+pointsaljim Posted October 19, 2006 Posted October 19, 2006 Anyone interested in going to the Whaler's Island cache on Monday, Nov 6? However, what is the pace going to be. The girls can be pretty fast now, but I don't know if this is a jog n' grab to beat the tide or if this is one that we can meander. I've sent an e-mail to Goldenretrievers to try and get more particulars and I'll also send an e-mail to Artista who did this cache a few months ago. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted October 19, 2006 Posted October 19, 2006 Oreo Pony reporting for duty... I'll be there! I just got back from lounging around in the Los Angeles U.S. District Court Jury Room waiting for my name to be called - finally they turned my group loose to go home. Only two more weeks of this, whew! If I don't get picked for a jury Oct 31st, I'll be able to hike out to Whaler's with the group. I'll skip out of work early and meet you all at the Pillow Lava Virtual at 4:30. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted October 19, 2006 Posted October 19, 2006 Houston, we've got a problem. 2006-11-06 09:24 PST 6.68 feet High Tide 2006-11-06 16:44 PST -1.33 feet Low Tide 2006-11-06 17:03 PST Sunset Tides for Port San Luis Quote
+pointsaljim Posted October 20, 2006 Posted October 20, 2006 Houston, we've got a problem. 2006-11-06 09:24 PST 6.68 feet High Tide 2006-11-06 16:44 PST -1.33 feet Low Tide 2006-11-06 17:03 PST Sunset Tides for Port San Luis This is ground control to Major "Pony": Sunset means when the sun goes down, but there is usually light left for about an hour after sunset - I guess twilight is what you would call it. Here are some more details from Goldenretrievers Hi Pointsaljim, Dark by 6 p.m. sounds OK. All going well we should be back by then. But the little kids might not make it all the way to the end and back in time. I would just watch the clock carefully and make sure we didn't go farther than we could make it back in time - if you see what I mean. In other words, wherever we are at low tide point would be the farthest I would want to go with the kids. But if we start at 4 p.m. we should be at the rock by 4:45 p.m. I don't remember exactly how long it took us, but I don't think it was more than 45 minutes. And then 15 minutes to get to the cache, we should still be back before 6 p.m. Since I can't climb the rock anyway (hip problem) I can just hang out with the kids on the beach if BooBooBee has a desperate urge to find the cache. I wouldn't want to dilly dally out on the rock though - I'd start back right after the tide turned to be on the safe side. I can't find my tide table, but I don't think there's a day before then that the tide will be low enough to check it out. The way the beach is shaped, you can't get around the first headland until the tide is low, even though the beach further out may be dry. Unless you have a boat, of course. Or maybe a good rock climber could do it, but not me. (see above!) The place to park to start the trek is at the last pier in Avila, where Fat Cats Restaurant is, beyond the entrance to Diablo Canyon. Just go as far as you can along that road until you get to the parking lot for the restaurant, then go to the end of the parking lot and climb down the rocks to the beach. Of course, if the tide is in, you'll be climbing down into the ocean, but there you go! You could also probably get a good view of the beach by going out on the pier, but I never thought of that before. Are you bringing your dog? We'll be bringing Sunny, who would love some four-legged company. Goldenretrievers ----- Original Message ----- From: Pointsaljim To: Goldenretrievers Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 1:57 PM Subject: Re: [GEO] pointsaljim contacting goldnretrievers from Geocaching.com It will in fact be totallly dark by about 6 p.m. on Nov 6th. I have no problem walking back in the dark, especilally with a group. BooBooBee, one of the geocachers who is interested in going, has a couple of young daughters who are pretty good hikers/able to tough it out, but still only 4 and 6 years old. She wants to make sure that they don't have any tide problems....Can you tell me where you start hiking/walking? and maybe I'll do a pre-survey myself. Look forward to seeing you...glad to know that the journey itself is worth making with or without a cache! Pointsaljim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Golden Retrievers To: Pointsaljim Subject: Re: [GEO] pointsaljim contacting goldnretrievers from Geocaching.com Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 10:20:54 -0700 >Hi Pointsaljim, > >We're still planning on going, but we'll have to contend with not >just the tide, but also daylight. I'm not sure how dark it will be >by the time we get to the rock. Supposedly sunset is at 7:05 p.m., >but I could be wrong (don't know if my GPSr is set up for daylight >savings or not.) I'm really not sure now long the hike took us last >time, but we dawdled a bit on the way out to see some interesting >stuff. How much we'll be able to see at dusk I don't know. The >"hike" is really just a walk along the beach for about a mile or so, >then a climb up the big rock. I like the trek along the isolated >beach enough to do it even without the cache, but die-hard >geocachers might be disappointed if they can't get to the actual >cache. I'm not so worried about the tide this time, since it will >be lower than last time, but the light level may be an issue. Let >me know what you think. I'm definitely bringing a flashlight for >the return trip, just in case! > >Goldenretrievers Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted October 21, 2006 Posted October 21, 2006 All is well then. Probably leave the pier at 4ish? Quote
+pointsaljim Posted October 22, 2006 Posted October 22, 2006 All is well then. Probably leave the pier at 4ish? That's what I'm planning on Quote
+Moose Mob Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 Dang, I can't get the time off to make the trip out for this one. Maybe next time! Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 You mean you'd drive for 8-1/2 hours - 430 miles to hike a mile on the beach a mile if you could get the time off? Whew! That's some serious action! Next time we'll plan som'thin for a Saturday so you can make it worth your while Quote
+Moose Mob Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 You mean you'd drive for 8-1/2 hours - 430 miles to hike a mile on the beach a mile if you could get the time off? Whew! That's some serious action! Next time we'll plan som'thin for a Saturday so you can make it worth your while Yep. Would you come here out for something like this one? I get out there a couple times a year. I'll give you a heads up next time I will be there and when I won't be tied up with picnics and other family gatherings. AGHS class of '76 Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted November 1, 2006 Posted November 1, 2006 I'll give you a heads up next time I will be there and when I won't be tied up with picnics and other family gatherings. Yeah, right! Like that ever happens. I know when my brother comes into town it's nothing but "organized time" - no free time to hang with the little sister Grandmothers and Mothers get priority, I guess. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted November 1, 2006 Posted November 1, 2006 Central Coast POCers take note of this topic: CCCMB TrailWerks Club Topic Quote
+Moose Mob Posted November 2, 2006 Posted November 2, 2006 I'll give you a heads up next time I will be there and when I won't be tied up with picnics and other family gatherings. Yeah, right! Like that ever happens. I know when my brother comes into town it's nothing but "organized time" - no free time to hang with the little sister Grandmothers and Mothers get priority, I guess. One never knows. On my last trip, I had an entire Friday while everyone was at work. And most of my family would enjoy tagging along on a trip like this. Quote
+BooBooBee Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 Probably leave the pier at 4ish? OH NO! As many of you know I coach swimming in the late winter/early spring. Well, we have new water polo coaches (a sport that begins Monday) and they've asked for help from me with the swimming aspect in the early season. I made a HUUUUUGE mistakein not checking my calendar before saying I'd help them. (And of course they asked in front of the 31 girls signed up for the team!) We start at 2:45. I may wrap up in time to make it to the pier by 4, but I'm not certain. Don't wait for us, but please do watch for us. You'll know our threesome when you see us. Thanks, PointSalJim, for the invite and for organizing this. I'm sorry I'm such a doughhead! BooBooBee Quote
+slmslo Posted November 8, 2006 Posted November 8, 2006 Probably leave the pier at 4ish? So how was it? I wished I could have gone, but I was out of town. But I wanted to read up on how it turned out for those who went. Quote
+Shuckymomo Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 Just chiming in to say "HELLO". I'm a new cacher from the Big Bear area. I'll be haunting this area for a number of years before I move on. I'm in the process of putting together a multi-puzzle cache dedicated to my late stepdad, who passed away a few weeks ago. Sure hope to meet quite a few of you out in the open! Holla if you want to go caching!! Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 So how was it? I wished I could have gone, but I was out of town. But I wanted to read up on how it turned out for those who went. It was absolutely perfect! Great weather, great views, great adventures & great company (wish MORE of our friends could have joined us). I recommend this one highly. Just a note to those that fear to tread to the top: Go For It! It was quite an adventure. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 Just chiming in to say "HELLO". I'm a new cacher from the Big Bear area. I'll be haunting this area for a number of years before I move on. I'm in the process of putting together a multi-puzzle cache dedicated to my late stepdad, who passed away a few weeks ago. Sure hope to meet quite a few of you out in the open! Holla if you want to go caching!! Welcome to SLO County, Shuckymomo! Glad you found the POC forum. Stay tuned here and someone will eventually Holla for a group cache - more than likely it'll be me or PtSalJim or GeoCats or Naturesprite or BooBooBee. But for a select few, geocachers around here seem to cache on their own a lot. There's always hope that they will mend their ways and JOIN IN! Quote
+pointsaljim Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 Just chiming in to say "HELLO". I'm a new cacher from the Big Bear area. I'll be haunting this area for a number of years before I move on. I'm in the process of putting together a multi-puzzle cache dedicated to my late stepdad, who passed away a few weeks ago. Sure hope to meet quite a few of you out in the open! Holla if you want to go caching!! I wholeheartedly ditto Oreo Pony's welcome 'Shuckymomo'! Quote
+Moose Mob Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 So how was it? I wished I could have gone, but I was out of town. But I wanted to read up on how it turned out for those who went. It was absolutely perfect! Great weather, great views, great adventures & great company (wish MORE of our friends could have joined us). I recommend this one highly. Just a note to those that fear to tread to the top: Go For It! It was quite an adventure. I read the logs and it looked like a lot of fun. Tides permiting, I will probably venture out to this one durning my next visit. Quote
+Shuckymomo Posted November 9, 2006 Posted November 9, 2006 Just chiming in to say "HELLO". I'm a new cacher from the Big Bear area. I'll be haunting this area for a number of years before I move on. I'm in the process of putting together a multi-puzzle cache dedicated to my late stepdad, who passed away a few weeks ago. Sure hope to meet quite a few of you out in the open! Holla if you want to go caching!! Welcome to SLO County, Shuckymomo! Glad you found the POC forum. Stay tuned here and someone will eventually Holla for a group cache - more than likely it'll be me or PtSalJim or GeoCats or Naturesprite or BooBooBee. But for a select few, geocachers around here seem to cache on their own a lot. There's always hope that they will mend their ways and JOIN IN! Thanks! I was in the process of thinking about starting a group here when I found you guys. I'll be looking forward to an event. Would like to do a poker run cache. Quote
+Naturesprite Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 Hey POCcers, Hope all is well with everyone. On Saturday I dropped another Cache on the Big Sur Coast called Amylanche. It is up the Soda Springs Trail not far from my Salmo Rivulus cache. If anyone is up for a longer hike to a great place, try this one out. It should be posted on the cache search in a few days. Last weekend I went caching in the desert near Palm Springs. It was only 88 degrees, so a fine day for the desert. I dropped my temecula geocachers balloon coin. Have you seen one of these? they are shaped like a hot air baloon. I would have dropped it around here, but it was heading to a target in CO so I thought I'd drop it on an eastbound route. Sorry I missed whalers Island. I'll have to get to that, it sounds fun. Take Care all, NS Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Ptsaljim went to grab a FTF on Amylanche and the pictures look fantastic! What a beautiful place to put a cache. Ventana Wilderness looks like it has a lot of nice trails. Maybe a group of us can all go up to Amylanche in December? Take a break from the shopping madness and climb that hill. Also, I just made reservations to take the Lake San Antonio Bald Eagle Tour. For $12 they take you out on a boat to find the winter nesting Bald Eagles (11 am to 2 pm). Here's the link: Bald Eagle Tours We'll be there on January 27th if anyone wants to go that same weekend. Quote
+pointsaljim Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 Ptsaljim went to grab a FTF on Amylanche and the pictures look fantastic! What a beautiful place to put a cache. Ventana Wilderness looks like it has a lot of nice trails. Maybe a group of us can all go up to Amylanche in December? Take a break from the shopping madness and climb that hill. Also, I just made reservations to take the Lake San Antonio Bald Eagle Tour. For $12 they take you out on a boat to find the winter nesting Bald Eagles (11 am to 2 pm). Here's the link: Bald Eagle Tours We'll be there on January 27th if anyone wants to go that same weekend. I definetely want to go again!, but it would probably have to be the last weekend in December for me. The Bald Eagles Tour also sounds good! Quote
+BooBooBee Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 Well, we seem to be out of touch with each other for the most part. I thought I'd start this thread where we can note recent sightings of fellow POCers. I'll start! tongue_animated.gif PointSalJim drove up to SLO to grab some of OP's great caches and visit with me at Thursday Night Farmers' Market (book promo). We had a nice visit, though I was distracted by my need to pay attention to my table, potential customers and my two girls. Naturesprite paused to say hi, but had to run to keep up with his crowd. (Headed to Mother's?) He promised to buy one of my books. I'm recording that promise here...you know...just to make it public! laughing.gif Who have you spotted on (or off) the hunt? cute_animated.gif Quote
+Naturesprite Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 Hey BBB, Well let me see, I saw you hawking books. I would have gotten one then but I didn't want it to cut into my drinking budget I'll start saving my pennies. I also had an OP sighting when she came to pick up her free pair of famous Nature Sprite Divining Rods (www.naturesprite.com). They were a ftf gift from my Amylanche cache to pt. sal jim, he passed them on to OP. The rest of my caching has been done out of the area lately. I have been doing the conejo valley and thousand oaks areas since I spend some weekends down there with my loved one. I've also turned her kids on to caching too, they had a blast. I've also been down caching in Palm Springs. I hope everyone has a great holiday season! NS Quote
+Atomic Elf Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 Hey, wow, I didn't even realize there was a caching group north of here (Oxnard). I'd heard of Conejo Cachers, but naught else. I'm gonna have to catch up on this looong thread. At 35? finds, I'm still a cachin' virgin and rarely find time to do more than a few urban cache attempts in one outing. But drop me a line if you're down this direction and want to meet up for a cache attempt, a quick cup of coffee or the sort. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 I also had an OP sighting when she came to pick up her free pair of famous Nature Sprite Divining Rods (www.naturesprite.com). They were a ftf gift from my Amylanche cache to pt. sal jim, he passed them on to OP. ... and I LOVE them! I'm taking them to my folks on Christmas to show them how cool they are. You know how I was telling you how my hubby would like them - well, he uses some at work all the time. He has to find water pipes before digging with his backhoe and uses them to find pipes and the direction they take. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 Hey, wow, I didn't even realize there was a caching group north of here (Oxnard). I'd heard of Conejo Cachers, but naught else. I'm gonna have to catch up on this looong thread. At 35? finds, I'm still a cachin' virgin and rarely find time to do more than a few urban cache attempts in one outing. But drop me a line if you're down this direction and want to meet up for a cache attempt, a quick cup of coffee or the sort. I'd like to head that way in the New Year... it's a boon of caches on trails I hear. I'll let you know when we head that direction. Keep a "notify" on this POC topic and come up when we plan our next event. OP Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 Who have you spotted on (or off) the hunt? I went downtown SLO tonight for some Christmas shopping and didn't spot you. Do I get a smile for trying? Quote
+BooBooBee Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 I went downtown SLO tonight for some Christmas shopping and didn't spot you. Do I get a smile for trying? Farmers' was an OK place to spread the word, but pretty costly and being stuck in one spot really didn't do the trick for me. Plus, the people most likely to be interested in the book (at least in the winter crowd) went home when it got cold...and the girls and I were trapped like rats! We'll go to Farmers' again in the late spring to hand out fliers and show books, but we won't have a table. Thanks for trying, OP! Meanwhile, do radio "sightings" count? I heard NatureSprite doing his WORK thing on the radio yesterday. (No, I don't USUALLY listen to the BOard of Sups...turned on the radio for music and THERE he was!) Does that count for twice in one week? Who else is out and about? DOes anyone see Maasmen anymore? What about Geocats? Quote
+pointsaljim Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 I regularly have contact with NT Hunters and Running@50 who I turned onto Geocaching...I've given them a "highly prized invitation" to join POC....I think they might be intimidated by the 'high level intellectual exchanges" that go on in this forum Last time I saw Geocats was in September when he gave me the grand tour of all 5 of the Pine Mountain Caches.....I guess it's my turn to give him the grand tour of all 5 of the Pt. Sal caches... Not sure whether I can make Dec 30 for Big Sur caching....kids and granddaughter might still be in town. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 Not sure whether I can make Dec 30 for Big Sur caching....kids and granddaughter might still be in town. Just as well. I've signed Digger up for a Boy Scout Day at Camp French for the 30th. I've never been there and we're all looking forward to a morning of shooting at targets, building things and learning. Maybe January 6th or 7th? Quote
+pointsaljim Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 Not sure whether I can make Dec 30 for Big Sur caching....kids and granddaughter might still be in town. Just as well. I've signed Digger up for a Boy Scout Day at Camp French for the 30th. I've never been there and we're all looking forward to a morning of shooting at targets, building things and learning. Maybe January 6th or 7th? I'm game for Jan 6th. Let's hope the weather cooperates! Quote
+pointsaljim Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 Not sure whether I can make Dec 30 for Big Sur caching....kids and granddaughter might still be in town. Just as well. I've signed Digger up for a Boy Scout Day at Camp French for the 30th. I've never been there and we're all looking forward to a morning of shooting at targets, building things and learning. Maybe January 6th or 7th? I'm game for Jan 6th. Let's hope the weather cooperates! While your at Camp French, go to the "O"n Top of the World Cache - it's a good piece of hiking, (a little over an hour one way), but very nice views at the top - Take the Touski Trail to Duna Vista Quote
+Moose Mob Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 All this talk about Camp French, Lopez Lake, Avila Beach, Montana de Oro etc etc is making me homesick. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 ...is making me homesick. It's bound to happen when the Central Coast is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Are you headed home for the holidays? Quote
+Moose Mob Posted December 24, 2006 Posted December 24, 2006 ...is making me homesick. It's bound to happen when the Central Coast is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Are you headed home for the holidays? No, staying with the family here. Probably a quick turn around to Paso for Easter though. It's only a 7 hour drive and since I already snagged all the caches en-route, there's no reason to stop along the way. Quote
+Geo_cats Posted December 25, 2006 Posted December 25, 2006 Gosh, I haven't visited this forum in a lonnnnng time. Sorry. My boss keeps me really busy. (That's the problem of being self employed.) So, what is being planned for Jan. 6th? A series of Big Sur caches? I might be interested in that. Quote
+pointsaljim Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Gosh, I haven't visited this forum in a lonnnnng time. Sorry. My boss keeps me really busy. (That's the problem of being self employed.) So, what is being planned for Jan. 6th? A series of Big Sur caches? I might be interested in that. I regret to say that I won't be able to go to Big Sur on the 6th. Hopefully the 13th. Quote
+pointsaljim Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Gosh, I haven't visited this forum in a lonnnnng time. Sorry. My boss keeps me really busy. (That's the problem of being self employed.) So, what is being planned for Jan. 6th? A series of Big Sur caches? I might be interested in that. I regret to say that I won't be able to go to Big Sur on the 6th. Hopefully the 13th. I've reserved a tent cabin for Saturday night and plan to do Limekiln in the morning and want to do a Pico Blanco Mountain trail in the afternoon. Have to head home by 9 a.m. on Sunday. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 I've been waiting out a painful foot in hopes of it going away before this weekend, but I'm afraid it's not gotten any better! I thought it was just a bruised bone that began Friday evening. Now I'm thinking it might be a Morton's Neuroma. I had the same symptoms 10 years ago and had to resort to surgery to be relieved of the pain. All this to say we won't be going with those headed to Hwy 1 for a Big Sur series. The weather has been SO nice too! I guess we'll have to resort to a long bike ride. Speaking of bikes, the Hubby, kids and I took our fishing poles and mountain bikes to Lopez Lake on the 31st. We parked and rode up the Wittenberg trail, through the French Camp Boy Scout area and around to the Two Waters Cutoff. I'd never single-tracked before on a mountain bike and was glad Digger (7 years old now) was needing me to hang back with him! At 2 miles out we dropped our worms in to try to catch some fishies. I forgot something back at the truck and rode back out to the truck to get it, then back to Hubby & kids. My day ended up at 8 miles! I slept well that night. And no, we didn't catch and fish. Quote
+pointsaljim Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 (edited) All this to say we won't be going with those headed to Hwy 1 for a Big Sur series. The weather has been SO nice too! I guess we'll have to resort to a long bike ride. Glad to hear that you and your fam had such a great experience on the 31th! AND VERY GLAD to hear that you can still ride your bike. Hope that your foot quits causing pain VERY SOON. I'll be posting pics on Sunday of Big Sur....that's if I don't FREEZE to death on Saturday night Edited January 11, 2007 by pointsaljim Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted January 13, 2007 Posted January 13, 2007 (edited) You California Boy! You'd better take your down sleeping bag I just checked and San Simeon is going to be 28 degrees on Saturday! Are you staying in a Yurt? My office buddy Trace and I were checking those out this past summer online. They look pretty cool! er, nice. Edited January 13, 2007 by Oreo Pony Quote
+pointsaljim Posted January 15, 2007 Posted January 15, 2007 You California Boy! You'd better take your down sleeping bag I just checked and San Simeon is going to be 28 degrees on Saturday! Are you staying in a Yurt? My office buddy Trace and I were checking those out this past summer online. They look pretty cool! er, nice. Didn't stay in the yurts, BUT it was 29 degrees INSIDE my tent cabin. BRRR!! However Riley and I were very cozy under 5 blankets, PLUS I had on my thermals, ski pants, polar fleece sweater, wool socks, gloves, and a wool beanie! Caching expedition was TOTALLY AWESOME!! Everything was so clear and the views were endless. And as an extra BONUS, I saw a CONDOR real close up today as I was driving back: it just slowly swooped down over the highway and did a bank turn right before the front window of my truck and then flew in about 2 circles 10 ft above a group of people at an ocean vista point!! They had been waiting over an hour. Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted January 16, 2007 Posted January 16, 2007 WOW! 29 degrees for 8+ hours - brrrrr! Like I told my kids, there's a reason I'm a California Girl and 15 degree mornings is NOT one of them! The CONDOR sighting was a coup. Great day for you. I'm glad you not only survived but prospered too. :-) Quote
+rovinsteve Posted January 18, 2007 Posted January 18, 2007 Poison Oak Cachers sounds appropriate for this area. Please add me to your list. My wife and I live and travel in a motorhome much of the year and we are parked in Pismo Sands RV park until April some time. Spent a month up in Morro Bay before that chasing a few caches as I've done here in the Oceano area. Other hobbies are Ham radio and bicycling. Most of my local cache runs have been on the bike. Regards, --Steve Crouch "rovinsteve" Quote
+Kurlie Posted January 18, 2007 Posted January 18, 2007 (edited) Haven't been to the forums for quite a while now, but cruising through I am so bummed I missed the Whaler's Island group cache! We've tried for the past two years to get this one, but the tide got us both times, even when we checked the tides the second time out! I'll have to check in here more often. If anyone ever finds themselves down this way in the "Poc" as we often call Lompoc, you'll have to check out my latest cache Llamaland. It's a fun easy hike in a little known land. Edited January 18, 2007 by Kurlie Quote
+Oreo Pony Posted January 18, 2007 Posted January 18, 2007 Hey rovinsteve, glad you found us. Welcome to POC. Bicycling sounds like a great way to get around to caches. BTW, I grew up learning Morse Code through osmosis - Dad was studying for his HAM license. 35 years later I still hear -.-. --.- ! And Kurlie it's good to hear from you too. Sorry you didn't get to join us. I was at the beach today and found my eye wandering over to the Whaler's Island. Great views today even with a bit of smoke in the air from the Diablo Canyon 300 acre fire. I've done a few Lompoc caches but want to go down to Surf Beach and do some more cachin' since there appears to be a lot more down your way than when I was there last. By the way, to keep an eye on this topic you should both "subscribe" to it. To do that, go to the top of this page and over to the right side of the blue bar entitled "Poison Oak Cachers, San Luis Obispo / Santa Barbara county" you will see an "options" button. Click on that and you will see an option to subscribe to this topic and somehow I think there's a way to subscribe to the West and Southwest topics. I've subscribed to both and with my gmail account, I get a pop-up when a new topic is started or when one of us posts here. Kinda nice for me since I sit a computer most of my working hours and while my kids are doing their homework in the evenings - I much prefer surfing the web to watching television. Quote
+BooBooBee Posted January 18, 2007 Posted January 18, 2007 . Most of my local cache runs have been on the bike. What kind of bike? If it's a mountain bike, we have a few cache rides around here that you might enjoy. BooBooBee www.BestFamilyAdventures.com Quote
+pointsaljim Posted January 24, 2007 Posted January 24, 2007 Well, we seem to be out of touch with each other for the most part. I thought I'd start this thread where we can note recent sightings of fellow POCers. I'll start! tongue_animated.gif PointSalJim drove up to SLO to grab some of OP's great caches and visit with me at Thursday Night Farmers' Market (book promo). We had a nice visit, though I was distracted by my need to pay attention to my table, potential customers and my two girls. Naturesprite paused to say hi, but had to run to keep up with his crowd. (Headed to Mother's?) He promised to buy one of my books. I'm recording that promise here...you know...just to make it public! laughing.gif Who have you spotted on (or off) the hunt? cute_animated.gif Today Geocats came into the office that I work at to fix the copiers and printers....it seems the geocaches that I've been hiding in the copiers and printers is making them not work right Quote
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