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Mysterious "treasure" Found


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I called the lady this morning to tell her the Great news. She is very excited about whole deal.


Our local Geocache group will get together and make sure the little girl gets lots of "Dora" toys.


This whole thing is just great ain't it?

   I hope someone will be watching for, and will post links in this thread, to any follow-up stories.

Perhaps in Today's Cacher?

We will try to do a follow up.


Kudos to Groundspeak! :ph34r:


El Diablo



Groundspeak will spring for the GPSr. Hydee will be contacting you shortly.

Your generousity prompted me to take the plunge! I signed up for a one year membership earlier today. That may sound weird, but I thought you showed a lot of class by picking up the tab. This organization is definitely worth supporting. :ph34r:


Now I can't wait for the account to be activated!

Hey Jeremy! :ph34r:

I haven't laughed out loud from an online remark in a while. That's hilarious.


Please downplay Groundspeak in this. I just feel inspired by the story and think it would be a great ending for this family - and a new beginning as geocachers. There was no ulterior motive in this.


Jeremy, Thank you for your generousity towards one of your northern neighbors!! :ph34r:


To the locals, A tip to the new paper might be in order so that they have a chance to do a follow up and perhaps be with her on her first cache adventure err. make that her second one :lol:

To the locals, A tip to the new paper might be in order so that they have a chance to do a follow up and perhaps be with her on her first cache adventure err. make that her second one


I've sent an email to the reporter letting her know whats going to happen.




It would be great to get a hold of a local cacher tho.

Posted (edited)
I called the lady this morning to tell her the Great news.  She is very excited about whole deal. 


Our local Geocache group will get together and make sure the little girl gets lots of "Dora" toys.


This whole thing is just great ain't it?

Great Stuff Here.


How about you have someone hide a cache with the Dora toys in it and then let the mother and daughter go out and find the cache with the new GPS as a training lesson. RM

Edited by Rocket Man
Let the little girl continue to enjoy her "treasure find". Simply replace cache with a new one. What a whole ten dollars at the most? Or minus one pack of cigarettes in Colorado now, lol.


Thats a good idea... The lady really wants to put the original cache back where it should be...It's important to her.


Thank you very much Jeremy for such a generous act of kindness.


From what I have heard from Coast2Coast2Coast the lady and her daughter are very excited to get into geocaching and see what makes it such a great sport.


The sentiments expressed in this thread and the generosity offered by total strangers says a lot for the type of people who enjoy this sport and the community it fosters.


Thanks a lot also to Coast2Coast2Coast for initiating contact with the family who found the cache and spearheading the effort to give them a wonderful gift package to get them into the sport. We have given them some money along with some of the other cachers in the area to help cover the costs of filling and shipping the package he is putting together.


Well done all around, makes us feel good to be a member of this great community.


Today I returned about 3 caches that had been taken and stuck in other caches to their owner, emailed a travel bug owner that their bug had been dumped and I only recovered part of it and that part needs repaired and otherwise dealt with my local geocaching reality.


This lady, and this story are a breath of fresh air. My hat is off to everyone who took time out of their day to make the experience a better one.

Please downplay Groundspeak in this. I just feel inspired by the story and think it would be a great ending for this family - and a new beginning as geocachers. There was no ulterior motive in this.



Groundspeak gets positive publicity, a follow-up article with the link all over it, and all it cost was the $99 for a yellow Garmin. 3 people sign up for a year of Premium Membership out of joy and it didn't cost a dime. Yay for Mighty Groundspeak's magnanimous gesture. :blink:






Psych. :huh:


Kudos to everyone involved in this. It truly is a shining star to have such generous samaritans involved in our hobby. I hope that when mom and daughter are set up and ready to go, they come to this thread to see the efforts involved here that brought them into our family. I think it would be only fair to discount CoastCubed a year of membership (or some such equivalent reward) too, Jeremy.


Now, could you get back to completely ruining the sport, J-man, so I have something to rant about again? Ok, thanks. :huh:<_<

I hope that someone might contact the reporter and ask the reporter to forward along an explanation of geocaching to this family.  Sounds like they were born to cache!  It'd be most cool if they joined our fun once the mystery was explained to them.

We should get together and send them a GPSr.


El Diablo

I think I'd join in on that...Anyone know how to get in contact with the girl?

Whatever happened to the lady who's sun found a cache and took it home. I recall she found him with it - signed up on the forums and asked what to do with it. A lot of people chipped in a bought here a GPS and several geocachers presented it to her and took her caching.


If I recall her name was Lysa or Lyssa?



Nobody knows? I'll continue wondering then. I can't remember her exact username or I'd search and see if she's still caching.



Kudos to everyone involved in this. It truly is a shining star to have such generous samaritans involved in our hobby. I hope that when mom and daughter are set up and ready to go, they come to this thread to see the efforts involved here that brought them into our family. I think it would be only fair to discount CoastCubed a year of membership (or some such equivalent reward) too, Jeremy.


<_< How did he know my membership was due for renewal at the end of Jan? <_<


Whatever happened to the lady who's sun found a cache and took it home. I recall she found him with it - signed up on the forums and asked what to do with it. A lot of people chipped in a bought here a GPS and several geocachers presented it to her and took her caching.


If I recall her name was Lysa or Lyssa?



Nobody knows? I'll continue wondering then. I can't remember her exact username or I'd search and see if she's still caching.



It was Lysa. She hung out in chat for a while, but she was newly wed, and I don't think her husband appreciated her distraction, being just married and all. She may or may not have gone caching. If she didn't, then she should pass the GPS on to this new family, LOL! <_<

It would be great to get a hold of a local cacher tho.

There are lot's of local cachers!


By the time I heard about it you had already contacted them and Groundspeak ad donated a GPSr. :)


This thread is where the local discussion is. Several local cachers can be contacted there and many of them would be more then happy to be involved. Many of them close to that area.



Groundspeak will spring for the GPSr. Hydee will be contacting you shortly.

Very cool, Jeremy. Good work!

By the way, I found a Lexus under a snowbank after the recent snowstorm here in Cleveland. Anyone know if Lexus has forums. Hey, a guy can dream! :)

It was Lysa. She hung out in chat for a while, but she was newly wed, and I don't think her husband appreciated her distraction, being just married and all. She may or may not have gone caching. If she didn't, then she should pass the GPS on to this new family, LOL! :)

Well, she has 2 finds from March 2003 and that's all. Her last visit to gc.com was in March 2004. :huh:


Just thought I would link this here (I don't think it has been posted in this thread yet). This is a scanned 'Follow-up' article from the newspaper, posted on the Cache page by one of the eastern Cachers. There is no date on the article, but it sounds like it was written before Cost2Cost2Cost contated them.



Posted (edited)
how cool was that for the little girl!!!  reminds me of one summer i sneaked off to the beach early in the morning and planted "treasure" all over our usual spot.  i returned to the house all agush about cops, treasure, backhoes, etc.  you get the picture.  well, my daughter, her friend, and my nephews dug up the beach and found treasure all day, and they talked about that for years. i remember that summer every time i take her out caching (and so does she!!)  :o good times...

That reminds me of how I gave my brother his birthday present last year. I bought him an eTrex and hid it (in a cardboard box) near a stump alongside a trail near my house and recorded the waypoint. He came over with his family to go for a walk down to the beach. I mentioned that I was going to bring my GPS so I could find a cache that was supposed to be nearby.


So we head down along the trail and I mention that my GPS is indicating that the cache is very near, somewhere in the immediate area. I looked in one area and suggested he look near the stump. He uncovered the box, opened it, and said, "Dear God! People give away GPS's????"


Of course, I was laughing pretty hard by then. That's one of the few times I've been able to really surprise him.


I was just nervous that someone might've stumbled onto the cache before we did (I hid it about 30-45 min. before they arrived).



Edited by geobc


Groundspeak gets positive publicity, a follow-up article with the link all over it, and all it cost was the $99 for a yellow Garmin. 3 people sign up for a year of Premium Membership out of joy and it didn't cost a dime. Yay for Mighty Groundspeak's magnanimous gesture


I know a guy named Richard...

Posted (edited)

This is an apology to ju66l3r for not reading his post thoroughly before making my inappropriate comment.


Since my comment was made in public, I only think its fair for my apology to be made in public as well.

Edited by briansnat
This is an apology to ju66l3r for not reading his post thoroughly before making my inappropriate comment.


Since my comment was made in public, I only think its fair for my apology to be made in public as well.


Apology accepted. When's the new article coming out, C3?


The reporter called me on Sunday morning... She will be emailing me the article when it "goes to press". When she wrote the second one she did not know what was happening behind the scenes. It was after I told her about it that she decided to write the follow-up to the follow-up...

On a side note... The box of "Dora the Explorer" stuff is almost full and will be shipped to the little girl soon... The response to this from our Geocommunity is unreal! :D



here is the Text...Igotta find the pic

Move over Dora

By Jennifer Vardy


Carol Hatfield and her four-year-old daughter Nicole look through some of the treasures they found recently at Melmerby Beach.


A small toy car, a sewing kit, two balls, a CD, a pencil. It's an odd assortment of treasures, but it's left one little girl delighted and her mother scratching her head.

The unseasonably warm weather last Friday drew Thorburn resident Carol Hatfield and her four-year-old daughter Nicole to the beach. While there, they decided to pretend they were in Nicole's favourite television show, Dora the Explorer.


To their surprise, they actually found a treasure. It was a small tupperware container filled with an odd assortment of little items and a notebook filled with strange entries.


A note scribbled on the inside cover of the little gold book indicates that there were originally 12 rubber balls in the container, but entries written later show that each person who found the box took an item and left something of their own. Now only two of the rubber balls remain.


The earliest entry dates back to July 22, 2004, and the final entry was from this past October. A few slips of paper the size of business cards have numbers on them that look like co-ordinates, but Hatfield doesn't know what they mean.


"It's almost like the people knew there was a hunt on, but the dates are so spread out," she said. "I really don't know what to make of it. But it's kind of neat – I've never seen anything like it before."


The plastic container had broken, leaving the contents of the treasure chest soaked. Hatfield took the items home and carefully dried them out, but she's not sure what to do next with the box.


"If anybody knows what it is, or what I'm supposed to do with it," Hatfield said. "If it's something I'm supposed to put back and leave for someone else to find, I'd like to know, because I wouldn't want to break the chain."


As for Nicole, however, she's just excited her dream of being like Dora came true.


"I like the Dinky and the balls," she said as she played with some of the toys from the chest.





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