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Wooden Nickel


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After getting hooked on geocaching, I wanted a signature item to leave in caches. Since having a personal geocoin minted was out of the question, I opted to order my own wooden nickels.


Here is my signature wooden nickel. I'd like to see yours. Of coarse I want to find some "out there", but posting a picture would be nice too. Put up your nickel!



If you would like to see a whole lot of geocoins, Nurse Dave has an extensive collection.


He said I could post this link.

I remember back in the day when geocachers like Planet would link someone to the Geocoin Designs Page by Team FISUR. (Oh, the ignominy, to be forgotten or cast aside.) :laughing:


But I have to agree, Nurse Dave has put together a fantastic collection.



If you would like to see a whole lot of geocoins, Nurse Dave has an extensive collection.


He said I could post this link.

I remember back in the day when geocachers like Planet would link someone to the Geocoin Designs Page by Team FISUR. (Oh, the ignominy, to be forgotten or cast aside.) :ph34r:


But I have to agree, Nurse Dave has put together a fantastic collection.



I'm sorry, FISUR!! It's just that ND had just put his page together, and showed it to me in the chat, and I had to share. I have not forgotten your web page, honest, it's still got some of my sig items on it. :lol: I was remiss. Forgive me.


...we love our wooden nickels.


We have wooden nickels for most caches. And for the really special or extra-challenging or creative finds, we leave a wooden dollar, our ultimate creation. Okay, it's not exactly a metallic geocoin, but it's fitting, lol.


I'd post a picture if I knew how the heck to get an image here from my computer. I can email one if you want. It has metallic paint on parts of it, and I'm not sure how well that would translate in a picture.


We make each one by hand.


I went with blank, bulk wooden nickels at $18 for a bit over 200. Then I had two custom rubber stamps made the same diameter as the nickels. This way I can produce more easily when needed and only have to pay the price of the blank nickels. Plus I have a stamp I can use as a sig stamp in log books if I choose :grin:

I went with blank, bulk wooden nickels at $18 for a bit over 200. Then I had two custom rubber stamps made the same diameter as the nickels. This way I can produce more easily when needed and only have to pay the price of the blank nickels. Plus I have a stamp I can use as a sig stamp in log books if I choose :grin:

Where did you get the stamps made?

Where did you get the stamps made?

Along with my wooden nickels, I also had a rubber stamp made. It is the same artwork you see on the wooden nickel in my original post. The stamp cost $12 and I will be using it in logbook entries. It also was produced at wooden-nickel.com.


Using a stamp on blank wooden nickels sounds good also. I'd be interested in seeing how good it looks. How about posting a picture?

Where did you get the stamps made?

Along with my wooden nickels, I also had a rubber stamp made. It is the same artwork you see on the wooden nickel in my original post. The stamp cost $12 and I will be using it in logbook entries. It also was produced at wooden-nickel.com.


Using a stamp on blank wooden nickels sounds good also. I'd be interested in seeing how good it looks. How about posting a picture?

Check out Fisur's page linked above, there is a pic on there. They look really good I think. It does require a solvent based ink (the pigment based commonly found will smear on the wood), available at any good stamp shop. My stamps were a bit more intricate and cost about $20 each. I do not remember the sight off hand, but there are many that can be found online. Once I got the stamps I removed them from the square mounts they came on and attached them to each end of a 1.5 inch diameter thread spool. Having a round mount the size of the nickels makes it a lot easier to center the image when stamping.

I went with blank, bulk wooden nickels at $18 for a bit over 200. Then I had two custom rubber stamps made the same diameter as the nickels. This way I can produce more easily when needed and only have to pay the price of the blank nickels. Plus I have a stamp I can use as a sig stamp in log books if I choose :unsure:

Where did you get the stamps made?

I had Sissy & CR make me a stamp that I am very happy with. I got 2 of them unmounted for about $5, and mounted it to the lid of a small medicine bottle, works perfect!


I have been interested in unique sig, items for a while and wooden nickels are a great idea. I have found that Michaels craft stores carry wooden nickels in their craft areas and call them "wooden discs". They also have other various wooden shapes such as hearts, squares and fish. You can get 22 1.5 inch discs for 2.99. It works out to about .13 cents a piece. Now all I have to do is get a design and stamp made. Do the stamp companies do the art work or do you have to furnish this?

bazzle...after you stamp the wood, do you seal it with anything?

Nope... The solvent ink will not run when wet so I do not bother.


As for Michael's disks. They will work, but the bulk from the link about works to about 8 cents apiece and when you are doing hundreds that can add up.


I usually spend an evening stamping and then am set for several weeks so the time is worth it to me.


I have wooden Geo nickles that I leave in caches. I'm always interested in trading for other personal geo nickles, geo items, coins, etc.


Let me know if you are interested in a trade.


cav scout has got really cool nickels!! i've got one! (thanks! nice tat by the way.)

i'm betting all my wife's scrapbooking stuff could come in handy for some of this. i'm sure embossing would have to work on them just fine. i'll let everyone know the results when i get a chance.

also check out www.ituit.com for a pretty cheap deal on random stock designs, etc..

it came up as the top suggestion in my google search sidebar..

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