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Uk Cacher Of The Month Table


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UK Cacher of the Month Table


There are only a few rules:-


1) You must be a UK based cacher.

2) All caches count home and abroad including locationless (reverse) caches.

3) Travel bugs( Geocoins) will be counted on the day you picked them up. All bugs need to be moved to be counted

(apart from things that don't need to be moved i.e log books/cars/personal TB's)

4) Travel bugs released applies to newly activated by you and released that month.

5) Trigpoints only count the first time you log them and must have been visited that month.

6) Points will be awarded as the table below. All entries to be in by the 15th of the following month.

7) All you need to enter is 10pts.


Don't forget this is just for fun so please enter regardless of your score.


From January 2005 I will also produce a Table WITHOUT trigpoints.


Cache found 10

Cache hidden 30


Travel Bug Moved 10

Travel Bug activated (new) 20


Trigpoint logged 10


More information can be found on the COTM Page

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50 so far for January <_< (7 New) Just sent out 45 reminder emails




Longfram Kev/PurplePenguin/Pharisee/Alibags/firth of forth/

Messe and co/Darrach/jochta/markandlynn/Davy boy/Belplasca/'68 Guns/rutson/Lizzardman/Paul G0TLG/Motherduck/izzardno1/steviep/

Boneychest & Catsuey/Bekandian/Jadaz/Cave Troll & Joan/Pengy & Tigger/Plymplodders/mongose39uk/The White Family/pyoung1s/jstead/hokesters/Happy Humphrey/browni/Subarite/Kitty Hawk/catherine's team/aRRKS/Simply paul/G Force/Dysdera/KPH100/Al & Tracy Smith/Villaman/Domheknows/Wild Trekker/The Haywood Hornet/Froginabogs/milvus-milvus/Mattwaggie/John + Carol/inukshuk

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3) Travel bugs (Geocoins) will be counted on the day you picked them up. All bugs need to be moved to be counted

(apart from things that don't need to be moved i.e log books/cars/personal TB's)


Travel Bug Moved 10

Travel Bug activated (new) 20

Um, Deego...sorry to be a bit thick here...


Having just picked up a Geocoin for the first time in Jan, I'm a bit unclear about rule 3...

Can you advise how scoring for a Geocoin works please as the "Travel bugs (Geocoins) will be counted on the day you picked them up" bit seems to suggest that you score points for picking them up, rather than moving them on, like usual TB's (or have I got the wrong end of the stick?) :laughing:


As there's only a category for "Travel Bug Moved", what does "counted on the day you picked them up" mean?




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I think I understand the question.


Geocoins are treated the same as TBs. That's UK ones when they're released, USA ones, Jeeps... anything that's logged on the Geocaching.com site (plus UK ones when they're available. I believe Brian/Deego has accepted Canadian coins in the past too, although these are logged on their own site too.)


TBs must be either 'unmovable' - like real people, animals, vehicles, and other 'special' types - or else actually picked up to count. Traditional bugs just seen at a cache meet on a table, or spotted in a cache but not picked up don't count. It's all about their mission. Being logged by people he meets is Deego TBs mission. Being moved from cache to cache is most TBs mission. Being signed by event attendees is the mission of the event-logbook TB. Simple enough.


To count in January, the bug must have been picked up (or a non-trad bug just logged) in January. If it's not put in a cache until February, it still counts as a January 'find'.


I *think* I got that right!



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:lostsignal: Just seen the new point scoring.....have sent new email with right figure...wont help though..bottoms all mine,all mine :rolleyes: .......as with regards TB...i think it is a bit unfair if you see a TB in a cache,take its number then log it as in your possesion but return to same cache.T in TB stands for Travel,and travel it should to count in the comp........i could go to loads of Hotels and log all the bugs and end up with 100000000 points but i would not of helped the TBs and i would feel i had cheated myself.But each to there own.
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I can't find the closed page anywhere now, maybe at jsut turned 24 i'm getting old :D


Anyway email with details of caches found etc sent :D

Don't worry Ashaaria, I saw it too yesterday.

It was on the COTM webpage - I think it was a link and said something like "January 2005 COTM, click here to enter". When you clicked it, it said that the competition was now closed.


I thought it was odd as I didn't realise you could enter via a web page - Having always e-mailed my entry in.

Can't find it now either :D

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am i allowed to enter this just for fun i know we have noc chance of winning or am i too new a noob?


i think we have about 25 finds this month

Anyone who has found a acache (just one) in that month can enter.


It is, just like the game a bit of fun.


Something that seems to get forgotten every now and again (I include myself in that) :huh:

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:( Well it seems I am consistent over the last few months barring December which was a bit of a damp squib!!

A nice mid range 58 along with another bunch.

But what is this I see - Slytherin is at the same level as me !!

is the GPS unit poorly or has he run out of uk caches to find or on a break for winter????

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Brilliant Job Brian


But will Ullium be happy?


7th my best ever

Well done mongoose39uk :huh:

(I think I also made joint 7th once ... and was just as pleased as yourself!!)


Mark you I would have been a lot happier if my original comments had been taken in the vein they were meant :o


And even more happier if Deego had implemented the separate tables from the beginning as it would have saved a lot of ill feeling and emotional comments....and made the likes of your comment totally meaningless!!



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Good month this month though.


Ditto, but then again we've been to Austin again this month. I've loads more caches to log when I can find my notebook. Seems to have been mislaid in transit somewhere. Five trips to the States in the last 13 months and I've only arrived home with a full set of luggage once. They can get a man on the moon but they can't get a suitcase from Chicago to Manchester. :huh:


But I have got a carrier bag full of travel bugs here and haven't had chance to do anything with them.


Anyone fancy an inpromptu gathering for travel bug swaps at the weekened? Unless someone wants to call round here before midnight and collect them!! Lottsa bonus points :o:o:o:o

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Brilliant Job Brian


But will Ullium be happy?


7th my best ever

Well done mongoose39uk :huh:

(I think I also made joint 7th once ... and was just as pleased as yourself!!)


Mark you I would have been a lot happier if my original comments had been taken in the vein they were meant :o


And even more happier if Deego had implemented the separate tables from the beginning as it would have saved a lot of ill feeling and emotional comments....and made the likes of your comment totally meaningless!!



Not a comment, a question, though I must admit a tad tongue in cheek. Mostly because it's only a bit of fun. :D:D:D

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I don't believe you've just criticized my TB etiquette in another current topic Alex!

But you don't know how long I've had them. Maybe I had a mega-caching day yesterday and picked up loads of bugs. :D


I ilke to think I'm pretty responsible when it comes to where I leave bugs. I could quite easily find a local ammo box cache and tip the whole lot in there, but I like to make sure if I leave a bug, especially one from overseas that it goes into a cache that is

a) secure and

B) likely to be visted by another cacher within a reasonable time.


Unfortunatley having returned from the states quite ill I haven't had the chance to find somewhere that fits those criteria. The owners of all the bugs that I have here have been informed of the situation and are quite happy to wait a few more days for their bugs to be left in safe caches or distributed to other cachers in my area.



Edited by SlytherinAlex
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I don't believe you've just criticized my TB etiquette in another current topic Alex!

Maybe Alex like myself didn't pick up on the fact that when you implied that you didn't mind anyone grabbing your TB's ... he didn't realise you meant 'Tender Bits' !!



You're quite welcome anyday Angela! :o


:o Oh, is that you Bill? :D Well, you can keep your hands to yourself thank you! :huh:

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