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Geocaching With Capital G?


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I noticed that when I write the word Geocaching with a lowercase g in a post, the forum engine modifies it and capitalizes the G. Is this a new setting or I just haven't noticed it so far? (I'm not talking about the capitalization of thread titles; the modification happens inside posts.)


And, question two, why does this word have to be capitalized? It's not a proper noun.

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initially capitalizing Geocaching is all part of a greater conspiracy, a part of the ongoing evil furtherance of subversive religion masquerading as science. soon, but very gradually so as not to be noticeable, other common words will always be capitalized.


why is this, you may ask. the purpose is to drive flask absolutely nuts.

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Interesting. Actually I was working to correct the whole Geocaching thing by removing the capital C in the middle. Apparently it doesn't do as exact of a match as I thought.


Of course I'm digging the conspiracy angle. Maybe I'll leave it to create some more ire in the forums.

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I think The One Who is Officially Ignored has implicitly indicated a good point.

Well, you'd probably want Geocaching to be automatically changed to 630[A[#1N6. I would not like that.

You misjudge me. I want whatever someone wrote to be what I see and not double-spoken by an automated filter.


Besides...I don't like typing in 1337-speak, even though my screen name suggests it.

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I don't like autocorrections. Let people make their own mistakes and edit them out if they can and are willing to. Geocaching is IMO a common noun, which definitely shouldn't be capitalized in the middle of a sentence, and I simply don't understand the idea behind the thread topic capitalization; replacing the poster's intentions with bad grammar. :huh: What next, autoreplacing my wrong opinions with Right Ones? :huh:

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I think The One Who is Officially Ignored has implicitly indicated a good point.

Well, you'd probably want Geocaching to be automatically changed to 630[A[#1N6. I would not like that.

You misjudge me. I want whatever someone wrote to be what I see and not double-spoken by an automated filter.


Besides...I don't like typing in 1337-speak, even though my screen name suggests it.

7#4|\|Z ph0r [|_4r1phY1|\|6.

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