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Congratulations To Mom And Dad!

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I would like to congratulate my mom and dad for Cache find number 600 today, in the pouring rain in Southern California. At the start of last year, 2004, they were under 100, now they are over 600. What a great hobby and a reason to get out and be active. Dad is 70 and mom is 67, no easy task but you guys are ROCKIN'! I am so proud of you!



aka Inmountains

600 finds!! Thats awesome! My Dad is 70 and he can't find the remote. :rolleyes: Congrats Mom and Dad!!!

Way to go Mom and Dad!


My dad is the same age and he can't seem to find the delete button on virus attachments in his email, or the desktop shortcut to run a virus scan.

He can however, still put 7-8 out of 10 shots in the 10 ring at 100yrds without a scope, and I can barely even see the target at 100yrds. So I gotta keep fixing his computer. ;)


That would make an excellent press release for AARP magazine. It would be great to have an article written on older cachers with photos of your mom and dad!


(AARP -- American Association of Retired Persons) -- they're this little, tiny, non-powerful organization that might get one or two people aware of geocaching :rolleyes:


I love it. GO MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!


I wish my mom would get enough computer literacy to download her email. I am not being sarcastic. She bought a computer but she is afraid my little sister will become addicted (like I am OMG!!!!) I have to go help her almost weekly just to keep it running, in her opinion.


Have fun!!!!!!!!!


Karen aka okpondlady/N5PNE

I hope I'm doing this when I'm 70!

Ha! You're not even doing it when you're 40 yet ;)


Congratulations, Mom and Dad. My mom used her computer to hang out on IRC with other old people and swap dirty jokes. I hate to think what my dad's doing. It does seem to involve periodic charges on his credit card :rolleyes:

That would make an excellent press release for AARP magazine. It would be great to have an article written on older cachers with photos of your mom and dad!


(AARP -- American Association of Retired Persons) -- they're this little, tiny, non-powerful organization that might get one or two people aware of geocaching :rolleyes:

They're also the most distributed magazine in the country.

I would think that an AARP article would do wonders for the sport - and provide the aging generation with something that they can do with their grandchildren and for their own better health.


If someone at Groundspeak follows up on this, let me know. I'd be happy to do an AARP-themed cache that would be designed specifically for Grandparents and their grandchildren.


1/1 - some CD's and 1950's/60's stuff and some new toys for 2-6 age range (and others)


Hey -- I'll even buy some Geocaching logo stuff to pop in. They can list this in the article. If we can get a cache in most major cities, it would be a good "welcome to the sport" for an age group that has time to enjoy and contribute to it.


(and if someone finds an old copy of .... Superman #1 to put in my cache.... all the better :rolleyes: )


Congrats to your mom and dad for getting out and being active and doing things. They are not really old, you know.....one of the things that I learned a while ago is that "Old" is ALWAYS fifteen years older than me.... :rolleyes:


Congrats to your Mom and Dad. I will be 80 this April and have over 700 finds. Until the last year or so, I found most of my caches solo. I am a slow walker, about 2.5 mph tops and it is hard to find anyone that will walk that slow. This past year or so I have been caching with a young man in his 60s that is willing to slow down and put up with my WWII stories. When I first started in 2001 I tried to find every cache as soon as they were placed. I soon found out that "YOU DON'T HAVE TO FIND THEM ALL". I hope to get 1000 while I am still able to do so. I haven't found too many WWII veterans that show any interest in Geocaching. Dick, W7WT


Oh my goodness Mike, I just now saw this post and I am speechless! (not on the computer, but just in shock)....what a kind thing to say to us, and YES, WE CERTAINLY GOT A GOOD MUDDY DRENCHING yesterday doing the last three to reach 600! Thanks son, we love you, and we appreciate all the caching friends we have made here in southern California. When we started 2 years ago, we didn't even know how to enter coordinates, but our oldest grandson, Tommy (Mike's son) showed me how during a marathon virtual at Disneyland....thanks Tommy...We are helping put together a Valentine pizza event next month in Orange. God bless you all! Team Paubon


WooHoo!! Congrats to Mom and Dad! My 'rents are about the same age. Dad enjoys the occasional find when I'm around, but Mom's not much for the great outdoors, except for a manicured fairway and lawn seats at Tanglewood for the symphony. I hope I'm still able to rack up those numbers and get around like that when I hit 70. ;)

I agree that a note to AARP is an excellent idea! I'm sure their writers are always looking for story lines. Any PR folks out there?

That would make an excellent press release for AARP magazine.  It would be great to have an article written on older cachers with photos of your mom and dad!


(AARP -- American Association of Retired Persons) -- they're this little, tiny, non-powerful organization that might get one or two people aware of geocaching  ;)

What a great idea!!!



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