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Tpwd-license Help Needed


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Help! Fellow Texans... I'm new to the sport (GeoCaching) and new to visiting our wonderful Texas Parks and Wildlife Reserves. So new that I almost got a ticket (did get a warning ticket) from a (friendly) Game Warden today. He informed me that I needed an APHL (permit) if I'm going to get out of my car for any reason.

So lets see... I looked on the WEB and found that an APHL (license # 173) is $48.00 and another $65.00 for an annual Texas State Park Pass. If this is correct then I have no problem supporting our Park systems. But if there is a cheaper way, I would sure like to know.





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He informed me that I needed an APHL (permit) if I'm going to get out of my car for any reason.

Just trolling along and...


That is insane! I'd email the parks and wildlife people at license@tpwd.state.tx.us and ask them personally. I can see paying for the parks pass, but you should not need a hunting license to enjoy a park.


The questions arise, though:

Was your gun visibly in the gun rack behind the seat of your truck? :blink:

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