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Geocacher Usability Evaluation


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The Geocaching roundtable has actually evolved into a more individualized usability test. We'll be qualifying 8 people to come in on Thursday, February 17 and Friday the 18th to help us out. As it turns out it does require that you own a PDA.


If you haven't been to a usability evaluation, people are invited to go to a location to use a "product". The feedback obtained from users during these sessions is used to determine which parts of the product work well and which need improvement. This particular study will be conducted at a downtown Seattle location. Parking will be reimbursed up to $10. It is estimated the session will last up to 1½ hours. We videotape the sessions so that we can conduct a detailed analysis of how the product performs. People often find participating in a study easy, interesting, and even fun.


We'll have a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign before you start the session, so if you feel uncomfortable with this, please do not apply.


Here are the general times. It helps to come in during the day but we can also work with you on some intervals in the evening. Let us know when you can make it.



12 noon








12 noon




If you're interested, we would love your assistance in making this "product" better.


Still here? <_< Ok, please send an email to contact@geocaching.com with the subject "Geocacher Usability Evaluation" and provide answers to the following questions:


1. What is your gender?

• Male

• Female


2. What is your age?

• Under 21

• 22-25

• 26-30

• 31-40

• 41-50

• 51 or Older


3. How many PDA's do you own?

• One

• Two

• Three or More

• None


4. How often do you use it?

• Everyday

• Almost Everyday

• A few times a week

• About once a week

• Less than weekly

• Not Sure


5. Do you own a handheld game system or console game system?

• Yes

• No


6. If you own handheld/console game system or systems, what are they?


7. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where high numbers mean you tend to agree and low numbers mean you tend to disagree, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

• I am one of the first of my friends with the latest technology: _______

• I am excited about computers: ________

• I enjoy traditional caches ________

• I enjoy virtual caches ________

• I enjoy puzzle caches ________

• I enjoy multi caches ________


8. What is your job title?


9. Where do you work?


10. Do you go geocaching (choose all that apply):

• alone

• with friends

• with family


Thanks again for your help! This will be a fun project.

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  The Geocaching roundtable has actually evolved into a more individualized usability test. We'll be qualifying 8 people to come in on Thursday, February 17 and Friday the 18th to help us out. As it turns out it does require that you own a PDA.


Ooops... I guess I was being presumptuous when I said I had intents to be there at 10:30 on Friday... Sorry about that.


I'll await the qualification notification although I'll be upfront that Friday works best for me if I do qualify.

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Thanks everyone who sent a response. We received more than 8 so we'll be qualifying applicants to try and get a range of different folks for the usability evaluation. You should be notified tomorrow (well, you better!). I'll let you guys know when all the notifications go out.


Thanks again! This is a huge help.

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