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Geocaching Smart Search Plugin For Firefox

Lt. Sniper

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Posted (edited)

Geocaching Smart Search for Firefox

Download and Support @ http://xca.auscstrike.com




It will do currently,

keyword searches

cache name

Cache ID (GC####)

Zip code

Aussie Post codes

Aussie cache ID (GA####)


with a few more to go (work in progress :angry:)


Please spread the word around about it :lol:





aka Lt. Sniper

Edited by Lt. Sniper

Lt. Sniper,

Wow, very cool plugin.

I know little or nothing about coding, but would it be possible, with a keyword or something, to get to the forums main page. Or search the forums?

As is I think I am going to love this Firefox plugin.

THanks much,



A postcode is made up of a combination of letters and numbers in one of the following ways:


A1 2BC

D34 5EF



DY18 2UB


The same code is usually used for a small group of addresses so is not unique to every address but helps to pin-point exactly where the item of mail needs to go to.


Each part of the postcode provides step-by-step information about where the item of mail is heading. From left to right the postcode narrows down its destination.





The first one or two letters is the postcode area and it identifies the main Royal Mail sorting office which will process the mail. In this case EC would go to the Mount Pleasant sorting office in London.



The second part is usually just one or two numbers but for some parts of London it can be a number and a letter. This is the postcode district and tells the sorting office which delivery office the mail should go to.


* There is a gap here *



This third part is the sector and is usually just one number. This tells the delivery office which local area or neighbourhood the mail should go to.



The final part of the postcode is the unit code which is always two letters. This identifies a group of up to 80 addresses and tells the delivery office which postal route (or walk) will deliver the item.



From the UK Post Office - Hope this helps. If you need any more help let me know.



Posted (edited)
Does it automatically eliminate the caches that i've already found ?

Did you do a postcode or zip search? It removes all caches you have found if you do a postcode search, I dont know if this happens with zip.


Thanks one4zorro for the info, Jeff might be able to put it in (fingers crossed) :angry:

(note to Jeff, It might have to be a usage command like "+pc EC1V 9HQ" which would force a postcode query)

Edited by Lt. Sniper

Some people on other forums are asking why if they click install that it doesnt show up, you have to click on the current icon (usually Google) and a small pop-up menu will appear, then you can select the Geocaching Smart Search option.







aka Lt. Sniper


Its based on Jeff Boulter's original search site, http://boulter.com/gqs/ which the plugin currently uses to make the smart searches.


Since I released the plugin for Firefox, Jeff has added some new functionality to his search engine and hopefully there should be some more new features released soon that you can easily access through Firefox.

Hmm, now how do we get this Fox to check for updates?

Firefox it self checks for updates everyday I think. I know it does it in the background and a green icon will tell you when there is an update.


The plugin checks for updates every day as well because at the moment its still under development and that way changes will be picked up quickly.

Posted (edited)
Excellent tool.  Could we please have UK post code support.  THANKS!



Jeff has now added support for:


UK Postcodes

Caches Found by Username - "found: username"

Caches Hidden by Username - "hidden: username"

Cacher Profile by Username - "profile: username"

Cacher Profile by ID Number - "profile: ###"

Quick Access to Groundspeak Geocaching Forum - "forums:"


Useage work like this




More information can be found here: http://xca.auscstrike.com



Edited by Lt. Sniper

:P Love this plugin!

This post needs to be stickied or something so it won't get lost in the forum shuffle. I wish this plugin would make it to the welcome page of Geocaching.com as well, or something like that...This little bugger is important enough! :laughing:

Posted (edited)

This is one thing that the "but I wanna use Internet Explorer because that's all I EVER used!" folks gotta understand...


...Microsoft will NEVER let users ultra-customize the browser the way Firefox engineers do! :anibad:


Also... to those who say "well gee, as soon as Firefox gets REALLY popular, hackers will find just as many holes as I.E.!"


The fact is that I.E. is like a building built with thin, wood walls and pathetic door locks - and having that insecure design being the most popular architect design in existence.


On the other hand, Firefox is like a new steel-and-brick-wall design with strong locks.


Still some folks think Firefox is more secure only because it's less popular - and that must be the only reason why it's currently secure.

So when Firebox gets very popular, hackers will find it just as easy to break into, right? :surprise:


Someday... someday they will learn. :P

Edited by Sparrowhawk

Nice plugin. Also wanted to give a high five to Boulter for having the ultra cool geocaching quick search page. It saves me many, many clicks a day (not to mention page load times) while logging my finds on my sidekick phone.



On the other hand, Firefox is like a new steel-and-brick-wall design with strong locks.



But it has (or had) at least one security flaw which resulted in an alert. Check US-cert for details.


Not perfect but still very good.




Posted (edited)
On the other hand, Firefox is like a new steel-and-brick-wall design with strong locks.

But it has (or had) at least one security flaw which resulted in an alert.

And typical of the mozilla/Firefox team, they fixed it very quickly. :(


Ya just can't expect that kinda fast response from Microsoft. ;)

Edited by Sparrowhawk
Nice plugin. Also wanted to give a high five to Boulter for having the ultra cool geocaching quick search page. It saves me many, many clicks a day (not to mention page load times) while logging my finds on my sidekick phone.



Ditto here. Just stumbled upon this thread, and awesome FF plug-in (you mean there are people out there still using IE? ;) ) - and have been using Boulter's EXCELLENT tools (Quick Search, Express Logger, etc) for some time now. Things just keep getting better and better -- but maybe that's just the Vicodin and muscle relaxers talking... B)


Thanks again for the excellent addition to THE browser!


Posted (edited)

Thanks to Jeff Boulter we now have the following features for Geocaching.com users.


GC#### cache IDs

Cache Name

Cache GUID

Keyword Search

TB#### Travel Bug IDs

###### Travel Bug Tracking Number

AU Postcodes

UK Postcodes

US Zip codes

Caches Found by Username

Caches Hidden by Username

Cacher Profile by Username

Cacher Profile by ID Number

Newest caches in State/Provence

Quick Access to Groundspeak Geocaching Forum


If you havnt already downloaded the plugin then get it now ;)


Edited by Lt. Sniper


Getting Dangerously close to being archived!

Last post on page 10! AHHHH!

Can't let this little gem get archived...I'll never find it again.

Can we please get the moderator of this board to sticky this thread?

I use multiple machines and always need this link, plus others might find it extremely useful! :P

Happy hunting!


I downloaded this several weeks ago and just noticed this weekend that it had disappeard from the search box. Two days before noticing it gone, I ran my spyware removal software and deleted 64 items detected as being spyware without thourghly reading the descriptions. I wonder if there is some kind of tracking cookie in this application - I am just guessing here. Since all of the threat levels of what I deleted were "low", I downloaded the plugin again. BTW, I am using Ad-aware for spyware detection. Anybody else care to run a spyware program and see if this plugin gets "hit"? :rolleyes:


I try to bump this thread when ever I can :-)


tholt4, it doesnt even use cookies or any spyware garbage like that. You can look at the source file in the Firefox/searchplugin/ directory if you think there is a problem.


The only thing I can think of is most of the times when Firefox starts up it checks for updates to the plugins and since checking for the version takes a bit of time to connect to my server, the default 'Google' one replaces it as the active search. Just click on the G for the 'Google' search and the list should appear, reselect the 'Geocaching Quick Search' one.




Lt. Sniper - I ran the spyware program again and found 8 new tracking cookies - none related to this plug-in. I recently upgraded Firefox to the latest version and may have lost it there. Anyway, I've got it back and thanks for posting the link. Regards! :laughing:

Thanks to Jeff Boulter we now have the following features for Geocaching.com users.


GC#### cache IDs

Cache Name

Cache GUID

Keyword Search

TB#### Travel Bug IDs

###### Travel Bug Tracking Number

AU Postcodes

UK Postcodes

US Zip codes

Caches Found by Username

Caches Hidden by Username

Cacher Profile by Username

Cacher Profile by ID Number

Newest caches in State/Provence

Quick Access to Groundspeak Geocaching Forum


If you havnt already downloaded the plugin then get it now :o


This is great! Thanks.


Any chance of Canadian postal codes in the future?



Posted (edited)

This is sweet! Ditto to the poster who commented on the stealth/turbo install. I almost clicked it again because I never saw it happen! Once I remembered to LOOK, there it was. Just had to try it out... awesome job!


As for IE... What IE? I have 4 browsers installed on my laptop. Unfortunately some things just don't seem to work right with Firefox. (Seems to be something it doesn't like about viewing photos in some people's cache logs??) When I run into an issue with the Fox I bring out Maxthon. Yeah, I know, it's an IE based browser, but at least it has tabs and it doesn't automatically throw me to Microsoft sites everytime I load it up. IE and Netscape are hiding around here somewhere but I hardly use them anymore. I avoid IE whenever possible. It's bad enough I have WinXP, OfficeXP, Outlook, etc. etc. etc.


Hey.. by the way.. how's that Thunderbird email work?? I'd love to get rid of the Outlook monster and the constant fear of it bringing home a virus. But the main reason I still use Outlook is because AVG works with it to automatically scan every incoming/outgoing message for viruses. I don't know if AVG would recognize Thunderbird.

Edited by ZebraSE

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