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Help With Cache "where's In A Name"

TB Hunter

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If anyone can help me log this cache "Where's in a name" (GC3153). My name converts to 20 28.211 (42058), which is a line running through Mexico (amongst others). I'd like to hear from Mexican cachers willing to help me log this one.


Hey TB Hunter, I am sorry, I live thousands of Kiloemeters away from this latitude (Michigan), but being a Mexican, I have a good idea what might be a good location for this latitude, and I found a very good region that will improve your chances of nailing this.. check this cache:



as you can see, it is close to Cozumel, Mexico (and also Cancun).. so there is a good chance of a tourist willing to take a picture for you.. I would recommend maybe leaving a note in this Cache page asking for help on this... I am including a map of what would be a good spot in Cozumel Island for you.. (Check the Latitude/longitude of the map):




I hope this info helps you in puting this cache in the bag!




I am about to visit spain in a couple of days and wondered if anyone knew how to find the co-ords to Calle Las Rosas, Urbanizabiom Masia Pavia, Turis 46389, Valencia ?

I would like to get as accurate as possible as i want to search for caches prior to leaving. Thankyou...

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