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Loggin A Found Cache

Walts Hunting

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They say there are no stupid questions (although when I had to teach occas :anitongue::laughing: ionally I questioned that) so I am going to give it a shot. This is a two part question.


How do you log a found cache manually? I can't find any magic button on a cache page that would take me there. So where did you guys hide it so the newbies would ask annoying questions?


Second, I have downloaded GPX files using pocket query, converted to CacheMate (also have GSAK but with a palm this seems to make sense). Found some cache's (not really, just getting everything straight). Exported category found from CacheMate and used CM2GPX (wow a name that makes sense) and now have a file of found caches. Can that be uploaded to some magic place where it is massaged?


Thanks for your patience. I did root around in FAQ and discussion boards but it appears that you guys have passed this by.


Go to the cache page and look up in the right corner. It will say "Log your visit". Click on that and then choose from the drop down menu whether you found it, did not find it or if you are just logging a note. Make sure the date is correct.

I can't help with the second part of your question though. Sorry.

I did root around in FAQ and discussion boards but it appears that you guys have passed this by.

You'll find the answer in this post, which appears in the FAQ topic that is pinned at the top of this forum. To make the post a bit easier to spot, I just added a boldfaced title to it, as well as Capn Jack Sparrow's image.


In addition to that, there's this entry in the Groundspeak Knowledgebase that seems to answer your question.


Congratulations on your first find, and I hope that these instructions are helpful!


Thanks everybody for the help. I should have looked closer for the log icon on the page.


Particular thanks for the person who sent me to the Florida GeoCaching page. That had detailed instructions from the GPX download to the multi find logging using a PDA. Should give me a lot of stuff to read.


Now I am all set just need to have UPS deliver my iQue



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