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Third Anniversary Chat!


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The weekly official geocaching chat has been a regular Monday evening occurrence for three years. Started three years ago today (January 21, 2002), the chat officially begins at 8:30pm Central every Monday night. This Monday, the 24th, we'll be celebrating three great years of chat (with very few bans, too -- most geocaching chatters are at least polite).


Whether you're an old hand chatter who hasn't dropped by in a while or a neocacher who has never been to the chat before, drop by this Monday to join us in our little celebration. You don't get to log a find, but it's definitely an experience.


Geocaching Chat web interface

Or use any IRC client to join #Geocache on irc.slashnet.org

(The official chats are Mondays from 8:30pm Central and are official for at least an hour and a half, but you can connect and chat anytime. Usually *someone* is awake.)



Lead Catherd

Geocaching Chat

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I discovered Clayjar's chat when I was but a neophyte geocacher and it made all the difference in my caching attitude and experience.


I found a world-wide community of great folks; friendly, helpful, forgiving and accepting!


Discovering the "type" of people drawn to geocaching that I found in geochat led me to help build our state association, the Alabama Geocaching Association (AGA).


450+ strong now we have an interesting, interactive and thouroughly pleasant group that I believe well-represents the game and has a ball playing it.


I encourage any geocacher to make geochat a regular stop in their social circle!


Thanx Clayjar! Great work!


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The official chat started the same week I got into Geocaching....which is why the chatroom has that "Funky ol' CYBret-ty smell."



So *THAT'S* what that is! :(


Hard to believe it has been three years. I think the most we have had was about 60 or so. It would be nice to go into triple figures!


Thanks ClayJar for providing this service. It has been fun.

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Just a reminder that the official monday chat isn't the only time to chat. There are people there practically 24/7 chatting. There is only so much to say about geocaching, so it's often more like a real-time version of the off-topic forums. Jeeping Family and I just spent the last 30 minutes or so talking about jeeps and off-roading. Still , if someone has a serious caching question, the people there are usually will to stop the chit-chat and try and answer it. Lot's of people use a dedicated program and just stay in there all the time, and will pop in and out as they pass the PC or take a break from work. Stop in and say hi!

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Hey!!!! Three years. WooHoo! I've never logged out. Not unless the power went out, LOL!

I'll be there.


(oops, edit: I'll be there in spirit, we've got our full moon dinner tomorrow night. It's nothing weird, just to gather once a month and make something good, this night will be cassoulet. I'll try to get home early)

Edited by Planet
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Do you have a chord chart or a guitar tab for that (sheet music would work, but it'd be a pain to adapt for my instrument).


In other words, if anybody's still needing to be told, the third anniversary chat is tonight! (Hey, there's no Monday Night Football, so what's your excuse?)


You know, I'm terrible at the hard sell... if only I had giveaways to draw... um... cheap people? (I think I'm late for lunch.)

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A few people said it was me, then I never heard any more. :rolleyes:

The confusion was over who's middle name we were trying to guess. If it was Jeremy's (as ClayJar suggested), then you guessed it first. Some people thought we might have been trying to guess El_Diablo's middle name.


I think I won the three geocoins, but I don't know who was giving them away.

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