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Now Here's A Monster Cache


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I would love to go find it but I am 2 hours away at college. Helped my parents (Moore9KSUcats) set up 1 leg of it. maybe if I get home for a weekend I can help them find it.. that is if they havent already finished the 40 legs of it. well if they have then maybe they can point me in the direction of some of the funner redirectors and let me try to find them again.




simply an observation: by making it so big, so enormous, you limited the target audience considerably. There isnt a chance in hades I'd attempt this cache. I jsut dont have the umph. I know I'm not alone. Now there will be those who have the complete opposite reaction, and more power to them. my thought was had you dont it the size you originally intended, it might've have been a leaner, meaner monster as a result. Not knowing the area, or what sorts of sites one is taken to on this massive multi I'm not in a position to say "this one was out of theme" or "that one could've been cut", but I'm sure there are some that could've.


that said, (and trying to end on a positive note) it must've been a lot of work coordinating such a hide, so kudos to those in charge, as well as those who helped hide. I jsut hope enough people make the run to have made all the work worth it.


Hi Gwho:

Appreciate your feedback. So far 3 people have found it and about 10 more are working their way through it. My question to you is this... You say you wouldn't have the UMPH to attempt this cache but do you have the UMPH to head out 6 times to do 7 caches each time sometime during the balance of your life? Of course you do! Of course you'll cache 6 more times in your life. Perhaps what you meant to say was you don't have the UMPH to go out caching 6 times for only one smiley. Don't feel bad, you're certainly not alone. I'm not saying you are one by any means, I have no idea who you are so please don't take this wrong, but I certainly know one or two people here that are almost solely motivated by smileys. They would get up 6am in the morning to run around all day to get as many smileys as they possibly can but wouldn't think of doing the MONSTER Cache for just one measly smiley. They'll go on cache crazy cruises doing 50 in a day BUT ONLY FOR 50 smileys. Personally I don't get it but everyone has their right to cache for whatever motivates them. Smileys don't motivate me in the least, great caching experiences do, and the MONSTER Cache is certainly a great caching experience. I agree with you that not everyone will want to jump on this one, but then again, not every cache is for every cacher. The vast majority of the joy I have received from placing this cache was not the future count of how many people attempt it but the comradery it took to have 36 of us work together to create it.


I wish this cache was on my side of the contry can't say I would hit it fast and stick with it till the end but with only 100 caches under my belt that would be 40 % of what I even found but it would be cool to just say I found 10 of the stages and just the fact that all of you got toghter to put this cache in place is great keep it up that /this what is what geocacheing is all about getting ppl toghter to have some fun .

good luck all you texens have at it find a stage for team lyon


So I take it that the redirectors are not caches? A lot more people would try it if each stage was loggable too. I , personally would still do it tho.


I was considering a cache that would be comparable to this one in numbers but each stage would be a find. It was going to be called 'Pyramid Scheme'. There would have been series of caches where you would find 2 to get to the final. Then the finals would be paired up in twos and lead to more caches etc. I was going for 3-4 (at least) 'layers' of caches before you would get to the 'Great Pyramid' grand finale. I was going to try and incorporate at least one of each cache type into it. I have abandoned it for now as unmanageable by one person. May try and get it running thru a team tho.

So I take it that the redirectors are not caches? A lot more people would try it if each stage was loggable too. I , personally would still do it tho.

Yes, more would probably do it for individual smileys and that was brought up during the planning stages.


Different people will enjoy different kinds of caches and challenges.


We spent Saturday afternoon trying to chase the MONSTER with our 2 little cachers (10 & 6) and even though we spent 3 hours hiking through the hills of a wilderness nature preserve (when the cache was in a neighborhood park), they thought it was a neat hike and liked playing in the creek at the end while dad hiked 3 miles back along the highway to get the car.


They didn't even hesitate when we suggested going back out on Sunday. So far, we've found 13 of the 40 redirectors and we can't wait to finish the MONSTER!

You say you wouldn't have the UMPH to attempt this cache but do you have the UMPH to head out 6 times to do 7 caches each time sometime during the balance of your life? Of course you do! Of course you'll cache 6 more times in your life. Perhaps what you meant to say was you don't have the UMPH to go out caching 6 times for only one smiley.

I knew I should've clartified because I knew it'd be perceived that way. I dont log finds any more. only notes. So I dont get a smiley even when i find and sign the logbook. (Its a personal thing.) If I set out to find 5 caches & 2 are DNF's, then fine. I knock 3 off my list of to do's, and the other 2 are my discretion to do it or not next time. Generally speaking either I find it or I don't. I dont enjoy going back to find somethign i couldn't find the first time. Too frustrating. Not so with multi's. You have invested time, energy, yadda yadda, and that whole "if I came this far" attitude means I'm almost obligated to keep going. I dislike obligations. I could really get more detailed on the whys and hows but I'd rather not.


I'm just not a fan of multi's I guess.


1)Team Lyon:

Yes, that what I also percieve geocaching to be all about. People getting together with people to have fun. Yes, there are a hundred other enjoyable aspects of caching but that is a biggie. Cooperation is a huge consideration for me. I realize competition is a biggie for many people and that's fine too, but getting 36 of us to cooperate was a wonderful goal to achieve. I can't begin to tell you how many naysayers there were. "You can never do this, it's too many legs, it's a maintenance nightmare, it will never get approved, it will take away from all the other caches that could have been placed, it's too much work for one smiley. too much gasoline to do one cache, etc., etc." They can all kiss my a** now because not only did we do it, we did a great job and it's a fantastic cache.

2) Corp of Discovery:

Do it. That's all I have to say. Don't dwell on the negatives, iron out the details as you go along if need be. If it doesn't work, take the knowledge you've acquired and make the next cache you dream about a reality.

3) KoosKoos:

Thank you. The joy you receive when your 6 year old child has a great time with his/her daddy out doing the MONSTER is what is all about. Need I say more.

4) Gwho:

I respect that. I have a caching friend that must have a gazillion finds but has NO smileys. Personally, I believe smileys are a downer on this hobby. They don't mean a dadgum thing to me other than they make it easy to know which caches I have done. If anything, they seem to alienate us from each other. Sort of a "class" creating thing. I am seriously considering not claiming any more smileys. The people that really make me puke in this hobby are the ones that seem to value their entire self worth by how many smiley they have. I feel sorry for them, they are pathetic. Type A selfish personalities that make me sick. You keep doing what makes you happy, not that you need me to tell you that, just so it is known that I support people like yourself that cache for the "right" reasons, which dadgum sure isn't "I have more smileys than you", or "I have more FTFs that you".

Keep on Caching -


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