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Add Logging Reminder About Taking Tb's


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Was doing a presentation on Geocaching tonight to a group of Boy Scout leaders, and wanted to drag along some TB's. So a local cache showed having a TB, drove out, walked the path, found the very unique container, opened it up

- GRRRRR - no TB !!


Not sure if someone got here before me, or I've noticed more folks are just logging their cache find, and saying they are taking a TB.... and then NOT logging the TB itself, so it still appears to be located at the cache....


I'd like to see a reminder on the cache logging page,

just like the "dropping off TB" at the bottom -

something listing the TB's currently at the cache site,

or if too many - at least a YES/NO question

that would link to the TB logging area.

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Yeah, it can be pretty frustrating when this happens.


If you are expecting a TB and don't find it, its a good idea to check the (paper) log to see if somebody has indicated that they took the bug. This way, you can make a note of who signed the log, and send them a (polite) email reminding them to log the TB as having been picked up. I've done this before, and generally people have just forgotten to do the logging, and they appreciate the reminder.


But sometimes the bugs just walk. Not everyone knows what a TB is, and since many of them look different than the average swag in the cache, people who don't know any better will just swap for them and keep them as pets. So the problem isn't always caused by people forgetting to log the pick up - sometimes they just don't KNOW they should log it. They are working on a new tag to help make TBs more understandable for the new cachers.


I'd like to see a reminder on the cache logging page,


I've thought about this, too. I suspect the reason the cache logging page doesn't allow you to 'pick up' a TB on the same page as you log your find and drop TBs is the complication of the web page form submittal having to deal effectively with a two step process for pick-ups (i.e. you have to submit the TBs tag number, and it has to be the right one for the pick up to go through).


Maybe somebody can shed some light on why this isn't/can't be done.

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I've been wanting to add a suggestion for simplifying the logging of TB's, and am glad to see it is already being discussed here. I know of cases where people have been moving TB's and indicating so in the paper logs, but not online. I suspect not logging online in many cases is out of ignorance, not negligence. Being new to geocaching (less than 3 months) I can attest that it wasn't very intuitive figuring out how to log a TB for the first time. If I hadn't already heard about TB's and been curious to know how they work, it would have been easy to not log it properly. Here's my vote that implementation of what is being discussed in this topic is a great idea!

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Here here! I would like something there too... many times I was looking for a tb and nothing... I feel guilty not logging a cache visit within a few hours! And I really dont like to postpone a TB retrieval because I dont want people to feel like I did when there was no TB in a cache that stated there was one.



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I have heard some great suggestions in the past and in this topic. I think we'll go two ways:


1: When the person is logging the listing, check to see if it has a travel bug in the cache. If it does (and after the log) it will say "did you find one of these travel bugs?" and allow them to enter the code for one of them which will take them directly to the travel bug log page.


2: The Hemlock idea to add an additional quick link for travel bugs.

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1: When the person is logging the listing, check to see if it has a travel bug in the cache. If it does (and after the log) it will say "did you find one of these travel bugs?" and allow them to enter the code for one of them which will take them directly to the travel bug log page.

This would be great! It would work for the most common case of picking up a single bug from the cache. In the occasional situation where you are picking up more than one bug you'd have to go back to the cache page to log each bug beyond the first, but thats ok - its what we have to do today for every bug.

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