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Indiana Cachers Hello !

Team Tigger International

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Reviewer Jones requested that attributes be put on caches. He didn't demand or require that they be put there. Just a request. No harm. No foul.




It's a technical foul--a "request" from a volunteer carries a lot of weight. If he requested that your micro in the woods be changed to a regular container, would that be OK too? How about if he requested that your text more fully describe the location? What if he requested that you include an additional hint, or parking coords waypoint? Volunteers should not use their position to promote their personal opinions as to what constitutes the best way to list a cache, as long as that listing complies with the rules...Attributes are a good idea, and we use them on all our cache pages, but we lived without them before, and they ARE optional at this point in time. :D


I guess it's time for some clarification. That should fix everything, right?


My specific request was for 1-star terrain caches. Since these are supposed to be handicapped accessible anyway I requested that the handicapped accessible attribute be added.


When reviewing cache submissions we get a warning that pops up when that attribute isn't included on the page. It has become standard procedure for many reviewers to ask about them.


No one's going to archive your caches if you don't have attributes.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the clarification Reviewer Jones. I can understand that being required and I fully support it. Handicapped cachers should be able to easily filter their PQs and should be able to find any 1/1. This makes sense to me. I know some 1/1's i've visited weren't handicap accessible and that is a problem.


P.S.: Any Indiana cachers interested in hitting the Windy Rock CITO in Bardstown Kentucky this weekend? The event is saturday with free camping saturday night. I have room for one or two more in my car.

Edited by dougsmiley

I guess it's time for some clarification. That should fix everything, right?


My specific request was for 1-star terrain caches. Since these are supposed to be handicapped accessible anyway I requested that the handicapped accessible attribute be added.


When reviewing cache submissions we get a warning that pops up when that attribute isn't included on the page. It has become standard procedure for many reviewers to ask about them.


No one's going to archive your caches if you don't have attributes.


We thank you too RJ for the clarification, and we support the idea of the handicapped icon. You can probably understand our consternation when we were told that you "asked that we put attributes on any caches that do not have them". :D ..

Posted (edited)

I guess it's time for some clarification. That should fix everything, right?


My specific request was for 1-star terrain caches. Since these are supposed to be handicapped accessible anyway I requested that the handicapped accessible attribute be added.


When reviewing cache submissions we get a warning that pops up when that attribute isn't included on the page. It has become standard procedure for many reviewers to ask about them.


No one's going to archive your caches if you don't have attributes.


Sounds familiar :anicute:

Edited by The Herd

Not sure how many of you are aware of this event .. but I truely hope to see a lot of you there!!

Seems the Elkhart County Parks like us so much they are putting on an event for Geocachers in INDIANA !!

They are even gonna supply the hot dogs and fixin's !


Let's all show some support for Ranger Kim and the Elkhart County Parks Dept. !!


Ox Bow Meet Greet and Eat !!!




Only two days left until the Happy Birthday Geocaching Event! Can't wait to see all you wonderful GEOCACHERS from INDIANA!


We've got some great prizes to give away, but most of all....


The Mystery Cache of Mystery!

Sealed shut with a WordLock and placed on Funk & Wagnalls' porch since noon today! No one knows the contents of this ammo can!!!!


Maybe it's valuable prizes! Maybe it's geocoins! Maybe it's gravy!


Ok, it's probably not gravy.


Still, it's pretty dang cool and someone will get to take it home ;)




nice bench.


Thanks. It was a FTF prize.


Ahhh! One of pneuma's famous bench's I bet.


You betcha! It makes a great little table to taking pictures of cool stuff, too. Like


The Mystery Cache of Mystery!


Appearing only in INDIANA at a GEOCACHING event.


I told them t work I needed off by 4:30 tomorrow so I should be ontime, but no guarantees, it was 6:30 last night and 5:30 tonightbefore I got off. It looks like a very long list of cachers planning to attend, I made a delivery across from Sycamore Chevy yesterday so I was able to scope out the site, I'm not sure that little building will hold all of us. ;):D

Looking forward to seeing everyone there in about 24 hours from now for my first attended event. :D


Had a {tony the tiger voice} GRRRRRRRRRREAT! time last night at the Geocaching birthday party! Good to meet new people (and there were a LOT), have good food and good conversation! Oh, and you "old" people were nice too! :blink: Great time as usual Bret!


Hey guys! I've got a container that a critter made a meal on! I went to the army/navy surplus store and they are out of decon containers...does anyone in Indy have one I can buy off of them? Send me an e-mail or PM please!






a HUGE number of new caches have cropped up in Indiana in the last week. GEOCACHING IN INDIANA is stronger than ever--looks to be a good hunting season--lots of noobies hiding!!


Posted (edited)

I helped teach a section on Satalite Navigation to a bunch of 4-H students taking an Indiana Hunter Education class on Saturday. This is the 2nd year we've included it.


Started off with a Powerpoint going into other forms of navigation, some theory, little history, giving examples of how it's useful. Showed some variou GPSr examples, Garmin eTrex Vista, Garmin GPS-V, Garmin Nuvi, and a TomTom. Once they had a little bit of an idea how it worked and why it was so cool, we took them outside to play around a little.


I had set up a 50cal ammo box about 0.10 mile out, it would have been a 1/1 hidden in a shrub. Marked coords, then dumped track logs, programmed coords into the 3 portable GPSr. Once we got them outside, split the class into 3 groups of 3, each group got a GPS and an instructor, started them out at the same place and let them try and navigate to the cache. One group didn't do terribly well because the person using the GPSr kept erratically running around chasing the bearing, but once it was passed to somebody else they didn't have much trouble.


They had a pretty easy time finding the can, but opening it was another matter. Some city kids don't know how to open ammo cans??? Take-only cache so they got lots of swag, everybody seemed to have fun and liked the experience.


Worked beautifully!!! The Army, Homeland Security, and ARES were having a big disaster drill this weekend so some extra satalites had been moved over Indiana. I'm glad I knew about this so we could bump some stuff in the class around to get the Sat Nav stuff covered this weekend! Routinely getting 12 birds, with more than half having WAAS differential correction; my Garmin5 was getting sub-10' accuracy, eTrex Vista pulling about 12'. :(


Uh, oops. I was wearing a Geocaching.com logo shirt, and left a the standard 'you found it' Muggle Letter in the can, and the other instructors kept referring to it as geocaching, and one of the kids asked about it and I explained that it was basically an unlisted event cache. Darn, it wasn't quite as pure of a Satalite Navigation presentation as it could have been. Though I think we've probably gotten a few families into the sport now. :laughing: Oh no, I didn't mean for that...

Edited by Double Agents

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