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Hi Everyone,


I'm so new I haven't found anything yet. I'll be getting a 60cs for x-mas and I'm really excited to find my first cache.


My first question for you all is have any of you found any really good swag? It seems that swag tends to be inexpensive. I realize the hunt is more important than the swag but has any one ever found anything worth more than a few dollars?


Any rich guys out there hiding expensive toys and gadgets? I'd be fun to hide a cache and make it a first person to find it gets a $1000 dollar gift certificate type cache.


It'd be a fun way to to be generous.


Thanks guys!

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The most expensive thing I ever placed in a cache cost about $30, but there is a team that operates (I think) in the BC area that placed things like new GPS's, large amounts of cash (hundreds of dollars) and other expensive items in their caches. The caches were generally difficult ones, often with involved puzzles and tough hikes.

Edited by briansnat
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...Any rich guys out there hiding expensive toys and gadgets?  I'd be fun to hide a cache and make it a first person to find it gets a $1000 dollar gift certificate type cache...

Nope, just us normal working stiffs hiding caches trying to keep it game going. Most expensive item I ever placed was a $10 flashlight.


You be sure to let us know when you find that benefactor. <_<

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Most of what I place in caches I make myself. My trademark item that I leave in most of the caches I find is a chainmail ball. Normaly, I sell these for $5.00 each. For a first to find prize, of if I find a cache I realy like, I will leave a chainmail pouch. These sell anywhere from $12.00 to $35.00 depending on the size pouch. I don't think I have ever left more that about $70.00 worth of chainmail in a cache before. However, my girlfriend and I did find a coupon from flyi.com for two round trip tickets as a first to find prize. We used them to go geocaching in Florida.

Edited by Fergus
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The Gold, it calls to us........oh sorry, watched Pirates of the Caribbean one too many times! Man what a cache, who wouldn't like to open a cache and find that! My husband put out a cache that mostly had little die cast cars in it, but I don't think we have really ever put an expensive item. I thought it would be cool to put a shopping card in one, since it is close to Christmas and all. I thought that would make a good FTF find. Now, I have to find somewhere good to put it!

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Normally the most expensive thing I place in a cache is around $20. Sometimes I place $5 gift certificates for coffee. The most expensive item I ever placed was a coupon which could redeemed for a super-secret prize at a nearby location (store), but after 29 finds -- noone has even taken it and it's still waiting at the store! (Bat-Cache if anyone wants it!)


If I place a comic, graphic novel or other "collectable" item, I write www.geocaching.com on it to discourage muggling.


One time I placed a cache and it had about $10 worth of stuff in it. There was all this sticky black liquid in the area and a bizare looking set of rock formations that were kinda sparkly and these wierd shiny rocks in the area. The view must have really excited people because executives from a oil company, gold company and diamond distrbutor all started buying up the land all around my cache and I had to move it..... :laughing:

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I've been contemplating a cache with a really nice FTF prize like a digital camera or a digital camcorder or a gift certificate but recently had my first hidden cache stolen so I have a bit of a bad taste in my mouth for hiding caches right now.


Which leads me to a new topic to post ... Longest Time Before FTF ... coming soon to a Groundspeak forum near you!

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I heard someone (dont quote me on this but I think it was Snoogans) Put a notebook (or laptop for the non tech savy) in one of his caches(QL?)

The latest QL post showed that the first visitor after Snoogans restocked the cache found Mr. Franklin (and I don't mean an old .50 piece), with some coordinates on the back.

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I heard someone (dont quote me on this but I think it was Snoogans) Put a notebook (or laptop for the non tech savy) in one of his caches(QL?)

The latest QL post showed that the first visitor after Snoogans restocked the cache found Mr. Franklin (and I don't mean an old .50 piece), with some coordinates on the back.

That old trick:


I signed in, signed the waiver, and replaced it all. Then I pulled out the instruction sheets. "What's this between the pages? A hundred-dollar bill?! Cool!" I stuffed the sheets back into the container and headed back to the GeoSUV. Wow! I guess it pays to be L(ast)TF, on occasion!


Yea, that's not the first time though. Travis is just the first to actually mention it. <_<


Some of the best stuff I leave never gets mentioned. I left a $30+ hunk of citrine (by weight) in a favorite cache of mine in Arizona. Not a peep about it was mentioned in the logs. It was gone a couple weeks later when I checked on it passing through. I don't care. They're gifts and someone is enjoying them I'm sure.


My point is, if you're gonna give something away then GIVE it. High standards are great to have when making a trade, or placing a cache, but don't expect another person to trade evenly, or compliment you on your contribution. If they do then fine...... If they don't and you get heartburn over it, then ask yourself why you put it in the cache in the first place.

Edited by Snoogans
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I'd be fun to hide a cache and make it a first person to find it gets a $1000 dollar gift certificate type cache.


Im certainly going to be keeping an eye out for your first cache hide :lol: .

I have to agree with WH here.


All I have done on my caches for FTF is a certificate.


Good luck on your first cache outing.

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