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Gig Harbor Cache Machine


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The Gig Harbor Cache Machine page is ready! The link should be active soon. The first draft route (a 765K file) is at http://www.drizzle.com/~travisl/ghcm1.pdf.


Dinner on Saturday will be followed by night cache hunts. And I've got Puerto Vallarta Mexican Restaurant set as the dinner spot, but I haven't actually checked with them yet.


The pre-CM dinner might be in Tacoma, though -- Harmon's (mentioned in the previous thread) sounds really good.


And to answer LittleBlue's question, I'm almost certain you could find someone to carpool with from the east side of the lake.

Posted (edited)

The Borgen Street Bark and Ride is in a very public, conspicuous place. Way more so than your average urban cache. I'd worry for the cache if 75 people come looking for it. I'd at least see what the owner says.


There are a couple tough micros like Old Ferry Landing, Heinous Hide..., and Green Light at the Tides which I suspect might slow the caravan down a bit. B)


I haven't done any of the night caches on the list, so maybe I'll tag along after dinner to those.

Edited by Bull Moose

:mad: Would someone care to explain to us Kitsap residents why Port Orchard is off the list?


<_< Also, will you be including Port Orchard in the future, if there is one, Bremerton Cache Machine II?


:mad: I probably won't go, since it's too far for me to travel, due to all those commuters that clog up the roads going back to their Tacoma and Seattle homes.


<_< I probably won't go, since it's too far for me to travel, due to all those commuters that clog up the roads going back to their Tacoma and Seattle homes.

Well, it's not too far for us to travel from southern Oregon to be at one of Travis' cache machines.

<_< I probably won't go, since it's too far for me to travel, due to all those commuters that clog up the roads going back to their Tacoma and Seattle homes.

Isn't it the other way round, commuters working in the Seattle and Tacoma, returning to their Kitsap homes?

The Borgen Street Bark and Ride is in a very public, conspicuous place. Way more so than your average urban cache. I'd worry for the cache if 75 people come looking for it. I'd at least see what the owner says.


There are a couple tough micros like Old Ferry Landing, Heinous Hide..., and Green Light at the Tides which I suspect might slow the caravan down a bit. <_<

I agree with Borgen Street Bark and Ride. Unless it can be set up to be very early on the route.


As far as Heinous Hide and the others, they're good hides (well, I've only done the first but heard good things about the others) but they won't slow down the machine. Most of us have found enough Goblindust's and/or the evil Redmond micros to know how to find those quickly.


Hi Travis!


I was going through the first draft of the cache machine and noticed hunt #22 QFC-Quite Fearless Cache is on the schedule around 10 am. I haven't found this one yet, but do know it is set up as a night cache, though some have found it during the day.


Then hunt 29 Wilkenson Farm is temporaily disabled right now.


Other wise the list looks good! Gig Harboe has some great caches and some creative hiders! I see a lot I have yet to do. So I plan on being there!


Another possibility for dinner is Spiro's Pizza downtown. They have a large room, but I'm unsure if they'd give it up on one of their busiest nights. You might give them a call.

Another possibility for dinner is Spiro's Pizza downtown. They have a large room, but I'm unsure if they'd give it up on one of their busiest nights. You might give them a call.

Yeah, Spiro's is good. I still have a slice from their Silverdale restaurant in my fridge from Friday, so if you''ll excuse me.


Oh and they serve beer.


I found out today that Cutter’s Point coffee shop in Olympic Village is a free WiFi spot, in case anyone needs internet access during the cache machine. I’m there now, it works.

Posted (edited)

:D Having done the "Power of the Written Word" cache and seeing it listed on the itinerary, how come the "Power of the Written Word II" isn't listed?. The specs for that cache are in the first cache's logbook. So, if you park your car in the correct location, as stated in the 1st cache's description, you can get the 2nd cache on the way back to your car.


BTW, a mass of people showing up at a Power Station, a Water Tower or some other utility site, just might get you some unwanted attention from the authority figures. I already had a sort-of close encounter over next to the Albertson store, when looking in a few flower pots and etc. Beware of the man or lady at the tanning business.


:lol: 911 and other incidents have brought out the "Paranoids"(and I don't mean from Dominos either) and you never know when one is watching and itching to call a cop.

Edited by Fledermaus
Would someone care to explain to us Kitsap residents why Port Orchard is off the list?


The 61 Gig Harbor caches put the route at about two hours after dark. Adding Port Orchard adds another 50 caches, and that's not even counting the 20 caches south of Mullenix and north of the Purdy bridge.


The Borgen Street Bark and Ride is in a very public, conspicuous place.


I've e-mailed the owner, Happy Gillmore, asking for his opinion.


how come the "Power of the Written Word II" isn't listed?. The specs for that cache are in the first cache's logbook. So, if you park your car in the correct location, as stated in the 1st cache's description, you can get the 2nd cache on the way back to your car.


There's nothing in the description of either cache indicating how close PotWWII is to PotWWI or the given coordinates. Now that I know it's close, I'll add it. Thanks for the tip.

The Borgen Street Bark and Ride is in a very public, conspicuous place.


FYI, the owner says to keep it, so it's staying on the route. Yay!

That should be interesting. I may set up camp there and watch people try to find that evil hide. :lol:

The Borgen Street Bark and Ride is in a very public, conspicuous place.


FYI, the owner says to keep it, so it's staying on the route. Yay!

That should be interesting. I may set up camp there and watch people try to find that evil hide. :huh:

That should be interesting. I may set up camp there and watch people try to find that evil hide. :ph34r:


I agree only took us two times and a hint before we found it <_<


I think Gig Harbor has a few caches that will be fun to sit back and watch others find. Some of the tougher evil hides I have found quickly, others not so lucky. Green Light at the Tides will be another fun one to watch. Near a corner that can be quite busy at times. The Old Ferry Landing is another great one as well!


I have a scout campout this weekend, unless I can move it, but I thought I would chime in.


The "GEOrge was here" cache by Safeway has come up in this thread. The cobbler there loves watching all of the cachers as they come by. I will talk with the computer shop, nail shop and tanning booth today and let thm know that there are 5 caches right there and to expect a few people every now and then looking around and to expect a bunch of people on the 8th.


The "Bark & Ride" cache has been a lot of fun for many people. It is situated next to a few benches and tables which would be a fun place to view the buzz of the cachers. As far as drawing a bunch of attention, I would not worry about it. Most people are looking at each others pets as they come and go from Petco.


The "QFC" cache would be very diffecult to do during the day. I was going for an FTF and found a couple of the glints but it would be a real challenge to find the complete trail during the day. As a night cache it would be awesome.


It would be a shame if we would have to leave Gig Harbor for eats at the end of the day. I can contact the chamber and ask for their recommendations. Spiro's is the best suggestion I have heard so far. Of course a place that would be perfect, that has great food and wonderful beer, (root beer) is Burger King. :rolleyes:


Three things:



There's three motels in the area: the Best Western Wesley ($119 a night! ouch!), the Inn at Gig Harbor ($89 a night - still expensive), and the Westwynd in Purdy (prices not listed online). There's bed and breakfasts around, but I don't know what their rates would be (The Rose of Gig Harbor lists a price of $150, but others may be more or less).


It might be worth the drive from one of the cheaper hotels in Tacoma.


Route update

I've not posted a route update yet, because there's not that much to update. I'll be removing one archived stop (Bridge View) and adding Cloudy Day I.


Pre-Event Dinner

The pre-event dinner will be a potluck at Murphy's Landing, the same place the Peninsula Cache-In was held last February. It's a great spot.

Three things:



There's three motels in the area: the Best Western Wesley ($119 a night! ouch!), the Inn at Gig Harbor ($89 a night - still expensive), and the Westwynd in Purdy (prices not listed online).  There's bed and breakfasts around, but I don't know what their rates would be (The Rose of Gig Harbor lists a price of $150, but others may be more or less).


It might be worth the drive from one of the cheaper hotels in Tacoma.


Pre-Event Dinner

The pre-event dinner will be a potluck at Murphy's Landing, the same place the Peninsula Cache-In was held last February.  It's a great spot.

I would recommend driving to a Tacoma hotel or camping at Kopachuck before staying at the Westwynd. Dirty, moldy, smelly. The Best Western is very nice and is a short walk to the Park and Ride meeting place, coffee shop, restaurants. The Inn at Gig Harbor is nice too be not as 'walking around' friendly.


Has the time of the pre event dinner been decided ?


Ok, this sucks! I may not be able to attend.


I may have to fulfill my official duties as an elected Right Wing Wacko. As an elected PCO there are not a lot of things I am "Required" to do, but showing up at the GOP organizational meeting to be sworn in is one if them :lol:

Has the time of the pre event dinner been decided ?

It has now:


The potluck will be at 7:00 p.m., Friday, January 7, at N 47° 20.155 W 122° 35.463 (Murphy's Landing clubhouse). Bring a side dish and a drink, and we'll make last minute announcements (such as additions, deletions, or route changes) at that time.


I'm hoping to have the second draft of the route posted by Sunday night -- I received a very helpful e-mail last night with warnings about some caches that will take longer than I expected.

I may have to fulfill my official duties as an elected Right Wing Wacko. As an elected PCO there are not a lot of things I am "Required" to do, but showing up at the GOP organizational meeting to be sworn in is one if them :o

Are you sure you have to go to that? I've never heard of being required to go to one of those. Or to be sworn in...

Posted (edited)

I just tried to open the new route file, but got a message "file damaged and unrepairable". Same message when I download the file and try and open.


edit because I can't type so good.

Edited by The Jester
I just tried to open the new route file, but got a message "file damaged and unrepairable". Same message when I download the file and try and open.


edit because I can't type so good.

Me, too...I just posted a note to the cache page. I'll go delete it since you are aware of the problem.

Great!  Thanks.  Now to re-do the GSAK database with this route info...


I haven't used GSAK for very long. I've just been marking the caches with user flags so I can filter them, and putting the CM order number in user data. What do you do in GSAK for Cache Machines?

Great!  Thanks.  Now to re-do the GSAK database with this route info...

You'll be posting that, right Jester :angry:

If someone wants it I can send it...

I do -- if I have your permission to post it to the GHCM page.

I would love to see a link to a file with a paperful version in it.

I'll see what I can do ;) That'll be the last step in the process, though, because it's fairly time consuming to compile the 50+ PDF cache pages into one document in the right order, so I won't do it for the draft routes -- just the final.


Plus the file tends to get kinda big and my ISP will only let me be over my quota for a week at a time.

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