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Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)


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Hi all, this is my first post so please be gentle with me!


I've got the registered version of GSAK with the Beta USB extension and have been trying to get the new USB interface to work with my Geko 201.  When I try to send or receive waypoints I'm getting an error message.


I've checked I've got the enable USB box checked, and I don't have hot sync or active sync installed which I understand can cause problems.  The USB cable is plugged into com 4 and I@ve checked via Hyper Terminal that is working.


I think I've set something up wrong - any advice?



Look up about 4 posts asking the same question. Thanks for the help Clyde.

I think the post "about 4 up" is answering a different question.


GG, uncheck USB and treat it as serial.


The "new USB interface" has nothing to do with Geko as Geko doesn't have USB, it has serial. To GPSBabel (and thus GSAK) if you happen to be using a serial port that's attached to your system via USB with appropriate (and functional) drivers, it doesn't really care; it's still serial.

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Night Pilot....    I took your advice and D/L Sunrise Desktop. All good so far. I've run the GSAK "export html" , I've got the file "channel" loaded into Plucker Desktop. All went well there. I can't seem to set up"configure Sunrise Desktop " to the PDA. What do I need to do next? If possible, walk me thru it, Pleassssssssse! I'm almost there, I can see the light  ;) just a little further to go :unsure: , now. SF1

I'm confused about what you're asking. I downloaded and am trying out Sunrise Desktop, too (I think I like it over Plucker Desktop in that I can specify the expandabl;e memory card in my PDA as the destination). But Sunrise Desktop is a replacement for Plucker Desktop...there's no need to configure PD with a GSAK channel; do that with SD.


Use the new item wizard to create a new document. For the source, set the link depth to 3 or 4 (depending on how you handled hints in the html export) and restrict to directory. The only PDA specification you need to make in SD is as the output designation. Your PDA should upload the file on the next hotsync.


You *do* still need to use Plucker on the PDA to view the file. You may need to tell Plucker (on your PDA) to update the document list from the library screen after uploading the new file.

Edited by embra
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On page 2 of this thread I indicated I was having a problem getting the USB enabled version of gpsbabel to work with my etrex Legend. Well I found a fix for the problem. I changed gpsbabel to run in Windows 98 / Windows ME compatibility mode. Now it works just fine with my 76C and Etrex Legends, both sending and receiving. Not sure what is so different about my computer but, oh well it works for me. Hopefully this will help someone else out in the future. Thanks :P

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How about this feature:


When you make a HTML file, you can choose to have logs or no logs?


And how about gc.com fixing the email notifications for threads being monitored. I seem to get about 1 in 5!

You can limit the number of logs displayed by GSAK now (this includes zero logs or all logs). All offline HTML (other than printing) is controlled by the global setting via Tools=>Option=>Html

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And how about gc.com fixing the email notifications for threads being monitored. I seem to get about 1 in 5!

I had this problem and had to change my mail account. I would get the weekly notifications, I would get the GC.Com queries I asked for. I would NOT get the notification on caches I was watching or my own for that matter. They said it was probable my virus protection, my firewall, or my ISP. I changed to another email address and get them all. When it starts happening there, I will switch back to the original email address I used and see what happens.

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I tried to search through this thread for this information, but didn't see it.


I was wondering if it's possible to customize the export icons on the top to suit my uses.


Since I won't be using MapSource export, I wanted to replace that icon with the Meridian SD export. It would make my export to my GPS one click away, rather than several. Not a big deal, but if that feature is there, I'd like to use it.



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4.1.3 Why can't can't I set user flags? I try clicking on the liottle box and it won't let me check anything.

Hmm, I thought this problem was fixed in 4.1.3


I can't reproduce this behaviour. Is your user flag column the first in your grid view?


Until I can reproduce and fix this, the work around when this happens is to just mouse click on any other column other than the user flag, then click back in the user flag column. You will then be able to update.

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I tried to search through this thread for this information, but didn't see it.


I was wondering if it's possible to customize the export icons on the top to suit my uses.


Since I won't be using MapSource export, I wanted to replace that icon with the Meridian SD export. It would make my export to my GPS one click away, rather than several. Not a big deal, but if that feature is there, I'd like to use it.



You currently can't do this.


What you are really asking here is for a customizable tool bar - and yes, this feature request is "on the list" ;)

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You currently can't do this.


What you are really asking here is for a customizable tool bar - and yes, this feature request is "on the list"

Thanks Clyde.


Having just returned from your half of the earth, I'm getting things settled and was surprised to see the leap taken by GSAK. I've downloaded the latest version, and although it's a little heavy on the options thrown at me (I'm a Watcher and Babel kinda guy) it looks like with a little work, I could figure it out.


I imagine once I start back at my job in a couple weeks, I'll have the expendable income to register my copy.



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I have a general GSAK question.


I have a database that more or less covers the state I live in, supplemented by several pocket queries. The problem I run into is due to the fact that you can't search for permanently archived caches, there's no way for me to know in GSAK when a cache gets permanently archived.


Example. A cache that is going strong suddenly gets archived for good, say the cache owner gets tired of it and kills it. Subsequent pocket queries won't include or update it in GSAK. So unless I notice that the last updated date is fairly old, I won't know that thing got killed.


Am I missing something, or is this just a consequence of the pocket queries through GC.com?

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I have a database that more or less covers the state I live in, supplemented by several pocket queries. The problem I run into is due to the fact that you can't search for permanently archived caches, there's no way for me to know in GSAK when a cache gets permanently archived.


Same experience here. But I have managed a work around. Make sure you display the "last update" date column in your db. As these archived caches do not get picked up in the PQs, those caches will retain an old update listing.


When I notice a cache does not get updated, I check it on line. Almost always it is due to being archived (permanently or temp). You can dl and load the archived cache's gpx file, and it will then accurately reflect it's status. From that point on, if the cache is ever reactivated, GSAK will alert you the cache has become active when it is included in a future PQ.


Works for me, anyway.


- Pen

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There's no way to know a cahce is archived because you don't get archived caches in your GPX. The way I do it is sort the data on the Last Update column and anything older then a recent date is likely archived.


I'm not sure I can agree with your statement -


I'm not at home - but I know that I have about a dozen red colored cache names - this means that the cache is archived. When I go to one of these caches marked with red color I see that the cache is archived.


- screen shot



- cache



Now, how is it that I have these marked caches for being archived if we don't get archived cached in the PQ's?

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There's no way to know a cahce is archived because you don't get archived caches in your GPX. The way I do it is sort the data on the Last Update column and anything older then a recent date is likely archived.


I'm not sure I can agree with your statement -


I'm not at home - but I know that I have about a dozen red colored cache names - this means that the cache is archived. When I go to one of these caches marked with red color I see that the cache is archived.


- screen shot



- cache



Now, how is it that I have these marked caches for being archived if we don't get archived cached in the PQ's?

Probably because it went temporarily unavailable prior to being archieved, and your PQ update caught that before it was archieved. As I understand it Archieved Caches are no longer included in PQs, but temporarily unavailable caches are.


Cache Well

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Hi Clyde can you give me some insight here. This is the error message I receive

Would this be a bad download or incomplete?





Archive integrity check failed.


The expected setup file size is: 6,033,026 bytes


The actual setup file size is: 3,308,024 bytes



Setup will abort.




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There's no way to know a cahce is archived because you don't get archived caches in your GPX. The way I do it is sort the data on the Last Update column and anything older then a recent date is likely archived.


I'm not sure I can agree with your statement

That's fine - do me a favor and find an archived cache in a PQ and post the XML from the GPX for that cache here.


You can download individual GPX files off a cache page and drop that into GSAK if you wanted, but the PQs don't contain the archived caches. You can try and create one to see for yourself.

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Hi Clyde can you give me some insight here. This is the error message I receive

Would this be a bad download or incomplete?





Archive integrity check failed.


The expected setup file size is: 6,033,026 bytes


The actual setup file size is: 3,308,024 bytes



Setup will abort.




Peeled GSAK out and started fresh again. Working now with a fresh download.

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Clyde - does the GSAK Last Update field represent the last time the cache record was imported into GSAK or the Last Updated field at the bottom of the GC.com cache pages?


If it does represent the last time the cache record was imported into GSAK, I'd like to suggest a filter extension. It seems like it would be fairly easy to detect archived caches based on the frequency that the user runs their pq's. That is, any cache record more than n days old (where n is the expected pq query frequency) that is not gotten updated in that period is probably archived (as suggested above by Pen&Card).


Right now we can construct a filter that selects caches that have been updated before or after a fixed date. How about extending that filter to allow us to filter caches that have or have not been updated in the last n days? That would allow setting up permanent filters that can be used to leave out caches without recent updates or create a list of caches that can be individually reviewed by the user to see if each cache should be manually marked as archived.


If the user gets to specify the number of days instead of a fixed date, that takes care of both making a "permanent" filter, allows for folks who manually download files at other than weekly intervals, and still allows the users to handle the issue the way they do today without changes.


Is it possible to allow the filters to use fixed intervals as well as the current fixed dates?



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Looking at my databases, Pen&Card's technique seems to work with only one very minor exception.


We run our queries weekly into one database, bringing in unfound caches and unfound caches from the local area. Using that database, selecting records that haven't been updated in a couple of weeks and are marked as available yields a set of cache records which on inspection seems to consist of several subsets.


The first subset is simply archived caches that never got included in pq's and which GSAK's records show as still valid. These are the problem caches that we sometimes wind up hunting because we didn't know they were archived.


The second subset is of some caches which we have found and are not archived. On investigation, our found caches query is returning more than 500 records, so apparently these are the caches that we have found but are not being included in our found pq's, so the last update date is from whenever they were last included in the found query. Since we've found these already, it doesn't matter for this purpose if they are archived or not.


The third subset consists of unfound caches which have somehow found their way into the GSAK database, but are in states not covered by our routine pq's. This probably are due to errors in our early pq's or from when we tested out some pq or another and imported the results into the wrong database. Again, not a problem since we will update our pq's for those areas if we ever are going to hunt there.


The fourth subset is interesting. I've only found one member in this set so far, but it's a cache which is currently unapproved, but was somehow included in a pocket query (perhaps it got de-approved somehow?). Again, no problem since if a cache is not approved, we wouldn't want to try to hunt it anyway.


I haven't inspected every record in the selected subset, but that appears to be the pattern on the records looked at so far.


So at least in our database, Pen&Card's approach works fine, or at least any errors are self-induced.


I'll start adjusting my filters before every hunt to exclude caches not recently updated, but the change to allow filtering based on a number of days before the current date as a filter parameter would be welcome since I wouldn't have to be changing the query so frequently.



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Clyde - does the GSAK Last Update field represent the last time the cache record was imported into GSAK or the Last Updated field at the bottom of the GC.com cache pages?


If it does represent the last time the cache record was imported into GSAK, I'd like to suggest a filter extension.  It seems like it would be fairly easy to detect archived caches based on the frequency that the user runs their pq's.  That is, any cache record more than n days old (where n is the expected pq query frequency) that is not gotten updated in that period is probably archived (as suggested above by Pen&Card).


Right now we can construct a filter that selects caches that have been updated before or after a fixed date.  How about extending that filter to allow us to filter caches that have or have not been updated in the last n days?  That would allow setting up permanent filters that can be used to leave out caches without recent updates or create a list of caches that can be individually reviewed by the user to see if each cache should be manually marked as archived.


If the user gets to specify the number of days instead of a fixed date, that takes care of both making a "permanent" filter, allows for folks who manually download files at other than weekly intervals, and still allows the users to handle the issue the way they do today without changes.


Is it possible to allow the filters to use fixed intervals as well as the current fixed dates?



The last update refers to when the cache details were updated. This could be from a PQ or manually via edit. GSAK is a little smarter when you use a GPX file as it interrogates the file and reads the date it was produced to use this as the last updated date. So if you load a GPX file today that was generated a week ago, the last updated date will also show one week ago.


Yes, this one seems to be an often requested feature. So much so that its priority got bumped to the top of the list and the current development version of GSAK (4.2.0) allows for all date filters to select relative dates as well as fixed ones.


I think that will take care of this issue (and others with relative dates) nicely.

Edited by ClydeE
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Hi, I would like to try GSAK. Is there a possibility to try it before buying it.

I want to use it with my Garmin Legend C with USB interface and as far as I see now the USB i/f is only enabled in registred versions ;-)

Is there a work-around or is GSAK not working with Legend C anyway.





Edited by 2ThePoint
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Hi, I would like to try GSAK. Is there a possibility to try it before buying it.

I want to use it with my Garmin Legend C with USB interface and as far as I see now the USB i/f is only enabled in registred versions ;-)

Is there a work-around or is GSAK not working with Legend C anyway.





Sure - just download it. At this time, registering is voluntary, though I'd imagine once you use it you'd see the value it provides.


Since USB is only for registered users at this time, what you can do (and everyone did before it just became available) was export the caches to MapSource and from MapSource send to the GPS as MapSource supports USB connectivity.

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Since the GPSBabel guy didn't know it supported Memory Map format but can find at least two distinctly different programs by that name on the web, he really can't offer much specific help in icon issues.


Someone familiar with the program in question and the icon usages (and can propose a solution that doesn't involve Microsoft-specific tools) is encouraged to start a thread on the gpsbabel mailing lists to see if this can be rectified in a less mind-numbing way.

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Since the GPSBabel guy didn't know it supported Memory Map format but can find at least two distinctly different programs by that name on the web, he really can't offer much specific help in icon issues.


Someone familiar with the program in question and the icon usages (and can propose a solution that doesn't involve Microsoft-specific tools) is encouraged to start a thread on the gpsbabel mailing lists to see if this can be rectified in a less mind-numbing way.

It's at www.Memory-map.co.uk

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I use GSAK to create .MXF files that I export to Memory Map. Only the flag icon is shown on the maps. Is there anyway of customing this for the different types of caches?



Check out this thread:


Improved Export From Gsak To Memory Map


It works very nicely.

I've seen this. Tried it and failed miserably.............not sure what the problem is.

If you've downloaded the files as stated in the aforementioned posts then try this:


In GSAK select the caches you want to export to MM - then under ...


'File/Export/GPSBabel Custom Export'


insert the following in the 'GPS Babel Statement box'


msxsl temp\babel.gpx csv.xsl -o "d:\Not found.csv"


this will create a CSV file (named "Not Found.csv") in the root directory of your 'D' drive (change to suit your setup).


This CSV file can then be 'imported' into MM overlay using CSV format.



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Since the GPSBabel guy didn't know it supported Memory Map format but can find at least two distinctly different programs by that name on the web, he really can't offer much specific help in icon issues.


Someone familiar with the program in question and the icon usages (and can propose a solution that doesn't involve Microsoft-specific tools) is encouraged to start a thread on the gpsbabel mailing lists to see if this can be rectified in a less mind-numbing way.

Thread started on the gpsbabel mailing list as suggested.

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What in the world were they talking about :) I read a few of those past entries about coding for memory map and icons and have no idea what they are doing, even after visiting a few of those sites. :);):P


I though I was good :( automating my GSAK waypoint load to my Palm, 60cs and Street Atlas USA with just one click of the mouse :P and then a new gunslinger comes to town. Shot down again. :(

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Don't be discouraged.


Just like "not every cache is for everybody", "not every post is for everybody". Sometimes it's useful for the geeks to speak. The very posts you cite helps the geeks figure things out to make it easier for everyone, so it's a good thing, right? Some folks (mostly european) tend to like this Memory Map thingy (which appears to be kind of Euro-centric) better than Street Atlas USA (imagine that) and needed help. The GPSBabel guy, perhaps like you, is trying to figure out how to make life better for them. He might not understand the specific tools used, either, but - probably like you - is interested in simplifying the pursuit of ammo boxes/rubbermaid just like you.


Recognizing the needs of the mandatory pocket protector crowd, the discussion on Memory Map was moved to another place (where double-lined pocket protectors are the norm) , so you shouldn't feel the need to give us a wedgie and take our lunch money should ever we meet.


Besides, eventually you WILL pay the pocket protector crowd to fix your computer, pay your taxes, put the 4,174 ball bearings back in your transmission, or convert coordinateso YOU can chase tupperware in the woods.


(Suddenly, being stuffed in my locker in high school was worth it.)

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Don't be discouraged.


Sometimes it's useful for the geeks to speak. The very posts you cite helps the geeks figure things out to make it easier for everyone, so it's a good thing, right?

I agree with what you said 100% and am glad they took the memory map topic out of here. I will be glad when they figure it out and bring back something most of us can understand, will really want, and of course, need. Thanks for the heads up.

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Here is something I haven't seen addressed yet on any of these pages. When I download the HTML file that GSAk creates to my Cassiopedia I can veiw all the cache pages, but when I try to use the bar across the tops of any of the indexes, they never jump down to the associated area. ie I am in the name index and want to jump down to the J's I tap on the J at the topo and the screen flickers like it is going to do something but just reloads itself. Has anyone else experienced thisa or solved it? Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug (doubt this as I seem to be the first to notice it)?

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I just noticed that when I update my GPS (Garmin GPSMap 76s) with GSAK that it does not have the "found" geocache icon, only the geocache icon. Has it always been this way and I didn't notice or what?

How do I upload the GSAK file to the GPS and retain or mark at lest the cache as found?

One thing to try is to make sure that on the Send WayPoints to GPS popup window, that the GPS Symbols (in th box on the left side) are correctly identified.


Hope this helps.


Cache Well

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I have a minor filtering problem I need to solve. I'm sure it's a very simple solution, but it's avoiding me at the moment...


I'm planning a short trip and have 3 pocket queries merged. I know how to filter along my route, and I've done that, but at my destination, I'd like to include a radius around my hotel. What is the most efficient way to do this?


Ideally, I'd like to send one file from GSAK to my gps & palm, not to a seperate one for the route, and another for the final radius.

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I have a minor filtering problem I need to solve. I'm sure it's a very simple solution, but it's avoiding me at the moment...


I'm planning a short trip and have 3 pocket queries merged. I know how to filter along my route, and I've done that, but at my destination, I'd like to include a radius around my hotel. What is the most efficient way to do this?


Ideally, I'd like to send one file from GSAK to my gps & palm, not to a seperate one for the route, and another for the final radius.

The easiest way I can think of to do this would be to create a new database. Then from your merged database create two gpx files, one for the route and one for the radius around the hotel. Next select the blank database and import both files just generated. Now download all caches from this new database to you PDA and to your GPSr. You can delete the temporary database at your leasure.


Hope this helps


Cache Well

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I have a minor filtering problem I need to solve.  I'm sure it's a very simple solution, but it's avoiding me at the moment...


I'm planning a short trip and have 3 pocket queries merged.  I know how to filter along my route, and I've done that, but at my destination, I'd like to include a radius around my hotel.  What is the most efficient way to do this? 


Ideally, I'd like to send one file from GSAK to my gps & palm, not to a seperate one for the route, and another for the final radius.

Just enter your hotel in as a location (Tools=>Options=>locations)


Now you can set that location as a centre point (Cenre Point=>Locations)


Now you can just use the standard filter box to select all caches within x miles of your Hotel (and/or in any direction)




Sorry, didn't see that you wanted to send both filters down in the one go to your GPS. In that case, the previous post by LordSaw would be the solution.

Edited by ClydeE
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As an aside for those doing it outside GSAK, the new "stack' filter in GPSBabel makes this operation in one command instead of two. It's not really very easy to explain, but it's very fast.. You can do the merge, push a copy, do a radius filter around your destination, stack swap, do the arc filter along your route, stack pop append, and then output the waypoints as you wish.


It's not for the faint of heart, but for power users (and for folks that are using it from other programs) it's a very powerful technique.

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I forget if I asked this or not, but it must be asked again as I wasted my time at three caches again today! Do pocket queries contain any information regarding a cache's archive status? I got my daily pocket query this morning and loaded it into GSAK (updating the entire database with ANY AND ALL *NEW* information), but three of the caches that were updated (and that I actually tried to find today) were in fact OFFLINE & ARCHIVED BUT NOT MARKED AS SUCH WHEN THEY WERE LOADED! I ended up wasting ~1-2hrs due to trying to find caches that I had no idea were archived (as I don't normally check geocaching.com for each and every cache before setting out to find it)!


To restate: Do pocket queries contain any information regarding a cache's archive status and if so, does GSAK prase this information and mark caches appropriately? :)

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I am new to GSAK, and I haven't registered, still evaluating. I mostly do multicaches and I have a request, or maybe something that is possible, I just don't know how. I would like to be able to put in all of the legs, since I have a knack for finding multicaches that I can't finish in 1 day, but even if I did I would want this.


Basically, not having to filter, and not caring what name I give it, be able to put in all of the legs, with the coordinates. Maybe a +- that you can click to expand a multicache that will show all of the legs as separate entities underneath the main cache. Obviously this wouldn't come from gc.com this way, but being able to add to it would be great. Then I can enter notes and what not.


The idea came from a cache that you actually have to decipher 4 different languages, most of which I do not know, one at each waypoint to get the coordinates to the next leg. The problem I have with the system as I view it now, is that if I enter all of them as separate entities completely, when I finish a leg if I check found, it enters the count as found, where in reality it is part of one that I haven't finished yet.


Anyway, it would help because if I didn't finish a cache when traveling, and I plan on going back in a few weeks, I would want to keep it loaded, but it would be nice to have a completed box to know exactly where I left off.


Other than that, only had it a couple days, and haven't even begun to play with all of the features yet. Very nice product, if I intend to continue using it, I will surely register because of the time it has to have taken to build it. Nice work there :)



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...Do pocket queries contain any information regarding a cache's archive status and if so, does GSAK prase this information and mark caches appropriately?  :)

Once a cache has been archived (not just temporarily suspended), it no longer is included in the results of pocket queries. As a result, the archived cache remains unchanged in GSAK and appears to be available when in fact it is not. As far as I know TPTB do not intend to provide any workaround except a promise to eventually include archived caches in a special query of all caches you have found. Nothing for unfound.


That's the bad news. There is good news however. If you look back a few messages, you'll find a similar discussion in this thread. Clyde does save the date that last cache record came in for each cache (the column is "last update" and you may have to configure the display options to show that column if you want to see it).


If you run your pocket queries routinely every week, any cache with an last update date more than a week or so old is no longer being sent to you in your queries. It's probably been archived, but it may also be because you asked for more than 500 caches in your pocket query and some were left out.


In either case, if you add a GSAK filter that excludes caches that haven't been updated in a week or two, you'll filter out those nasty archived caches and avoid the frustration.


Right now, you can only exclude based on dates, so you have to update the query before you use it each time, but Clyde has added a to-do for a "days back" option that will allow a permanent filter to be built that will exclude the archived caches and save the frustrating searches for non-existent caches. I know how frustrating that is too - just did the same thing last weekend a couple of times.



Edited by jon & miki
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I am new to GSAK, and I haven't registered, still evaluating. I mostly do multicaches and I have a request, or maybe something that is possible, I just don't know how. I would like to be able to put in all of the legs, since I have a knack for finding multicaches that I can't finish in 1 day, but even if I did I would want this.


Basically, not having to filter, and not caring what name I give it, be able to put in all of the legs, with the coordinates. Maybe a +- that you can click to expand a multicache that will show all of the legs as separate entities underneath the main cache. Obviously this wouldn't come from gc.com this way, but being able to add to it would be great. Then I can enter notes and what not.


The idea came from a cache that you actually have to decipher 4 different languages, most of which I do not know, one at each waypoint to get the coordinates to the next leg. The problem I have with the system as I view it now, is that if I enter all of them as separate entities completely, when I finish a leg if I check found, it enters the count as found, where in reality it is part of one that I haven't finished yet.


Anyway, it would help because if I didn't finish a cache when traveling, and I plan on going back in a few weeks, I would want to keep it loaded, but it would be nice to have a completed box to know exactly where I left off.


Other than that, only had it a couple days, and haven't even begun to play with all of the features yet. Very nice product, if I intend to continue using it, I will surely register because of the time it has to have taken to build it. Nice work there :)



Basically you can do this, it just take a bit of creative thinking.


I would suggest using the "User Data" field rather than the found flag to indicate your progress with the multi legs you have added to your database. Just come up with some naming convention that suits you, then apply and update the "user data" when things change. You can then use the filter function on "user data" to select your required waypoints.

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I forget if I asked this or not, but it must be asked again as I wasted my time at three caches again today! Do pocket queries contain any information regarding a cache's archive status? I got my daily pocket query this morning and loaded it into GSAK (updating the entire database with ANY AND ALL *NEW* information), but three of the caches that were updated (and that I actually tried to find today) were in fact OFFLINE & ARCHIVED BUT NOT MARKED AS SUCH WHEN THEY WERE LOADED! I ended up wasting ~1-2hrs due to trying to find caches that I had no idea were archived (as I don't normally check geocaching.com for each and every cache before setting out to find it)!


To restate: Do pocket queries contain any information regarding a cache's archive status and if so, does GSAK prase this information and mark caches appropriately?  :)

The previous post by jon & miki is a pretty good summary of the situation.


The whole problem does boil down to the fact that archived caches are not provided in the GPX file sent to you by gc.com


However, there is another method that some users employ to get this right. A bit more work but it does get your database to reflect the true and correct picture. You also need to be connected to the Internet for this to work.


1. If you haven't already done so add the archive status column to your current grid view (Tools=>Options=>Display)*

2. If you haven't already done so add the last update date to your current view*

3. Make sure you have the split screen view showing

4. Load you most recent GPX file(s)

5. Click on the last update column heading to sort in ascending last update sequence

6. If your settings are such that you are not at the first waypoint in the grid view (Tools=>Options=General "Move to first column after column sequence change") then navigate to the first waypoint.

6. The waypoints that have a last update which is earlier than the GPX updated waypoints are suspect are now the first few waypoints in your grid view.

7. When you click on the first waypoint the offline details will display in the split screen view below - now click on the "click here for latest info" link on the first line of the split screen view. This will now show the current online status for the cache and you can immediately tell that it has actually been archived or not.

8. If (as is in most cases) the cache is archived, then just double mouse click on the archive column in the grid (the double mouse click toggles the archive status of a cache)

9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for subsequent caches up intil the first cahce that has a last updte equal to the GPX file load.


Your database will now reflect the true status and you can filter out archived caches accordingly


*Don't forget, these new columns can be moved around and placed where you like to see them. You can also resize them as desired. Finally you can then save this grid layout (View=>Save current view) and recall at any time. For example you could have a normal grid view for every day viewing and another for this archive status fixing. Just save both views then select View=>Select a view to toggle between them.

Edited by ClydeE
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