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Msnbc Article - Needs A Picture


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Posted (edited)

MSNBC is still accepting pictures!. After I posted this they went ahead with the article, but they liked these pictures so much they'll try and get some of them online. Apparently the article will continue to run tomorrow.


MSNBC is doing a story for their web site and they're looking for some photos of families geocaching. I don't have control over which one they pick, but you have an opportunity to point out a photo of your family geocaching by posting it here. Of course you will need to give permission for them to include it in an article.


So, link your photo here and I'll point them to this thread. Thanks!

Edited by Jeremy
Posted (edited)

You know Jeremy... me and my brother Geocache all the time...I bet they will not use it :)




AmishHacker and NinjaCache


(MSNBC has the right to use this picture)


Edit: adding names

Edited by AmishHacker
Posted (edited)

I'll give it a shot




Doc-Dean and Geo-Ally on the trail.




Geo-Ally scopes out the swag.


BTW - Royalty checks can deposited directly into my paypal account. :)

Edited by Doc-Dean
Posted (edited)

Sam Knob GC2FC4 Oct 17, 2004 58471c10-e461-4a30-b75f-72e00cefa622.jpg

YOSEMITE OF THE EAST-ACT 1:PANTHERTOWN PILGRIMAGE GC490B September 4, 2004322d00b3-d1db-4962-a280-b471f2d5a63e.jpg

Mount Beerburrum Lookout GCJTHY August 3, 2004 (includes wife, son, father with cache, daughter, nephew, sister, brother-in-law, aunt, uncle, and me taking photo)e50dd916-5d30-434e-8fbb-f4beb78172b8.jpg

Foster and Crawford August 3, 20040fed0d99-ad10-477b-96aa-0faaf39c5efe.jpg

The Oolitic Limestone Cache GC9BA0 April 4, 2004044822ff-5204-4792-801a-e75122a0f0b6.jpg

The Elegant Fury of Paradise GC4AE4 March 21, 200464b0b9ea-f2fa-4009-b9c6-9e84acc7b202.jpg

The Seneca Crew Cache GCG562 March 7, 20049e0e6de1-9e67-4700-aebd-b984c1adf105.jpg

To The Waterfall! GCH6FG November 7, 20034a46d4b6-c944-425e-b165-9408ca3331fc.jpg

Siamese Pines GC61E3 September 26, 200351f92d71-f2f9-4724-9bf5-471d5a14321a.jpg

Field Exposure GCGND8 September 7, 20032021354_300.jpg


I didn't mean to add so many photos but dang, we are so dadgum photogenic! :) Permission is granted to MSNBC and its affiliates for the use of these photos.

Edited by OzGuff
Posted (edited)



My 2-year-old after a successful hunt.




Dad and son inside Colossal Cave, Tucson, Arizona.


Permission granted to whomever wants to use 'em.

Edited by The Cow Spots

Thanks for the photos folks, but it seems they went ahead with the article without the picture. These are seriously cool photos though and worth sharing.


It turns out, thanks to the nature of the web, that they can continue to add photos for the article. They may be contacting your accounts in the next few hours asking for your real names to add credit for the photos. Thanks again!

Posted (edited)

A couple of my favorites:


My daughter on the way to the Pipeline Cache:

ea989fda-0fbd-4c3b-8518-578629bc92d9.jpgThe Pipeline


At the best set of pipe leaks:



Permission is granted to whomever wants to use these for any purpose.

Edited by yaquina
Posted (edited)
You know Jeremy... me and my brother Geocache all the time...I bet they will not use it  :huh:




AmishHacker and NinjaCache


(MSNBC has the right to use this picture)


Edit: adding names

<_< I love it! <_<


Hmm...Teenage Amish Ninja Hamsters...geocaching for pizza...oh darn, no food in caches!


OT, I can't get the article to load :huh: Darn firewall! :huh:

Edited by Spencersb
Posted (edited)

Here's my son and I at the top of San Jacinto Peak on Sept 12th. Our 100th cache! MSNBC has my permission to use this.b58619f6-ab30-440d-a98e-b20aa7aed42f.jpg

Edited by 4x4van
You know Jeremy... me and my brother Geocache all the time...I bet they will not use it  :P




AmishHacker and NinjaCache


(MSNBC has the right to use this picture)


Edit: adding names

:blink: I love it! :blink:


Hmm...Teenage Amish Ninja Hamsters...geocaching for pizza...oh darn, no food in caches!


OT, I can't get the article to load :P Darn firewall! :P

you could always toss in a prepaid coupon for a peter piper $5.00 pepperoni pizza :P


You know....this thread tells more about Geocaching than anything else on this board. It's not about technology. It's not about finding stuff.


It's about people.


Thanks for the pictures.



Posted (edited)
You know....this thread tells more about Geocaching than anything else on this board. It's not about technology. It's not about finding stuff.


It's about people.


For me, it's about spending quality time with my family. It's something we do together that we all enjoy. The stuff we've found in caches (OK, a whole 4 so far) is pretty lame really, but the son loves rumaging and taking something, and we leave something in return. Keeps him happy.




A Couple of Down Under geocachers :blink: Daughter is showing mum how to use the thing properly :blink:

Edited by ThePup

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