC. Maybe its just me, but there are connotations. Got the coordinates for that one Weightman?? LOL.. Quote
+OccidentalErrant Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Agreed. Although I am in favor of a darker green band, I say if we're going to commemorate the mountain for it's explosive 25th anniversary, commemorate the mountain with the way it looks today. Not yesteryear. There are enough tokens out there that do that already. Don't forget that the Mt. St. Helens is in the state of Washington and it is the state of Washington that we are commemorating.. not just Mt. St. Helens.. Is it to be a Mt. St. Helens geocoin or a Washington State geocoin? Mt. St. Helens on one side because that was a big event in the recent history..(with the coordinates as I suggested earlier?) and then on the reverse... something commemorating the State of Washington also.. ?? How does that sound? Quote
+TotemLake Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 It is first and foremost, a Washington State geocoin. My remarks were based on the majority desire to commemorate the mountain on one side of it and the why of it. Unless I missed that something has changed, Washington State will be on the flip side. It would seem you're suggesting a foregone conclusion. Quote
+OccidentalErrant Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Oh,, I see. I was reading all about the mountain in several posts and nothing about Washington itself.. Just trying to stay on topic. Quote
+Square Bear Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 I thought of an idea, how about Washington State out line with WSGA in the middle. One other benefit of this idea could be (depending on if Seth wanted to do it) is that WSGA members could use the back die and reduce the cost of creating there own coins and possibly be tracked on the WSGA web site. Another idea for the numbering is increase it to five numbers and use the first digit for the year as in WA5001. Quote
+Allanon Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Another idea for the numbering is increase it to five numbers and use the first digit for the year as in WA5001. The numbering as shown would limit it to 999 coins (assuming 000 was not used). By 'five numbers' did you really mean WA50001? Quote
+globalgirl Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Perhaps I'm missing something here but... last year we had "2004" above the state outline, so... Why do we need to repeat such in the number below (i.e. the suggestion for WA5...)? I mean, can't we just always put the year above (i.e. this time, 2005) and then, start the numbers from 0001 each year? Quote
+Allanon Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Perhaps I'm missing something here but... last year we had "2004" above the state outline, so... Why do we need to repeat such in the number below (i.e. the suggestion for WA5...)? I mean, can't we just always put the year above (i.e. this time, 2005) and then, start the numbers from 0001 each year? The reason to put the 'year' into the serial number is to allow the 'low numbers' to repeat each year. Last years numbering (WA0001-WA1500) would never be able to be used and tracked again. The 'and tracked' is the important part. You can't track the same number more than once. Although, even the addition of a '5th' number in the serial number only works for 10 years. After that a '6th' number would be needed, and so on every ten years...unless another 'alpha' character were added/used. More clear? Quote
+globalgirl Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 More clear? Ah yes, as a bell. But... still seems that you don't need to have the 2005 or 05 or somesuch - actually stamped ON the coin right there in conjuction with the numbers. I mean, the tracking is something folks peck into the tracking site, and surely they can preface the number with the year that's emblazoned above the state outline, yes? I mean... wouldn't it be better to attack the alleged problem of low numbers each year - in the far more flexible digital arena, by simply having an input text box for the year, and another box for the number (as is done with WG$, etc.)? Quote
+Allanon Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 I mean... wouldn't it be better to attack the alleged problem of low numbers each year - in the far more flexible digital arena, by simply having an input text box for the year, and another box for the number (as is done with WG$, etc.)? That's thinking 'outside the box'...stop that! A lot depends on 'where' they will be tracked...which as far as I know, hasn't been decided yet. Quote
+Square Bear Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 It was late I forgot the fifth number. Quote
+Patudles Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 It is the last day of February! What's the conclusion of our coin? Sounds like it is a Mt. St. Helen's design. But is it color or engraved. I still wonder how it would look in the antiqued bronze/gold instead of the silver color? Would more detailing then show up? I still prefer the 1980 version but the majority seems to lean toward the later version. Is there anyway of making the plume look more natural. I think the picture version of the latest eruption is pretty but the version on the coin looks kinda unnatural. I'm sure when the artist starts the actual design work it will shape up better though. Are we ready to start that phase yet? Quote
Moun10Bike Posted February 28, 2005 Author Posted February 28, 2005 I agree! I think we are ready to move to the next phase - handing off to an artist to design. Based on the feedback here, it seems as though the concensus is color with the 2004/5 plume. Now, a big question: Navdog, are you interested in designing this year's coin? You have already done 90% of the design work here, but I just want to be sure! If not, the next step will be to take the ideas we have and send them off to the chosen coin company (another question!) to have their artist come up with the design. Let's try to get the design finalized and ready for submission by the end of March. Quote
+Stump Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 If NavDog isn't interested (hope he is!) there are other artistic geocachers that we might be able to persuade to help design it. Quote
+Navdog Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Yes, I would be happy to help. Are you having D&R make the coins again this year? It would be nice to talk to the coin company to see how they can render the steam plume and still color the background/sky. Doing the blue sky and steam plume will require a "ridge" or hard edge to the outline of the steam, so it may not look as realistic as having it blended into the background with no color. Moun10Bike, if you want to email me about the specifics, I can work up something more definitive. Quote
+LittleBlue Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Moun10Bike, if you want to email me about the specifics, I can work up something more definitive. Yes! Let's see some designs! Quote
+Seth! Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 Globalgirl's solution for the tracking numbers should work. Quote
+Allanon Posted March 4, 2005 Posted March 4, 2005 Moun10Bike, if you want to email me about the specifics, I can work up something more definitive. Yes! Let's see some designs! How are the designs coming? Quote
Moun10Bike Posted March 4, 2005 Author Posted March 4, 2005 I have a mail out to Navdog. I expect that we'll have some designs shortly. Quote
+slinger91 Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Navdog may have to update the design............. Quote
+Allanon Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Navdog may have to update the design............. Can you say BOOM!!! Quote
+NBJPoppa Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 (Theme from Jaws playing in the background...) I wonder what we should expect come May 18th.... Quote
thefabfive Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 Hey, once you guys decide on a design I want some, how do I order them? Please e-mail info to foster33@sbcglobal.net Quote
+Kealia Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 I was just going to check in here to see what the latest was as well- no activity in a while - 'sup?? Quote
+Allanon Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 I was just going to check in here to see what the latest was as well- no activity in a while - 'sup?? Well, supposedly we were going to talk about this at the WSGA meeting today (I'm sure it was on the schedule I saw), but it wasn't. Still waiting for designs from what I can tell. Quote
Moun10Bike Posted March 13, 2005 Author Posted March 13, 2005 (edited) I emailed Navdog but haven't received a response yet. I heard from Pepper that he has been dealing with some repetitive motion issues and as a result staying away from the keyboard. Are people comfortable waiting a little longer, or should we look elsewhere for a designer? EDIT: Fixing some of my fat-fingered typos. Edited March 13, 2005 by Moun10Bike Quote
+Shop99er Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 I emailed Navdog but haven't received a response yet. I heard from Pepper that he has been dealing with some repetitive motion issues and as a result staying away from the keyboard. Are people comfortabel waiting a little longer, or shoudl we look elsewhere for a designer? I can wait. Quote
Moun10Bike Posted March 13, 2005 Author Posted March 13, 2005 (edited) Our only time concern was having the coins ready to go for summer. I'm fine waiting, but from some of the posts I was thinking that people were getting antsy. EDIT: I can't type. Edited March 13, 2005 by Moun10Bike Quote
+Shop99er Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 I'm sure that there are a few that have nibbled their fingernails down to, oh say, their elbows already. If we could have them by September, I'd be happier. That's when we're taking our log vacation. But, if not, that's ok, too. As long as they show up. Quote
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