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Worst Item Ever Found In A Cache By You?

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Ok, I have to admit; Im twisted. I love to play pranks and have fun at other peoples expense. Ive had some ideas that Im not proud of with regard to cache contents :mad:


What are some of the more memorable things you have found in a cache that you could have done without?


I know of a guy that after walking almost 2 miles and up 800 feet left a half a pack of smokes in a cache. I guess he desided to quit smoking after that walk.

Posted (edited)

I've found tampons in a number of my caches. New and in their origninal package thankfully. The first time I almost removed it, but I decided to leave them, because, hey, ya never know.

Edited by briansnat

The tampons were discussed long ago (sorry, I didn't try to Markwell it). An unused tampon may be viewed as a godsend by some females, as heavy activity may bring on unusually heavy flow. Plus, sometimes you are caught unsupplied when your period starts. Yes, an unusual item, but in some places, especially after a long walk, they may come in handy! Sorry, guys... I know that may gross out some of you, but it really isn't much different than finding a package of toilet paper. :rolleyes:


A hornets nest, in the same tree stump I was reaching into for the cache retrieval.

I wont be doing that again.If you dont know what hornets are and what they do to you then try a google search.

What are some of the more memorable things you have found in a cache that you could have done without?

Rainwater! I like caches that remain dry. Horray for quality ammo boxes! They keep caches nice and dry!


LOL FisherBear....


Today was my first find as a new GeoCacher (would that be neogeocacher?) and all day long I was thinking about this thread. I didnt find anything bad in any of the caches I found, but I did notice one of the toys was broken. Not a terrible, need therapy in 5years moment to be sure, but I thought it wouldnt be a nice thing for the kids to find. Its not my cache though, so I left it.

McToys :rolleyes:  :anicute:  :(  :D

I have a dream that one day I will find a truely waterproof container that is at least a bushel in size.


I have a dream that one day I will find a readily accesable spot that I can hide a container the size of a bushel basket.


This will be the day that all of God's children will be able to hunt a geocache that does not require trading, but is supplied with a bushel of MacToys for the taking.


No other trade items allowed. Bushel upon bushel of MacToys. MacToys of every ilk and every color. All plastic of course. And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.


Besides knives (sharp ones too!) and the ocasional cookie and candy, I have found these annoying little toys with these dog tags on them. It says something about not be a regular trade Item and that I HAVE to move them along on a Mission?!?!?!?!?! Whats up with that????


Seriously besides the knives and the candy, which I still don't get, it would have to be the religious paraphanalia. Yeah yeah, jesus loves me....so does my mother, is that trading up?????? :P:D:P:P:D:huh::P:D




I found a shabby pear (or was it a peach) -shaped sponge. Don't ask me why anyone would manufacture such a thing, let alone leave one in a cache after it had become nasty and raggedy. Maybe it was really, really cute when it was new....I don't know. But it wasn't cute when I found it. :D


I think some people empty out their junk drawer at home and distribute it amongst caches.

Heres an "oldy but goody"  thread when I found some "special" bones.

That type of "special bone" has a lot of spiritual meaning for some cultures. I think it would be great to find these if I knew what they were. Actually, I think they would make a very interesting signature item if they included a little card with some cultural history to give them "color". I mean really, these are odd and unusual trinkets in our modern culture. They might even be worth good money in a Chinese medicine shop.


Yes, I have been accused of being twisted before. But then, what was that Billy Joel song . . . "You may be right. I may be crazy. But . . ."


I read where leaving sharp items like knives is a no-no. Out of the 3 caches I found yesterday, 2 contained small pocketknives. Im hunting for 3 more today so it will be interesting to see how many more are out there.

Posted (edited)
I read where leaving sharp items like knives is a no-no.  Out of the 3 caches I found yesterday, 2 contained small pocketknives.  Im hunting for 3 more today so it will be interesting to see how many more are out there.

It's a no, no entirely out of working with land managers expressing their concerns.


A lot of cachers used to enjoy finding a pocket knife in a cache. Some used them as sig items.


My worst was ammo. I've found a nice variety of calibers. I pulled them all and dropped them off at the sherifs office. Who said they would burn them. That struck me as odd but then I'm not in the biz of dispozing of unspent ammo.


I haven't found ammo is the last two years so word must be getting out.

Edited by Renegade Knight
The tampons were discussed long ago (sorry, I didn't try to Markwell it). An unused tampon may be viewed as a godsend by some females, as heavy activity may bring on unusually heavy flow. Plus, sometimes you are caught unsupplied when your period starts. Yes, an unusual item, but in some places, especially after a long walk, they may come in handy! Sorry, guys... I know that may gross out some of you, but it really isn't much different than finding a package of toilet paper. :D

Plus they do have a firs aid value to them, if I'm not mistaken. But can't they be uses as a guaze for cuts and gashes?



I read where leaving sharp items like knives is a no-no.  Out of the 3 caches I found yesterday, 2 contained small pocketknives.  Im hunting for 3 more today so it will be interesting to see how many more are out there.

It's a no, no entirely out of working with land managers expressing their concerns.


A lot of cachers used to enjoy finding a pocket knife in a cache. Some used them as sig items.


My worst was ammo. I've found a nice variety of calibers. I pulled them all and dropped them off at the sherifs office. Who said they would burn them. That struck me as odd but then I'm not in the biz of dispozing of unspent ammo.


I haven't found ammo is the last two years so word must be getting out.

When they burn them they usually have a furnace that they have access to that melts the firearms they confiscate. In my county there is a cement plant's furnace they use. They also burn the confiscated drugs including Marijuana. Now how's that for a high!!!


If I told you info you already know, which I think you do, sorry dude.



:D I'm guessing that they were crayons because of there being several colors, but after 114 degrees it was hard to tell what was in the cache at all except for the fact that several items looked to be waterproof after that day. Also everything sort of stuck together in a big gooey mess. Be sure to stay inside the lines.

I found a broken watch in my cache. I was tempted to trade it back into a cache that belonged to the person who left it. It wasn't even a NICE watch that could be repaired. A fake Casio digital with a broken crystal.....

What are some of the more memorable things you have found in a cache that you could have done without?

memorable: blue carabiner I found in my first non-virtual cache in Bermuda which happened to be the first first non-virtual cache I ever found. Also stuff I've taken from caches and made into travel bugs.


could do without: water. Not water in bottles but water in the container.



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