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You Know You Cache Too Much When.....


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It's been a while since I've tried to make a top ten list.....


10. Someone ask you how to get to the local ____ and you give them a distance and compass heading.

9. Duracell made you an honorary share holder.

8. You've ever said, "Well officer, it's this game where we look for these boxes....."

7. You know the location of all of your TB's. You think you still have kids.

6. In conversation someone tells you where they're from and you reply, "Oh, that's near GCX15T!"

5. You know what UTM, WGS84, NAD27 and HH MM.MMM are.

4. You CARE about #5.

3. You have a trunk full of more happy meal toys than the local McDonalds.

2. Your kids either say, "we're not going GeoCachning AGAIN" or "Can we go Geocaching?" every time you get in the car.

1. You have ever missed a flight or appointment looking for a cache.

Edited by wolves shepherd
My son (he'll be three next year) is going to be a 35mm film canister and I'm going to be a five gallon bucket. Together we'll be a multi-cache.





One thing I discovered is I start buying weird groceries and have developed a taste for altoids.

I almost hesitate to say anything.... :P


But that e-Trex doesn't look turned on. :P



Sheesh. That's because you have to press the right buttons. :)

Had someone try to turn it/me on. Didn't work. Then I remembered that since the battery door in the back doesn't have a thingey to open it, I never put in batteries. <_<


You Know You Cache Too Much When.....


You're excited that you received a ticket while geocaching because you get to log a find at ">>FLITS<< aka Speed Trapped" ( GC38D4 )


... as I did yesterday ...!


;) When you plan your vacations based on cache density of the area you plan to visit, or the number of caches you can hit on the way!


you are 2 hours late for work and you tell the boss, sorry there was a new multi-cache with a travel bug I've been dying to grab! (And he wants to see the bug) :lol:


you call in sick so you can be FTF a new cache in your area.


you have more film containers than Kodak ;)


When they give you your father's ashes after creamation and you think, I'll bet this container is waterproof perfect for a cache.

When they give you your father's ashes after creamation and you think, I'll bet this container is waterproof perfect for a cache.

Eraseek should get on here and tell his story of finding one of those - ashes included!

When they give you your father's ashes after creamation and you think, I'll bet this container is waterproof perfect for a cache.

Eraseek should get on here and tell his story of finding one of those - ashes included!

There's a travel bug like that called Uncle Elwyn... The bug's goal is to scatter ashes of some dude's uncle.

There's a travel bug like that called Uncle Elwyn... The bug's goal is to scatter ashes of some dude's uncle.

Very weird. But then, maybe that would even be more fun than having your grave stone manufactured with a cache hiding place inside. Hmmm. Which should I put in my will?

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