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Buxley New Caches Not Being Updated ?


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It had been 2 days since i checked on this topic. I see some admin. ppl finally came on here.....but it was the runaround that was given to us.....not a reason Buxley's cool site was blocked from gc.com. I'm going on a trip in 2 weeks and Buxley's web site is the best way to find caches on the route. c'mon!!!!!!!!!! This isn't rocket surgery.

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nateminy, since Elias came over here to the Geocaching Topics forum, where he is not a regular reader, everyone has thanked him for joining the discussion and everyone has been constructive and respectful -- even folks who were not happy with the recent change in the throttle settings. Let's keep it constructive. Thanks.

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Let's keep it constructive.


I gotta agree with KA on this. We are actually having some pretty good dialogue with TPTB. Let's not get this thread locked. I understand that people are missing the update @ Buxley's, but these discussions can actually hasten the return of such 3rd party services.

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Playing Devil's advocate here, but what you are saying that even Navicache, or any site not even in existence today, is free to distribute cache data that originates from their site using the Groundspeak GPX namespace?


"Anyone" as in even competing sites?  That "anyone?"

Ok, you got me. That doesn't make sense. Its a fair question that requires clarification. Allow me some time to formulate a response.


:huh: Elias


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I hadn't noticed the update on Buxley's... that is good news!


As a sidebar... I too was contacted by Groundspeak around the same point in time. To offer any details at this point would be premature, as the discussion is best classified as 'preliminary'. I wouldn't want either party (myself or Groundspeak) quoted as promising anything that we may or may not intend to deliver.


For the record, TPTB are working to address the issues discussed in this thread and I am optimistic that a solution in the best interest of everyone involved will be reached. I know this thread seems more silent lately... mainly because things are happening behind the scenes. I personally would like to encourage everyone to remain patient. TPTB are busy on many fronts right now... this is one issue of many. A few of us third party services being 'down' for a month or two is not going to stop the game, and when/if the various services return, things will possibly be even better than they were before any of this took place. In short, this is a good thing.

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I haven't noticed any speed increases; in fact, the site was unreachable for most of Sunday night, and is still slow today, on Monday. I couldn't even get on the forums last night. Has any thought been given to investigating a method to let us log finds on a regional forum, and then let the regional forums do periodic updates? That would be orders of magnitude faster, and take some of the pressure off geocaching.com. Of course, the regional forums would have to pay for the increased usage somehow.......

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Using Mopar's "logic," since there have been many hurricanes in Florida since the new throttling was implemented, the throttling has caused the hurricanes.


We have never been told that any of the site's speed problems are a result of Buxley or others like him. Indeed, if they were, I cannot imagine the site negotiating to give him data. I believe Mopar's theory is pure sycophantic wishful thinking.

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Nice first post. Can I be that insulting? If you notice, the recent issue, as Mopar pointed out, is completely unrelated to scraping the site.


Additionally, TPTB are working with Buxley & others to come to an agreement on better usage of the site. Is there a need to (indirectly) kick them in the shins when they are trying to work things out?

Edited by New England n00b
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I take it you missed the post in which Mopar, with exactly zero evidence, pronouced that the new throttling was the cause of all improvements in site performance in the recent past.


Pointing out the ridiculous nature of that inference is hardly kicking TPTB in the shins, unless you equate Mopar with TPTB, a thought I find horrifying.


NOTE TO MODERATORS: I am not insulting Mopar. I am pointing out the egregious logic he used.

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I take it you missed the post in which Mopar, with exactly zero evidence, pronouced that the new throttling was the cause of all improvements in site performance in the recent past.


Pointing out the ridiculous nature of that inference is hardly kicking TPTB in the shins, unless you equate Mopar with TPTB, a thought I find horrifying.


NOTE TO MODERATORS:  I am not insulting Mopar.  I am pointing out the egregious logic he used.

yes you are


I believe Mopar's theory is pure sycophantic wishful thinking



At 6 pages this thread is quickly losing its focus. Lets keep it on topic or better yet give it a rest while those involved work it out

Edited by CO Admin
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Personally, I wouldn't mind a line or two on my query about the use of the Groundspeak GPX namespace.


We had such a good dialog going there for a while.

Don't worry. I haven't forgotten.


Its clear from many of the posts in this thread that people are asking for a more complete statement or policy on the use of the Groundspeak namespace in GPX files. Rather than present "a line or two" which will likely just raise more questions, I think it makes more sense for us to work on something formal and present it here for discussion.


Creating such a statement will take some time, but it is my goal to have something ready early next week. Please be patient as we try to work out these issues.


:( Elias

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Rather than present "a line or two" which will likely just raise more questions, I think it makes more sense for us to work on something formal and present it here for discussion.


Could I suggest that those types of discussions be made as a new thread maybe even pinned. There seem to be several issues in this thread. I think they are all important but the mixing starts to make things scrambled. It may be a good idea for those who started the different questions to go through and just start a new topic on just that issue then maybe one of the mods can go in and pin it.


It may not even be a bad idea to start a new forum for these issues. Then just throw everything in there. My guess is that many people don't care about these things but those that do care a great deal. I know that kind of duplicates the website forum that is already there but these issues seem to go a little deeper and involve a subset of even those that visit that forum.


If some of the things being worked out are going to be open for discusion it may be better to just get it organized from the start so that we are all not stepping over each other talking about the different issues in a single thread. And different things may move at different speeds.

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Since you are still watching this thread, can you please confirm/deny that you've received my response to your 9/22 email correspondance? I sent an email yesterday to make sure that you received it and haven't heard anything back. I am being patient... I just wanted to make sure the ball was in your court. Thanks.

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Totally different problem


Of course it's a different problem. The problem is that there are so many people trying to log caches that the site gets completely bogged down. If third-party sites could take some of the load off, both through getting the cache pages to cachers, and through logging caches there, then perhaps at least some of the bandwidth problem would be solved. I don't see much evidence of that being considered, though.

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The problem is that there are so many people trying to log caches that the site gets completely bogged down. If third-party sites could take some of the load off, both through getting the cache pages to cachers, and through logging caches there, then perhaps at least some of the bandwidth problem would be solved.

I have a tool that might help.


My Geocaching Express Logger requires a lot fewer clicks to log caches. I just added a feature that allows you to upload CacheMate databases directly too.

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any news... :)

Is there a reason to believe that they (ed and TPTB) have news that they are sitting on and will not share until someone bumps the thread and asks?????


I truly believe that both Groundspeak and Buxleys will tell us something when they have something to say and are not sitting somewhere waiting for someone to ask


Ed," well Jeremy we worked out all the details, Sure wish someone would ask about it so we can tell them". Jeremy,"Why yes Ed, We have this great deal we can not tell them about because no one is thinking enough to bump the thread. O well that is too bad." (all conversations are fictitious and only to show how silly it is thinking that a bump is going to make things go faster.)


People these are difficult discussions and take time. How about we all be patient and trust that when there is something to say someone in both or either group will announce it.

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just a suggestion...switch to decaf... :)


While I'm interested in the developments of the buxley gc.com talks, I mostly just wanted to see if my post would force a "type-a" response from you...it did :D


have a nice weekend all,



Edited by NFA
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...(all conversations are fictitious and only to show how silly it is thinking that a bump is going to make things go faster.)...

You are not a Project Manager are you?


Real life has a way of shifting anything that is not your number one priority to a lower point in the stack of things to do. Is this more important than the new servers? To Groundspeak probably not. Down the list it goes. Other fires come along and need to be dealt with. Down the list it goes. It doesn't mean they forgot, it doesn't mean they won't get to it, it doesn't mean it's not a priority either. However a bump of a thread is nothing more than a polite way to remind them that other people are anxiouse to hear some news. A polite "we haven't forgotten, but are still discussing some angles that got brought up in this thread and haven't ironed out the solution yet" keeps everyone informed and lets everyone know that it wasn't kicked to #322 on the priority list.


I've found a phone call does a lot to make things go faster. It's more direct than a bump in a thread, but you work with the tools you have.

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just a suggestion...switch to decaf... :)



Try taking some of your own advice.

Thanks Harrald...I do drink decaf, and hardly notice the difference anymore. Everybody should, it's much healthier.


Have a nice weekend,



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I mostly just wanted to see if my post would force a "type-a" response from you...it did :)

A post to bump a thread that hasn't been bumped in awhile can be a useful tickler, for the reasons noted by RK.


A post made purely to stir things up and see whether you'd provoke a certain response is, at the very least, a waste of electrons. I'd like to discourage you from making further posts of that nature, and leave this thread to its intended purpose. Thanks.

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My original post was intended to bump this thread because of my interest in the outcome of the discussion referenced, it did. The follow-up to Lapaglia's post was just for fun, but please feel free to send me a bill for the wasted electrons on the portion of my posts that you object to.




Moderator's Note: A bill has been sent.

Edited by Keystone Approver
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I mostly just wanted to see if my post would force a "type-a" response from you...it did :)

A post to bump a thread that hasn't been bumped in awhile can be a useful tickler, for the reasons noted by RK.


A post made purely to stir things up and see whether you'd provoke a certain response is, at the very least, a waste of electrons. I'd like to discourage you from making further posts of that nature, and leave this thread to its intended purpose. Thanks.

this thread was "bumped" on the 4th and the 7th. seems to me if we bump it on the 8th it runs the risk of getting bruised from all the bumping.


My suggestion, and it is my opinion only, we shouldn't bump this more than once a week if we feel it has to be bumped at all.


I still contend that, in this case, a bump isn't going to make it go any faster.


(and yes RK, I was a project Manager for 10 years, as such I learned there are some projects that are better left alone to allow the people to work things out. This is almost always true when Lawyers are involved)

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The follow-up to Lapaglia's post was just for fun, but please feel free to send me a bill for the wasted electrons on the portion of my posts that you object to.




Moderator's Note: A bill has been sent.

I am left wondering if a Premium Membership includes any free electrons ??

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A related funny story (sort of):

Vast majority of the caches in my country is listed on gc.com only. This week I have placed a cache in a remote area, and as it is quite close to Germany, where the Navicache site is also popular, I decided to crosspost it on both sites.

The day after it was approved, there was a post in Buxley thread in our local forums: "Hey, looks like they have finally reached some kind of agreement - after six weeks of no updates, there is a new Czech cache at Buxley's!".

I felt bad I had to calm the excitement down.

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Like a bunch of you I'm wondering what is going on with getting Buxley back doing that cache map thang. So I've been checking Buxley's Status Page


Unfortunately, as of Tuesday, he still hasn't any word from the Groundspeakians...


Oh and I know that these things take time and everyone is busy, but I'm just bursting to know what's gonna happen. *Bouncing Anxiously*


It's like watching your favourite TV show and they have this cliffhanger at the end of the season and you don't get to find out who lives and who dies until months and months. And until then its only reruns! :blink: (ACK! Oh please, PLEASE don't tell me it will take months and months!! )


Anyway, I wish I had more to report... Don't forget to keep checking Buxley's Status Page and reporting here!

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