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Downloading Cache Database


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Since you are already a premium member you can do pocket queries and down load the pages in GPX format. Then you just need a program like GSAK and you can look at all the caches offline. You can only download 500 caches in each pocket query but you can have up to 20 different queries and run up to 5 per day. I download the 500 nearest caches to my home once a week adn keep them on palm pilot for easy access when I have a spare moment to go caching.


Edit to admit that I was slow in typing my answer. :wacko:

Edited by Cannonlaw
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I think I'm still missing something. I have selected a set of cache entries and downloaded them. I have then used EasyGPS to read them but only have coordinates. All I want to see is what I can see on the website. Ultimately I'd like to see them on my Palm but for the moment I just want an off-line copy on my PC.

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You want to download a GPX file.  You can do that idividually from the cache page or thru a


When I click on download it doesn't give me the option to download a GPX file, it automatically downloads a LOC.

You can't download data in GPX format for a group of caches (though you can download individual caches from the cache page). As other's have said, you have to use pocket queries. What others haven't said, is that pocket queries are sent to you by email, rather than allowing downloads.


So just create a pocket query, and be sure to selecte the day(s) you want it to run. If you select today, it should be in your mailbox in a matter of a few minutes.

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I think I'm still missing something. I have selected a set of cache entries and downloaded them. I have then used EasyGPS to read them but only have coordinates. All I want to see is what I can see on the website. Ultimately I'd like to see them on my Palm but for the moment I just want an off-line copy on my PC.

Okay, this is what -I- recommend for you:



Download GSAK that is a great program, www.gsak.net

It will give you access to all the information in .GPX files from GC, also be able to export to CacheMate. You can use GSAK up to 30 days without paying...

Easy to install.



Purchase CacheMate for Palm, http://www.smittyware.com/palm/cachemate and it will cost yu $7 (well worth the money). It is a Palm software that will allow you to see all the information of the caches, including what bugs are in the cache etc.. You can also log the caches already in the Palm, and search for nearby caches etc.

Easy to install.



Go to www.geocaching.com/pocket and order a PQ with all the data you want to find, perhaps the 500 closest unfound caches? After a while will you receive the datafile.



Start GSAK, click on the Importbutton and choose the right folder (or single file) to import. Voila, after a few second do you have all the information about the data you choosed (perhaps as I suggested the 500 closest unfound). You have a button for export to CacheMate. Click on it, and choose the settings you want. After a few more seconds do you have all the info placed into Palm Installer (or what it is called. Then I just press the button on the charger/holder of my Palm Vx and it takes a minute or two, and the data is in CacheMate in the Palm.

You can also export to your GPS from GSAK, and to mapping softwares.


This is my suggestion... Simple and very easy!


Of course are the free of cost software that you can use, but my experience is that GSAK and CacheMate are superior those free of charge softwares.

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Of course are the free of cost software that you can use, but my experience is that GSAK and CacheMate are superior those free of charge softwares.

I don't know about CacheMate, but I downloaded GSAK and found it to be an incredible program.


Also, if you do download GSAK and you're only looking to download specific caches, just click the .gpx icon at the top of the cache page you're interested in, download to your desk top, and import it into GSAK by using File - Open or ctrl+O

Then, when you highlight the file in GSAK all the current information from geocaching.com will show up at the bottom of the window. Remember though that you are now viewing this information off line, and any new info added to the web site that you would like to save will require a new download of that cache page.



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I think I know what you want to do. The "Make available offline" and synchronize functions don't seem to work on cache pages, but you can use File->Save As... function, and select "Web Page, Complete" type. Specify the folder you want to put it in (I'd make a new one for all cache pages). You can then retrieve it by just double-clicking on the file from Windows Explorer.


Hope this helps...



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The Step-by-step instructions given by Hedberg are spot on. I posted a similar question nearly, but got varying responses. After downloading, installing and trashing three programs I finally came to GSAK. It's an amazing tool. And Cachemate was the only one that worked with my Palm IIIe. Now that you have GSAK, you'll want Cachemate to get all the vitals in your handheld. It's worth it, too. :(

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