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What if people are around?


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I appologize from the start if this has been answered a lot, but I looked for a while and didn't see anything similar.


On the first two caches I tried to find, the first was WAY too crowded to look for (basically a public beach!) and the second was more remote but still had a lot of people around. I was looking while on vacation, so I couldn't just come back later. I did manage to grab the second between people coming down the trail but all I had time for was a quick scribble in the log. There was no underbrush to hide in even. What do people normally do in these cases? Do you just get the cache from it's hiding place and deal with it in the open, only being careful of observation when hiding it again? Do you explain to people in the area what you are doing? Do you do it completely stealthy like I tried to do, possibly returning later? How do people react if you tell them or don't tell them but they see you? I'd feel really bad to cause a cache to get taken or plundered which is why I ask.




1) Avoid the people (Wait them out or leave)

2) Avoid notice (look like you are picking up trash etc.)

3) When flat out busted, tell them exactly what you are doing.


If you think at all that they are wondering what you are doing and you are not ready to tell them out of concerns for the cache being stolen, then just leave. People can and do (and should) call the police for strange behavoir.


Another trick to try is to grab the cache when you have an opportunity, and then carry it away from the cache site to open it. When you are done, wait for an opportunity to re-hide it. That way you will not reveal the location of the stash to others.



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." - Homer Simpson


Stealth Caching


I go ahead and look for the cache anyway, simply because some of the areas I've cached in always have poeple around. I do try to not let anyone see me actually pick up a cache and put it. If I'm inspecting a cache, then I usually carry it away from where I found it, often back to my vehicle.


That Quack Cacher:

Lone Duck


When you don't know where you're going, every road will take you there.


I think Prime hit the nail on the head. Have a buddy that drives a late model white Ford pick up. Has a hard hat and a clipboard with him everywhere he goes. Simply amazing what he can get by with.


I don't know which is worse, the ants I'm standing in, or the sand spurs I walked through to get here...


i aggree with prime too. I work for a utility company here and i do some caching on my lunch breaks. noone looks at you twice as long as you have that clipboard. I think they just assume you're working on some equipment and it doesn't look suspicious.


"If you mess with a Porcupine you might just get the quills. LOL I just had to say that"


What really sucks is when you have to go use the bathroom very badly while waiting for a couple of tourists to move so you can grab the micro they are sitting on.


Not that it ever happened to me.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

N61.12.041 W149.43.734


I wait people out or fake people out.


Also the GPS can be made to minic a camera.


I have used a rock pick to wander around picking rocks up, dropping them repeat grab the cache and return to car to open it.


I love the hard hat, clip board idea and will use it soon.


One trick that works pretty well as far as clearing people away from an area that you wish to be in with some privacy is, if there is a fire hydrant near the location, walk up to it, begin caressing it fondly, sit or kneel in front of it and begin to talk to it. You'll get some odd looks, but chances are, people in the area will move away, giving you a wide berth in which to work... icon_biggrin.gif


The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.---Matthew 13:44


Matt & Julia


To view our online geocaching diary/blog, click here

I wish outer space guys would conquer the Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little beds with my name on it.

- Jack Handey (aka Jack Handy)


It wouldn't take a lot to have something like the following put on the back of an old windbreaker..


"Forensic Field Unit"




"Remember... nothing is completly worthless!!... it can always be used as a bad example"!


What also works is to wander around in circles with a glazed look in your eyes, holding your GPSr to your ear and repeating over and over "can you hear me now?......good".


.......I just love this place! But, the hydrant thing....outstanding!


.......or sit down next to the cache for a water/food break. Open up your pack, spread out your picinic (yo boo boo) and then move the cache into the feeding area....who would know....then leave one of your granola bars.


Safe Caching,


Akron, Ohio


I'm on the local fire department, but somehow using a hazmat suit or a fire truck as cover sounds like it wouldn't go over well...


Well, thanks for the, um, interesting ideas. icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by quills:

i aggree with prime too. I work for a utility company here and i do some caching on my lunch breaks. noone looks at you twice as long as you have that clipboard. I think they just assume you're working on some equipment and it doesn't look suspicious.

Several weeks ago, I went looking for a microcache that was placed somewhere near the sprinkler control box in front of a restaurant. Not three minutes had passed before the security guard came over and asked if he could be of assistance. I made a lame excuse about trying to find a pair of lost sunglasses, which he actually seemed to believe, despite the fact that I was actually wearing my sunglasses at the time. There was no way I was going to be able to do anything with him being "helpful", so I eventually left.


I went back a few weeks later. I remembered that I had a clipboard in the back of my Blazer, that's used for cycling release forms. I grabbed it and took it with me. Mr. Security Guard is still there, but this time I'm holding the clipboard and acting like I'm checking something on the sprinkler control. He gives me a single glance, then pays absolutely no further attention to me. I locate the cache, and fill out the log, with restaurant customers walking right past me, all of them oblivious to what I was actually doing.



"Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."


Easy answer! Wear a "Vest Of Invisiblity" i.e. orange vest like you see on road construction flaggers. Clipboard optional. Carry a trash bag. Pretend the cache is trash and then carry it off to your hiding place to examine. You could probably even check out a cache in the middle of an outdoor rock concert crowd this way. icon_wink.gif


-Elana (a.k.a. "Sparrowhawk")



Originally posted by Sparrowhawk:

Easy answer! Wear a "Vest Of Invisiblity" i.e. orange vest like you see on road construction flaggers. Clipboard optional...

I find that the "Vest of Nudity" works very well also icon_wink.gif


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif


Speaking of vests, my method for dealing with muggles has changed greatly since I bought an olive drab fisherman's vest to hold my caching gear. I bought the rest of an outdoors outfit in olive green, including a GC.com hat and a Camelbak MULE in woodland camo. I look like a poor excuse for an Army Ranger or a Park Ranger.


Since adopting this ridiculous outfit, most folks assume I work for the park. I get asked for directions a lot. If someone asks what I'm doing, I say "I'm conducting an investigation." I just leave out the part about the tupperware.


My favorite two stories about this costume both involve people who assumed I worked for the Fish and Game Commission. Once while scouting out an urban micro placement in a busy plaza, a group of us told interested bystanders that we were investigating reports of a rabid bat. And the other story is recounted in my log for this cache.



Next time, instead of getting married, I think I'll just find a woman I don't like and buy her a house.


A bio hazard suit and SCBA will generally disperse crowds quickly, just like the movie "Outbreak." Let your pet monkey loose for extra realism. Kudos if the moneky has ebola!




What if people are around?


Go away and come back another day. (or time.) It isn't your cache to compromise.


The number of (usually micro) caches intentionally being placed in extremely conspicuous locations, however, is forcing me to rethink that opinion. It seems the primary purpose of some caches is to make cache seekers 'the center of (unwanted) attention.'


Sure, we can just skip such caches, but maybe it would be more fun to 'stay with the cache theme' and draw as much (apparently desired by the cache owner) attention to our activities as possible.


Pretend you're taking pictures of flora & fauna.

A canmera does help with this illusion.


Or, carry a metal detector, wear plaid bermuda shorts & sandals with black socks, wander around a bit, then pretend to be digging something up.


You could even use a dowel, coffee can lid, and your GPS to make an imitation metal detector.


Learning Daily.


Prime Suspect is right. It's amazing, but people will ignore nearly anything if the perp. acts like he/she knows what he's doing.


True story (statute of limitations has lapsed) in college more than 20 years ago, we needed some tables for a party. There were tables set up for pamphleteers in front of the student union.


Three of us drove down a pedestrian walkway in my STATION WAGON, got out, and loaded two tables in broad daylight. Hundreds of people were around, and because we moved with assurance, none of them gave us a glance.


Party conducted, tables returned -- eventually.


My own urban camo: binoculars. I'm a birder, so if anyone looks at me, I can just look intently into the trees. That way I get dismissed as an eccentric, which is pretty accurate actually.


Someone in the uk suggested carrying a dog lead.


Even if you have no dog this gives you the excuse of crawling round the undergrowth calling 'Benji, are you there?'


The other alternative is to twitch you head every couple of seconds and shout one word obscenities at the top of your voice every fifteen seconds or so. People tend to leave you alone!!


Originally posted by Hiemdahl:

The dark blue windbreaker with "BIOHAZARD RESPONSE TEAM" stenciled on the back is a definite plus.......




Many years ago, some friends of mine walked right out of Sears carrying a Ping-Pong table.


But, I have had the reverse happen too... back when I was a phone man:

I was sitting in my Telephone Company truck eating lunch between repair calls, and I was in a rough neighborhood. Some "lady" came up to me (I had my window rolled down) and said "You F__ng pig... we know you're a cop... you might as well get outta here, this stakeout ain't gonna work".


I later found out that the phone co. had made the mistake of letting police pose as installer/repairers to conduct surveillance a couple of years before I started working out in the field.


I have found that a pair of dockers, a shirt & tie, and a clipboard (combined with my company badge) will let me crawl all around inside airplanes on the assembly floor... even if the program I work on is 200 miles from where I am. Makes for great self-guided tours when you're on vacation! Ummm, or, err, so I've heard anyway.


I hope that someday we will be able to

put away our fears and prejudices and

just laugh at people.


I was on a walking trail once and almost got caught. I acted like I hurt my ankle and was resting. When I got the cache I just acted like it was something in my back pack and went on about my business and passerbys just looked and went on. Its fun also finding a cache off the trail and sitting waiting for people to go by and they dont even notice you.




Originally posted by Sparticus:

Someone in the uk suggested carrying a dog lead.


Even if you have no dog this gives you the excuse of crawling round the undergrowth calling 'Benji, are you there?'

The downside to this is when some nice, helpful person wants to assist you in your search, and won't take no for an answer.



"Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."


I wait a short time and then take off my shirt and run directly at them, wildly waving my arms and screaming. This usually works well. icon_wink.gif



If I want to see a sunrise, I'll STAY up for it!


Put the GPS unit up to your ear and say, "Can you hear me now?...Good." Walk a few yards and repeat.


Muttering to yourself and walking like you have a load in your pants works too. Include a few facial ticks for effect and then walk up to them and say, "HU-Hu-Have you s-seen my baseball?," as you stare into space without making eye contact. Then start to circle them and you will be alone in no time at all. icon_biggrin.gif

That one also works in elevators and in fast food lines. icon_wink.gif



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.


A humorous event on a cache excursion comes to mind. I was offtrail "on the scent" as it were and I heard someone coming up the trail. I went into stealth mode and basically just kinda froze where I was standing. What was coming up the trail, much to my surprise was an unaccompanied 8-10 year old girl. I remained standing stock-still. The girl saw me and began walking over. I just stood there, staring straight ahead. She kinda stopped, cocked her head, turned, and continued up the trail. I waited a few minutes to be sure she was gone and went back about my business. If she had seemed lost I would've helped her, but she seemed to know where she was going, so I played dead. I'd love to know what she thought.


The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.---Matthew 13:44


Matt & Julia


To view our online geocaching diary/blog, click here

I wish outer space guys would conquer the Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little beds with my name on it.

- Jack Handey (aka Jack Handy)


Since I by chance discovered the "geo-suit", I've found that people just don't care about what you are doing, just how you look.

Maybe they consider you crazy, too, and assume it's better to let you be on your own.




Take a dog with. For a start if gives you some reason to be wandering around aimlessly in the countryside.


If approached my a muggle while poking around the undergroth start muttering something like, 'where's your ball then Daisy, where did it go'.


I think geocachers have gotten complacent placing caches where they are likely to be discovered by onlookers while normal "operation." It is just the sort of thing that is going to get us the kind of attention we don't want.


If people are going to do that, all I hope is that they don't place "geocaching" anywhere on it because then they jeopardize the whole activity rather than just their own cache.


Originally posted by mrmnjewel:

... just kinda froze where I was standing. ...The girl saw me and began walking over. I just stood there, staring straight ahead. ...I'd love to know what she thought.


"How did that dummy get here?".


I hope that someday we will be able to put away

our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.


Originally posted by Prime Suspect:

The downside to this is when some nice, helpful person wants to assist you in your search, and won't take no for an answer.


I'd just let them help.

More than once (& I only have 6 finds so far) we have just told people what's going on. I've taken a couple of email addresses and sent tham a link to the Geocaching website.


I hope that someday we will be able to put away

our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.


Originally posted by SamLowrey:

I think geocachers have gotten complacent placing caches where they are likely to be discovered by onlookers while normal "operation." It is just the sort of thing that is going to get us the kind of attention we don't want.


If people are going to do that, all I hope is that they don't place "geocaching" anywhere on it because then they jeopardize the whole activity rather than just their own cache.


Why? Is it illegal, immoral, or something you are otherwise ashamed of?


I wouldn't place a cache where someone is very likely to accidentally find it, but if someone see you find one, and you explain, what's the loss?


Most people are respectful of others hobbies, and would not bother a cache if they know it's part of a game.


I hope that someday we will be able to put away

our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.


Originally posted by Mark 42:

...Why? Is it illegal, immoral, or something you are otherwise ashamed of?


I wouldn't place a cache where someone is very likely to accidentally find it, but if someone see you find one, and you explain, what's the loss?...


Actually some caches have the muggle factor as part of their difficutly. It does increase the chances that the cache will be plundered, but that's the risk the owner assumes when they place the cache.


This is a log posted to my cache yesterday -- looks like he knows all the tricks...


"Found it, yes, but I had a hard time. There were many, many families of kids, moms and dads drifting by every few seconds, and I looked like a dirty old man hanging around in the bushes. And this was at about 11:30 on Sunday morning! Tried to look like a birdwatcher, tried faking a cell phone call on my GPSr, snapped a few pics with my GPSr, even impersonated a county inspector checking out the drainage through the area. Finally had a chance to grab the cache and log the find."


rest area- spread out your map bag. eat. stretch. look at your watch and act as if youre waiting for someone to finish with the bathroom.


park- dog, child (this is helpful near playground equipment)


near benchmark- looking for benchmark


wilderness- foraging for berries, birding, anything that requires a field guide (you have to carry one), looking for a spot to take a dump.


near water- be laoding/unloading boating gear (you have to have a boat with you). you can walk around with impunity if you have fishing gear and a license. i'm thinking of gettting one, even though i don't fish.


all- purpose- camera. your GPS doubles as a light meter. clipboard. if you can't pull off official, try scavenger hunting. say loudly: "do we have an empty chip bag yet?" pick up trash. take notes about everything. carry a sketchbook. stop and make notes and sketches.


urban setting-feign pizza delivery. search for returnable cans.


last ditch-talk to your imaginary friend loudly. shout that you see a celebrity in the opposite direction..


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.


Regarding Snoogans mutterings of a "Load" in your pants.....what if you actually "Loaded" your pants....


.........Might work, people repellent....but, have to carry TP in my cache-n-go bag...




If waiting around for people to leave, making fake phone calls on my GPS-phone works. Other times when I'm following the signal and people give funny looks, the one not carrying the GPS makes a comment about how the other really needs to get a phone with better reception, or asks if they've found any reception yet.


I've also forraged for berries, looked for a ring I just dropped, carried around a camera around my neck.


Originally posted by Mark 42:


Why? Is it illegal, immoral, or something you are otherwise ashamed of?


Nope, but the idea is not to compromise the location of the cache. It's the types of ploys mentioned in this thread that make muggles (and authorities) suspicious of the sport.


If there are too many people in an area to snag the cache unobserved, or if your searching will draw undue attention, just walk away and return another time. (Or don't return at all.) It's not that difficult.


I prefer the camera and tripod method. It says that I'm a dedicated nature photographer so I have a reason to be standing the in bushes off trial, the open cache at my feet is only my equipment, the log book I'm signing is to record my shots, and the GPS is my light meter.


When asked what am I doing? "I'm trying to get a shot of this, (bird,hedgehog,badger,etc), so I have to be real quiet." (Which translates to: you have to be real quiet too, so take off, eh?)


Somewhat related:


I know a guy who searches for Indian arrowheads and projectile points on NPS land, which is highly illegal. He brings binoculars and a Peterson's bird guide along.


Once, he was approached by a park ranger who said that he knew what he was up to and had best beat it. The guy said, "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just birdwatching".


The ranger replied that "I don't know of many birds that live on the ground in these parts".


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry


Originally posted by SombreHippie & Puppy Dawg:

If waiting around for people to leave, making fake phone calls on my GPS-phone works.


This may have worked when GPSrs were relatively new. The cops will think you look more suspicious and others will think you’re stupid. (Later you’ll get on an airplane and insist the unit you were talking into, does not transmit.)


Case 1: Cop asks you, “Hey buddy, what are you doing out here?” You answer, “I’m geocaching sir.” Then you show him the print-out of the cache and give a brief explanation. You’re completely covered.


Case 2: Geomuggle sees you, suspiciously asks, “May I help you?” You answer, “Yes, could you make me a sandwich, I’m hungry.”


Case 3: Another geocacher sees you and smiles. You immediately lift your GPSr to your ear and say, “Can you hear me now?” Other geocacher’s smile fades and they back away slowly. They mumble, “Idiot”.




A good thread with great strategies: cell phone, clipboard, camera, binocs, paperback, aluminum cans, etc. Basically, furnish a disguise that muggles are quick to digest, then habituate them to the disguise and you become transparent.


These are useful for two types of caches: 1) muggles are part of the degree of difficulty; 2) cache placers are naive or indifferent about the placement's longevity. Frankly, I abhor these cache submissions, because many end up getting exposed and lost.


Cache owners can be responsible and protect their caches (and decrease maintenance) by giving finders some cover from muggle eyes.


Alternative find strategy: If you judge the muggles are safe, just confess to doing a scavenger hunt and swear them to not tip off any other hunters that follow you. This situation does not work with children, but it does work with many adults. Who wants to stick their hands into cobwebs or stuff their head into a bush?

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