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Port Townsend Implosion


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There were two of us in Port Townsend.


Due to a series of unfortunate events, there was one.


We had filled this town up with geocaches, the two of us.


Uh, I don't want to any more. Two recent logs upset me. Bless these people, they are not the first.


1) Took TB AND geocoin, left nothing


2) Took $5 gift certificate, left $1 Power Bar. Wonder if the deer will eat it?


(Just a note...it will take me 8 hours to go remove food from this cache) Can I use bad words here?


Umm... I'm homeschooling a 6 year old. He needs my time. I love him WAY more than I love geocaching.


I intend to archive my caches. I'm tired.

If you are working on the Sweet 16 series, or if there is a cache that you especialy want to do, let me know. If anybody is looking for anything, I will keep it available.


My friend, who has quit geocaching, has asked me to adopt two caches. Two of his, that I love.

What to do? They may become my only caches.

I've had FUN!

But there has recently been too much pain.


Wow. Very sorry to hear that you got some buttheads out there that have no idea how much they hurt the game and the players when they do that. Even more so the person that has to go out and maintain caches like that.


May I suggest that maybe you take a break for a little while, and then maintain the caches near you and continue the sport closer to home? I truly enjoyed going after your Mt. Townsend cache and if I was closer, I would adopt it.


With sincerest regards,


Wow. Very sorry to hear that you got some buttheads out there that have no idea how much they hurt the game and the players when they do that. Even more so the person that has to go out and maintain caches like that.


May I suggest that maybe you take a break for a little while, and then maintain the caches near you and continue the sport closer to home? I truly enjoyed going after your Mt. Townsend cache and if I was closer, I would adopt it.


With sincerest regards,


Totem Lake, I love you . I am having a bad geocaching day.

ThaNk you~~


I understand. I only have one hide, but it was muggled twice with the contents being completely stolen and the box was stolen the second time. I reluctantly turned it into a micro and left it there for almost a month before reactivating it to see if it would stay unmolested by the casual person until I have an opportunity to do some camo techniques I've recently seen being employed to hide a better box.


Looking forward to hunting more caches in your area!

I'll take Mt Townsend, it would be a dadgum shame to see that one go.

Thank you, everyone. I am having a day without cheer. In fact, I'm hurting badly. and may not be sensible at the moment. F&8Ck, should anyone be in tears over geocaching?


Mrs. Bs. - Hold off on going up to Mt. Townsend to grab that food if it's a pain. I may get up there this weekend at long last.

And you know what, don't worry too much if I don't. A wrapped Power Bar shouldn't attract any animals. Leave a note on the cache page - right on the page not in the posting section - for the next person to grab it out and they probably will.




Please don't go. You are on the top of my list for "cachers I'd like to meet." No doubt I'm on the top of yours, but I'm probably on the "cachers I'd like to throttle" list, but not for reasons stated above. :bad: Man I'm kicking myself for missing the Romp.


Permission denied. :bad:


Seems that your troubles should be cleared up with a little education on the part of the green cachers.

Please don't go. You are on the top of my list for "cachers I'd like to meet."

Mrs. Bs and I have talked it over and she said she still plans on holding an event cache in November in honor of my upcoming calf, so there is still a chance to meet her, CW.


Please don't go.  You are on the top of my list for "cachers I'd like to meet."

Mrs. Bs and I have talked it over and she said she still plans on holding an event cache in November in honor of my upcoming calf, so there is still a chance to meet her, CW.


Cool! It is still on my calendar!


Wow! I can't keep up with technology.

I got something like a personal e-mail from Criminal, and fumbled it.

Dang, if I was 20 years younger, and attractive, I'd be breathless. I almost sorta am, anyway.

Whoo. I hadn't actually startted of thinking of caches to jettison, on an individual basis. There are a few I would find hard to part with. And, I originally had other names for the Mt. Townsend cache. Like, the Bumbling B's do Mt. Townsend.

(Neither my husband nor my caching friend got the porno joke, and both looked down their noses at me)

But shouldn't Mt Townsend belong to Port Townsend?

I could give up everything, except for three.

Larry Scott was my first.

Mount Townsend has to stay. It's mine. My town. Too bad if the bears eat it.

And, I'm fond of Haunted. Really fond.

Otherwise, why not be toast? I'm tired.


Wow! I can't keep up with technology.

I got something like a personal e-mail from Criminal, and fumbled it.

Dang, if I was 20 years younger, and attractive, I'd be breathless. I almost sorta am, anyway.

Whoo. I hadn't actually startted of thinking of caches to jettison, on an individual basis. There are a few I would find hard to part with. And, I originally had other names for the Mt. Townsend cache. Like, the Bumbling B's do Mt. Townsend.

(Neither my husband nor my caching friend got the porno joke, and both looked down their noses at me)

But shouldn't Mt Townsend belong to Port Townsend?

I could give up everything, except for three.

Larry Scott was my first.

Mount Townsend has to stay. It's mine. My town. Too bad if the bears eat it.

And, I'm fond of Haunted. Really fond.

Otherwise, why not be toast? I'm tired.


I'll take your one on Mt. Zion. Even though I haven't found it yet...


Oh, bloody well find it. I bought it , filled it, and carried it, but it was Belleterre that hid it.

She even made ME go look for it. If she'll have it, it's hers.

By the way, if you haven't met Belleterre, make an effort to do so. What a fine person! She says she's shy, and I say I'm shy, but one of us is wrong. She's wonderful!



Hey, don't give away the store till you take a bit of a break. Time to re-energize.


(heck I'm one to talk right now.)


And the rest of you, quite gobbling up Bumbling B's caches till she's really ready to go there.

I understand. I only have one hide, but it was muggled twice with the contents being completely stolen and the box was stolen the second time. I reluctantly turned it into a micro and left it there for almost a month before reactivating it to see if it would stay unmolested by the casual person until I have an opportunity to do some camo techniques I've recently seen being employed to hide a better box.


Looking forward to hunting more caches in your area!

I think I've given the wrong impression here. I am thin skinned, but not so, that a bad log or two would make me quit. They are just icing on the cake.

I'm quitting, kind of, because of personal problems, family dynamics, the end of my best geo-friend's caching days...lots of reasons.

Not because the squirrels are munching a power bar. I could deal with that.


Hey, don't give away the store till you take a bit of a break. Time to re-energize.


(heck I'm one to talk right now.)


And the rest of you, quite gobbling up Bumbling B's  caches till she's really ready to go there.

Oh, Eraseek, I wish I'd met you. Maybe still will. Never say never.

I don't know you, but reading your logs, and looking at your caches makes me want to bow before you. I honor you!


Mrs. B., I really hope it's just a bad geocaching hair day you're having. Tomorrow you might feel different about it - I know.


As you know, I will be focusing my attention on matters that I have been neglecting in the past, and will quit active geocaching at least until I find a non-addictive way to pursue this great hobby, but I have decided to maintain the caches I own nevertheless - at least those that are nearest to home.


I can understand your frustration very well - some of your caches are high-maintenance, in particular your S16 series of 16 interdependant caches.


You have been better at finding a balance beteen caching and the rest of your life than I have been, so perhaps, if you terminate S16 as a series but keep some of its individual caches, this might take away much of the strain. You could still decide to archive rather than maintain an individual cache when it gets muggled. If maintenance costs energy, there is certainly no need to pour energy into premature pro-active archival.


If you really want to get rid of your caches, though, I would be happy to adopt Indian Island Walk, and if you break up S16 as a series, some of its individual members.


Don't take caching as serious as I have been.!


Hang in there.




Please think about just taking a break. I enjoy looking at your cache pages and was looking forward to your October Spookfest.


Here's a suggestion, instead of everyone snapping up caches, how about offereing to help with maintenance for a while. Everyone offering can put specific caches on their watch list. That will give Mrs. B a chance to put her son first for a while, and still stay on the sidelines of geocaching until her spirit returns.


The last time we were in Pt Townsand there wasn't much in the way of caches. I was sure enjoying watching the area blossom.


Mrs. B, remember it is just a silly game. Sometimes we take it way too seriously. Sounds like you need to do a nolenaoter cache, too bad you are on the other side of the pond. Sending you lots of peace!


Peace, Nolenator

Mrs. B., I really hope it's just a bad geocaching hair day you're having. Tomorrow you might feel different about it - I know.


As you know, I will be focusing my attention on matters that I have been neglecting in the past, and will quit active geocaching at least until I find a non-addictive way to pursue this great hobby, but I have decided to maintain the caches I own nevertheless - at least those that are nearest to home.


I can understand your frustration very well - some of your caches are high-maintenance, in particular your S16 series of 16 interdependant caches.


You have been better at finding a balance beteen caching and the rest of your life than I have been, so perhaps, if you terminate S16 as a series but keep some of its individual caches, this might take away much of the strain. You could still decide to archive rather than maintain an individual cache when it gets muggled. If maintenance costs energy, there is certainly no need to pour energy into premature pro-active archival.


If you really want to get rid of your caches, though, I would be happy to adopt Indian Island Walk, and if you break up S16 as a series, some of its individual members.


Don't take caching as serious as I have been.!


Hang in there.



What are YOU doing here? Guess anything is possible. :laughing:

I'll probably be back in a week, huh?

Love you



Oh yes, you may have Indian (Cedar) Island. I've actually turned it into a multi-cache, to make people actually walk the trail, but even though the micro has been in place for 3 months, nobody knows about it but me. And, uh, I could find it, but I don't have the cooordinates. Helpful?

Here's a suggestion, instead of everyone snapping up caches, how about offereing to help with maintenance for a while. Everyone offering can put specific caches on their watch list. That will give Mrs. B a chance to put her son first for a while, and still stay on the sidelines of geocaching until her spirit returns.

That's a good suggestion. I volunteer to watch Mt. Zion - pending finding it on Saturday. I think I will do that this weekend instead, it fits into my schedule better.


On the other hand, I don't think we should pressure Mrs. B to keep on cachin' if she doesn't want to (not that anyone neccesarily has been).

Nolenator is right, this is a silly game. Once the game isn't fun there is no reason to keep playing.

If she decides to come back in the future, great, but it should be up to her.


As with everything in life... sometimes we do need to step back. This sounds like the perfect opportunity to do so, and I really like what TMG has suggested. Instead of adopting your cache out, in something of a knee-jerk "I'm quiting" move, see if you can get help maintaining them.


I'm perfectly happy to do maintenance for cache in my area that need help (Need an ammo can? No problem! Need new swag? No problem! Log book? Checking On? Blah blah blah? No problem!) We're part of a community and as contributing members, I think most of us are willing to lend a hand when we can, and sometimes we are even willing to be inconvenienced to do those things. (Hell, if you could guarantee good weather, I'd be up on Mt. Townsend in a heartbeat - we pulled food out of Mt. Ellinor just a couple of weeks ago... Look morons... How tough is it NOT to put food in a cache?)


Also, I think the wonderful people here far, far outnumber the bad (or maybe not bad, but, er, certainly those tending toward a**holishness).


I, too, have had two particularly bad times of note where I was pretty willing to toss in the towel over the last 12 months. One was at the end of last/beginning of this year and one is currently on-going. Because of the one earlier this year, I know what it's going to take to get me back on the wagon and I'm working on holding steady and not doing anything rash that I will most certainly regret in another month or few.


The thing that keeps me here? It's the people. The community. Again, the good far outweigh the bad. So many people are, like, THE BEST folks I've ever met, and I'm really not willing to give that up.


Sometimes it's hard to put it all into perspective, especially when you're in the midst of being overwhelmed by what's going on here and in Real Life.


Step back. Take a breath. Huggle your son. Ask for help. But, please don't give up yet. We would miss you!




Mrs. B., I really hope it's just a bad geocaching hair day you're having. Tomorrow you might feel different about it - I know.


As you know, I will be focusing my attention on matters that I have been neglecting in the past, and will quit active geocaching at least until I find a non-addictive way to pursue this great hobby, but I have decided to maintain the caches I own nevertheless - at least those that are nearest to home.


I can understand your frustration very well - some of your caches are high-maintenance, in particular your S16 series of 16 interdependant caches.


You have been better at finding a balance beteen caching and the rest of your life than I have been, so perhaps, if you terminate S16 as a series but keep some of its individual caches, this might take away much of the strain. You could still decide to archive rather than maintain an individual cache when it gets muggled. If maintenance costs energy, there is certainly no need to pour energy into premature pro-active archival.


If you really want to get rid of your caches, though, I would be happy to adopt Indian Island Walk, and if you break up S16 as a series, some of its individual members.


Don't take caching as serious as I have been.!


Hang in there.



What are YOU doing here? Guess anything is possible. :bad:

I'll probably be back in a week, huh?

Love you


You will :laughing:

As with everything in life... sometimes we do need to step back. This sounds like the perfect opportunity to do so, and I really like what TMG has suggested. Instead of adopting your cache out, in something of a knee-jerk "I'm quiting" move, see if you can get help maintaining them.


I'm perfectly happy to do maintenance for cache in my area that need help (Need an ammo can? No problem! Need new swag? No problem! Log book? Checking On? Blah blah blah? No problem!) We're part of a community and as contributing members, I think most of us are willing to lend a hand when we can, and sometimes we are even willing to be inconvenienced to do those things. (Hell, if you could guarantee good weather, I'd be up on Mt. Townsend in a heartbeat - we pulled food out of Mt. Ellinor just a couple of weeks ago... Look morons... How tough is it NOT to put food in a cache?)


Also, I think the wonderful people here far, far outnumber the bad (or maybe not bad, but, er, certainly those tending toward a**holishness).


I, too, have had two particularly bad times of note where I was pretty willing to toss in the towel over the last 12 months. One was at the end of last/beginning of this year and one is currently on-going. Because of the one earlier this year, I know what it's going to take to get me back on the wagon and I'm working on holding steady and not doing anything rash that I will most certainly regret in another month or few.


The thing that keeps me here? It's the people. The community. Again, the good far outweigh the bad. So many people are, like, THE BEST folks I've ever met, and I'm really not willing to give that up.


Sometimes it's hard to put it all into perspective, especially when you're in the midst of being overwhelmed by what's going on here and in Real Life.


Step back. Take a breath. Huggle your son. Ask for help. But, please don't give up yet. We would miss you!




Simply--Thank you.

There were two of us in Port Townsend.


Due to a series of unfortunate events, there was one.

Did I miss something? Did Shunra quit? I just saw him on the 12th.


I admit I haven't been caching much since the last cache machine (just too many other fun things to do) but looking forward to next weekend.


I've never met you but we thoroughly enjoyed your Pt. Townsend caches and they made our little anniversary getaway much more fun. And you're the inspiration for my event cache next month. So hope you at least stick around a bit and hopefully refind why you enjoyed caching in the first place.


And if you can farm out some of your caches perhaps you should. You do have a lot of them.


What's going on up in NW Washington? That's two cachers that have recently decided to quit now because of negative posts. I guess I've just gotten lucky that none of my caches have had negative posts.


Shunra, also known as Bugel, is taking a geo-break. So am I.

Bad logs made me get worked into a mini frenzy, but are certainly not the reason for my break. I have a small child, who is homeschooling, and I need to actually homeschool him. I've been coasting, because he's a little sponge. But, he deserves more of my time and attention. Kitchen sink science projects, art projects, field trips.

I haven't been doing quite right by him. And, he's important. I need both to get healthy, and have a good "mom" year.

I don't see a lot of time left over.



Please, oh please, I beg of you don't pull your caches just yet. I have been wanting to go to your area for a while now. Now family, (All41 & Ambrosia) have given me fantastic weekends away for my birthday in October the past two years. This year I was hoping to get to go to Port Townsend for the weekend fling and geocache. But it won't be till the next to last weekend of Oct. I do understand the home schooling bit, and I applaud you. It is a big job but well worth the effort. I help to homeschool my two grandchildren.

Mrs. B, remember it is just a silly game. Sometimes we take it way too seriously. Sounds like you need to do a nolenaoter cache, too bad you are on the other side of the pond. Sending you lots of peace!


Peace, Nolenator

Hah! I have been thinking of you today. We have a kitten, and she gave me a bad scratch this morning. I randomly picked one of my son's tattoo bandages.

There it is, every time I look down. PEACE, right on my wrist.



Oh dear. :( I suspect our active pursuit of Sweet 16 is contributing to your geo-stress.


If it helps to know, we've had a lot of fun working on the series. I was drawn in by the puzzle aspect, and we're shooting for making "The Grand Prize" our 100th find. Thank you so much for putting it together.


-- Mrs. of Krauss-McClurg family


Ok, I'm a Seattle-ite ex-patriot, so this is just my two cents:


We were in McCall, ID this summer doing the "McCall Series" of caches. We didn't find out until after the fact, but the cache owner had been layed up from a motorcycle accident. He posted on the Idaho forum and had tons of offers to help out with cache maintainence. I felt bad not getting the chance to help out, since we ended up doing a number of those fine caches.


I vote, like those above: hang on to your caches and see if people will help out. More than likely they'll line up to help out just like the nice folks in Idaho.


Good luck.


I think I've given the wrong impression here. I am thin skinned, but not so, that a bad log or two would make me quit. They are just icing on the cake.

I'm quitting, kind of, because of personal problems, family dynamics, the end of my best geo-friend's caching days...lots of reasons.

Not because the squirrels are munching a power bar. I could deal with that.



Take a deep breath. Take a break. Soak up all the :(:( that's heading your way right now. I've met you and I know you're a strong and capable person that can handle whatever is thrown your way.


Remember that we're all here to help and support each other, and remember too that this is just a game that should bring a smile to our face. Families and friends come first -- and you're a big part of that family! :(


HC and Scooter the Wonder Dog

Posted (edited)
I guess I've just gotten lucky that none of my caches have had negative posts.

Really? Nevah?!





Well, I don't count yours. :(

Edited by Stump
Shunra, also known as Bugel, is taking a geo-break. So am I.

Bad logs made me get worked into a mini frenzy, but are certainly not the reason for my break. I have a small child, who is homeschooling, and I need to actually homeschool him. I've been coasting, because he's a little sponge. But, he deserves more of my time and attention. Kitchen sink science projects, art projects, field trips.

I haven't been doing quite right by him. And, he's important. I need both to get healthy, and have a good "mom" year.

I don't see a lot of time left over.


So glad to hear that it is only a break for both of you. Can't leave PT devoid of cachers you know! Also glad to hear that you have your priorities straight. That is as it should be. I like the idea of others helping out. Just as it should always be too. I'm looking forward to both you getting more involved again when things settle down. You guys have some great caches over there and an awesome caching area. (Group hug :(


(Oh, Curmudgeonlygal, I do love your avatar and tag line!)

Oh dear.  :(  I suspect our active pursuit of Sweet 16 is contributing to your geo-stress.


If it helps to know, we've had a lot of fun working on the series. I was drawn in by the puzzle aspect, and we're shooting for making "The Grand Prize" our 100th find.  Thank you so much for putting it together.


-- Mrs. of Krauss-McClurg family

Oh, NO!

Contributing to my geo-stress? Not at all. In fact, I might have been impulsive and archived everything today, except that I knew you were in hot pursuit. It will be there, waiting for you.

And, your looking for it fills my heart. It's good.

As I said, nothing will be archived if there is somebody looking for it. I'm pretty sure I can't keep up with cache maintenance, and I really don't want to be a BAD cache owner. I'm overextended, didn't mean to be, but life happens.

I'm not quitting geocaching, either. The very day I read about it, I ordered myself a GPSr. I have loved it.

All I'm saying, is that I have not been a good parent, or human being lately. Until I get that settled, geocaching takes a back seat. A very far back seat.

I love it! Don't get me wrong. But, if I can't do it right, I ought not be doing it.

My cache, Natural Beauty, has been archived. It has also been lying by the side of the trail for weeks. I should have gone to pick it up, and I never did.

It was a cool cache, I thought. I bought a fake vine with big leaves from the craft store. Two of the leaves were exactly the same, so I sewed them together, put a log inside, and artfully arranged it on a hillside.

So, the deer ate it. Life happens.

Life is happening now. I'm not being a good cache owner. So, I shouldn't be one. Period. I'm a screw-up with integrity. How's that?

But please, please find the cache you're looking for. I await your happy face log.


I just have to add a comment. Any cache owner that cares is not a bad cache owner. You obviously care thus a lot thus are one of the best! The fact that you care for your family and feel the need to step back on caching makes you even better. I yearn for the day our paths cross!


Now the challenge is to let your extended caching family help out a bit. Like some others, the pond between us seems to big for me to offer anything other than verbal encouragement.


All my best!


Next time I need some :( I think I'll post that I am giving up geocaching :(

I understand the pull between family and geocaching - but I (nor does my wife)certainly don't have the energy to offer homeschooling for our children.


More power to you. You care. You love. You have your priorities straight.



Next time I need some :( I think I'll post that I am giving up geocaching :(

I understand the pull between family and geocaching - but I (nor does my wife)certainly don't have the energy to offer homeschooling for our children. 


More power to you.  You care.  You love.  You have your priorities straight. 



Nope. sorry, I don't deserve all the love that is coming my way. I may have left out a fact or two.

I SHOULD give up geocaching, at least on a temporary basis.

I am screwing up , totally. Pretty sad, when I'm 46 years old ; there are at least two people, on this thread, who know exactly what's wrong.

I'm ashamed.

I have the sweetest 6 year old, and he deserves better.



Posted (edited)

And if anyone really wants the dirty details, I'm willing to spill. Would probably prefer not, but probably would, easily.

I love my husband and son. Loving myself is tougher.

Edited by bumblingbs
I for one

don't want the history

Just a feeling that the future

will be better

because of what it taught us


To truely love

one must forgive

Starting with yourself

Runhills, I would sure like to meet you some day. And somebody said it, I don't remember who.....but geocachers as a group are kind and wonderful.

You have all been kind and wonderful. no lie. Any one of you needs any kind of help, anytime, count on me. I've been huggled, and needed and loved it. Thank you!



Often a good idea to write down your priorities in tough times and keep them handy. Here. I'll get you started. You fill it out inbetween for yourself.


1.) I have the sweetest 6 year old.




499.) Geocaching.

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