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Why The 'handles'?


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I am getting better at explaining geocaching without the second party falling about laughing... it's more a glazed look now.


But the bit I can't explain is why we all use aliases. What's the history behind that?


In light of recent events I'm sure much of this wouldn't have happened if certain people were using their real names. It does change the psychology.


Also, I'm fairly sure that there were a few new accounts created to add to the 'fun' :huh:


I'm not coy about my real name... it's on my sig line. I didn't realise my username would be seen by the public when I signed up. I thought this would just be my log in and I used the one I use for other accounts... sort of double password, hard to guess user name and hard to guess password.


I thought about changing it but at a recent meet enough people recognised it I thought I would just live with it.

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As aa addicted stereo (3D) photographer, who prefers a television shaped picture to a pretty much square one, I had basically two choices in camera when I advanced in stereophotography - and both were pretty scarce! I saw an advert for a "Verascope" and when I phoned up, was offered a "Belplasca" for a bit less money. I took the Belplasca, and have never looked back.


Please bear in mind that there really were _very_ few Belplasca cameras in use in the West before the fall of the Berlin wall. It was a camera made in East Germany in the 1950s and 1960s, and very little got exported from there to here at that time!


So I adopted Belplasca as my handle on all sorts of BBS and online systems, and I've stuck with it ever since! Not much chance of having to be Belplasca 12435634!




However, I do tend to sign off on posts as


Bob Aldridge

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My 'handle' is simply the name of one of my favourite Robert Rankin characters: a drunken Irish ne'er-do-well who happens to save the world (with his bestest friend Pooley) on numerous occasions.


I'm not in the least bit Irish (although I wish I was) and I've never, ever, saved anything more significant than a few rashers of bacon from the grill, but I do like the odd pint of Large now and then. :huh:

Edited by Omally
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Do all you limeys discuss such mundane things as this topic? I think you should just stay home in your jammies.

Normally us 'limeys' (or more correctly, lemoneys, as limes were rightly discounted as not providing as much vitamin C as lemons, apparantly [although I could well be wrong]) discusss more insular topics. :lol:


Besides, staying home is rather appealing: we have warm, flat beer; tea with milk; pyjamas and horlicks. Who could possibly ask for more? :huh:

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mine is one of my favourite characters from terry pratchetts discworld, links in with what i used to do for a living and a bit of self parody. too many matt's to use that as site name but it's not a secret.


as regards us limeys discussing mundane stuff......what's sadder discussing something like this or feeling the need to criticise about the discussion? if you don't think it's a worthy subject then don't bother to make a comment.



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Molinnis comes from the name of our road leading to a nearby hamlet of the same name.


When I first started geocaching I was just "Molinnis" but as the rest of the family got interested I decided to broaden it. As there seemed to be a glut of Team Whatevers I came up with "The Molinnis Crew" and the rest is history as they say. :laughing:

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Do all you limeys discuss such mundane things as this topic? I think you should just stay home in your jammies.



er well




You did say all. I knocked on every door in the street and one said he didn't. But I don't think he was a true limey.


So I don't know if all limeys discuss such mundane things.


I'll keep asking, I've got about 54 million still to ask. I'll get back to you.

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Some years ago I was attempting to create a 'Hot Mail' e-mail account. Every user name I came up with was taken and I didn't like any of the offered alternatives. In desperation, I opened a dictionary at random, plonked my finger on the page and typed in the word I'd selected... 'Pharisee'. Hot Mail accepted it and it's been my username for just about everything that has needed one ever since. I can't remember it ever being refused.


I like discussing mundane things when I have a moment or two to spare. It makes a pleasant change from all the earth shattering, life and death stuff that I normally have to deal with :laughing:

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Please bear in mind that there really were _very_ few Belplasca cameras in use in the West before the fall of the Berlin wall.

I knew the name rang a distant bell. I remember reading up about stereo imaging about 20 years ago. I was mucking about with holography at college, and stero-imaging microscopes, visual perception as part of my Education degree and as part of my Biology units


I seemed to be coming across stereo a lot in those days. I must have read about the cameras used for viewmasters and the name must have stuck somewhere. But if my memory is correct, Belplascas were not the cameras used.


Oh no, have I started a thread on stereo optics?


But that would make a great spoiler picture... can you see the holly tree just behind the oak but in front of the silver birch?

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I have been Bean or Beanie for what seems like a very long time on BBS,s and in online games so here i used FamilyBean as the rest of the family actually wanted to join me in one of my strange hobbies :laughing:


The Bean bit actually comes from a school nickname "Dean the Bean" as my real name is...Dean

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Boo ... from KEW



Twas originally just me but now includes Mrs Kewfriend, Miss Kewfriend and Master Kewfriend - almost a case of who's been eating my porridge!


Long ago decided to grab a handle which could be repeated with ease across domains, emails, servers etc - coz some ratbag of a Candaian MP grabbed my name early on - hey but he lost his seat - so there's justice after all



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My name was chosen for two reasons,firstly my mobile came with a screen saver with a mother duck followed by several baby ducks.Secondly I've been a foster mum for many years so its not unusual to see me with little ones following me hence Motherduck!!! My own children use Baby Ducks as there name but they are fighting to get a much cooler name now---------

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Do all you limeys discuss such mundane things as this topic? I think you should just stay home in your jammies.


Some of the more recent posts by Zygote2K


Thread : How To Eat A Hamster

eating them is better than what you used to do with them. wink wink


Thread : What Things Make You A Geek/nerd/dork?

Forum poster= supergeek/nerd/dork


Thread : What Things Make You A Geek/nerd/dork?



Thread : What's Up With George?

I think we need a new "WG" site. Where's the Geocacher?


Thread : Why The 'handles'?

Do all you limeys discuss such mundane things as this topic? I think you should just stay home in your jammies.


Thread : Geostorm In A Teacup (Pages 1 2 )

where's the dead horse when you need it?


Thread : 50 Things To Eat Before You Die

51. Bearded Clam.


Thread : Why The Geeky Lingo?

I would call Harry Potter a nerd.


Thread : Suitability Of Swiss Army "credit Card" For Cache

put anything you like in a cache. just use some common sense.


Thread : Non-owner Temporarily Removing Cache.

you mean I have to put all those caches back?


Thread : Food Glorious Food!

just bearded clams.


Thread : You Know You're Addicted When.....

WOW! your girlfriend has "ammo cans"? Nice.


Thread : Why The Geeky Lingo?

why the geeky screen name?


Thread : Leave My Food Alone!!

better hope he doesn't go after your nuts.


Thread : Is It Ok To Place A Lame Cache If You Warn People?

just one question: where did you get the plastic lizards?


Thread : About These Multicaches......

don't let the cache goblins scare you. spit in their eyes and make that 100 stage multi you always dreamed of.


Thread : It Is Slick Out There...

You should just stay home in your jammies.


Thread : Tb Hotel

take ALL the bugs. sign the log. move them. play the game.


Thread : Found My First Geo Coin Today, Awesome!

They're great to use at a wishing well.


and so on ...


I suppose the irony of your contribution to the 'Why The Geeky Lingo?' thread is lost.....

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Weeeell... long story short time :laughing:


Long long ago, I once played various 'Role Playing Games'. You know the kind of thing, roll two ten-sided dice to see how well your character leaps across a stream? Anyway, one of my favourite characters was a kind of tigery cat like creature that walked about on two feet (think Puss in Boots from Shrek 2 only taller and more suave :) ). And he had, coincidentaly enough, good night time navigation skills/abilities.


The character's name was Fangorn Seraucath (Seraucath means 'Cat of Stars' in Welsh, and Fangorn was just a cool name). During various games the name got progressively shortened, Fangorn Ser, Fang Ser, Fang S... so eventualy everyone just called him Fangs, or Fangsy :):wub:


Since then the name has been a useful handle across several forums and log-ins. Short and easy to remember. Kinda fits with my chinese and european horoscope animals too.


Now arn't you glad you didn't ask for the long story.

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I must have read about the cameras used for viewmasters and the name must have stuck somewhere. But if my memory is correct, Belplascas were not the cameras used.

They actually used Verascopes before moving on the modified SLR cameras - so the same format as the Belplasca.


I'll have to think about the spoiler that requires a 3-D view to work...


Bob Aldridge

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I use mine in several other places, one of them being writing to Terry Wogan!


As for where it comes from:-


" Captain's Log, star date 2302.796. The Enterprise is sailing through......etc"


I'm not a Trekkie by the way.


For the purposes of the net, my eldest son goes by the handle "Chip" (Chip Slog) and the youngest is "Suplemental".


I've never considered it to be devious or anything to use the nicks, its just fun.

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Once upon a time in a distant magazine office. The editor said to me "you have to have a handle to play and write for this magazine. Otherwise people will come and find you and maybe beat you up for the truths that you write about them. Also, as you know you are a wanted person" ;)

So I made up the handle with spaces, to what I use for geocaching. (Say it slowly) without the spaces.??? :o

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Ours began many years ago.


my daughter, then aged 4 or 5 would watch and read the "old bear" series.


for anyone who doesnt know it, its a group of toy animals who come to life..one of them being a duck.


now this guy cant do anything without a bloody good moan and groan, just like young Sophies grandad.


the name stuck with him, and is even known at work as "duck".


when we started goecaching, i knew he would take the p*ss bigtime, as he does, but to have the last laugh i thought we could use his nickname somehow, and as we are of younger generation, we couldnt be ducks...so we are the ducklings.

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In desperation, I opened a dictionary at random, plonked my finger on the page and typed in the word I'd selected... 'Pharisee'.

Funny that - that's how we named Hokeydog or Hokes or the Hokester which led to our nickname. I do have another that I use for most discussion boards outside of GCing but that is for me only and Hokesters are a team.


Simon, Jo and Hokeydog - The Hokesters




P.S. Hokey as in the hokey pokey man or Italian icecream!

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