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Idaho Geocoin

Renegade Knight

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just got mine in tonight, these coins are excellent! I hate to trade even one away, but I missed out on a georgia coin, so that'll be the only way I'll part with one.


Somehow, Nurse Dave and Pepper are always the ones jilted by the mailmen. :P I hope to have better luck when I get home. I'm sure I'll drive at my usual almost legal speed, for anyone along my route in Bellevue. :)


no coins in the mail


sad pepper

Probably not a good time to add some salt to those wounds? :P





but I got mine the other day and they sure are awesome.... :P:

It will be well worth the wait....

Somehow, Nurse Dave and Pepper are always the ones jilted by the mailmen. :P I hope to have better luck when I get home. I'm sure I'll drive at my usual almost legal speed, for anyone along my route in Bellevue. :)

Ya, how is it people in Michigan already have em?


I'll tell you one thing. I am going to keep my eye on the forums a little closer. I missed ordering personalized Idaho coins by about 2 days. Even though I am biased about the GOWT coin, the Idaho coin is ONE HOT coin! Excellent work.

Posted (edited)
Got ours on the 7th. In KFalls Or.


Stunning coin, very good job. My wife asks what the blue 'state seal' part is, on the back upper left.


Idaho, maybe?

Best they could do with the Idaho state seal in such a small detail.



Edited by Renegade Knight

For those that want to know. Top left, Idaho state seal. Top right, Idaho state tree (white pine). Bottom left, Idaho state bird (Mountain Blue Bird). Bottom right, IGO symbol(Idaho Geocachers Org).


It's nice to see so many people like the coin. Amazing that so many people could come to an agreement on the final design and have it turn out so well. Can't wait to get mine in a couple of days.


Got my ID coin in trade today (thanks Lori!) and I have to say WOW !!!!!!


Really ups the ante on use of color, and the engraved cacher name looks 'way' better in person than it photographs. Very, very impressive.

Posted (edited)

I just talked to idtimberwolf who managed the ordering and distribution of all the coins, and he tells me that all orders except NurseDave's shipped at the latest on Monday (NurseDave's was an unfortunate oversight). So be patient -- they should be there shortly.

Edited by stestardi
Anyone own a Washington coin they want to trade for an Idaho coin?


Traveling Chief

I would be interested in trading a 2004 WA geocoin for and Idaho one. I sent you a PM also.



The Terrible T's

Anyone own a Washington coin they want to trade for an Idaho coin?


Traveling Chief

I would be interested in trading a 2004 WA geocoin for and Idaho one. I sent you a PM also.



The Terrible T's

Sorry. Already traded. Thanks anyway.




Yep, they all should have been shipped. If you haven't received yours by now, you may want to email idtimberwolf via his profile and see what's up. Give him a while to respond -- he doesn't yet have DSL at his new place, so he doesn't have ready access to his email.

Posted (edited)
Yep, they all should have been shipped.  If you haven't received yours by now, you may want to email idtimberwolf via his profile and see what's up.  Give him a while to respond -- he doesn't yet have DSL at his new place, so he doesn't have ready access to his email.

OK thank you. I'll email him and see what happens :lol:

Edited by Armando & Co.

Armando, have you contacted Rob and asked what happened? Rob did not mention how he was shipping. The only problem we had was contacting NurseDave. Couldn't match a check to a name or e-mail account. I know Rob had tried to get a hold of Dave a couple of times without luck.


Actually I don't know what happened. He got a hold of me just fine. Even verified my address when the coins were coming in. They somehow didn't get sent with the others I was told.


Yes, I emailed him and he tells me that he shipped the coins around the 7th or 8th.

I submitted a claim with the post office but I highly doubt that I would be seeing those coins :D


I just want to give a big THANK YOU to "idtimberwolf" and all the other cachers that help him. After he found out that my coins were lost by the post office, he contacted me and let me know that he was talking to other cacher and that they would be sending a replacement.

Now that is class!


Thank you again. You guys rock!!!!


Ehm... I found an Idaho Geocoin in a cache last week, but there is no number on it. The referenced website (idahogeocaching.org) doesn't mention the coins. Do I need to log it somewhere, and if so, how?

Ehm... I found an Idaho Geocoin in a cache last week, but there is no number on it. The referenced website (idahogeocaching.org) doesn't mention the coins. Do I need to log it somewhere, and if so, how?

These are not trackable coins -- they're yours to keep or trade. BTW, the web site is www.idahogeocachers.org.



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