markandlynn Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Buried Treasure To get to this cache you need to park in the lay-by on the nearby road its marked private but they only check it every couple of hours so you should be OK and if not it’s only £50 to get the clamp removed. From the lay by go north along the perimeter fence until you find the oak tree. I have hammered some large nails into the side of this tree to make it easier to climb. About halfway up there is a large branch which goes over the high security fence. When you are on the other side of the fence drop down onto the old mattress I have left, try to hang down from the branch as it’s quite a drop! Don’t follow the arrow on the GPS as this takes you quite close to the house and the owner may spot you from this side. Go south for about half a mile and then head off towards the cache site. When you get to the co ordinates use your metal detector to locate the cache, it’s buried near the middle of the clearing (to prevent the owner finding it). The ammo box is in a bag and is marked explosives just to prevent anyone from removing it. Be careful when you dig up the cache as there are some rare orchids growing somewhere in this clearing. Inside are some lighters, matches, loads of chocolate bars and some fireworks. There are also some promotional vouchers for a local night club. After you have re-hidden the cache the real diffculty begins. Head due north until you see the house and carefully skirt around the edge of the garden until you see the driveway. You can get really close to the gates without being seen, you now have to wait until the gates have been opened (they are electronic) and make a quick dash for the outside. Good luck Quote
Leoness Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 I trust you've made it a level 5 difficulty as specialist equipment is required!!! Quote
+Pengy&Tigger Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Seems really easy to me.... how about making the co-ordinates 300foot out just to add to the confusion, and a hint that has nothing to do with the location... Not forgetting the crossing of a field with several bulls in it... Pengy Quote
+Team Ullium Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Seems really easy to me.... how about making the co-ordinates 300foot out just to add to the confusion, and a hint that has nothing to do with the location... Not forgetting the crossing of a field with several bulls in it... Pengy Seems like I've already bagged a few caches which fit that description almost exactly Mark you they were only rated a two two if I remember correctly Ullium. Quote
+The Forester Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Lots wrong with that one. For example: You gave the co-ords in that newfangled Murricane WGS84 wotsit instead of good old British Airy spheroid and OSGB 1936 datum; You got landowner's permission; You didn't put it on Royal Park or Council land; The decrypted clue doesn't say anything like "near a tree" or "near an ivy-covered fence post" or "it's behind you!"; You didn't put any rodent attractors like candles or scented soap into the cache; Your double-wrapped plastic bags didn't have any of those child-proof anti-suffocation perforations to let the water in and let the cache get properly mouldy. You placed it within 200 miles of home, where you can afford £50 worth of petrol to visit it; You didn't advertise it here on the forum; (OK, mebbe you did. I'll give you that one) You put it in a place where the searcher's GPSr can get a signal from four or more NavStar satellites on the same day. You made that worse by putting it in a place which also has line of sight to at least one of the WAAS sats too; Translating the cache description into a recognisable alphabet doesn't need the help of Bletchley Park veterans or GCHQ or the NSA; Your assessment of the star rating makes sense to someone who has visited the place for the first time without prior knowledge of where the wretched thing is; You gave a sensible indication where to park the car; The cache location is not on a steep and muddy slope. You made a few other mistakes which I could list, but I've got a plane to catch and the Security wumman in the departure lounge is making a big deal about my nailclippers and won't let me take my GPSr aboard unless I can switch it on with dead batteries. Cheers, The Forester Quote
+Haggis Hunter Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 but I've got a plane to catch and the Security wumman in the departure lounge is making a big deal about my nailclippers and won't let me take my GPSr aboard unless I can switch it on with dead batteries. I know this is off topic, but as The Forester has mentioned it I can explain why you are not allowed a GPS or any other electronic device onto aircraft without switching it on first. In October 2001, less than a month after 9/11, a person attempted to board an aircraft with an explosive device inside a mobile telephone. After this incident, security has started checking electronic devices can power up, thus showing that they work and are not packed with explosives. I learnt about this as I was in Canada when 9/11 happened. We got briefed before our flight that this may happen, because of the above incident. What I do find odd though is that you can't take nail clippers or a nail file onto an aircraft but if you can buy some duty free or purchase a drink, you get it in a glass bottle or metal can, both of which can quickly be made into a weapon. Quote
Lactodorum Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 (edited) I can tell you exactly why it hasn't been approved - The required cheque hasn't yet been received by Eckington or I so without sufficient funds in our pockets we can't proceed in the usual fashion. Apart from that it looks fine Edited October 29, 2004 by Lactodorum Quote
+Eckington Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Apart from that it looks fine ....sorry, I disagree, the clincher for my not giving this cache a positive review was that, at 135.78 miles from thte setter's home location,I considered it to be a vacation cache and therefore a maintenance risk Quote
+The Hokesters Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 I know this is off topic, but as The Forester has mentioned it I can explain why you are not allowed a GPS or any other electronic device onto aircraft without switching it on first. I recently boarded an slEasyJet flight with a digicam, iPaq and Geko GPSr in my hand luggage and they didn't ask me to turn any of them on. Ooops hope UBL isn't an avid forum ho! Quote
+The Forester Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 I know this is off topic, but as The Forester has mentioned it I can explain why you are not allowed a GPS or any other electronic device onto aircraft without switching it on first. OK, I agree this bit is off topic, but what the hey?! Switching on electrical items is something which airport security drones have been demanding of air travellers for years and years before 9/11. I think it goes back to the Pan Am 103 thing in 1988 (aka "Lockerbie") when an airliner was brought down by 10oz of Semtex in a Toshiba radio/cassette player. The idea is that hi-tech terrorists are so stupid that they cannot modify an electronic applicance in such a way as to power an LCD display and still retain an explosive charge at the same time. The nail-clipper thing is because some nail-clippers have a nail-file attached. Prior to 9/11 it was legal to carry a 'knife' blade if it was less than 3" long. Since 9/11, anything which can be construed to be a blade is banned. The 9/11 guys used tiny little "box-cutters" the blades, which can be as little as half an inch (or less) long. Israeli terrorists murdered a Palestinian a few years ago by detonating an explosive charge in his mobile phone, so it is clear that terrorists can turn an apparently functioning small electronic appliance the size of a GPSr into a lethal bomb. It is ironic that you are required to demonstrate that a GPSr is apparently functioning a few moments before you board a plane, aboard which switching it on is a criminal offence due to the potential hazard of electrical inetrference with the aircraft's electrical systems. Some airlines permit the use of GPS by passengers. Some don't. Always ask first! I don't think anyone has ever accused the airport security goons of being intelligent. I fly private aircraft and I can recall an occasion when I flew in to a medium sized airport in a light aircraft and forgot that I had a Leatherman mulit-function tool in my flightbag/briefcase. When I returned to the airport after a business meeting in town, my Leatherman was confiscated from me and I was told that it would be placed in the custody of the Captain. I pointed out that I was the Captain of the aircraft, but nevertheless the security goons went through the charade of confiscating the item and then and then presenting my with my own knife at the step of my own aircraft! By the way, I totally agree with you, HH, about the absurdity of allowing bottles of Duty Free booze aboard airliners. Not only is it a waste of freight weight, but it is also a huge fire risk. A Jumbo jet can easily be carrying 400 litre bottles of highly inflammable whisky or brandy or vodka or other spiriits in the plastic overhead bins. From a security point of view, you don't have to be a Govanite or dockside bar brawler to know how serious a weapon a deliberately broken bottle can be. A couple of glass bottles of wine clacked together produces much more viscious weapons than were ever used by the 9/11 guys. Cheers, and please pardon the thread drift, Mr Thread Politzei. Quote
+Simply Paul Posted October 31, 2004 Posted October 31, 2004 Back to the topic: Personally I would have hidden the cache in a minefield, in a dry stone wall and used powerful voodoo to curse the FTF. I'd have picked a remote island location (where's that one where they tested anthrax in Scotland?) which has a dangerous tidal flow around it and steep, crumbly cliffs. And a 'live' railway line right by the cache. I would have used a dead sparrow as a cache container and placed mantraps in long grass around the area. If it was overlooked by a school, a police station, an airport and a sensitive security location (GCHQ?) all the better. Add a rabid goat, a local tradition of shooting strangers who 'look funny' and you've the perfect way to spend a wet windy Sunday afternoon! SP Quote
+spoggle Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 I know why the cache was not approved. It was not in walking distance from my house. A little off topic, why is a 3" blade not allowed on a plane, as oppsed to a blade over 3"? Surly a blade over 3" is more damaging? I say all knives should be banned a butter knive can do alot of damage in the wrong hands. Quote
Team Tate Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 You didn't state if you could land a helicopter on it... Quote
nobby.nobbs Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 i think the blade issue is that knives with blades over 3" are already illegal and so they only need to specify that blades under 3" are banned on planes. irrelevant though as anything can be used to attack people even plastic knives, broken duty free bottles and the list goes on. Quote
+Simply Paul Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 High heeled shoes can do a lot of damage. You should see the state of my back... but that's a whole other story! SP Quote
+McDeHack Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 I can kill with a rolled up copy of 'The radio times'. As for the none appoval of the cache. It should have been placed near the central resevation on the M25. Quote
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