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Indiana Cachers Hello !

Team Tigger International

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Hi all. I am new to the state of Indiana and also new to geocaching. We moved here after spending all of our 60 plus years in Pa to be near our grandchildren. Hope to be able to learn, awaiting my GPS from amazon.com and doing a lot of reading.


Welcome to the state of Indiana, and congrats on the new GPS purchase. What area of the state are you in?




Welcome to the Hoosier state and welcome to the addiction that is Geocaching! I highly encourage you to look up an event caches nearby. This will give you a chance to meet a lot of local cachers and get some one on one tips of the trade.


Good luck and if you have any questions or run into any problems, please don't hesitate to ask.


Thanks for the welcome. We are near Fishers Indiana. Living in a small apartment awaiting the construction of our house. I am searching out events to attend. Also looking for some books to read.


Hi, and welcome. The annual Fall Picnic event is this Sat. It's one of the biggest events for caching in IN every year. Check it out: GC12X5F


If you are seeking a caching partner for a day, feel free to tag me. I'm available on weekends, love distance hiking in the deep green, and live on Indy's westside. Local urban caching is good too.


Hi, and welcome. The annual Fall Picnic event is this Sat. It's one of the biggest events for caching in IN every year. Check it out: GC12X5F


If you are seeking a caching partner for a day, feel free to tag me. I'm available on weekends, love distance hiking in the deep green, and live on Indy's westside. Local urban caching is good too.


... and fungus. She forgot to mention her love of fungus.

Posted (edited)

Torry, I thought of you recently while I was caching. Oh, I just knew your mind would fly to that special place only it knows the way to. No, the muse was prompted by this photo, and I thought you might have some fun with it:



Edited by 2qwerqE
Posted (edited)

Hey everyone! Haven't posted in a long time, but here's the bad and the good.


July 11, 2007, we lost our German Shepherd Zoe-dog who loved to go caching because it meant going for a ride and a walk! She lived a good life and was doing very well until she because suddenly ill. After 5 days and a diagnosis of liver failure, I chose to let her go. She was just shy of 13 years old. Zoe's last cache was in November of last year.


July 21, 2007, I couldn't stand a dog-less house (although the cat enjoyed it) and found a new little girl. I fell in love with her on sight and so did my hubby. The hubby and I brought her home to test her out, and she never left! We named her Morgan and she's now about 8-1/2months old and is part black lab/German Shepherd/mountain goat/woodchuck. She found her first geocaching this weekend while we were in Pennsylvania.


A big thank you to one of our local adoption agencies PetsConnect.org for giving us joy again. I found Morgan through PetFinder.com which links animal shelters and adoption agencies.


Here's a photo of the new girl. Eat your heart out Patrick!




Congratulations on your new addition. Looks like a great dog! Love the ears and the bandana!


I know what you are going through because we experienced almost the same thing this year twice.


In March we came home from work one day and noticed our 8 year old Lab was having difficulty walking. We took her to the vet and he started checking her out. By Monday morning she could not walk at all. He did some xrays to see if she had a spinal injury and found out she had cancer in her lungs. He said it was most likely in her brain or spine too causing her problems. We had to make the hard decision to put her to sleep. She wasn't able to move around on her own or anything.


Then in July we came home from work to find out our 13+ year old Spitz-mix dog had a stroke during the day. The vet put her on an IV and wanted to watch her all night. In the middle of the night she passed away.


So, we started looking on PetFinder.com for pets in our area that needed rescued. We ended up adopting Sophie through the Franklin County Humane Society about 3.5 weeks ago. She is a 4-year old shepherd boxer mix. She is absolutely the best behaved dog ever! She is so sweet & loving. She already knows so many commands and does almost whatever you tell her.


This past weekend we took her on vacation to a cabin in Kentucky. She had an absolute blast! She travelled so well and got along with the other dogs she met there.


My wife wants to take her to the Fall Picnic tomorrow, but we haven't decided one way or the other yet.


Here is our new girl!



Edited by markz68

markz68, Sophie is a beautiful girl! I'm partial to shepherds! She's lucky to have such a great home and you're lucky to have her. She looks like a dog I seriously would have considered adotping myself. I didn't actually want a puppy, but 7mos wasn't too bad. PetFinder is great...I wouldn't have found our girl without that website. She was actually dropped off at night with no note at the Elkhart Co. Humane Society before being rescued by PetsConnect. Hard to say what her first 7mos were like, but she's home now.


markz68, Sophie is a beautiful girl! I'm partial to shepherds! She's lucky to have such a great home and you're lucky to have her. She looks like a dog I seriously would have considered adotping myself. I didn't actually want a puppy, but 7mos wasn't too bad. PetFinder is great...I wouldn't have found our girl without that website. She was actually dropped off at night with no note at the Elkhart Co. Humane Society before being rescued by PetsConnect. Hard to say what her first 7mos were like, but she's home now.


Thanks! She had such a great time at the picnic today meeting several hundred new people and quite a few dogs!


I am sold on petfinders.com! They did a great job in matching us up with Sophie! We hit the jackpot with her!


Maybe some day she will get to meet Morgan!


Well thanks to Amazon delaying shipment on my first GPS I have been unable to do much so far. Would have love to have gone to the ralley and got a few pointers on how to use one of those things LOL. Hope a good time was had by all. :lol:


My wife wants to take her to the Fall Picnic tomorrow, but we haven't decided one way or the other yet.


We're glad you decided to bring Sophie. She was so well behaved! We sat next to you guys nearly all day long and she was just the sweetest thing. Hope to see her at another gathering soon.



I am sold on petfinders.com! They did a great job in matching us up with Sophie! We hit the jackpot with her!



We can second that emotion! We found our Molly (a beagle mix) through PetFinder.com just over a year ago and she is the best dog I think I've ever had... and I've had plenty! The only reason we refrained from bringing her to the event over the weekend is that she REALLY enjoys people and we were a little worried she might be too playful for some folks. And after that downpour, we're thankful we didn't have to sleep in a camper with a wet dog all night! :huh:

Posted (edited)

I was logging our caches for the Fall Picnic and I noticed that somebody FINALLY hit 2000 caches :rolleyes: . CONGRATULATIONS to 501 gang on the milestone. I am so glad you guys made it. We have had such a great time caching with you guys over the last couple of years and spending time with you at events. We had a blast caching at Summit lake in the rain with you. Hope you guys have many great memories and just as much fun on the way to your next milestone.

Edited by Wolverine Warriors

Thanks guys!


The ironic thing is, we were down in New Castle and ran into johneblue & family and parker219, they live up north in Crown Point, IN which is not far from me. We went around caching and they were there for our 2k. I've only met them once before and that was down in Spring Mill State park.


My wife wants to take her to the Fall Picnic tomorrow, but we haven't decided one way or the other yet.


We're glad you decided to bring Sophie. She was so well behaved! We sat next to you guys nearly all day long and she was just the sweetest thing. Hope to see her at another gathering soon.


Thanks for the kind words about Sophie. We have had her a month today and we are just blown away at how well behaved she is!


Our last two dogs weren't dogs we could take places. We'd like to take Sophie as often as possible! We took her to a cabin in Kentucky the weekend before the picnic and she loved it!


We really enjoyed meeting you guys and Milo! He was a real treat! We hope to see you guys again at another event!


Thanks everyone!


Thanks to Geocaching, we have met some GREAT people, made many friends and visited some really awesome places that we never knew existed. We look forward to what the next 2000 brings.


Ok GPS arrived and time to learn. Will give this a shot need to search out a easy find to begin. I am in walking distance of shelterIII but after reading will move on LOL.


Oh, I am so thrilled I just have to share this! I cached Southwestway Park yesterday, and got buzzed by the resident bald eagle. Last spring, Jenischmeni and I did the caches around the oxbow lake in the extreme south end of the park, but two of them had gone missing and we DNF'd them. Not before we saw the eagle, though. I missed the opportunity with my camera, because shooting with a digital camera with no viewfinder, and a one second zoom lag makes catching birds on the wing darn near impossible.


But yesterday, I went to seek these caches, since they ahve been replaced. Near SWW Shelter cache, GC107HN, I sat at a picnic table on the edge of the lake, nursing my numerous battle wounds from the SWW Excursion cache. GC107HV I saw a big shadow of wings cross the sun. My first impulse was heron, but then I saw it again, and heron do not circle, so I looked up to see that the eagle had come to check me out again. He's very curious, and this time, he circled above me for a good 5 minutes. It took 50 frames of blue sky to get this shot!




Oh, I am so thrilled I just have to share this! I cached Southwestway Park yesterday, and got buzzed by the resident bald eagle. Last spring, Jenischmeni and I did the caches around the oxbow lake in the extreme south end of the park, but two of them had gone missing and we DNF'd them. Not before we saw the eagle, though. I missed the opportunity with my camera, because shooting with a digital camera with no viewfinder, and a one second zoom lag makes catching birds on the wing darn near impossible.


But yesterday, I went to seek these caches, since they ahve been replaced. Near SWW Shelter cache, GC107HN, I sat at a picnic table on the edge of the lake, nursing my numerous battle wounds from the SWW Excursion cache. GC107HV I saw a big shadow of wings cross the sun. My first impulse was heron, but then I saw it again, and heron do not circle, so I looked up to see that the eagle had come to check me out again. He's very curious, and this time, he circled above me for a good 5 minutes. It took 50 frames of blue sky to get this shot!




There's a cache up around Peru that suppose to be close to an Eagle's nest. Didn't see any when I did that cache. Beautiful and lucky shot.


Beautiful picture! (No less would be expected though, you're an awesome photographer!)


I read your log - very funny - and have to agree. That shot is worth the battle scars!


I guess I'll wait until after the first frost/freeze to go back out get those DNFs!


Went back and looked this one up. Here's the cache in Peru if anyone interested GC119D5


Thanks, jtbrady01, I'll look forward to visiting that cache this winter. I know part of the trick to catching a wintering eagle is to visit early, and at dusk, when they are feeding, fron Nov-Feb.


My sister lives in St Louis, MO, and there is a town about 45 minutes north called Alton, IL, where eagles winter by the hundreds because 3 sets of locks and dams keep the 3 rivers confluence from ever freezing over solid. We always spend a day or two every winter seeking the birds, and they are not hard to find near the dams. They make their nests in the white river bluffs that line the east side of the Mississippi/Missouri Rivers.


But this solitary, summertime eagle in Idiana is still a fairly uncommon sight, especially so close to the city. I can only theorize that that oxbow lake created by the White River keeps the eagle in fish all year long. I know that when Jennischmeni and I saw him last spring, we saw 3 dead fish in the neaby corn stubble before we saw the eagle. You'd think he'd go and pickup what he dropped, but maybe it's just as easy for him to go back to the river for a new fish.


Grins, -2q


Went back and looked this one up. Here's the cache in Peru if anyone interested GC119D5


Thanks, jtbrady01, I'll look forward to visiting that cache this winter. I know part of the trick to catching a wintering eagle is to visit early, and at dusk, when they are feeding, fron Nov-Feb.


My sister lives in St Louis, MO, and there is a town about 45 minutes north called Alton, IL, where eagles winter by the hundreds because 3 sets of locks and dams keep the 3 rivers confluence from ever freezing over solid. We always spend a day or two every winter seeking the birds, and they are not hard to find near the dams. They make their nests in the white river bluffs that line the east side of the Mississippi/Missouri Rivers.


But this solitary, summertime eagle in Idiana is still a fairly uncommon sight, especially so close to the city. I can only theorize that that oxbow lake created by the White River keeps the eagle in fish all year long. I know that when Jennischmeni and I saw him last spring, we saw 3 dead fish in the neaby corn stubble before we saw the eagle. You'd think he'd go and pickup what he dropped, but maybe it's just as easy for him to go back to the river for a new fish.


Grins, -2q


I have relatives that live near there and my parents have gone eagle watching with them a couple times. Unfortunately I have always been on-call or something those weekends and haven't been able to join them. Maybe next time.




Avast, ye lubbers! It's International Talk like a Pirate Day!!! ;)


Well that's interesting. ;)


Well now ye all best be mannin' yer posts or I'll keelhaul the lot of'ya.




Avast, ye lubbers! It's International Talk like a Pirate Day!!! ;)


Patrick are you masquerading as a seeing eye dog? I didn't know you could get into a casino?




Avast, ye lubbers! It's International Talk like a Pirate Day!!! :unsure:


Patrick are you masquerading as a seeing eye dog? I didn't know you could get into a casino?


Patrick is licensed in Nevada, New Jesey and the Bahamas as a dealer.


Yesterday, a group of about 50 geocachers gave back to the community by helping clean, repair and reset tombstones in a neglected cemetery. It was a CITO event and dozens of stones were laboriously scrubbed clean, glued back together, and reset on their bases that were re-leveled. It was all supervised by Professional Cemetery Restorers. I think JCURTIS is owed a great big Thank You for putting on this event!


RESPECT? You bet! Check out the photos on the Cache Page:






Team ShyDog, a member of GEO-ISQ cleaning a stone under professional guidance at CITO Event.




I was there for day one of the event and it was probably one of the most rewarding things I've done. Learned a lot and met a lot of great people. This CITO was a great time for all. Hopefully we can have more in the future. Again thanks to JCURTIS.


Yesterday, a group of about 50 geocachers gave back to the community by helping clean, repair and reset tombstones in a neglected cemetery. It was a CITO event and dozens of stones were laboriously scrubbed clean, glued back together, and reset on their bases that were re-leveled. It was all supervised by Professional Cemetery Restorers. I think JCURTIS is owed a great big Thank You for putting on this event!


RESPECT? You bet! Check out the photos on the Cache Page:




Team ShyDog, a member of GEO-ISQ cleaning a stone under professional guidance at CITO Event.




I was there for all of day 2. It was one of the most rewarding projects I have ever participated in. Photos of day 2 are up on the CITO listing.


I placed that cache over 2 and 1/2 years ago. The before and after pictures are absolutely stunning. I hope we can arrange for more of these in the near future. You will most definately be sore at the end of the day, but it is well worth it!


We should also recognize Doobies, IC1, and Ubear & Stinky for putting in TWO FULL EIGHT-HOUR PLUS DAY OF HARD, PHYSICAL LABOR ON THIS PROJECT. YOU GUYS ROCK!


I saw that event listed, and thought it was a GREAT idea! So good job everyone!!


Now my question is how do I get in touch with the local Professional Cemetery Restorer person?? There are plenty of opportunites around here as well, and I would like to look into it a bit.



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