Pantalaimon Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 If you could tell Neocachers the single most valuable piece of information you have about geocaching, what would it be? PLEASE, keep it on topic, and try your hardest to refrain from the useless (and usually humorless) one liners. I beg of you. Your entire post should consist of your advice, in the format below. Here's mine: - Always bring extra batteries. Pan Swallow a live toad first thing in the morning, and chances are that nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day. - Unknown Quote
+Markwell Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I'm sorry, I have two: Mark a waypoint for your car. Take a compass. Markwell Chicago Geocaching Quote
+El Diablo Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Bring a print out of the cache page with you. El Diablo Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse. Quote
+Hawk-eye Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 - Carry spare parts (Pencils, small notebooks, Ziplock bags) to help a cache in need of repair. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Co-founder of the "NC/VA GEO-HOG ASSOCIATION" ... when you absolutely have to find it first! Quote
+Sissy-n-CR Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Thoroughly read this site's information, extensively browse the fourms, read and understand your GPS's owner's manual, familarize yourself with as much information you can possibly absorb. Read, read, read. CR Quote
+Geofool Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I the summer months, don't forget to bring your favorite DEET product. GF ******************************************** Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 A cache is what you make it. Even "Lame" ones are fun if you are fun. Enjoy. Quote
+pnew Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 a cache can never be too hard when you are placing it. The harder it is to find (if not some cheesy micro) the more praise on the cache page when someone does find it. Quote
+trippy1976 Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Most of the time a cache is just off a trail and requires very little bushwhacking. It's probably best for you and the place you are to stick to the trail. Get pocket queries and go paperless. You'll learn to appreciate the power of having all caches pages with you at any time. Wear sunscreen. -------- trippy1976 - Team KKF2A Assimilating golf balls - one geocache at a time. Quote
+Geofool Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 After finding a cache, make sure cache container lid is closed tighly and cache is put back in it's intended location. Make sure it is protected from muggles. When I've done maintenance checks on some of my caches, for whatever reason, some geocachers move them to be easier to find. Many times too easy. Put them back where you found them! GF ******************************************** Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Quote
+Kewaneh & Shark Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Always hide the cache in the same place you found it. Don't move it thinking you can hide it better than the cache owner. Of course, if you find it out in the open, put it in the most likely location and e-mail the cache owner. Keep on Caching! (and Benchmarking!) - Kewaneh Quote
+geospotter Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Use the bathroom before you go caching... And, don't get so involved in finding the cache that you miss the nature around you. Quote
+Geofool Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 quote:Originally posted by geospotter:Use the bathroom before you go caching... And, don't get so involved in finding the cache that you miss the nature around you. Or bring TP just in case. GF ******************************************** Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Quote
+TeamK-9 Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I know some people will probably disagree with this, but planning is EVERYTHING. Try to work out an average of how long it takes you to walk a certain distance (with help of your GPS that is) and figure how much time it will take you on average to find a cache, and throw in an extra five or 10 minutes or so to allow for rough terrain, and/or adjust accordingly due to the terrain and difficulty ratings on the cache page. This allows you to figure out how much time you'll probably spend at a cache, so you know how many caches you can hit in a day, maximize your daily cache finds... And if all else fails, (and/or you don't agree with heavy planning) just have fun... ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em. Quote
Rigour Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Waypoint the car and use the tracking feature - it's especially useful when you get close and start seeing the cache bounce around on the GPS. Quote
+Kealia Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I'll chime in on two: 1) Trade even or up 2) Make sure somebody knows where you are going Quote
+Team Trout Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Bring a plastic shopping bag with you so you can "Trash Out"! Quote
Mushtang Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 If you cache in any wooded areas, shower as soon as you get home! You can usually avoid chiggar bites and rid yourself of all ticks that way. Don't wait until 6 hours later to shower, I learned that one the hard way. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "A noble spirit embiggins the smallest man." - Jebediah Springfield ---------------------------------------------------------------- Quote
+MtnLion Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I always bring my cell phone, waypoint my car, and take my digital camera. I always always always waypoint my car! I have gotten lost in our woods before--and I was sure I wouldn't. Quote
+Metaphor Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Log Travel Bugs IN and OUT of caches. "All of us are standing in the mud, but some of us are looking at the stars." Oscar Wilde Quote
+zippes Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Print out the explanation of “What is Geocaching” from the web page and have it with you in pocket or purse. It will lend creditability to your attempts to verbally explain what you were doing if stopped by an officer of the law while on a hunt. "Remember... nothing is completly worthless!!... it can always be used as a bad example"! Quote
BCR Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Remember caching is supposed to be fun. Set a time limit and give up on the find after a reasonable amount of time. No need to spend two hours in a mundane section of the woods searching for a camouflaged micro container smaller than a postage stamp if your goal is exploration and exercise. Also, make your logs enjoyable to others. Waypoint any really cool stuff you find. Quote
+Night Stalker Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Don't make the hiding place easier that how you found it just because you had a difficult time finding it. That is how many caches end up being plundered Lost? Keep going. You're making good time anyway!! Quote
+El Diablo Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 If you have a question don't be afraid to ask. Either post in the fourms or ask a local cacher. We were all new at one time, and we had the same questions. I've never met a cacher that wasn't more than willing to answer questions or give advice. El Diablo Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse. Quote
+Stunod Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 If there are people around (muggles), be careful not to expose the loaction of the cache to them. Come back later if you need to. "Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." - Homer Simpson Eamus Catuli AC145895 Quote
+Kealia Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 quote:...Also, make your logs enjoyable to others. Even though I've already posted, I'd like to second this thought. When I first started my posts were like: Great hike, thanks. Now that I'm more into it (and hidden 2 caches myself) I realize that half the fun is reading about others experiences. Especially on days when you can't go out and cache, it allows you to participate vicariously though the logs. Quote
+Geofool Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Double check the cache coordinates, especially if your hiding a cache. GF ******************************************** Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Quote
+ventura_kids Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 This is it! The single most important thing you need to know is to ignore the forums. Remember that we do this for fun. Ventura Kid and Spider Dude Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? Quote
Nascat Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Resist the temptation of sticking your bare hand into a hollow tree or hole in the ground if you can't see what's in there. Probe with a stick or wear leather gloves. Take Care, Mike ''Oh Jersey, we salute thee. Oh Jersey, sovereign state. Oh Jersey, magnificent empire; magnificent home of the natural slob. Oh Jersey.'' Jean Shepherd Quote
+FDNY260 Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Beware of the poisen ivy!!!! trust me!!!!! <table bgcolor="#ff6666" align="center" style="font-size:10pt;font-family:arial;color:000000;"> <tr> <td align="center"> <image src='' border='1' align='middle' alt='Poison Ivy!' vspace='1'> Poison Ivy Alert! <tr><td><div align='center'><small>Generated by <a href=''>The Selector</a></small></div> </td> </tr> </table> FDNY260 Never Forget 9-11-01 Quote
+captnemo Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Post the cache condition in your log. The cache owner will love you for it. Quote
+tankboy Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I'll reiterate making your car a waypoint. Been there, done that, it makes you feel very, very stupid. After the initial panic, of course. Quote
+Woodbutcher68 Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Geocaching is like smoking...Once you start, it's hard to quit. Don't start! Maps?!? I don't need no stinking maps! I got coordinates! There's a fine line between Geocaching and mental illness, I just not sure which side of the line I'm on! Quote
+briansnat Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Hide the cache the way you found it, or in a manner consistent with its difficulty rating (in the event the person before you didn't). "You can't make a man by standig a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm Quote
mckee Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Don't leave a camera in your cache or someone will take a picture of their butt....or worse. -------------------- You have the right to defend yourself, even when geocaching! Quote
+Ltljon Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 quote:Originally posted by geospotter:Use the bathroom before you go caching.. From a post months ago: Never EVER take a laxative the night before a cache hunt. Do keep a flashlight & matches/lighter with you at all times. No one ever planned on getting lost. . . Quote
+Chipper3 Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 Put Ivy Off in your "bag." Summertime bushwhacking always seems to invlove poison ivy. Quote
RickyRoket Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 I'll echo my favorites: Deet, Waypoint your car, Water, Go to the bathroom beforehand, Camera. TAKE THE CLUES! Quote
+Kouros Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by trippy1976:Wear sunscreen. See, I was sorely tempted to do a "wear sunscreen" joke, but the fact of the matter is is that it's true - I forget how many times I've been out for a long hunt and forgotten the cream. All larking about to one side, trust him on the sunscreen. ------ "There's Sparticus. That's him, over there." Quote
+Whistle Bare Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 At age 69, make sure you can climb to high altitude caches (above 9,000 feet) without a doctor. Quote
+wcgreen Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 Originally posted by Pantalaimon:If you could tell Neocachers the single most valuable piece of information you have about geocaching, what would it be? /QUOTE] Bring your dog*. It's amazing how much you can get away with (searching undergrowth, walking in circles, peering at the ground, rooting through rubble, etc.) when you have a dog with you. *Don't take dogs where they aren't allowed. A dog doesn't understand why you're putting it back in the car when it expected a good walk. -- wcgreen Wendy Chatley Green Quote
+Team P2 Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 Here's mine: No matter how simple or routine a cache sounds always, always take your full pack of gear to the cache site. Otherwise you will have to get a pencil, or trash bag, or your trade item, or your bug spray, or your... Team P2 Variety is the spice of life...and I like it HOT! Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 In this Era you might hear, That things are never the way they appear. Be on guard at all times, This my friend for ryming line. Take all you need for a day or two, Just in case you thought you knew. Well down the trail I must go, Another story to unfold. Happy Geotrails.............. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS *GEOTRYAGAIN* TAKE PRIDE IN AMERICA **1803-2003** "LOUSIANA PURCHASE" "LEWIS AND CLARK EXPADITION" Initial Points Page Quote
+drat19 Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 If you're placing your first cache(s), take the time to either find a good cross-section of others' hides first, or at least follow the advice of another poster on this thread and READ, READ, READ. Take the time to learn what makes a good cache (the hide location, the container, the contents, etc...and that means ALL OF THE ABOVE) before just putting one out in any old place in any old container just for the thrill of having someone log a find and auto-Email you a log. The best, most well-thought-out caches are the ones that will reward you (as the hider) with the most praise in the logs, and the most traffic to your caches. And don't forget to LEARN from your cache logs so your next cache hides will improve as you hide more. Quote
+datum Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 Make sure your GPSr is set to use the correct datum for the coordinates - typically WGS84. Quote
+TotemLake Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 I wasn't planning on adding anything to this as all the tips here are just great and right on the money! Three very valuable things: 1. Carry the most up to date map you can get your hands on. 2. For the long hikes, if you haven't done them before, build up to them. 3. For the long hikes, carry a water filter or purifier. You'll need it to replenish your supply. See here for my log that starts my story for yesterday. Cheers! TL Quote
+Doc-Dean Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 From the 'Everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarden' file: Wear Clean Underwear! --------------------------------------------------- Free your mind and the rest will follow Quote
+15Tango Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 Hornet stings hurt like you know what. And did you know, once one hornet stings, you, it releases pheromones telling others to sting you? And if you aren't allergic, you can get at least a dozen stings without suffering any long term affects (other than this @#$&* itching). "Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles. What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other?"--George Eliot Quote
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