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Quoddy Snags 500!!!


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Quoddy has just logged his 500th cache at Trepidation, a nice & easy 4 star terrain Jonboy cache. :)


I actually got the call from Quoddy while at the Giant game but it was too noisy and it went to voicemail. I've been waiting all evening to post about it, once it was finally logged.


Congrats John!! Quite an accomplishment!! It's always a real pleasure when I have the chance to go out with you.


Keep on caching!!!



500.......Now this is an amazing guy. He should have been a mailman back in his time. I mean really he geocaches in sunshine, rain, snow, blizzard, crawls in holes, leans over bridges, tip toes on ledges, climbs mountains, lowers himself down cliffs, carries ladders, fishing string, he is like McGyver, he will use anything and everything to accomplish his geocache, including his DOG!! Now if this isn't a geoaddict, then I don't know what else to say! So far nothing has stopped this man. I think he has a real gift, I think his gift is the REAL Quoddy. We all know it is he who REALLY finds these caches. I mean check out his gallery, I see more of the REAL Quoddy with the caches then I do John. Well, hey John, can I borrow the REAL Quoddy? What an accomplishment you have done here Quoddy and I am sure you will have this number doubled in no time at all! A pleasure to work with ya, hope one day we will geo together. Keep that blood pressure down, but not too low! Ciao for now! Chelle


THANKS to everyone. As I see each name and read each message, I always remember how each person or team has contributed to my enjoyment of this great activity.

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