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GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife)


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Posted (edited)

I suggest you add a "Save As" or "Save Database As" in the File menu. That's where this sort of thing is on all other Windoze apps I have. Every time I want to save a new database I have to go through all the menus looking for the Save thingy.


edit spelling

Edited by Thot

For corrected coordinates:


Whenever I enter some corrected coordinates, I have to put in the N and the W. I'm pretty sure I'll never need to use S or E. Is there a way to get it to default to N and W?

Usually when I enter corrected coordinates, they aren't that far from the posted coordinates, I'd prefer if the posted coordinates came up in the corrected coordinates box, then I'd just have to adjust the digits as necessary.


Also, is there a way to "share" the corrected coordinates across different databases? After I find a cache that has corrected coordinates, I get a new pocket query for my found caches, it would be nice if GSAK would find the corrected coordinates from the other database and use them in the found database.


I guess it's not that big of a deal, really, considering how often I do it.. :P



For corrected coordinates:


Whenever I enter some corrected coordinates, I have to put in the N and the W. I'm pretty sure I'll never need to use S or E. Is there a way to get it to default to N and W?

Usually when I enter corrected coordinates, they aren't that far from the posted coordinates, I'd prefer if the posted coordinates came up in the corrected coordinates box, then I'd just have to adjust the digits as necessary.


Also, is there a way to "share" the corrected coordinates across different databases? After I find a cache that has corrected coordinates, I get a new pocket query for my found caches, it would be nice if GSAK would find the corrected coordinates from the other database and use them in the found database.


I guess it's not that big of a deal, really, considering how often I do it.. :P



The next release should address both these issues.


Firstly, when you enter corrected cooridinates GSAK will default to starting with the current coordinates in the corrected area.


Secondly, the next version has a move/copy waypoints option. When you use this option to transfer waypoints between databases, the corrected coordinates are also copied to the destination database.

I suggest you add a "Save As" or "Save Database As" in the File menu. That's where this sort of thing is on all other Windoze apps I have. Every time I want to save a new database I have to go through all the menus looking for the Save thingy.


edit spelling

Hmm, I'm not so sure about that. The "File" menu is for files. The database menu is for Dabatabses. I am not sure what is so diffucult in finding the "Save Database" under the database menu.


Perhaps this is a moot point in the next version, becaue if it is something you do often, you can assign it to a button on the new customizable tool bar.


Customizable Toolbar? Move/Copy between Databases? Default N/S/E/W settings? I'm positively salivating to see the next version already! What else you got up your sleeve Clyde!?!?!?!


Thanks for a great product and unparalleled support and responsiveness!



Posted (edited)
Customizable Toolbar?  Move/Copy between Databases?  Default N/S/E/W settings?  I'm positively salivating to see the next version already!  What else you got up your sleeve Clyde!?!?!?!

Indeed yes, there is more - but if I told you I would have to kill you <_< (ok, one more tit bit - Icon overrides, like GPX Spinner)


This release is shaping up to be one of the biggest feature additions yet.


Unfortunately I still have more to add and a way to go before it gets out the door. As I am reluctant to specify an exact release date, all I can say is that the public release will be out before Christmas. ;)

Edited by ClydeE
As I am reluctant to specify an exact release date, all I can say is that the public release will be out before Christmas. :blink:

...and, following in the tradition of all good software developers, notice he specified a day but not a year. :blink:




The Points filter type is wonderful, I use to give myself a small sampling of caches near various airports. I might find myself at Sioux Falls, SD at the spur of the moment, having a few caches listed there gives me something to do in my off time.


What would be helpful would be a way to limit the number it gives me within the distance parameter. For example I ask for all caches within 5 miles of the airport, however I would like to see a max of 10. You say "why", well I set up the points filter to give me several points, i.e. FSD, OMA, MSP, DSM (various airports). Some of these will have 50 caches within 5 miles of the airport (Minneapolis for example) while others will have 15 (Sioux Falls), but I really only want the closest 10 to any given spot.


Any chance we can add this to that filter? Or is it already there and I don't see it?




Here's something you could do. After applying your point filter and you have your list of caches go back into the filter dialog and on the General tab set the distance option. That would allow you to further filter your filtered cache list :blink: Just make sure to set your center/centre point to the cache nearest the airport before applying the distance filter.


Each point, each airport, is hundreds of miles from each other, I think this would just limit from whichever waypoint came out on top, not for each, besides it's not the miles that matter its the count.


I want to have the closest 10 from each point in the list.


Thanks for the idea.

I want to have the closest 10 from each point in the list.

With the existing tools, I would set each point of interest as the centre in turn. Set the user flag for the closest 10 as you work through the set. Then finally filter for set user flags. That should yield your desired set, as I understand it.


If setting each flag was too cumbersome (suppose you wanted the closest 25 or so), then I would add the suitable distance from centre parameter to include the desired caches and set the user flag for all points in the filter. But if you're only talking 10, just clicking on them would probably be easier.



The Points filter type is wonderful, I use to give myself a small sampling of caches near various airports. I might find myself at Sioux Falls, SD at the spur of the moment, having a few caches listed there gives me something to do in my off time.


What would be helpful would be a way to limit the number it gives me within the distance parameter. For example I ask for all caches within 5 miles of the airport, however I would like to see a max of 10. You say "why", well I set up the points filter to give me several points, i.e. FSD, OMA, MSP, DSM (various airports). Some of these will have 50 caches within 5 miles of the airport (Minneapolis for example) while others will have 15 (Sioux Falls), but I really only want the closest 10 to any given spot.


Any chance we can add this to that filter? Or is it already there and I don't see it?



Unfortunately the points filter is controled by GPSBabel, so GSAK has no direct control over it.


The work around (as roughly pointed out in the last two replies) is to do each point by itself, then set the user flag using the "set next nn" to give you the required numbers. To help speed up the process, much of this could be included in a macro so it could nearly be all automated.


One feature that would be great is a filter setting for caches that have never been found, IE. new caches.

There are actually several filters you can set to give you this.


However, this exact example is in the help file using the log filter. Please refer to example 3 of the log filters in the help file or you can view online here http://www.gsak.net/help/hs4970.htm


One feature that would be great is a filter setting for caches that have never been found, IE. new caches.

In filter ("Dates" section), use "Last found date" and late the date field empty (delete default) and "Go".


I think I have found a bug: The travelbugs in a cache are not updated when you use the option "set user flag" on the import dialog (PQs or single download gpx files). You will get the log entry that says took TB A, left TB B, but the listing still shows TB A in the cache.


Similarely the last updated column is not updated under some (similar) circumstances. So you get log entries that are newer than last updated.




I think I have found a bug: The travelbugs in a cache are not updated when you use the option "set user flag" on the import dialog (PQs or single download gpx files). You will get the log entry that says took TB A, left TB B, but the listing still shows TB A in the cache.


Similarely the last updated column is not updated under some (similar) circumstances. So you get log entries that are newer than last updated.




I can't seem to replicate that problem here.


Everyting you describe would happen if you had the cache locked.


Are you sure you don't have the cache locked? (when a cache is locked the cache details do not get updated but the logs do)


One feature that would be great is a filter setting for caches that have never been found, IE. new caches.

In filter ("Dates" section), use "Last found date" and late the date field empty (delete default) and "Go".

Filtering or sorting on "last found date" doesn't work if the person who found the cache logs it using "write a note" rather than "found" (some people do this to opt out of what they see as a smiley face "competition" - I don't see how you can be in a competition unless you're competing, but that's another issue...).


The approach suggested by Clyde and documented in the GSAK help file filters on notes as well as "found" entries, eliminating false positives (including a found cache with a note in the not found list). :P


I don't know if this has been asked before, but I searched various threads and couldn't find a reference to this question.


In Mapsource 6.5 Beta, Garmin is supporting "Customized Icons." In another post, a member has published 8 nice icons as the note below the "-----" line below descibes. I've manually changed an icon in Mapsource to reference a custom icon as he describes, and I can verify that from Mapsource's perspective it seems to work.


I played around with GSAK a bit to see if it was possible to export to Mapsource and automatically select these customized icons to represent the cache types. In "Export to Mapsource" I selected " Change Waypoint Icon" and clicked on the "Cache Type" radio button and see the various cache types and corresponding Icons you can map to... but I don't see a way to select Custom 0. (I guess this would be a user defined icon at some location versus one of the predefined icons, such as "Airport."


I may be off the track and looking in the wrong place in GSAK. Not even sure if this is a capability that GSAK could support...but it would really be nice if it could!




H. Zenner


-------description of icons------


This file will replace the 8 customizable icons in Garmin's MapSource with the geocaching type icons. The icons, and their numeric value, is:


0. Traditional

1. Multi-cache

2. Virtual

3. Letterbox-hybrid

4. Event cache

5. Web cam

6. Mystery/Puzzle (aka, Unknown)

7. Earthcache


To install, unzip the 8 bitmap files (000.bmp to 007.bmp) into the Garmin waypoint folder. To find the folder, look in your default Document folder (such as "My Documents"). In that folder will be the "My Garmin" folder. Inside that, will be "Custom Waypoint Symbols". Put the 8 bitmap files into that folder, replacing the files currently there. You can move the originals elsewhere, if you don't want to replace them.


To have MapSource automatically use these icons, you'll have to use software that can manipulate the icon output, based on cache type. What MapSource will look for in a GPX file is "Custom 0" (without the quotes, of course), through "Custom 7". Use the list above to set up the proper translation.


Prime Suspect



The currentl develpment version of GSAK now has provision for custom icons for Memory Map, TopoUSA, and Street Atlas Plus, so it shouldn't too much of a stretch to carry this forward to MapSource.


The only glitch with this one is that the conversion of the symbol name to to number is done by GPSBabel and I seem to recall somewhere that the actual number output is out by a factor of 1. I will see if I can pin down Robert and see what the status on this is.


Since the firmware is broken, these icons can't be written by the host, so I don't see any reason to get in too much of a fizz about this just yet. See: http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php...0entry1010824




GPSBabel already supports sending numeric icons to Garmins. If you send an icon of "7680" to a Garmin **with functional firmware**, I suspect (but can't fake shock about suprises in future firmware) that you'll get the bottom custom icon. Ditto on current versions for "Custom 1" through "Custom 24". When Mapsource supporting custom icons is released, I'll make my descriptions match. When they have a firmware version that supports transfer of these icons in a sane way, I'll revisit GPSBabel's support of such things and will gladly work with Clyde to be sure it works right in Mapsource and Garmin serial & usb modes.


Heaven knows I have enough troubles chasing these guys on their released stuff...


I like the "Clear Unit Before Sending" very much, too!


Very nice upgrade!

Were can you find the "Clear Unit Before Sending" I've looked all over and can't seem to find it.




I like the "Clear Unit Before Sending" very much, too!


Very nice upgrade!

Were can you find the "Clear Unit Before Sending" I've looked all over and can't seem to find it.



As per the help file, this option is only available for the Magellan brand of GPSr


I may have missed this somewhere (there are so many features to this program).


Is there anywhere where I can edit the toolbar buttons? I use some of them like Export to GPS and Export to Cachemate, but there are some that I will never use like Export to OziExplorer. I would like to add other short cuts like Export to Microsoft Streets and Trips CSV that I use alot(AutoRoute here in the UK).





I may have missed this somewhere (there are so many features to this program).


Is there anywhere where I can edit the toolbar buttons? I use some of them like Export to GPS and Export to Cachemate, but there are some that I will never use like Export to OziExplorer. I would like to add other short cuts like Export to Microsoft Streets and Trips CSV that I use alot(AutoRoute here in the UK).





Currently no. However, the next release (due out before Christmas) does have a fully customisable tool bar.

Is there a way to have GSAK send the code instead of the waypoint name to the GPS?

Please see "using special tags" in the help section for all the possible variations of what you can send down to your GPSr.


However, the quick answer to your question is YES. Use %code rather than %smart for the waypoint name.

I think I have found a bug: The travelbugs in a cache are not updated when you use the option "set user flag" on the import dialog (PQs or single download gpx files). You will get the log entry that says took TB A, left TB B, but the listing still shows TB A in the cache.


Similarely the last updated column is not updated under some (similar) circumstances. So you get log entries that are newer than last updated.




I can't seem to replicate that problem here.

I sent an example by email. ;)


Here's a question I haven't seen....


I have GSAK on two computers, my desktop and my laptop. I have set up all kinds of cool filters on the desktop computer but no I want to port those over to the laptop without having to set them all up again manually... Is there a way to take some file or something from my desktop over to my laptop so that those same cool filters will be available to use on my laptop too?


By the way, this is a really great program. I am glad I registered. Top notch to you Mr. Clyde! ;)



Kirk out.

Is there a way to customize the "HERE" link on the top of the GSAK cache page so that it displays all the logs on GC.com? Typically, I already have the last five logs for a cache, but I click on the "HERE" link to see the rest of the logs. I can't seem to find a place to customize this link.


By using custom URLs, I can do this, however to utilize custom URLs while viewing the GSAK cache page requires several mouse-clicks from the database screen, which is less convenient than clicking on GC.com a couple times to see all the logs.



You can't actually customize the "HERE" link, however there is a work around.


You sort of stumbled on it when you mentioned custom URL


If you prefix any custom URL (see the help file) name with a ! (exclamation mark) that URL will also appear as a link in any GSAK generated HTML page (This includes offline and split screen).


So just prefix your custom URL that goes to gc.com and displays more than 5 logs with a !, then you you can just click on that link in the page rather that the "HERE" link.


Sorry about the dated quote regarding custom urls.


Is there a way to have a custom url provide the nearest benchmarks for each cache (or other benchmark for that matter) in a html export?


So far I have guessed my way to:



But that just gets the search page for benchmarks. Is there a way to pull the nearest... say 5 benchmarks? Would there be a way to further refine it to nearest 5 less than x miles?








I am a new user of a etrex legend and GSAK. I have a laptop but it has not any serial port, it only has a LPT1 port. So I bougth an adapter to connect the serial cable to my LPT port.


However, I can only choose a COM3 in the GPS setup window of GSAK and I cannot transfer information to my GPSr.


Do you have any idea to solve that?


thank you



I am a new user of a etrex legend and GSAK. I have a laptop but it has not any serial port, it only has a LPT1 port. So I bougth an adapter to connect the serial cable to my LPT port.


However, I can only choose a COM3 in the GPS setup window of GSAK and I cannot transfer information to my GPSr.


Do you have any idea to solve that?


thank you

I can't say I have come across this one before. Most users int that situation use a USB to serial converter (perhaps you don't have USB ports on this computer)


However, even with a parallel to serial converter cable I would have still thought your system should show this as a com port (is this not com3?)


Have you tried com3?


Does the cable work with other serial communications software?

Here's a question I haven't seen....


I have GSAK on two computers, my desktop and my laptop. I have set up all kinds of cool filters on the desktop computer but no I want to port those over to the laptop without having to set them all up again manually... Is there a way to take some file or something from my desktop over to my laptop so that those same cool filters will be available to use on my laptop too?


Certainly. This is one of the biggest uses of the backup and restore feature.


Backup (File=>Backup) allows you to just save all your settings (see the settings check box) then restore those settings on another computer.


Settings include views, filters, icon setup, and all sticky dialog settings. That way any changes you make on your desktop can be mirrored on your laptop.


Of course if there are databases you would like to copy over to your laptop you can do that also by checking those requiered in the list at the same time - but the file will be a lot bigger.

I am a new user of a etrex legend and GSAK. I have a laptop but it has not any serial port, it only has a LPT1 port. So I bougth an adapter to connect the serial cable to my LPT port.
Ummm.... If I understand what you're doing correctly, that won't work. I think you're just connecting your GPS to the printer port, and that won't do you any good. The parallel port will never be seen as a serial port. You need to connect it to a USB port, using a USB/Serial adapter.

On that question I had about bringing filters over to my laptop....

Thank-you! It worked great!

I had tried the restore feature before but forgotten to check the settings box when I was restoring on the laptop. After I checked that I got all my filters too. Thanks again Clyde for a wonderful program. :laughing:

Kirk out.


Yes, GSAK does support the routes and waypoints from Mapsource (though must be in MPS format and not the new GDB format). Just use the "Load from file" button when in the arc/line filter.

After some experimentation in trying to find geocaches near a proposed route, I now can create .mps files using MapSource and upload them successfully into the GSAK arc filter. I have noticed that the line segments sometimes do not capture a waypoint that is close to a planned route basically because there are not enough line segments produced by MapSource. This happens when I use the autorouting feature of MapSource. If instead I use the more time-consuming method of clicking along the route often enough to approximate the route adequately for my purposes, then upon reading this new file in GSAK and applying the arc filter, I can get exactly the waypoints I want along the route at any specified distance. Is there any way to interpolate among the existing line segments to produce a new set that is, for example, twice as dense, three times as dense, etc. ? Or does anyone know of a setting in MapSource itself that can increase the number of segments it produces when in the autorouting mode ?


Another related problem I've noticed in that there is often a duplication of points which, for example, give you "crow flight" straight lines between your starting and end points of the route and sometimes other waypoints along the route. These seem to be grouped near the top of the list of arc line segments in the GSAK arc filter window and can easily be deleted to avoid spurious waypoint finds along these "crow path" routes. Is there a way to automate this procedure to eliminate duplicate points ?


The next version of GSAK will eliminate duplicate points when you do a load from file, so this may be of some help.


As for your other issues, they really are with MapSource and someone with more MapSource knowledge than I would need to chime in here.

Is there any way to interpolate among the existing line segments to produce a new set that is, for example, twice as dense, three times as dense, etc. ? Or does anyone know of a setting in MapSource itself that can increase the number of segments it produces when in the autorouting mode ?


Other than creating multiple waypoints along a route like you described the only other way is to use a saved track (lots of trackpoints) that may have been created while travelling along the same route previously. I did some playing around a month ago and cannot find a way of artificially creating a track in Mapsource but did discover that I can in Fugawi's mapping software by using the feature to draw tracks freehand on the screen and then export the track as a text (csv) file and copy into GSAK's arc filter. It works pretty good, as long as you have a steady hand, and GSAK does not seem to have any limit to how many waypoints you can load in. I'm sure other mapping software apps would have the same feature.


Cheers, Olar




Is it possible for GSAK to export the Waypoint URL when exporting data to MapSource? The URL field in MapSource's Waypoint properties dialog is always empty in my case. Am I doing something wrong? I could'nt find any switch to turn this on.



Is it possible for GSAK to export the Waypoint URL when exporting data to MapSource? The URL field in MapSource's Waypoint properties dialog is always empty in my case. Am I doing something wrong? I could'nt find any switch to turn this on.

GSAK uses GPSBabel for this conversion. Some one correct me if I am wrong, but GPSBabel currently does not support URL generation for MPS files.

Posted (edited)

is it possible to search the smart names ?


A full text search does not. I overwrite caches that I have logged and lock the smart name.

Edited by Deego
is it possible to search the smart names ?


A full text search does not. I overwrite caches that I have logged and lock the smart name.

Currently no.


I was successful in getting my father (Moosemeat) up and running on GSAK this weekend. He is paperless at last! I am so happy that GSAK is user-friendly and easy for everyone to use. I've only been using it for about 2 months, and know I am nowhere near using it to it's full potential. But I'm working on it!


I am curious as to what the "User Data" column is for. I have seen a couple of references to it, but looked in the Help Screen and didn't find it in the index.




I am curious as to what the "User Data" column is for. I have seen a couple of references to it, but looked in the Help Screen and didn't find it in the index.


You will find this field when you right mouse click on a cache and select edit or add (now click on the help button)


This field will enable you to key in any extra informtion you would like to help you filter out this cache. For example, you might use your own coding system of:

fun = a good fun cache

bad = caches you don't like

dan = dangerous


You can now use the filter option to further filter on these new codes when doing your selections. Note: the example I have given is very limited but it should give you an idea how you could use this field.


The user data field is limited to 15 characters, if you want more descriptive information then use the "User notes" section which is unlimited.


Thanks. I am looking for a place to record the # of the cache find. The notes will not work for me, as I sometimes like to sort them exactly that way (not just by date). However, I don't want to go through and muck up the User Data field with my dates if I'm going to need it for something else later! Can I add my own column?


Thanks again,


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