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Please! Please trade equal... BEWARE! RANT AHEAD!

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Originally posted by magellan315:

There is someone in my area who is putting blank Cd-Roms in caches... I usually try for something that is useful...3' mini tape measures, large caribieners...


Mag, just so you see the other side of the coin, I find a blank CD-ROM more useful than a 3' tape measure or a caribiner. I probably wouldn't trade for any of those items (I rarely trade), but people like different things.


The other day I found a pacifier in a cache that was very dirty. Something like that I think we can all agree is trash.


(I never thought I'd be responding to this thread. icon_wink.gif )



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Originally posted by magellan315:

There is someone in my area who is putting blank Cd-Roms in caches... I usually try for something that is useful...3' mini tape measures, large caribieners...


Mag, just so you see the other side of the coin, I find a blank CD-ROM more useful than a 3' tape measure or a caribiner. I probably wouldn't trade for any of those items (I rarely trade), but people like different things.


The other day I found a pacifier in a cache that was very dirty. Something like that I think we can all agree is trash.


(I never thought I'd be responding to this thread. icon_wink.gif )



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Originally posted by geospotter:

Yeah, he sent me an email, too.


Yeah, that line in your reply where you stated "For thirty years I have been paid very well to ..." was so incredibly pompous I laughed for an hour. I suppose the point was that if you were paid less-well, you wouldn't do as good a job.


The gynecologist line was also a real hoot; the only thing that annoyed me was that you apparently don't know the difference between gynecology and obstetrics.


But I did appreciate your comments, whether I agreed with them or not. Thank you for your note.


And in this case too, I acquiesce, for obviously you know better than I. I will attempt to adhere to those values you have demonstrated. Thank you for showing me the errors of my ways.


[This message was edited by BassoonPilot on June 03, 2002 at 11:26 AM.]

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Warm.Fuzz said: "...Pet peeve: "devolved" doesn't mean what you think it means..."


Using your handy-online resource,


devolve: to degenerate through a gradual change or evolution


- or, in my mind, trading a movie DVD for a music CD is a trade down (content type) and someone taking DVDs and trading-in 15 year old VHSs is also a trade-down (media type)... and successive trades have degenerated the "Arlington Movie Cache" into the "Arlingoton Media Cache"


[degenerate: 1 a : having declined (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state b : having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type; especially : having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state c : DEGRADED]


it was degraded over time, it devolved.

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Originally posted by hakalugi:

Warm.Fuzz said: _"...Pet peeve: "devolved" doesn't mean what you think it means..."_


Using your handy-online resource,


__devolve:_ to degenerate through a gradual change or evolution _


Interesting... that's an example of the language changing to fit the usage, apparently. I think you'll find that that particular sense of the word is a relatively recent one brought about by a large number of people thinking they knew what it meant and using it as such. I suspect most other dictionaries won't list that sense of the word yet.


The more accepted meaning of the word is quite different, as you can see in sense 1 and sense 2 of the definition you quoted.



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This topic has run its course. Trading down is bad. If you can, trade equal/up or don't trade at all. Most of the offenders aren't reading these threads anyway. Closing this thread - Admin


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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