+Jeeping Family Posted January 24, 2005 Posted January 24, 2005 Why not add Benchmarks to the program?
+LazyK Posted January 25, 2005 Posted January 25, 2005 Hello all, Is there a 'special tag' that corresponds to the true cache description? I see %des but I also see that that is really only %name in disguise. I'm looking for a way to get the Groundspeak:long_description field. Thoughts? Thanks, LazyK - Dan
+ClydeE Posted January 25, 2005 Author Posted January 25, 2005 Why not add Benchmarks to the program? Please explain your request. GSAK currently allows for Benchmarks to be added to any database and there is also a "Benchmak" type to filter them out.
+ClydeE Posted January 25, 2005 Author Posted January 25, 2005 Hello all, Is there a 'special tag' that corresponds to the true cache description? I see %des but I also see that that is really only %name in disguise. I'm looking for a way to get the Groundspeak:long_description field. Thoughts? Thanks, LazyK - Dan No, there is no special tag for the long description. Perhaps if you could explain where and how your are trying to use this.
+Cableshots Posted January 25, 2005 Posted January 25, 2005 I downloaded GSAK, fired it up and it just sits there. I uninstalled, re installed and it happens again. Looking in task manager it says Not Responding. Any ideas? I have a new Dell running XP. I also have a dell (laptop) running xp. I also went through what you described, by d/ling gsak installed it, run it and it just sat there and said not responding. I waited a few minutes and the program started running. I assume that it was doing something internally, and took a while to complete whatever it was doing. It runs now without the delay it originally had.
+LazyK Posted January 25, 2005 Posted January 25, 2005 No, there is no special tag for the long description. Perhaps if you could explain where and how your are trying to use this. I would like to export to 'Street Atlas' format and set the 'Cache description format' to something like this: %Name (%Code) -- %Long Where %Long is is the long description. This would give me a page of entries like: 42.5228,-87.9497,? (GCJ5YR) -- <long description would go here>,2,1,1 This would allow me to generate one .txt file and print out the cache pages in plain text without all the extra (unnecessary) information. By doing that, I can save a lot of time since I wouldn't have to print each cache page individually or with all the pretty formatting, saving paper as well. Thanks, LazyK - Dan
+Jamie Z Posted January 25, 2005 Posted January 25, 2005 This would allow me to generate one .txt file and print out the cache pages in plain text without all the extra (unnecessary) information. By doing that, I can save a lot of time since I wouldn't have to print each cache page individually or with all the pretty formatting, saving paper as well. Yay! GSAK already does this without all the extra work. Use the print feature-->condensed HTML I have described in a couple other threads how I am able to print about 40 cache descriptions per sheet of paper. Jamie
+Smackdown Posted January 26, 2005 Posted January 26, 2005 Hey all, First time here so I apologize if this has been covered in the past. Lot of messages to go over. ha ha Is it possible to share a database with someone else? Basically I cache with a friend and I want to send them all of the waypoints that I've downloaded into GSAK. I could save one GPX at a time but I have hundreds imported so that would be a pain. Any thoughts? Can I e-mail the whole database? Thanks in advance, Bill
+ClydeE Posted January 26, 2005 Author Posted January 26, 2005 Hey all, First time here so I apologize if this has been covered in the past. Lot of messages to go over. ha ha Is it possible to share a database with someone else? Basically I cache with a friend and I want to send them all of the waypoints that I've downloaded into GSAK. I could save one GPX at a time but I have hundreds imported so that would be a pain. Any thoughts? Can I e-mail the whole database? Thanks in advance, Bill Yes. 1. File=>Backup on the source computer 2. Email file generated in step 1 to friend 3. File=>Restore on destination computer
+geoBONE Posted January 26, 2005 Posted January 26, 2005 Hi! Does anyone know a way to use Garmins Custom-Waypointsymbols with GSAK? I have 11 special Geocachingsymbols in my 60CS/MapSource6.5 but GSAK is not able to relate them to the according cachetypes when generating a .mps-file yet. I had already a small eMail exchange with clyde but unfortunately no luck with the recommended coding (expansion of the GSAK waypoint list with Garmins Waypoint IDs). If anyone knows a solution a detailed Step-by-step instruction (in this respect I have only limited talents ) would be very very nice. Regards, Thomas
+JT & PJ Cole Posted January 26, 2005 Posted January 26, 2005 I know I could do a restore point and catch this.....however I was cleaning up my machine, and I noticed that there are 2 versions of GSAK in the add/remove programs 3.05 (133mb) and 5.04 build 20(90mb). Can I safely remove the 3.05 and reclaim the space? Thanks Jeff
+ClydeE Posted January 26, 2005 Author Posted January 26, 2005 I know I could do a restore point and catch this.....howeverI was cleaning up my machine, and I noticed that there are 2 versions of GSAK in the add/remove programs 3.05 (133mb) and 5.04 build 20(90mb). Can I safely remove the 3.05 and reclaim the space? I have had this problem reported to me before. On some systems, for some reason 3.05 did not get overriden with the next install of GSAK You will find that 3.05 is just a "phantom" and is not really on your system - just in you add/remove programs. It you try to uninstall it it will actually uninstall your current version. The fix for this issue seems to be: 1. Uninstall your current version of GSAK (you will not loose any data or settings) 2. Run Regedit, searching for any entry that has GSAK and delete it 3. Reinstall the latest version of GSAK
+JT & PJ Cole Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 Thanks Clyde, ver 3.05 is a phantom. I searched and only found one GSAK application. Jeff
+Outdoor Johnny and Son Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 Hello All!, This one has me baffled. I have (46) caches marked as “Found” in my database, but the count shown on the yellow filter button (at the bottom of the GSAK window) shows (47). When I click the yellow (found) button, (46) caches are show (this is correct), but the button still shows (47). This anomaly occurred after I imported about a dozen individual .gpx files. I normally update my database from one large .gpx file. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this discrepancy? Thanks in advance, John (Outdoor Johnny) PS: I cannot imagine Geocaching without GSAK!
+ClydeE Posted January 27, 2005 Author Posted January 27, 2005 This one has me baffled. I have (46) caches marked as “Found” in my database, but the count shown on the yellow filter button (at the bottom of the GSAK window) shows (47). When I click the yellow (found) button, (46) caches are show (this is correct), but the button still shows (47). This anomaly occurred after I imported about a dozen individual .gpx files. I normally update my database from one large .gpx file. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this discrepancy? Yes. Groundspeak actually allow some caches to have multiple founds on a cache. So in order for GSAK to be able to match exactly the Groundspeak count, GSAK counts all your found logs. What this means is that there is at least one cache in your database where you have logged more than one find (intentional or not). You can track this down using the "Log" filter. Let me know if you do not understand how to set a filter to do this.
+geoBONE Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 Does anyone know a way to use Garmins Custom-Waypointsymbols with GSAK? I have 11 special Geocachingsymbols in my 60CS/MapSource6.5 but GSAK is not able to relate them to the according cachetypes when generating a .mps-file yet. Hi all! I asked in a german GPS-forum too and someone pointed out that the old Garmin .mps-format doesn't know customized waypoints, so it's impossible to export a working file for MapSource6.5 using them. @clyde: Is it possible to add the new Garmin .gdb-Format in the GSAK exportfunktion in the near future? Regards, Thomas
+ClydeE Posted January 27, 2005 Author Posted January 27, 2005 @clyde: Is it possible to add the new Garmin .gdb-Format in the GSAK exportfunktion in the near future? Please see my previous reply to this question here
+behindthepub Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 Hi Clyde, I have been getting to grips with GSAK this week and am very impressed. A fine peice of development work, but and there is always a but, i cant seem to get it to communicate with my GPSr. I am using an old Garmin GPSII, which may be a problem and am on the COM 1 port. I can do exports from Easy GPS OK. Any ideas please. Ted
robertlipe Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 The guy responsible for the unit transfer code in GSAK just so happens to have a GPSII. Geriatric Garmins have been a recurring problem, but he thought that was all under control. What version of GSAK do you have and what version of GPSBabel does it report in "help->about"?
+behindthepub Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 Hi Robert, thanks for the response. I downloaded GSAK 5.0.4 build 20 last week GPS babel v. 1.2.4 Does that help? Ted
robertlipe Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 There have been a couple of changes that may have helped but those haven't made it to a released GSAK yet. The beta GSAK from this week would include those fixes. If betas are just not for you and you want to pursue it, see question 12 in the GSAK FAQ and mail me the details privately.
+Limax Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 I don't know if this has been answered or not, but is it possible to change the display order of the headings? I was unsuccessful when I was trying to figure out how to log a find this morning. (I finally found the checkbox to turn on the 'found' checkbox), but I was wanting it more to the left... or would it be more convenient to have two different views to do this? Thanks!
+hbrx Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 I don't know if this has been answered or not, but is it possible to change the display order of the headings? I just started GSAK on my other computer to check if what I remembered was correct. And what pops up as 'Todays Tip'? Nothing else than 'You can change the order of the columns in offline view. Just drag the column heading to where you like it. Your settings will be saved' Was that convinient or what? hbrx.
+Quoddy Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 WARNING! I just loaded Garmin 3.61 beta onto my 60cs. Lost all my installed waypoints and so far have been unable to download from GSAK into it.
robertlipe Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 (edited) Huh. Guess that's why it's a beta, eh? After you file a problem report with Garmin, follow the instruction in question 12 of the GSAK FAQ to privately mail me the dumps so I can see what kind of incompatibility they've introduced this time. (But I really am serious about reporting this to Garmin. That's what betas are about...) [ edit: include below ] Oh, and since I'm sure to get asked about #1 on their list, yes, it's my belief that custom icon transfers *should* work. The teeny little detail is that in doing so you're going to give up geocaching mode. Now if they'd let you set a flag for each custom symbol that allowed geocaching mode work for multiple types, (and in my book, it'd be fine to use the same "found" icon for all fo them) then they'd have what geocachers _really_ want. ...report that to Garmin, too. Edited January 27, 2005 by robertlipe
+Jeeping Family Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 Why not add Benchmarks to the program? Please explain your request. GSAK currently allows for Benchmarks to be added to any database and there is also a "Benchmak" type to filter them out. Guess we (not I, but we) should have explained that better. Looking for a way to get PQ's of Benchmarks.
+Quoddy Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 I just re-downloaded and re-installed 3.61 and all is back to normal. Must have been a gllich in the original download....had me worried, though.
+Limax Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 Guess we (not I, but we) should have explained that better. Looking for a way to get PQ's of Benchmarks. That's currently not possible. Look at the 'wish list' under the pinned threads on the Benchmark forum.
+Limax Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 I just started GSAK on my other computer to check if what I rememberedwas correct. And what pops up as 'Todays Tip'? Nothing else than 'You can change the order of the columns in offline view. Just drag the column heading to where you like it. Your settings will be saved' Was that convinient or what? hbrx. Very much so... now I just need to figure out how to get it into 'offline mode' (Yes, I'm still new to GSAK... does it show? )
+ClydeE Posted January 27, 2005 Author Posted January 27, 2005 I just started GSAK on my other computer to check if what I rememberedwas correct. And what pops up as 'Todays Tip'? Nothing else than 'You can change the order of the columns in offline view. Just drag the column heading to where you like it. Your settings will be saved' Was that convinient or what? hbrx. Very much so... now I just need to figure out how to get it into 'offline mode' (Yes, I'm still new to GSAK... does it show? ) Offline view is nothing special - it really just means the grid you see just about all the time. The offline term means that the information is not "live". That is, it is only current as your last PQ So just move your mouse to the heading of the column you would like to shift. Now hold down your left mouse button and drag the column heading to the position in the grid you would like to see this column. Now release the left mouse button to "drop" the column inot place. You can also change the width of any column if you find it too wide or too narrow.
+ClydeE Posted January 27, 2005 Author Posted January 27, 2005 Guess we (not I, but we) should have explained that better. Looking for a way to get PQ's of Benchmarks. That's currently not possible. Look at the 'wish list' under the pinned threads on the Benchmark forum. Yes, quite so, this is a Groundspeak issue and not a GSAK issue. Please also note that I am not an employee of Groundspeak and have no assocation what so ever with them, so I really have no idea when this "feature" will become available. Most Benchmark users that want to input bulk Benchmarks download the data sheets then use the program bm2gpx to convert to a GPX file that can be loaded into GSAK
+Limax Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 So just move your mouse to the heading of the column you would like to shift. Now hold down your left mouse button and drag the column heading to the position in the grid you would like to see this column. Now release the left mouse button to "drop" the column inot place. You can also change the width of any column if you find it too wide or too narrow. You know... I tried that. I must not have tried hard enough. I figured it had to be that easy... but I was in a hurry this morning. I'll try again.
+Jeeping Family Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 Guess we (not I, but we) should have explained that better. Looking for a way to get PQ's of Benchmarks. That's currently not possible. Look at the 'wish list' under the pinned threads on the Benchmark forum. Yes, quite so, this is a Groundspeak issue and not a GSAK issue. Please also note that I am not an employee of Groundspeak and have no assocation what so ever with them, so I really have no idea when this "feature" will become available. Most Benchmark users that want to input bulk Benchmarks download the data sheets then use the program bm2gpx to convert to a GPX file that can be loaded into GSAK bm2gpx?
+The Jester Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 I did a little searching and found this in another post: You didn't find it because it's really called bmgpx. You can find it at http://parkrrrr.com/ Good luck.
+4lagig-deluxe Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 A short question to GSAK 5.04 Build 20. I get every day a *.gpx file with my found caches from GC.com. Unfortunately the found status of my Webcam caches were never be updated. I thought the 'always' import option for the found status is the priority to update the database. What's wrong? Sorry if this question were already treated, I did'nt read all messages.
+ClydeE Posted January 28, 2005 Author Posted January 28, 2005 (edited) A short question to GSAK 5.04 Build 20. I get every day a *.gpx file with my found caches from GC.com. Unfortunately the found status of my Webcam caches were never be updated. I thought the 'always' import option for the found status is the priority to update the database. What's wrong? For some reason, webcam caches do not have the "Geocache Found" symbol in the GPX file like other cache types do. In order for GSAK to discover if you have found a webcam cache it needs to interrogate your logs and uses the same matching logic as for placed caches. This would also imply your placed caches are not found by GSAK. See the help file or online here for more information. If you still can't see why this is not working, please take the "Tools=>Send debug info to Clyde" and email me the tracking number. I should be able to sort out the reason why from that. Edited January 28, 2005 by ClydeE
+embra Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 A little additional information that may help get benchmark data into GSAK: First, go to the NGS website, and download the YEARLY archive for the county you want. http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_archive.prl Use BMGPX to convert the DAT datasheet to a GPX file. Then you can use the GPX, just as you would a PQ with GSAK (or other programs should you desire). Here is a thread that is kinda old but still relevant for ways that I tweak GSAK to manage BM data. Works great!
+4lagig-deluxe Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 In order for GSAK to discover if you have found a webcam cache it needs to interrogate your logs and uses the same matching logic as for placed caches. Clyde, that was the rigth hint. I thank you!
+DomHeknows Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 Just to let you know that if you export to html and then delete the folder that you last went to, when you try to export in html again you get a message saying "The folder you have selected does not exist. please enter a valid folder" but there is no option to a) select a valid folder or tell you what the folder was so you can create it to get past the prompt
robertlipe Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 I am using an old Garmin GPSII, which may be a problem and am on the COM 1 port. BehindThePub and I worked this off list. After studying his debugging info, I sent him the GPSBabel binary that's present in the GSAK beta. The II, which he has, has subtly different protocol characteristics than the II+ that I bought to help support the older Garmins. Fortunately, the fix I applied for the 12 (apparently a II is more like a 12 than a II+ when it comes to A100 packet identification) late last year was a confirmed hit for him. He's now GSAK'ing right along. The pertinent fix was this one.
+bassoonde Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 Hello Clyde I'm using GSAK 5.0.4. I noticed a misbehavior in the Toolsbar. I defined two locations in tools - options -Tab locations (home and amberg (a town)). The most time I use home for showing me the distance and bearing. If I start GSAK again the location home is used, but in the toolbar the second location "amberg" is shown. Chris
+bassoonde Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 Hello Clyde again I found out that you managed to include the postcodes of Germany in GSAK. How Did you do this? That's amazing. GSAK is worth this prize. Maybe the double prize. Chris
+horsegeeks Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 How do you choose several cache listings from a GSAK database to export to a GPX file all at the same time?
+Awkward Socks Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 Hey, I've used GSAK on my older computer, and it worked fine. I could send waypoints to the GPSMap 60CS no problem. Now I have the newest version of GSAK on a new computer, and it gives me a 'blah' error. What is the 'blah' error and can I fix it? Awkward Socks
+The Jester Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 How do you choose several cache listings from a GSAK database to export to a GPX file all at the same time? Clear user flags. Set the user flag for the caches you want. Filter on user flag set. Export.
+horsegeeks Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 How do you choose several cache listings from a GSAK database to export to a GPX file all at the same time? Clear user flags. Set the user flag for the caches you want. Filter on user flag set. Export. That's what I needed. thanks very much Jester
+The Jester Posted January 28, 2005 Posted January 28, 2005 That's what I needed. thanks very much Jester You're welcome. Glad I was able to help.
+ClydeE Posted January 28, 2005 Author Posted January 28, 2005 Hello ClydeI'm using GSAK 5.0.4. I noticed a misbehavior in the Toolsbar. I defined two locations in tools - options -Tab locations (home and amberg (a town)). The most time I use home for showing me the distance and bearing. If I start GSAK again the location home is used, but in the toolbar the second location "amberg" is shown. Chris Locations are just a TYPE of centre point you can select from the drop down box - they can't be syncronized with you current or saved centre point. When you start GSAK it will always show the first location (In alpha sequence in the drop down box) no matter what your current centre point is set to. A centre point can be a location, post code, or cache (waypoint). You might set a post code as your current centre point , so it would be impossible to show this location in the drop down box because it does not exist. Same goes for a cache that has been set as a centre point.
+ClydeE Posted January 28, 2005 Author Posted January 28, 2005 Hey,I've used GSAK on my older computer, and it worked fine. I could send waypoints to the GPSMap 60CS no problem. Now I have the newest version of GSAK on a new computer, and it gives me a 'blah' error. What is the 'blah' error and can I fix it? Awkward Socks If you are using a serial cable (or USB to serial converter cable) to transfer the waypoints to the 60c then uncheck the "Use USB" check box via GPS=>Setup If you are using a navtive USB cable, this error usually indicates you have not got your GPS turned on when doing the transfer, or you have not installed the USB drivers for the 60c on the new computer.
+ClydeE Posted January 28, 2005 Author Posted January 28, 2005 Just to let you know that if you export to html and then delete the folder that you last went to, when you try to export in html again you get a message saying "The folder you have selected does not exist. please enter a valid folder" but there is no option to a) select a valid folder or tell you what the folder was so you can create it to get past the prompt I don't understand what you are saying. This is just an error message. Like most error messages it informs you what the problem is, you have to click on the OK button, then fix up the error to continue. The error is telling you the folder does not exist. After clicking on OK, you can see problematic folder name in the folder box, just change it to a valid folder to continue.
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