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Cache In Cemetery?


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Technically if its a private cemetery you should get permission. Done tastefully, caches in cemeteries are fine in most people's eyes. Many people feel that you should stay away from active cemeteries where you may encounter mourners, but historic graveyards are fine. Others feel that active cemeteries are fine as long as you aren't sticking a film canister to the back of someone's headstone.


A cache in a wooded area away from graves seems to be the most common method of hiding caches in cemeteries. I've also seen people use the numbers on a headstone (usually of a prominent person) to provide an offset to the cache.

Edited by briansnat
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If the cache is actually in the cemetery, as opposed to just outside the graveyard, the cache reviewers will ask that permission be obtained. This is especially true if people are still being intered there or relatives are still visiting loved ones. It's less of a concern in ancient and/or abandoned cemeteries. If in doubt ask the church pastor, groundskeeper, or whoever else might be responsible.


I've found caches in cemeteries that were tastefully done and were a great hunt. I have also found a cache in a crypt that was broken open. That was bad. Possible publicity from a hide like that would be very bad for our sport.


erik - geocaching.com cache reviewer.

Edited by erik88l-r
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If the cache is actually in the cemetery, as opposed to just outside the graveyard, the cache reviewers will ask that permission be obtained. This is especially true if people are still being intered there or relatives are still visiting loved ones. It's less of a concern in ancient and/or abandoned cemeteries. If in doubt ask the church pastor, groundskeeper, or whoever else might be responsible.


I've found caches in cemeteries that were tastefully done and were a great hunt. I have also found a cache in a crypt that was broken open. That was bad. Possible publicity from a hide like that would be very bad for our sport.


erik - geocaching.com cache reviewer.

Erik, the cache I mentioned is located _outside_ the cemetery (just like Version 1 was).



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I got my first GPS mainly to mark grave locations in neglected cemeteries for genealogy. Many of the ones I've found were overgrown, and in some danger of being lost. If done in accordance with guidelines and acceptable practice, placing a cache nearby might bring attention to some of these neglected sites.



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there have been a lot of caches popping up in cemeteries in my area lately. the problem that i have with some of them (mainly cache locations that are near graves) is that you have to walk around these gravestones. of course, i'm a little bit creeped out by cemeteries anyway.


my take: if i'm dead, i could care less who walks around on my grave, but other people may not feel the same way about loved ones' graves. if someone's gps accuracy is off, will they be walking around on people's graves because there are several trees around? i've abandoned a couple cache searches because i wasn't comfortable searching for nanos where they seemed to be located.

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I've seen many in cemetaries and only one (which was very unique) has ever been on/in a stone.  The others have all been under a rock, in a tree, etc.. 


Beowulf, do you have a cache at every one of those yet?

Nope, not a one. Just agreeing that it's OK given proper attention to decorum.


I did try a virtual at a remote cemetery in the middle of a cornfield in the middle of nowhere, but the link to the USGS Nameserver in my hint gave away the answer. I archived it before it was ever found. I might go back and place a micro if I could ever find the owners and get permission.


Forgotten Family Virtual


Edited to include the following...


Duh - it's obviously been awhile since I posted/archived that cache. Mapblast is no longer used, and that was the problem. Also, the link to the name server in that clue is no longer valid.


Of course, I doubt this one would get approved again given the new guidelines on virts.

Edited by Beowulf83
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You can almost write the history of the USA from reading the stones on graves in Charleston (SC).


These are great sites for caches, done tastefully with a measure of respect for the living (relatives or not). Most have been virts or used as clues to final stage - BUT all are super! Grave yards are cool!

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When I first came upon the idea of a cemetary cache I thought "not there, it's not a playground" but then after reflecting on that thought, I camr to the conclusion, why not put a playground in a cemetary? For the spirits of those burried there, wouldn't it be nice to look down and see life going on?


When my mom came to town for a visit, one thing she wanted to do was visit her mothers grave, and that of a woman she used to care for. They're both in the same cemetary, and at the second spot we spent about 1/2 hour tending to the stone as it was more than 3/4 covered in sod.


After the visiting was done, we took her to the border of the cemetary and in the wooded area there is a nice cache that was her first day ever geocaching. It added to the day, and helped make if more memorable for all of us.


This was the cache

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One of the first caches we did was in historic Charles county, Maryland. The cemetary was at one of the oldest Catholic churches in the US. It is still in use today. We bumped into the groundskeeper who was happy to share information about the cemetary with us. We found several Civil War vets and some of the first priests plots. As people that really get into history, we were having a blast just checking out the cemetary. The cache was just an added bonus! What should have been a quick in and out ended up being an hour or more having fun.



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IMO, I think cemetery caches are quite interesting and I have been able to see several old and historic cemeteries in my area that I would not have seen otherwise. I placed a cache last year in an old episcopal church cemetary ( A Historic Church ) that dates back to the late 1700's and I didnt know before placing the cache that the church was used during both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars as a field hospital for troops. Another interesting cache comes to mind as well... one was part of a multi that led you to an unusual headstone... a marble elephant! If I only knew the story behind that one :lostsignal:

Edited by medic208
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I have done a number of caches in cemeteries and have liked almost all of them. In fact I placed a cache in the local one near me that commerates the crashing of a B-25 Bomber in the area during WWII (B-25 Bomber, GCHXKA). Put reprints of the 1944 local paper's account of the incident.


Cemeteries are dying to get visitors (okay bad pun). The local cemetery I have mine in has had a sign up asking for donations for the last three years. I am hoping that through the increased traffic of my cache they may get a little more.


As long as you are knocking things over or hiding things directly on graves I don't think anyone would have a problem. I would personally be honored if someone hid a cache on my grave! :lostsignal:

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On our local news last night they had an fascinating story about a man whose parachute opened before he got all the way out of the airplane. He dangled from the plane for a long time before being rescued by a men in a biplane who flew up to him.


Can you imagine? :lostsignal:


He lived for many years after that before passing away. His tombstone has a graphic of a parachute on it.


That would be an interesting marker to send people to so they could learn about that story . . .

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One of my earliest finds was in a little country cemetery. The best part was that the container was in a bush right next to my grandmother's grave. She died the year before I was born, but my Mother has told me so many things about her over my lifetime and I am certain she would find this game a real hoot. She was all for the things that made her kids happy.


In addition, my first cache is in a cemetery. It is out of the way, and has been overlooked by many, many people who live in this area because businesses have been built up around it. They all say they are grateful for the cache because they would never know about this little spot of peace in the middle of so much commercialism. I picked the spot because it is next to the grave of one of my great-great grandfathers whose wife has gone missing for many years, I am still looking for her and thus the cache is named for her. I have had nothing but positive responses about this cache, and it is hit a lot. Seems to have become a convenient spot for people passing through on the interstate and thus it has become a popular dropping off spot for TB's. I have been so pleased with the response.


Hope this helps from one who has a personal interest in some cemeteries. Yo Yo MaXX :lostsignal:

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