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Vote For Your Pick For The 2005 Washington Geocoin


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Okay, we appear to have settled on some choices for the design of the 2005 Washington State Geocoin in this thread. Now, let's put the ideas to a vote.


Please select from one of the following choices and post a message to that effect here. Anyone is welcome to vote, but in the case of a tie or close race, we will consider the votes of Washingtonians and especially WSGA members first. Feel free to elaborate on your choice (for example, stating whether you want to combine one or more designs, use Mt. St. Helens' 1980 eruption or 2004 eruption, etc.), but please refrain from submitting new ideas for the design here. Leave those ideas for the original 2005 geocoin thread. If a new idea is proposed that people thinks should be added, I will update this message with the new selection and people will have the freedom to change their vote. Sound reasonable?


Okay, the selections:


1) Mt. St. Helens

2) Columbia River

3) Washington Coast

4) Space Needle/Seattle Skyline

5) Grand Coulee Dam


I'll give the voting 2 weeks and then will tally the votes here. Thanks!


A vote from Oregon


I vote 1) St. Helens Sure it's another mountain, but its a good one. I remember ash all the way down here when it erupted. I'd like to see a mock up of 1980 and 2004 to see which will be best.

Posted (edited)

I'll go with St Helens 1980 with an anniversary tie-in, too, just make it a color picture, the one that's just indented in the surface looks too much like a big tree growing out of the hole to me. :D


But of course, I'll buy whatever is minted! ;)

Edited by Spencersb

Well o.k. then it's unanimous (leastwise in the first 2 minutes of voiting) ;)


Ditto - Mdm. St. Helens it is!


For the (wise, learned and uncannily logical) reasons cited earlier:


1. It's become an icon symbolizing WA state to all the world.

2. It's the 25th anniversary of the eruption (and thus - depicting it in another year would be far less timely. Indeed, choosing it for 2005 would make it an even greater collector's item)

3. Recent volcanic activity - noted by folks all over the world - only adds to the timeliness.

4. Arguably wet/dry side neutral


I also agree w/ M10B that the 1980 eruption is far more impressive than the more recent pathetic dribble...


And I also favor a bit of color, not purely embossed metal. Ideally just a band of green around the edge to compliment the "The Evergreen State" therein - just seems like that singular touch of color will make it "sing" and provide a good contrast to accent the embossed center.


Oh and... seein' how you kindly asked for "elaboration" - im<decidedly far from>ho - puleeeeeese don't prostitute our proud WA state geocoin by slathering it with the ubiquitious quad-color (torquoise/yellow/green/peach) banner of gc.com. Surely nothing personal, and fine for avatars (incl. my own!) here in the Groundspeak forums, but... I dare say this is OUR coin after all, not a hatchling from a corporate business.


(Voting from California, but born in Spokane)


Mt St Helens from 1980 with a commemorative 25 year note.



I remember being young and living here in CA, but my grandfather sent us a package of ash once he dug his house out from underneath it.


I also vote for St. Helens.


But we definately need to keep some of those idea's warm for future years.


P.S. Moun10Bike didn't say anything about sock puppet votes but we probably don't want another "flawed" election now do we.... ;)

Posted (edited)

Mt. St. Helens ;) 1980 version embossed style. :D Don't worry we've got lots of years left to quibble over the other designs.

We could even add a stalk of wheat to the future designs beings Washington is #2 producer of wheat in the world.


edit: spelling

Edited by Patudles
Maybe we can have something from the “other Washington” next year.

Like the White House or Smithsonian? :D


Seems redundant now but I vote for Mt. St. Helens.


The Evergreen State doesn't seem right for a symbol of something that destroyed so many trees so suggest we change that. ;)


Don't have a preference for whether it's '80 or '04 eruptions, whatever looks nicest on a coin.

Like the White House or Smithsonian?


Whoops, I guess I misspoke on that one. On the other hand maybe that’s not to far out. The “other Washington” paid the cleanup bill. ;)


Mt. St. Helens gets my vote.


Which design will depend on the final two choices. To help that along, I did a very poor 'relief' version of the 1980 eruption and pasted it onto an existing Navdog design and posted it here for those interested.


My preference would be 1) Columbia River, 2) Grand Coulee Dam


If it is to be Mt. St. Helens, as it appears to be the choice, then I would prefer a 1980 view. I don't think Allanon's version does it justice though. I thnk something from the sequence shot from Mt. Adams would be more familiar to most people.


My Aunt Helen. She would look great on a coin.


What? Oh.




I think a billowing volcano would be good, too.


- !

I don't think Allanon's version does it justice though.


Believe me, neither does Allanon... :D


I was hoping to shame Navdog into doing up one through my pitiful effort. ;)


Seems Mt. St. Helen is getting the votes my question is.... Would it be better in the silver color or a bronze or gold antique? Which would bring out the design best?


Mrs. Shop99er here...do I count?


The 1980 version of Mt. St. Helens in gray with the 4 color border is VERY nice.


Can we pre-order now!! *smirk*


I'm not voting, since I'm not a Washingtonian, although I do live a mile from the border and can see St. Helen's from my patio. ;)


I'd strongly consider using the 2004 photo of the mountain for several reasons:

  • If you look at the 2004 coin, part of the uniqueness to it is the 3D effect created by the hiker in the foreground and the raised coin material in the back. Having just an image of raised coin material of the 1980 eruption is going to look pretty blah. There really needs to be something else in the image.
  • The hiker adds a purpose to the coin that geocachers can identify with. And it also give that necessary depth of field. It also makes a statement about the use of a GPS today in and around the mountain.
  • Does the other side of the coin really do enough to identify the coin as a geocoin? It really is just a tribute to gc.com
  • Putting the 25th Anniversary text in the image helps balance the design. Washington is still the Evergreen State, and if you were to hike thorough the blast zone today, you would see how Mother Nature is quickly "greening up" the place.

Just some things to consider.


Well I'm feeling like a Texan (long term WA tourist) at this point because I really liked the the space needle coin, fun and colorful.


If you can't beat um, join um.


Mt St. Helens, either blast 80/04 with a very deep releif, color around the rim with mention of 25 yr anniversary.


I'll buy what ever.




I shoveled enough of Mount St Helens out of my yard and off my roof - I've no fond memories of that event. My vote is for Columbia River or Washington Coast.


1)My vote is for Mt. St. Helens.


No real preference for which time period- I think color helps our coins stand out, tho. I still like The Evergreen State motto- and something about it being the 25th Anniversary.


I like the Space Needle one. My mom taught me, if all your friends jump off the cliff do you? Naw, seems like all like the MSH one, I like them all, but I'll buy either way.




I'm liking the Columbia River one.


Born in the Tri Cities (Richland), graduated high school (RHS 71), US Army from Washington, served at Ft Lewis for two of my six years, graduated from Spokane Community College 1981. Pretty much a Washingtonian but lived across the river in Oregon since 1981.


But second choice would be Saint Helens 1981. I was on the receiving end of the ash in Spokane while in college there.

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