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German Bloke Searcing In Oz


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For some of you guy´s this will be the most amusing thread of the year,but I thougt i better ask. What i wanna know is, how you guy´s handle holes an so on. Here in Germany we don´t have any dedly poisnous animals,so I´m used to grab in any hole or crack when I´m searching for a cache,and to turn or lift a stone with no worries.

But you have a lot more of theese `friendly`cretures. So how are you doing this,and what do I need to know??How do you check for spiders/snakes first? Do you take sticks or what???

Thank´s for your help

Edited by hollgi
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It’s not only the animals/ insects you should worry about; some of the plants are dangerous as well.

It all depends on what part of Australia you plan on visiting as to what you may encounter.

Basically for checking holes and cracks I would suggest a pair of leather gloves, but check the hole for any sign of life i.e. worn path leading from it.

Seems to be an awful lot of snakes around the Sydney region at the moment so you should where long pants and try and avoid walking through long grass and lifting old junk.

If you encounter a snake LEAVE IT ALONE, most snakes will normally move out of the way. Some species will not move and appear dead however as I said before leave snakes alone. Snakes are active in the night as well as daytime.


Insects, the north side of Sydney Harbour is prolific for ticks and you should use a personal bug spray like Aerogard tropical strength and check yourself for any of the buggers when you have finished caching for the day.

You should also check the dunny/toilet seat in any of the outside toilets as you can encounter Red Backs.

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Thank´s mate, that´s exacty the area I´ll stay at (cranulla+south coast,mabye kangaroo- valley)and from where I´ll go to search(+50-80km). Of cause I´ll not play around with snakes(that´s when most people get bitten,even I know that). Do you wear these gloves and then just grab in or do you firs take a stick...? Anything else you can tell me or I should know??

Could you please name me some of the plants you`re talking about?? (Then I can get some info´s at the www)


Edited by hollgi
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Nice spot to stay Cronulla and there are some great caches in the area plus the topless babes down the beaches.

The South Coast has a lot of ticks so use the Aerogard and be careful of the Kangaroos, as they can be a bit aggressive.

I don’t use gloves or a stick, just go of instinct, experience and stupidity but don’t recommend you use this approach.

Snakes can be very hard to spot when walking in the bush and you can step on one with out seeing it.

For more information http://www.avru.unimelb.edu.au/avruweb/creatable.html


The most common plant you will encounter will be the Stinging Nettle but most plants have some spike or some other means of annoying you.


What else you should know:


Don’t stand any where near a Bull Ants nest

Take plenty of water on your travels

Wear a hat and sunscreen

If going for a swim on the surf beaches swim between the flags

Don’t go caching if bushfires are in the area, go somewhere else

Get a map or street directory to find your way around. Best spot for maps near Cronulla is Paddy Pallin at Miranda. You can catch the train from Cronulla to Miranda. You can get a street directory from just about anywhere.


Have a great time

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