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Does Anyone Know Tktg?

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On a visit to one of my caches today, I found that there was a log in the logbook from a cacher(s) called TKTG, who wrote that they took a TB. However they have not logged their find on the internet. I can't locate them through the geocaching.com 'lookup another player' either. Any help appreciated.

I can't locate them through the geocaching.com 'lookup another player'.  Any help appreciated.

I've been commercially spammed thru GC.com by someone calling themselves bpendreigh.


I can't trace any bona-fide geocacher with that handle.


There is is no cache placer or finder with that handle, so far as I can see.


How do I find or trace such a 'person'?


How do I access "lookup another player"?


Do I have to pay money to do so?



Cheers, The Forester

How do I find or trace such a 'person'?


How do I access "lookup another player"?

You can search for caches on the left side bar on the main geocaching.com page.

In there, you can search for caches found by username.

The Forester wrote:

How do I access "lookup another player"?


Do I have to pay money to do so?

There's a link next to the box showing your stats, on your "My Cache Page". You don't have to be a paid member for that facility.

The Forester wrote:

I've been commercially spammed thru GC.com by someone calling themselves bpendreigh.


I can't trace any bona-fide geocacher with that handle.


There is is no cache placer or finder with that handle, so far as I can see.

You might want to contact Lactodorum or Eckington and see if they can do anything.

On a visit to one of my caches today, I found that there was a log in the logbook from a cacher(s) called TKTG, who wrote that they took a TB. However they have not logged their find on the internet. I can't locate them through the geocaching.com 'lookup another player' either. Any help appreciated.

Could be abbreviating there user name!!

You can search for caches on the left side bar on the main geocaching.com page.

In there, you can search for caches found by username.

My problem is that my commercial stalker is not a bona-fide geocacher.


Not having placed or found a cache, he can hide behind his given name without being traced through the GC.com system -- so far as I know, -- ....


How do I look at the 'profile' of an apparent geocacher who is not a real geocacher but is someone who is is using geocaching.com's facility for commercial purposes and is not a real geocacher at all?



Cheers, The Forester

Posted (edited)
We respect our users privacy. As a result, we allow you the ability to email other accounts through online forms without exposing your email address. In order to reduce abuse, there are a limited number of emails you can send per session, and your IP address will be sent to the recipient along with your message. Commercial emails are not allowed through this tool.




Just forward the email to contact@geocaching.com . they will soon shut it down.



Edited by Deego
I've been commercially spammed thru GC.com by someone calling themselves bpendreigh.


Perhaps I can clarify this. The Forester, some months ago, posted a note in the Forums about a film called Local Hero and his involvement with the character portrayals. I mentioned this to a friend of mine who is a freelance journalist who writes about films and film people, and who I thought would be interested in this previously unknown background to the film.


Bpendreigh sent The Forester an email, and copied it to me, in which he stated that he is a friend of mine and that I had pointed out his post. This wasn't commercial spam, but a genuine interest and wondered if The Forester would like to participate in the writing of an article, and I'm sorry if The Forester was offended by the approach.


I hope that this clears the matter up.

Could be abbreviating there user name!!


I thought of that Snaik, but have no idea how to tell what the real name might be! I could perhaps trawl through logs of other nearby caches, but it's probably more trouble than its worth. The entry in the logbook was Sept 4th, so I wonder if the TB, owned by matt-bellamy, will ever reappear.

There's a link next to the box showing your stats, on your "My Cache Page".  You don't have to be a paid member for that facility.

Many thanks for the helpful hint, Bill D.


I see that the commercial abuser of geocaching.com registered on the same day that he sent me his spam and I see that he has not visited since then. I also note that he has never logged a cache or even a DNF and has not posted any messages here on the froum.


Evidently he has no interest in geocaching whatsoever.


Clearly he is abusing the geocaching system for his own commercial gain. That is unacceptable to me.


Thanks for the help, Bill. I'll take the matter further through another channel.


Cheers, The Forester

We respect our users privacy. As a result, we allow you the ability to email other accounts through online forms without exposing your email address. In order to reduce abuse, there are a limited number of emails you can send per session, and your IP address will be sent to the recipient along with your message. Commercial emails are not allowed through this tool.




Just forward the email to contact@geocaching.com . they will soon shut it down.



Thanks for the tip, Brian.


I'll do exactly that.


I'm appalled by the perpetrator's abuse of geocaching and I'm even more appalled to read here in the forum that a bona-fide and well-respected geocacher appears to condone bpendreigh's abuse of geocaching.com


With a heavy heart, I think I now have no choice but to contact Eckythoomp or Lactowotsit to put an end to this sort of abuse and to curtail public condoning of blatant commercial abuse of our sport here on the forum.


Cheers, The Forester


I thought FoF's response was perfectly acceptable but Forester doesn't seem to think so at all!

The "appalled" factor is definitely being overworked here. Isn't it time to put an end to this thread? It seems to have been hijacked for some strange reason..... :anicute::rolleyes:

So come on Forester, are you working on some hidden agenda here?


I agree HighlandNick with everthing you've said there :rolleyes:


Forester... if you have a gripe about spam then open a separate thread of your own if you think it is that important?




I am sorry Forester but I have to agree with Nick & Ullium.

After some of the things that you have said in your flowery words about people in these forums, I am appalled at you for taking somthing so strongly. At least FoF has had the decency to tell you her mistake and apologise, something that you have never shown on these forums :anicute::rolleyes:

I am sorry Forester

I owe an apology to the forum for the thread drift.


The reason why I asked how to access the profile of a bogus geocacher was that I had tried the main page search facility and had input the bpendreigh handle into the "found" bit and had failed to find any trace of him.


I then tried the excellent database over on the GCUK website, but there was no trace there either. I think that's because the bogus geocacher had not logged a find or placement or DNF or even a note.


I'm grateful to the people who told me how to find the profile. It helped to identify the fact that the bogus geocacher had evinced no interest whatsoever in geocaching and had merely abused the inter-cacher email system for his own commercial ends.


I'm not going to apologise for anyone who condones such an abuse of geocaching.com


One of the many things I love about geocaching is the altruism and mutual helpfulness of geocachers. I never hesitated before opening one of those ' [GEO] Xyz contacting you from Geocaching.com' emails because I had never been hit with a commercial approach from a bogus geocacher before. I know better now. There is nothing to stop someone like bpenreigh from abusing the geocaching.com website and I'm just glad that there are so few like him who do abuse the system.


I also regret that anyone would aid and abet such an egregious abuse of geocaching.



Cheers, The Forester

Posted (edited)

I'm alway willing to help sort out any abuse of Geocaching.com's facilities, as I'm sure is Eckington. Like others here I'm constantly fighting a battle against Spam and would like to do unmentionable things to the perpetrators :P


So if you have been "Spammed" through GC.COM please send me full details and I'll try and get things sorted out through "the back door".


That being said, there have been several occasions where these forums have been used by various non-geocachers trying to gather information on geocaching. To my mind this is quite legitimate and I have personally helped a couple of such people. I realise in this case the query was e-mailed directly and the query wasn't caching related.


Without all the information I cannot comment on the rights or wrongs of this particular incident.


As I said at the start, if you want me to get involved just get in touch. :D

Edited by Lactodorum

Forester, perhaps this person would have liked to contact you another way .

Bit off topic!but perhaps this highlights another predicatment for muggles or landowners accidently finding caches and having reason to contact owner .Its the option of becoming a Geo cache member or using a PREMIUM RATE phone number and then only being able to leave a message despite the expense !.

there have been several occasions where these forums have been used by various non-geocachers trying to gather information on geocaching. To my mind this is quite legitimate

To my mind, a genuine enquiry from the media into geocaching would have been most welcome.


The abuse of geocaching was nothing whatsoever to do with any expressed interest in geocaching. It was just a money-making enterprise.


It was just a conversion of geocaching into geoca$hing.


Nothing more.


Cheers, The Forester

The abuse of geocaching was nothing whatsoever to do with any expressed interest in geocaching.  It was just a money-making enterprise.

Well, as a freelance journalist (who makes little money from it), all I can say is: there's something very peculiar about all of this...

this evil commercial

"Evil" is putting it a bit strong, Slythrin'.


Nothing evil about his approach. He was just trying to make money out of geocaching.com's inter-cacher email facility.


That's not evil; just a journo exploiting a weakness in our communications for his own commercial benefit.


He was just out to make an honest buck and he knew how to exploit a willing accomplice to achieve his ends.


That's not evil. It's just (the worst of) human nature.



Cheers, The Forester

as a freelance journalist

Please let me correct myself if I have given the impression that I am in any way criticising either freelances or journalists or any combination thereof.


My apology to the forum is for my negligent thread-drift is sincere.


I certainly did not intend to stain journalists or freelances in general with my condemnation of the abuse of geocaching.com's email facility which has recently been abused by a freeelance journalist in pursuit of his professional interests.


Cheers, The Forester

I certainly did not intend to stain journalists or freelances in general with my condemnation of the abuse of geocaching.com's email facility which has recently been abused by a freeelance journalist in pursuit of his professional interests.

His professional interests? :D Hang on a tick - let me see if I've got this right...


If I contact you - through the Geocaching message service - about something other than geocaching (forestry, perhaps?) and the enquiry relates to an article I'm working on...


... you would consider that to be spam?

there have been several occasions where these forums have been used by various non-geocachers trying to gather information on geocaching.

I really don't think that this guy was trying to find out about geocaching.


I really really don't think that he cares anything about geocaching at all. Not even beyond whatever he thinks he can get out of it for his own self-aggrandisement.


He is not a genuine geocacher and he has expressed no interest whatsover in geocaching.


I really don't believe that bpendrigh is a bona-fide geocacher. I don't think that he's interested at all in our sport, only in in his money-making potential from our game.


Cheers, The Forester

Forester, perhaps this person would have liked to contact you another way.

That's a good point.


Perhaps that person would have wanted to act legitimately if he had been given an opportunity to do so. I think probably so,


That quite certainly would would have been a better course of action than that with which he he was apparently presented by his apparent accomplice in his abuse of geocaching.com


Cheers, The Forester

On a visit to one of my caches today, I found that there was a log in the logbook from a cacher(s) called TKTG, who wrote that they took a TB. However they have not logged their find on the internet. I can't locate them through the geocaching.com 'lookup another player' either. Any help appreciated.

Back on track, I think I've seen TKTG used as a shorthand for *something* in cache logs in the same way as TFTC and TNLN are used. I have no idea what it might mean and looking back through my owner/watchlist mails I can't actually spot an example to quote...


No dadgum help at all but I thought I should say something.




From the "apparent accomplice in his abuse of geocaching.com"


I know for a fact that bpendreigh tried to get in touch with The Forester via several other email addresses. He didn't get a reply, and I presume that he therefore contacted The Forester through geocaching.com, and this was in response to something that The Forester publicly declared in the Forums.


Is this really an abuse of the website? Not all emails passing between geocachers via the website are entirely geocaching related. It's not a private club; anyone can join, even if they do not intend to be active cachers. Anyone can read the Forums. There have been several other instances in the past, that I know of, when journalists have subscribed to the website in order to make queries.


I'm reluctant to perpetuate this argument, but perhaps the approvers could comment, in general rather than specifically related to this case, what their views are.


Once again I apologise to The Forester for mentioning to my friend who is both passionate about films as well as being a film journalist, what was actually very interesting background information to the film Local Hero. I assumed, obviously worngly, that it was alright for him to follow up something that was already in the public domain. I assumed that when approached The Forester would have the choice of either welcoming the approach or saying that he wasn't interested.

From the "apparent accomplice in his abuse of geocaching.com"


I know for a fact that bpendreigh tried to get in touch with The Forester via several other email addresses. He didn't get a reply, and I presume that he therefore contacted The Forester through geocaching.com, and this was in response to something that The Forester publicly declared in the Forums.


Is this really an abuse of the website? Not all emails passing between geocachers via the website are entirely geocaching related. It's not a private club; anyone can join, even if they do not intend to be active cachers. Anyone can read the Forums. There have been several other instances in the past, that I know of, when journalists have subscribed to the website in order to make queries.


I'm reluctant to perpetuate this argument, but perhaps the approvers could comment, in general rather than specifically related to this case, what their views are.


Once again I apologise to The Forester for mentioning to my friend who is both passionate about films as well as being a film journalist, what was actually very interesting background information to the film Local Hero. I assumed, obviously worngly, that it was alright for him to follow up something that was already in the public domain. I assumed that when approached The Forester would have the choice of either welcoming the approach or saying that he wasn't interested.

FoF please correct me if I am wrong, but The Forester mentioned the film Local Hero on GC.com?


If he did then the advance from your friend was legitimate and had a connection with Geocaching, as The Forester mentioned the film himself on GC.com.

Even if you hadn't pointed him in the direction of The Forester a simple search on the Film would have brought up this connection.


If this was the case then I really don't know what the problem is.


Perhaps in the future The Forester should keep his log entries to a few lines, rather than several paragraphs talking about his knowledge of such places or things in general, this may in turn stop this so called commercial spamming that he has received, from ever happening again.


Also Forester you should practice what you preach, you have insulted so many people on GC.com in the past year that I have lost count of the amount of people you have offended. If we all complained about you, I wonder what would happen to your account???? :D

Posted (edited)

I've looked through the alphabetical list of UK cachers at GCUK, and there isn't any user name anything like TKTG, or any name that TKTG could be an abbreviation for. It looks as if they might be among the substantial minority who play the game but never log online. If that's the case, then hopefully they'll place the TB somewhere even though its sojourn with them may never be logged on gc.com.


I hope nobody minds my slipping in an on-topic post in this thread... :D

Edited by Bill D (wwh)
(snip)... I assumed, obviously worngly, that it was alright for him to follow up something that was already in the public domain.  I assumed that when approached The Forester would have the choice of either welcoming the approach or saying that he wasn't interested.


FOF: That is certainly the view that a reasonable person would take, in such circumstances.


However, all the evidence suggests that you may not be dealing with a reasonable person in this particular case. That being so, it's probably better if you just close the topic, and have done with it.


A pity that no-one could help you with the original query.


Whatever it was..... :D

It took me a while to find it, but here is what started this:


GPS tracking in a bottle

Thanks FoF, that just confirms what I said, the contact in my view was legitimate and you have done the decent thing and apologised for your part in it.


However, all the evidence suggests that you may not be dealing with a reasonable person in this particular case. That being so, it's probably better if you just close the topic, and have done with it.


I agree totally with wildlifewriter, it is sad that it had to go so far and strongly off topic. :P:D:D

called TKTG, who wrote that they took a TB.

This was someone's handwriting? Is it possible that the 'G' was a lower case 'b'? If so, TKTG could be tktb, or "took travel bug". <_<


Thanks for the suggestions about TKTG. Hopefully the TB will eventually reappear somwhere.


It's senssible advice to close this thread, and I'd love to do so, but don't know how. Perhaps one of the approvers could do so?

Thanks for the suggestions about TKTG. Hopefully the TB will eventually reappear somwhere.


It's senssible advice to close this thread, and I'd love to do so, but don't know how. Perhaps one of the approvers could do so?

If you started the thread, then down at the very bottom left of the page you should see a drop down box that says "moderation options".


This drop down allows you to select "Close this topic"





Posted (edited)

After many months, the mystery is finally solved! As is often the case, the cacher(s) were preoccupied by more pressing matters. I received this log today.


Fortunately, the cachers are now active again and have logged th TB out of the cache.


Still don't know what TKTG means though :o


Topic closed again.

Edited by Firth of Forth
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